My Boyfriend Likes to Expose Me Ch. 25


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"Fucking hell!" I thought; "he's going to give me a full gynaecology exam right in front of all those men."

And he did.

What's more, he made me cum - twice; as he poked things in me and squeezed and pulled everything that he could get hold off. At one point I thought that he was pulling on my little clit ring so hard that it would come off. Thankfully, it didn't. I'd got a bit vocal and a bit active whilst cumming but the doctor just ignored it and kept going.

Straight after I'd cum that second time I felt something being pushed into my butt. I nearly came again but he pulled it out before that happened.

Examination over, the doctor just walked off and into Mr Wang's office. I looked round and saw that the men were still watching me.

Slowly climbing off the table I went over to the next man on my way round the office.

Fifteen minutes later the door down to reception opened and I turned to see another naked young woman getting down into the position. Two minutes later the doctor came out and gave the woman the same examination that he'd given me, except that he couldn't pull on her non-existent jewellery.

Of course, the men all stopped and watched, and as I had nothing to do, I did the same. The poor girl's expression told me that she was scared but resigned to what was happening. She did orgasm but she did a reasonable job of hiding it; well to men. I wondered how many young women had gone through that same ordeal.

I also saw that her pussy was the same as the girl's in the bar; all slit and nothing poking through. I began to wonder if all Chinese girls were like that.

I'd just got back into what the worker was telling me when another young girl came in and dropped to her knees.

The medical exam that had been performed on both the other girl and me was repeated on the new girl. She too orgasmed but again she managed to hide it enough for the men not to notice.

An hour later I had spent time with all the men and had learnt quite a bit. I'm sure that they'd learnt a few things from me as well.

Neither Dong nor Wu were there so I went to Mr Wang's office and knocked on the door. I waited until I heard 'Come' and went in, immediately getting down into the position.

I stayed like that until Mr Wang looked up from his papers and spoke. Whilst leaving me down there he asked how I was and what I had learnt. At least that's what I thought he asked as his English hadn't improved from earlier that morning.

I'd just got started answering the questions when Dong arrived and came and stood by my knees. Mr Wang interrupted me and the 2 men spoke in Chinese for a few seconds before Dong told me to get up and leave. He followed me out of his father's office then told me that I should make my way back to their house where his mother would provide me with some food.

I left the factory wondering if all Chinese factories were like that. As I went through the reception I stopped and looked through the big glass window again. The place was empty and I still couldn't work out what the room was used for.

As I walked back to the house I decided to take a little detour through part of the village. I walked the full length of the main street, deciding that Wu and Dong had only shown ne a small part of the village the previous day.

I saw 5 naked young women on my journey, not one of them showing any sign of being embarrassed about being naked. There were quite a few dressed people wandering about, women presumably shopping and men delivering things.

I passed the café we'd been in and looked in. There were a couple of men there and what looked like a woman's knee on the floor. I wondered if some girl had gone in and had to get on the floor. It crossed my mind to go in and have to assume the position for them to look at my exposed pussy but I chickened out and kept walking.

That thought had got my pussy tingling and when I turned a corner and saw that I was alone, my right hand automatically went to my pussy and started rubbing. I leaned back against a wall, spread my legs and went for it.

Unfortunately, just as I was really getting in to it, a door opened and a naked young woman walked out. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me. She turned her head and shouted something so I pulled my hand away, turned and walked back out onto the main street.

Feeling quite frustrated I continued walking, checking a couple of times to make sure that I wasn't being followed.

It was late afternoon when I got back to the house. Mrs Wang was preparing a meal so I watched her and helped her when I worked out what she was doing. It was difficult because we couldn't communicate but when it was all done she smiled at me and gave me some sort of biscuit. I went outside and sat on the grass watching the sun go down and eating the biscuit.

I must have dozed off because the next thing I remember was Dong shaking my leg. When I was fully awake he told me that the evening meal was nearly ready. I asked if I had time to have a quick shower and when he said that I had he followed me to the bathroom.

As he watched me shower he asked me questions about England and about football (which I know nothing about other than what had made headline news). I answered the best that I could but it was a bit of a weird situation. I'd wanted to check that I hadn't got any stubble that I should take care of but I wasn't going to do that with him there.

I had to use one of those tiny towels to get dried again, with Dong still watching me. After which he told me to go with him to eat.

Mr Wang was at the table so I again assumed the position; both him and Wu staring between my legs.

It was Dong that told me to get up and sit at the table where Mrs Wang served the food. Again it was quite bland, unlike the Chinese food in England, but it was quite nice.

I helped Mrs Wang wash up then she indicated that we should go back to the table where Dong, Wu and occasionally Mr Wang asked me lots of questions about England. I got the impression that they liked listening to someone talking in a language that was foreign to them.

A couple of hours later Mr Wang stood up and everyone went to bed.

I finished what I couldn't in the village before I went to sleep.

The factory workroom


I was again woken by Dong shaking my leg. I got up and went to the bathroom and was squat over the hole in the floor having a shit when Dong came in and told me not to have a shower as I'd have one at the factory.

I was a little puzzled as I hadn't seen any showers at the factory but there again; I hadn't seen most of the factory.

Being distracted from my normal routine I forgot to have a shave, not thinking about it until Dong and Wu were leading me along the road to the factory. I just hoped that no one would notice.

There were 6 or 7 other naked young women waiting outside a door when we arrived. Wu told me to join them and the 2 guys disappeared. The girls all stared at me and talked to each other, presumably about me. More naked girls joined the queue.

A few minutes later the door opened and we all walked in.

We were in the room that I'd seen from the reception. I joined the girls as they all stood at the end of the room waiting.

The door had been opened by a person (man I think) in a one-piece waterproof suit that covered everything except his face which had a paper mask on. He had wellingtons on his feet and rubber gloves on his hands.

Another suited man joined him and 5 at a time we girls were ushered down to some showers. Being near the corner of the room I was one of the first 5.

"This isn't that bad." I thought as I soaped myself. The water wasn't hot but it wasn't cold.

The other girls seemed to be rushing so I did as well. I was only half done when one of the men picked up a hose pipe and turned it on us. Boy was that cold. It went on for a minute or so then stopped.

I looked for some towels but there were none. The 4 other girls went and stood at the end of one of the stainless steel tables so I went to the other one. When a different man came towards us with a box in his hands the girls jumped up onto the table and got on their hands and knees. I giggled and thought about Ryan fucking me doggy style, and as I climbed up I wondered if we were all going to get fucked. I turned my head to watch and saw the man go to the girl on the end table. When he got there she thrust her butt back and the man stuck one of his fingers into her butt hole. He moved it around a bit then pulled it out.

When he did that the girl turned over onto her back and spread her legs wide. The man then pushed a finger into her vagina and again moved it all around. When he was done he got a small towel out of his box and wiped all around her butt and pussy.

What happened next really surprised me. The man got a roll of duct tape out of the box and cut about a foot of tape off. The girl spread her legs as wide as she could as the man stuck the duct tape over her pussy and butt hole.

"What the fuck was going on?" I thought as the man moved to the next girl and the first girl got off the table and walked to a box at the side of the room.

The man repeated the 'operation' on the 3 other girls. As he got closer and closer to me I could feel pussy tingling and gushing.

I gasped as his finger went straight into my butt. It felt really good and I moaned as he moved it around. I gasped again as he pulled it out.

Wanting more, my body instinctively, and quickly, turned over and my legs spread so wide that they were at 90 degrees to my body.

As his finger went into my pussy I gasped again and clamped down on his finger. The man's response was to push a second finger into me.

That was it, my body started jerking and my back rose up off the table. I got a bit vocal as I lost control. As I calmed down I started to get embarrassed and looked around. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and were looking at me. When I looked over to the big window I saw Mr Wang looking over to me. He must have seen it all.

Trying to hide in the middle of that big open space was obviously impossible but I wanted to.

The man started to probe around inside me again and I had to fight to not cum again. I relaxed as his fingers pulled out. He then rubbed his hand over my pubes and felt the stubble. Shaking his head he reached into his box and got out a razor and shaving cream.

The man then shaved me right in front of everyone; and Mr Wang. I had all on not to cum again. As he shaved me I looked around and saw another girl being shaved. I guessed that maybe she'd rushed to leave home as well.

The man wiped me dry and put the duct tape over my pussy and butt.

I was glad that I'd had a pee and not drunk much before I'd left the Wang's house.

With a still red face I climbed off the table and joined some other girls with duct tape on their pussies. As I walked over to them I thought how silly their pussies looked with the duct tape on and realised that I must look the same.

Yet another suited and masked man came over and gave each of us a paper hood with built-in mouth and nose mask. The hood had strong elastic round the neck and I realised that they were to contain all our hair. All that was visible of me above my shoulders was my eyes.

As the door opened I looked round and saw lots more girls going through the same procedures; another one being shaved as well.

The other women went off to their workstations while I just stood there and looked round then remembered what Wu had said about a controlled environment. As I waited I guessed that they had that and that it was cheaper to employ naked girls than to have to suit-up everyone who worked there. I wasn't sure about the duct tape though and it wasn't that comfortable.

After more naked and unidentifiable girls came in and went to their workstation, one of the suited men came in and over to me.


It was Wu's voice. Had it been him who made me cum with his fingers I wondered? I started to ask him how he knew it was me; after all, all the girl's heads were covered; but just as my mouth opened I remembered my nipple jewellery.

"Take your time and go round each of the workstations and watch what the girls are doing. It's pointless trying to talk to any of them as none of them speak English. I will be back in 5 hours when it is their break time. Try not to distract the girls so that production isn't interfered with."

With that Wu turned and left.

I walked from one end of the room to the other then back so that I got a general picture of the place and what was going on. Some of the girls were building circuit boards and others were assembling different types of electronic equipment that I'd never seen before.

I went back to the workstation nearest the door and watched closely what the girl was doing. Deciding that it was a simple, very repetitive job I moved on to the next workstation. The girl at the first workstation never even looked at me.

The second women smiled at me then stared at my tits and barbells. I wondered if she wanted some in her small, but bigger than mine, tits. I noted that my nipples were bigger than hers although mine were rock hard and hers weren't.

At one of the workstations I watched the girl rubbing her pussy (through the duct tape) on a bar that was sticking out of a machine right in front of her and I wondered how much pleasure it was giving her.

When I'd been to about half a dozen workstations and was stood watching the next girl, I suddenly got zapped by my little clit ring. I shook my head wondering what was going on, I hadn't had the charger against it for a few days and its battery had been flat since before I'd left England.

Thinking that I must have imagined it, I ignored it and got on with watching the girls work.

I'd got round most of the workstations in what seemed like no time but then a noisy bell rang and all the girls stopped working and walked to the door.

Just as I walked out of the door I got zapped again.

I had a very puzzled look on my face, not that anyone could have seen it, as I went out with the other girls. Some of the girls went to the toilet and when they came back their duct tape had gone. Those girls went to the stainless steel tables and waited for the men in suits to put some more on them.

There must have been 25 or 30 young women in there, most of them talking to one another. How they knew who was who I will never know. I wondered if they all knew each other.

One of the men in a suit came over and spoke. It was Wu and he asked me if I was okay. Then he asked me if I'd been to all the workstation. When I told him that I hadn't he said that I'd have to go back in for the other half of the girl's shift.

Then he left me.

Realising that I would be stuck in there for another 5 hours I decided to go for a pee. Going into the toilet I saw 3 other girls squatting down peeing. I squat down over another hole in the floor then remembered the duct tape. I stood up and got hold of the front corner. It hurt like hell as it came off my pubis but my leaking pussy had partially released the glue from my pussy.

Back in the main room I went to one of the tables and waited for a man in a suit to come over and put some more duct tape on me. My turn came around and I jumped up onto the table and opened my legs. The man in the suit hadn't really been looking at me and he automatically put his box down and cut a length of the tape.

As he turned to look at what he was about to cover-up he suddenly stopped and backed off. Then he stuck the end of the tape on the table and got a towel out of his box. He proceeded to rub my pussy dry before putting the tape on. In doing so he rubbed my clit making me moan.

Just as the man was about to put the tape on my clit ring zapped me again my pussy muscles twitched. The man stopped for a second then continued and pressed the tape into place. In doing so he pressed on my clit again. Even through the tape the pressure made me moan again; thankfully enough not to make me cum.

The bell rang again and we all went back into the workplace and the other girls started working again.

I went back to where I was before the break and continued with my round. It didn't take long for me to finish then I realised that I probably had the rest of the 5 hours to kill.

My clit ring zapped me again, reminding me that somehow it was getting charged. I wandered round looking for something that might just be doing it but I couldn't see anything. What I did see was a machine with a handle sticking out at about pussy height. Looking around I decided that I could back onto the handle whilst pretending to watch what one of the girls was doing.

The handle was slightly higher than the height of my crotch but I could lift up onto my toes and settle onto the handle. With slight movement of my hips back and forwards I could rub the handle along my pussy while pressing down on it.

Okay, there was that damn duct tape between the handle and my pussy but it still felt good.

I must have stood there slowly moving my hips back and forward for going on for an hour and dreaming that the handle was Ryan's cock. I came twice before I decided that I'd better move.

I went looking for the girl that I'd seen rubbing her pussy on a bar earlier. I found her and watched her. She was working as fast as any of the other girls but she'd developed a rhythm with her hips that worked well with her job. I thought how lucky she was to be able to do that and wondered how many times she could make herself cum each day.

The random zapping continued and because I had nothing else to do I kept thinking about my pussy and I managed to cum twice more before the bell finally rang again.

All the girls walked out and lined-up along the wall round the stainless steel tables. One by one they climbed into the tables, got on their hands and knees and one of the suited men pulled the duct tape off and put his fingers in both her holes. Satisfied, the man removed his finger and slapped her butt. She got off the table and left.

By the time that it was my turn and I climbed on the table, my pussy had leaked that much that the duct tape was only sticking at the front and the back. When the man saw that he really took his time probing around inside me. I got soo close to cumming again but sadly he stopped and slapped my butt.

Going outside I couldn't see Dong, Wu or their father. I decided to go up to the office to see if any of them were there.

As I walked into the office I saw that there was only 1 man there, and it wasn't any of the ones that I was looking for.

The man heard the door open and looked round so I dropped down into the position and waited; and waited; and waited.

The man was ignoring me but I knew that I had to wait for either him to tell me to get up or for him to leave.

As I waited my clit ring zapped me again and with a bit of kegel exercises I managed to make myself cum; and managed to keep reasonably quiet. But I could feel my pussy getting very wet.

I had calmed down before anything happened; Dong walked into the room and saw me. He stood in front of me, looked down, smiled then told me to get up.

"You can leave now Tanya." Dong said then turned and went to his father's office.

I did leave, and walked back to the house.

The rest of the evening went without any excitement apart from the occasional zap from my clit ring. None of which made me cum.

When I went to bed that night I lay on top of my bed and started rubbing my pussy. I was still turned-on from everything that had happened tha day. I was just getting close to cumming when the door opened up and Dong walked in.

Quickly moving my hand away and closing my legs, Dong started talking.

"Tanya, quite a few people have noticed that you get sexually excited very easily. I need to tell you that showing any sign of sexual excitement is taboo in our culture and that the girl can be publically punished for it. I suggest that you control it."