My Boyfriend Likes to Expose Me Ch. 10


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I started getting worried. I told Emma that I didn't have a clue where we were, or how far it was to her home or my home. Thankfully Emma knew and she told me that we were about 1 mile from my home and 3 miles from her home.

We quickly went through all our options, soon realising that we really only had one option available. We had to walk, or run to Ryan's and my place. I wasn't happy, but what else could we do.

Trusting Emma's sense of direction we set off walking and talking about where and how we could hide whenever we saw anyone. I was real glad that I had Emma with me because I think that I would have freaked-out if I'd been on my own.

Fortunately it was late at night and there weren't many people about. There were none on the street we were on. We made it along 2 streets before we had to dive behind a parked car as some headlights approached. I watched the car hoping that it would be Karen and Ryan coming back for us, but it wasn't.

Round the next corner we could see 2 people walking towards us in the distance so we ducked into someone's front garden and hid behind their caravan. It took ages for those people to walk passed us.

As I stood there waiting I realised that I was aroused. My pussy was wet. What the hell was wrong with me? I looked at Emma, her nipples were rock hard. Also her right hand was cupping her pussy; was she playing with herself? Was she aroused too? I daren't make any noise asking her.

The people passed and we started off walking again. My senses were working at 100% looking and listening for people and vehicles.

"Is this turning you on?" I asked Emma.

"Hell yes! I'm almost ready to burst. Aren't you ready to cum as well?" Emma asked.

Before I had chance to answer we saw some headlights turn onto our road. We both sprinted to some wheelie bins and slid in behind them. My heart pounded even more when it seemed like the car was slowing down right near us, but it suddenly accelerated away.

Emma told me that when we get to the end of this road we have to walk passed a pub. She had a feeling that it was one that closed very late. Emma told me that if we had any problems we had to knee any men in the groin and run like hell.

I started to ask her what sort of problems as we turned the corner. There was no one in sight so we kept walking. Just as we got to the door to the pub 2 men came out and nearly bumped into us.

"Fuck!" Emma shouted, "RUN Tanya NOW!"

Luckily, the men were obviously a little worse for wear and their reactions were too slow to stop us. As we ran away from them I heard one of them say,

"Did you just see 2 naked girls?"

As we ran a car came the other way and we were caught in the headlights beam; but we kept running. We heard a car horn as we turned the next corner and ducked into some ones front garden and hid behind a bush.

"Fuck that was close." Emma said.

I looked at her and saw that she was frigging herself. I started on my pussy too.

About 5 minutes later Emma looked at me and said,

"Wow! That was good. I've needed that since Karen drove off and left us."

I smiled and said,

"Me too! How far is it Emma?"

"Not far, you'll recognise places soon."

And I did; as we turned the next corner I saw the shop just down the road from my apartment. I started to feel a bit relieved but soon heard the siren of a police car. What's more it was getting louder. Both Emma and I looked for somewhere to hide. The only place quite close was a parked van.

"That will have to do," Emma said and we ran for it.

My heart pounded even more as the police car started to slow down as it approached.

"Shit, shit, shit." Emma said; then "Thank fuck for that," as the police car turned a corner and sped away.

Two minutes later we were running up the stairs to our apartment. The door was open and Karen and Ryan were sat there with a drink in their hands.

"What kept you?" Ryan asked.

"Enjoyed that didn't you?" Karen said.

"No I didn't you bastards." I replied.

"Come on TT," Ryan said, "I bet you've cum at least twice haven't you?"

Ryan had got me again and I quietly said,

"Just once!"

Ryan got Emma and I a drink and we sat talking for a while before Karen asked if her and Emma could use the sofa again. I got a quilt and a couple of blankets for them and left them to it. I was glad that Ryan wanted to fuck me before we went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the feeling of Ryan fucking me again before we went and shared a shower. I went and started the breakfast as Ryan went and put some boxers on.

Karen and Emma were still asleep so I ignored them; but when Ryan came in he didn't. When he saw that they were still asleep he pulled the quilt off them and slapped both their bare butts before coming to help me.

A short while later 2 sleepy naked bodies walked into the kitchen and asked if they could use the shower.

When they finally emerged, breakfast was waiting for them. We talked about the previous night's events and both Emma and I admitted that we'd enjoyed it, even though I'd found it horribly embarrassing.

"How many CCTV cameras do you think that you were on last night?" Karen asked.

"Shit!" I said, "I hadn't thought of that."

Ryan decided to stir things up a bit more and said,

"Yeah, and how many of them recorded your every move; and how many of the fat old men watching them have taken a copy home to wank to?"

"Eew!" Emma said, "I don't even want to think about that."

We were getting towards the end of breakfast when Karen looked out of the window and said,

"I see the perv across the street is still watching you."

"Yeah," Ryan said, "we ignore him most of the time but we sometimes put on a bit of a show for him."

I blushed a bit as Ryan went on to tell Emma and Ryan that I often stand right in front of the window and play with myself when he's at work.

"I do not!" I said, but my face went even redder.

"You go for it girl!" Karen said.

Trying to change the subject I asked,

"Are my clothes still in the car?"

Karen smiled and said,

"Yep! But you'll have to go and get them, so will you Emma."

"Okay! Come on Tanya, there's no time like the present."

"But! But; it's broad daylight, there're lots of people about."

"Then we might just make somebodies day." Emma said.

Emma grabbed the car keys from Karen, then my hand and pulled me to the door. Two naked girls ran down the stairs and out to the car. I squatted down behind the car while Emma opened the boot and passed me my dress. I quickly put it on and breathed a sigh of relief.

Karen had followed us out and was laughing at us as we finished getting dressed in the street.

They drove off while I went back up to Ryan.

Local street carnival


Ryan came home one evening and told me that he'd volunteered me to help Karen and Emma with a nurse's entry into the local street carnival parade.

"That sounds like fun." I said, and asked him for more details.

All that Ryan knew was that the nurse's entry was a netball team bouncing a ball between them as they walked along the street.

I asked Ryan to find out where and when I had to be, and what I had to wear. I got Ryan to check the time when he said that I had to be at a small warehouse near the start at 8 o'clock on the Sunday morning; and all I had to take with me was a pair of trainers; definitely no piercing jewellery. Everything else would be provided for me.

The early start puzzled me, but Ryan and I met Karen and Emma outside the warehouse just before 8 o'clock only to be told that Ryan couldn't go in; he'd have to go home and come back when the parade started.

I was a little puzzled by that but kissed Ryan goodbye.

When we went it we met 3 other girls and 2 men fiddling with some big cans of what looked like paint.

"Where's our team uniforms then?" I asked

Emma giggled and said,

"In those cans."

"What! Are you trying to tell me that man is going to paint a uniform on all of us?"

"Yep! Great isn't it?"

"But I haven't brought a thong with me." I said.

"Neither has anyone else." Karen said. "We're all going to be naked under that paint."


I suddenly got all nervous; and a little wet.

"Won't we get arrested?"

"Very unlikely." Karen said. "I can't see anyone complaining. It's not as if we'll be taking part in any sexual activity."

I was still a bit shocked. I was going to walk naked along a public street with hundreds of people watching me. Not only was I shocked, I was scared; and excited.

While we were waiting for the last girl to arrive I was thinking about being naked on the street (I'm not counting Magaluf because that was a different world). The last time that it happened was when Ryan and Karen dumped Emma and I about a mile from home. That was late at night' there was hardly anyone around and it was dark. This was going to be the middle of the day with hundreds of people close by; all there just to look at us.

I felt my AF rise quite a bit.

The 'team' was organised by a girl called Lucy who got all our attention then told us,

"Right girls, we all need to strip straight away. The artists have told me that we needed to give our skin time to get rid of any strap indentation. Also, if any of you forgot to have a close shave this morning there are some razors, wax strips and tissues on the table over there.

The artist tells me that we need to be dry 'down there' when the paint goes on so if any of you need any help to get off, then get dry, I'm sure that we can make a team effort to help you with that problem.

Another thing, can you get your nipples hard before he starts on your chest, I know latex paint is flexible but it's best to get things hard before the paint goes on."

At that point Lucy got interrupted by another girl saying that it was a shame that there weren't any men in the team. After a couple of giggles Lucy continued,

"Once you've been done you need to stay stood up and not let the paint touch anything for an hour to make sure that the paint is dry. After that, make sure that you don't rub against anything until after the parade. It's Latex paint and should be quite tough but please don't take any chances.

Oh! After the parade you will be able to peel the paint off quite easily.

Any questions?"

One girl asked if the warehouse would be open after the parade. It would.

Another asked if it would be open early the next morning. Karen asked her if she was planning on going home in just her paint. That prompted a couple of laughs and I could see Karen's brain scheming something up.

All 7 of us stripped naked and stood around talking. Karen asked me if I needed some relief before it was my turn. I said no, but Karen was looking at my pussy when she said,

"Are you sure, because your pussy looks like it needs some attention; your lips look like a couple of wet balloons."

Both Emma and I laughed at Karen's analogy and I blushed a bit.

"Well, I am a bit aroused." I said, "But I'll be alright."

"A bit!" Emma said, "Remember the last time you were naked in public, you were gushing."

"So were you!" I replied.

"Yeah, but I'm dry now. Come on, let's get you over there on that table and we'll take care of you. Emma, you go and get some tissues." Karen said as she led me to the side of the room.

There were some tables and chairs stacked there and someone had already lifted a couple of tables down.

"Up you get, and get flat on your back."

I obediently did as I was told and before I knew it both Karen and Emma's hands were at work on my nipples and pussy. Boy, do those girls know how to satisfy a girl? I started out feeling very embarrassed that Karen and Emma were playing with my private bits in a room with 4 other girls and 2 men there; some of them watching me; but it didn't take long for my desires to override the embarrassment.

Everyone in the room stopped to watch me have my orgasm. I didn't care, the whole world could have been watching and I wouldn't have cared.

I did care after the waves started to recede. I got all embarrassed again, and looked round. Everyone was back doing whatever they were before my moans attracted their attention.

As I got off the table and picked up a few tissues, Karen said,

"Anyone else got a juice problem?"

No one said anything, but I saw that Emma was looking a bit guilty.

"Emma needs taking care of." I said,

Karen looked at a now blushing Emma. Emma said nothing so Karen put her finger to Emma's pussy.

"On the table girl." Karen said.

Emma climbed on and opened her legs.

"Like to help me Tanya?" Karen asked.

Karen and I took care of Emma's little problem while everyone stopped and watched.

I kept my hand on Emma's pussy, with my middle finger still inside her, while she calmed down. When she had, Emma reached for my hand and pulled it to her mouth. She sucked my finger then said,

"I love the taste of my pussy."

Karen passed her a wad of tissues and told her to clean-up.

After about 5 minutes 1 of the artists went up to Lucy and said something. They then went round all 6 of us naked girls (Lucy was the 7th) and checked each of our bodies. They selected 1 girl to be first and went over to where a sheet was spread on the floor. One artist gave the girl a mouth mask then put one on his mouth. Then he got started.

The uniform consisted of a pale teal crop top like many of the tops that the girl athletes were wearing at the Olympics. The girl had largish breasts and the artist had to bend down to spray upwards. Her nipples were rock hard. The top looked a bit boring, but that would change.

Next he asked the girl to sit on a stool and open her legs a bit. He sprayed all over her pussy and around her butt hole.

"Will I still be able to pee?" The girl asked.

"Yes my dear you will, your legs weren't spread that wide." The artist said.

The girl then had to stand up while the artist sprayed a pair of those girl athlete's briefs that look like a pair of boring knickers.

The latex paint gave her a beautiful camel toe.

The first girl was passed on to the second artist who added the trim to the knickers and top. Next he added a small while logo above her left breast and right hip. He finished off by adding the letters 'GD' in white, between her breasts.

The finished job looked good and I'm sure that someone would have to be quite close to realise that she was only wearing paint.

Two more girls got 'done' in the same 'uniform', but with different letters on their chest, 'WA' and 'WD'.

Then it was Karen's turn. She got the letters 'GK'. It was then that I realised that the letters were Netball positions.

I was next and I got the letters 'GS'. How I managed to get my pussy sprayed without getting wet I don't know. That spray felt good. I'd remembered to tweak my nipples before the artist started on my chest; not that they needed it; they'd been rock hard since I took my dress off.

I went and stood in front of a mirror that someone had brought in and decided that I liked the look. Okay my camel toe was very obvious and when I opened my legs a bit my green clit was very visible, but I liked it. I was sure that Ryan would too.

We were then called back to the artists, told to take our trainers off and we had some black and white, knee length socks sprayed on. We had to wait 15 minutes before carefully putting our trainers back on and get someone else to fasten them for us.

We all spent that time discussing whether or not body paint was classed as clothes. Were we naked or were we clothed?

There were a few theories on both sides of the argument. The main one that I agreed with was that paint covers more than a lot of clothes that girls wear.

Why was I arguing that I wasn't naked? What was wrong with me? I sure did feel like I was naked; but there again when Ryan gets me to go out wearing something see-through I feel naked as well. I think that just so long as first impressions don't say that you're naked, then you can get away with wearing anything. That theory has to apply to all these girls wearing leggings that you can see the shape and colour of their pubic hair through; or in some cases (like me) you can see their pussies clearly.

Anyway, it took over 4 hours for us all to be finished to the satisfaction of the artists, which just left us enough time to collect the ball and walk over to the start of the parade.

No one took any notice of the netball team as we went to find our place ready to start the parade. I guess that everyone there was too interested in their own fancy dress and equipment.

I wasn't complaining about the lack of attention that we were getting as it gave me time to relax and try to convince myself that I was wearing a proper netball uniform.

On the way Lucy took us all to a hot dog stand to get something to eat and drink before we started. I don't know if she'd paid them before she'd gone to get painted, or if she managed to get them free because of the way we were 'dressed'; but she didn't have any money on her when she came out of the warehouse.

Emma didn't want to eat the bread roll of her hot dog so she pulled the sausage out and was holding it in her fingers while she ate it. One of the girls told her to be careful which open hole she put it in.

We took our place and the parade finally started. We started bouncing the ball between us and running round our moving area, just like girls do playing netball.

To start off with I managed to stay near the middle of the road, but as time went on I found myself getting very close to the crowd. A couple of times the ball went into the crowd and as I was nearest I had to go right up to people and stand in front of them while someone retrieved the ball and passed it to me.

When I was stood in front of a couple of young men one of them said,

"Fucking hell, I can see her clit."

That made me blush, but I didn't turn and run; I ignored him and waited for the ball.

There were a few other rude comments that we heard, but we all ignored them.

There were also quite a few policemen lining the route. None of them said anything about our state of dress, in fact I saw a couple of them smile at us.

Towards the end of the route I saw Ryan. He grinned at me and put both his thumbs up to show his approval for my 'costume'. He followed us to the end of the parade then came over to us. He had his camera in his hand and was still taking pictures as he walked up to us.

Ryan came right up to me, put his arms round me and kissed me, long and hard.

When we broke the kiss I told him to be careful that he didn't disturb the paint. He backed off and checked my paint. It was still intact.

"You're amazing." He said to me. "Look at you walking around the streets totally naked in broad daylight with all these people looking at you. I'm really proud of you."

"I'm not naked I'm dressed in this paint." I replied.

"If that's not naked then I'm going to buy a few gallons of that stuff and we'll 'dress' you in it all the time. You look fantastic."

Ryan put his hand to my pussy and slipped a finger inside me.

"And easily accessible too." Ryan continued as I felt my pussy get wetter.

We turned to Karen and Emma and Ryan said,

"You 2 look fantastic as well. Are you going to come to work dressed like that Karen?"

"I think that our bosses might just have a bit of a problem with that." Karen said.

Ryan turned to me and asked me what the 'GS' on my chest meant. When I told him that it was 'Goal Shooter, he said,

"Are you sure that it doesn't stand for ' Get Stuffed' or 'Good Shag' or 'Great Stripper' or 'Girl Streaker'; yeah, at the moment the last one sounds good."

We all had a bit of a laugh at that, just as Lucy came over and told us that we were free to leave so most of us started heading back to the warehouse. We got a couple of rude comments on the way, but in general people only stared at us.