My Boyfriend Likes to Expose Me Ch. 18


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I'm pretty sure that we 4 girls all got fucked; I know that I did, Ryan fucked me hard as I floated on my back.

When we emerged from the sea there were a few 'early-birds' on the beach and we got a couple of funny looks but none of us cared.

Ryan's old school mates and their girls all decided that they were going back to their hotels. They didn't say so but we assumed that they meant to the same hotel and room for some more fucking. Ryan and I were both hungry so we became the first customers of the day at one of the beach cafés. Thankfully none of the staff were interested in my micro clothes.

After that we walked to the bus station and waited for the bus back to our villa. I fell asleep on the bus and when I woke-up Ryan was running a finger round my clit. Unfortunately we had to get off a few minutes later and walk back to the villa.

On the last full day that we were there Ryan promised to give me the most pleasurable day that he ever has. I had images of a romantic day with lots of fucking and cuddling. Unfortunately what Ryan meant was a day full of embarrassing public nudity and orgasms.

I started to get a little worried when he changed the batteries in the remote vibe and asked me to put my hair in pigtails and my barbells in my nipples and clit hood. When I asked him where we were going he said that he thought that we'd go back to Playa d'en Bossa.

Okay, I'd had lots of fun there with Kate but it had been very embarrassing and tiring.

"So are you going to give me lots of orgasms then?" I asked.

"Oh yes," Ryan replied, "I want to see if you can get up to triple figures."

"Bloody hell Ryan; are you trying to kill me; 'death by orgasm'?"

"What a way to go." Ryan replied.

"Well yes, but not today;" I said, "I'll be happy if I just have a couple; and preferably with just you near me lover."

"Oh, I think that we can do better than that my sexy little exhibitionist."

"No I'm not."

Ryan just smiled.

We left the villa with not a stitch of clothing for me; just suntan lotion and a towel to lie on; oh, and 4 pieces of metal attached to my privates that I suspected would be anything but private that day; and one remote controlled vibrator inside me that would be invisible to everyone.

I was a little nervous as we drove into Playa d'en Bossa.

Anyway, we parked the car and walked towards the beach. As we got close I asked Ryan if we could stop at a café to get something to eat, and a drink; or two. I figured that I'd need a bit of alcohol to loosen me up for what I suspected Ryan was going to get me to do.

The waiter had a bit of a grin on his face as he approached our table but Ryan said that he must have been told a joke.

As we sat there Ryan switched the vibe on, on low, telling me that he wanted to get me 'warmed up'. I shuddered a bit as I wondered just what Ryan had in store for me.

The alcohol and the vibe started to work and I relaxed in my chair and I didn't object when Ryan used his feet to spread my legs a bit. I was laid back in the chair with my legs still spread when the waiter came to get our money. I watched his face and his eyes opened wide when he realised what he could see. He stared at my pussy as he tried to convince Ryan to order something else.

Ryan was obviously enjoying seeing the man stare at my pussy because he ordered us both another drink and when it came the waiter took ages to move things around on the table to get them just how he wanted.

As we walked away from the café Ryan said that the day had got off to a good start and he asked me if I was happy.

"Of course; you're with me and I'm starting to feel good."

"And a bit wet?" Ryan asked.

"Oh yes, I can see that I'll have a lot of sand stuck to the insides of my legs quite soon."

Ryan put his arm round me and said,

"That's my girl."

I noticed the odd double-take as we walked onto the beach, but no one said anything and Ryan steered me towards the club areas of the beach. Fortunately, the louder the music the fewer kids there were and we soon got to a place where there were only teens and twenties men and women.

Ryan picked a spot right in the middle of a bunch of mainly young men and we spread our towels. Ryan got me to rub suntan lotion onto him then he told me to lie down so that he could do me.

He took his time getting every square inch of my back and when he moved down to my legs I automatically spread them to give him access to my inner thighs. As expected, he lingered around my pussy and he whispered,

"Bloody hell TT; your gushing."

"That's your fault." I answered.

He continued rubbing the suntan lotion, and my juices, into the top of my legs.

As I turned onto my back I saw that a handful of youths around us were watching us.

As Ryan started rubbing the lotion on my arms I saw 2 geeky looking youths walk up and sit only about 6 feet from my feet. Both sat so that they could look at us but both pretended to be looking elsewhere.

I smiled a little and thought,

"Poor sods, they look too shy to get anywhere with the girls; I bet that they'll still be virgins when they fly home."

Ryan started on my chest and little tits. As he massaged the lotion around and on my nipples he said, quite loudly,

"I don't know why I agreed to let you have these piercings done."

"I like them, especially this one;" I said as I opened my legs and gently pulled on my clit hood barbell revealing my clit ring to the geeks and anyone else who was looking.

I looked towards the young geeks and saw that they were now on their stomachs looking at me; well my pussy.

Ryan moved to my legs, lifting them one at a time as he continued with the lotion. I let out a moan as he touched my pussy.

"Darling," Ryan loudly said, "You're so wet, what's wrong with you?"

"It's those boys looking at me, I can't help it."

"Just ignore the other people my love; pretend that they're not there."


Ryan finished my legs and moved up to my lower abdomen. As he rubbed the lotion round and on my pussy I let out a few moans, loud enough for the geeks to hear.

When Ryan had finished we both just lay there enjoying the sun. After a couple of minutes Ryan noticed that I was laying there with my legs closed and he whispered for me to open them. I did.

A few more minutes later Ryan said,

"I bet that you're getting bored Tanya; how about practicing your gymnastics?"

I looked at him as if to say,

"Really, you want me to do that with these geeks and others watching?"

Ryan answered my unspoken question by turning the vibe up to full.

"Okay, okay." I said as I got to my feet and started doing all the things that I'd done with Kate a few days previously.

It was probably a mistake but as I exposed my pussy to the geeks and the others that were watching me I kept looking at them. Their expressions and stares compounded the effect of the vibe purring away inside me and it wasn't long before I started cumming.

I collapsed onto the sand and lay there jerking and moaning.

As the waves subsided I looked over to Ryan.

"Come on Tanya," Ryan said, "you shouldn't be having a rest in the middle of your routine."

I glared at him, slightly annoyed, but grateful that he'd turned the vibe down to the low setting. Getting back up onto my feet I continued doing more of what I could remember of the day with Kate and in the art classes.

I was just walking on my hands with my legs parallel to the sand when Ryan turned the vibe back up to full. The sudden shock to my already very horny body took my AF off the scale and I collapsed as I started to cum again.

Unfortunately I collapsed right on top of the 2 geeks.

Lying across them while cumming and having no control over my body I just stared into the glasses of the geek who had his arm on my tits. No doubt he would argue that he was just catching me.

When I was able I rolled off them and got up. Apologising, I walked back to Ryan and sat next to him.

"Can we go for a swim please?" I asked.

"Of course my love."

I watched Ryan put his hand into our backpack and switch the vibe off before getting to his feet and holding my hand as we walked into the sea.

Up to my neck in the water I just stood there for ages, just relaxing with Ryan holding my hands. When I'd got myself together I looked at Ryan and said,

"Fuck me now, please."

As I said that I let go of Ryan's hand and put my right hand to my pussy to catch the vibe as I squeezed it out. I then put it in Ryan's shorts pocket before pulling Ryan closer to shore so that I could float at cock height and let him fuck me.

It didn't take long for both of us to cum and me to just float there impaled on his cock as it slowly went soft.

Before we went ashore Ryan got me to put the vibe back in its proper home and as we were drying ourselves Ryan whispered something about moving on and having 'round 2'.

I wasn't sure what he meant but I helped him pack out backpack and we walked off, passed the 2 geeks who just couldn't stop staring at us - well me.

As we walked further down the beach I asked Ryan if he was happy with the embarrassment that he'd caused.

"You were fantastic TT; you really are a natural at flashing. If you ever decide to become a porn star you'll make millions."

"That'll never happen mate; it's way too embarrassing. But I'm pleased that you enjoy it."

We then had the same short argument about me getting embarrassed and humiliated, and Ryan saying that I loved every second of it.

As usual Ryan won and we stopped walking and Ryan chose a place for us to spread our towels again. I found out what he meant by 'round 2' as he switched the vibe onto low and told me that we were going to do the same as we'd done a few minutes ago.

We (I) did; in fact we repeated the 'show' 3 times, with me taking my orgasm count well into double figures, before Ryan decided that I needed a rest (he certainly got that right), and some food.

We walked to a beach-side café where we ate and had a few more drinks. I sat lady-like as we ate with no one taking much notice of the naked me.

Just as I was starting to feel 'normal' again, Ryan stood up and said,

"Come on my love, time for round 5."

The alcohol and my AF count had loosened my inhibitions and after a very small objection, we headed further along the beach with Ryan looking for a suitable crowd for me to embarrass myself in front of.

Three more 'rounds' later as we were fucking in the sea, I pleaded with Ryan to stop the shows; I was just too knackered. I'd totally lost count of the orgasms I'd had but guessed that it must be well into the twenties.

Ryan took pity on me and we collected our things and walked to the edge of the beach. We found some steps and sat half way up, relaxing and looking down at the crowds of young people on the beach.

We were close to the Bora Bora beach bar and I could see quite a few girls, wearing just thongs, dancing and drinking. I didn't feel at all under dressed even though my pussy wasn't covered.

Ryan decided to go and get us an ice cream and I leant back on my elbows relaxing and trying to think about nothing. I didn't realise until Ryan got back, but I'd let my knees drift apart. Ryan brought my attention to it by telling me that the man at the bottom of the steps was having a great view. I looked down, saw him and clamped my knees together.

"Look, you're such an exhibitionist that you're flashing guys without realising that you're doing it." Ryan said.

"I am not."

Ryan smiled and passed me my ice cream.

When we'd finished Ryan said,

"Right, time for 'round 9'."

"NO! No, I can't take any more of that; please no more, I'm knackered."

"Hmm, you do look a bit done-in. How about we just lie out and soak up the sun for a while?"

"Yes, please, that would be great."

We walked down onto the beach and found space to put our towels down. We lay there on our backs with my legs firmly together and holding hands.

The next thing that I knew was the vibe started purring away inside me and when I got fully awake I realised that my legs were spread wide, my right hand was on my pussy and I was feeling very horny. I looked at Ryan and saw a big grin on his face.

"Having a nice dream?"

"Err yeah," I said, "it was nice, we were on a beach on our own and you were making love to me. It was so romantic."

By that time I'd moved my hand and was feeling a bit embarrassed.

"How long has that thing, pointing to my stomach, been on?" I asked.

"Only about 10 minutes."

I looked around and saw a couple of people looking at me but they were talking and didn't (thankfully) look that interested.

"Ryan," I said, "I need to cum - soon."

"Wow, my horny little slut, will here and now do?"

"No not really, but I'm guessing that you're not going to give me any choice in the matter."

I was right, the vibe went onto full speed and I moaned and grabbed handfuls of the towel to stop my hands from going to my pussy.

My hips lifted off the towel as I started to cum. I could feel my pussy spasms and hoped that no one was looking. I was wrong; as I calmed down I looked and saw a young couple staring at me. The woman had a smile on her face and the man was adjusting the front of his shorts.

Ryan had seen them as well and he whispered,

"Guess what they're going to be doing as soon as they get back to their hotel."

"You and me as well buster." I thought.

Ryan turned the vibe down and I tried to relax.

About 10 minutes later I started to feel a bit restless. When I told Ryan he got up and pulled me up too.

"Come on, I've got an idea," he said.

We walked along the beach until we came to a place that was renting jet-skis.

"Fancy a go?" Ryan asked.

"Does it involve having an orgasm?" I asked.

"Do you want it to?"

I didn't get the chance to answer that as one of the young men looking after the jet-skis asked Ryan if he wanted a go. Ryan looked at me and said,

"Yeah, both of us."

The man looked me up and down and said,

"Okay, I'm sure we've got a floatation-aid her size."

He went off and came back with 2 flotation-aids and handed them to Ryan who gave the smaller one back to him and said,

"Can you put that one on her, I'm a little busy."

The man looked me up and down again and his eyes seemed to linger on my piercings then he opened the jacket thing for me to put my arms through. When I was done he zipped it up then said,

"I need to fasten the strap between her legs."

Ryan looked over and replied,

"That's okay, go ahead. Tanya, open your legs for the man."

I did, and the man put his hand between my legs and grabbed the dangling strap. As he pulled the strap through my legs the side of his hand brushed my bare pussy. I gasped and shuddered a bit.

"Sorry." The man said as he clipped the fastener on the strap to a socket on the front. As he tightened the strap it pressed onto my pussy and I gasped again.

Ryan was already done by then and was getting the money out of our backpack to pay the man. As he did he turned the vibe onto low. I hadn't been expecting that and I jumped a little.

"Are you okay," the man asked; "there's no need to be nervous, I'm sure that you won't go too fast."

I nearly laughed but Ryan was suddenly back with us and asking the man how the jet-ski worked.

Ryan got on and I climbed on behind him. When the motor started the vibrations went straight through me making me think that I wasn't going to last long.

As Ryan opened the throttle I hung on for dear life. I heard Ryan ask if I was okay and I squeezed his waist to let him know that I was.

As we sped along I could feel my AF rising. When the inevitable happened I gripped Ryan's waist so much that he backed-off the throttle and turned to look at me. When he realised that I was cumming he opened the throttle wide. This made the orgasm more intense and the grip on Ryan's waist tighter.

As the intensity decreased, the pressure of my grip reduced and Ryan went even faster. When the intensity increased my grip got harder and Ryan slowed down. This went on for ages until Ryan turned the jet-ski and headed back to the beach.

The man came over to us and I just sat there, trying to relax and get my strength back. After a few seconds the man said,

"Here, let me help you."

He stood beside me and lifted me right up and off the jet-ski. As he lowered me down I managed to straighten my legs and take my weight. Ryan got off and started taking his floatation-aid off. The man turned to me and asked me if I needed some help.

I nodded and the man un-clipped the strap. I was glad that I'd been splashed with sea water as I'm sure that the strap would have been quite wet. As the man unzipped me and lifted the jacket thing off me, my nipples got exposed to the air and sun and I realised that they were aching and rock hard.

The man saw them and stared at them for a few seconds before saying,

"You okay sweetie?"

I nodded.

Ryan thanked the man, grabbed my hand and led me to get our backpack.

As we walked away Ryan asked me if I was okay. I mumbled a quiet 'yes' then Ryan asked me if I'd enjoyed my ride.

"Yeah, that was fun. It reminded me of the time that cop gave me a ride on his quad bike back to your uncle's mobile home. I still wonder what he'd have done if he knew I was having an orgasm on the back of his bike."

"I wish that I could have seen that." Ryan said.

"You've seen me cum millions of time."

"Yeah, but naked and on the back of a policeman's quad bike! That'll never happen again; maybe we should look for something similar. How could we get you to get a ride on a police horse?"

"That'll never happen either." I said, trying to dismiss Ryan's idea, but at the same time wondering what it would be like.

The vibe was starting to get the better of me and I needed to relax a bit.

"Can you turn this thing off please?" I asked.

"But you love cumming."

"Yeah, but I need some rest. How would you like to cum 40 or 50 times in one day?" I asked Ryan.

"That'll never happen, men aren't built like that." Ryan replied.

We found a space and spread our towels. As we lay down, up on our elbows watching a big boat go passed, I said.

"How would you like to have a hard-on that lasted for days?"

"Bloody hell TT; do you want me to fuck you non-stop for days?"

"That sounds nice, but it wasn't quite what I was thinking. It was more like what would it be like for you to stay hard and shoot your load every 30 minutes for a whole day?"

"Bloody hell TT, men are different to women; men just can't do that, they can't produce enough cum."

"But with Viagra you could stay hard for hours, maybe days."

"Probably; would you like me to fuck you non-stop for hours TT?"

"Hell yes."

"Well maybe we should get some Viagra and try."

"So just how many times have you cum today TT - so far?"

"I don't know, I lost count hours ago; but I'm sure that it's more than I've ever cum in a week before. Hey, and what's this 'so far' bit; what are you planning lover?"

"Well, I don't know yet, but let's increase that count right now."

With that Ryan reached into the backpack and turned the vibe on and onto full. My body jerked at the sudden shock then I looked round then lay back. Fortunately there was no one that close, and no one looking at me.

Because of all the cumming that day my AF was already quite high and it didn't take long for me to start cumming; my hips rising and my hands gripping the towel. I so wanted Ryan to fuck me right there and then.

As I calmed down I looked round hoping that Ryan had been the only one watching me but I was unlucky; a young couple walking along the water's edge had stopped and were staring at me. I blushed a bit, but only a bit, the alcohol and everything that had happened that day had really lowered my inhibitions. I was almost at the point of not caring.