My Boyfriend Likes to Expose Me Ch. 25


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My face was red and I was very embarrassed as I replied,

"Dong, I'm very sorry if I have offended anyone but in our society it is quite common for a girl to get sexually excited if she is naked and there are lots of men around. Also, my genitals are very sensitive. I will do my best to curtail my emotions but it will be difficult, very difficult. Please offer my apologies to anyone that I have offended."

"Thank you." Dong said.

Feeling happy with my answer I decided to ask Dong something,

"Dong, why do you put duct tape over a girl's pussy while she's working?"

As I said that I put my right hand over my pussy and pressed. Dong laughed then said,

"It's for 2 reasons, firstly to make sure that their bodies don't leak any bodily fluids, or worse; and secondly to make sure that they have nowhere to hide anything that they might be tempted to steal."

"Ah yes, thank you Dong."

Dong turned and left and my right hand finished what it had started.

None of the men were at home when I went for breakfast. I helped Mrs Wang clean-up then told her that I was going to the factory - not that she could understand.

After assuming the position and Dong telling me to get up, he told me that his father was away on business and that I could use his office and PC to skype my boss and Ryan. Because of the time difference I asked Dong if it would be okay to leave it until late in the afternoon. After explaining the reason Dong agreed and then he told me that their technical guy had setup a VPN through to my company's network, gave me the details and told me that I could work from a spare desk in the main office until I wanted to skype.

It felt a bit weird sat there, doing work stuff, totally naked in an office with 6 guys fully dressed but I managed get through to my files okay and managed to get some work done in spite of my clit ring zapping me occasionally.

When I heard the bell ring to say that it was break time in the factory I went down to the reception area and watched the factory girls have their break. My already wet pussy tingled and got wetter as I watched some of the girls get their duct tape replaced after they'd been to the toilet.

For 1 second I found myself wishing that I was one of the factory girls and had to go through what I had the previous day.

When I went back up to the office I assumed the position and Wu had told me to get up. I asked if it was okay to skype Ryan and was told that it was. I wanted to catch him before he went to work. As skype was connecting I got zapped again and I was sure that it was stronger than the last time.

Actually, I woke Ryan up.

It only took a few seconds for Ryan to ask me if I was topless. I stood up to show him that I was totally naked and the mainly one-sided conversation was me explaining all about my 'adventures' so far. Ryan was amazed and said that he wished that he could be with me watching what I was doing.

I told him about my clit ring bursting into life the previous day and he told me that one or more of the machines that were in the factory must me emitting some sort of electrical field that caused the ring to charge. He told me that I should ask to spend more time in the factory.

Then he had a brainwave. He asked me if my electric toothbrush had been taken from me. When I told him that it hadn't he asked me if the cable on the charger for it was long enough to reach the bed. When I told him that it probably was he told me to stick it between my legs when I go to bed and see if the ring charged. When I asked him why it would he said that it worked with a toothbrush so maybe it would work with the ring. I promised that I would.

Ryan also got me to promise to wear the remote controlled vibe that I'd brought with me. I said that I would on the condition that I didn't have to wear it when I went into the factory. I didn't want some strange man probing around in my pussy and pulling my vibrator out. Ryan asked me if I was worried that I wouldn't get it back or that I would be humiliated when that happened in front of all those girls and the other men.

"Both." I answered.

We talked for ages with Ryan managing to tell me a few things that were happening back at home. One thing that he told me was that he'd come home the previous day to find that both our bikes were gone. An hour later the twins arrived on them after taking it in turns to be fucked by my bike as they pedalled along. I asked him if they were wearing any clothes. He laughed and said that they were.

I then told him that I wouldn't mind if he fucked them while I was away, adding that I knew how high his sex drive is and that I didn't want him to have to take care of himself all the time. I reminded him that it wouldn't be the first time that he'd fucked them.

"Yeah, but that was one at a time. I don't know if I could cope with both of them at once." Ryan said.

"Of course you can; it's every man's dream to have a 3some with 2 gorgeous teenagers isn't it?" I replied.

"I'm not so sure."

"Go for it Ryan. Next time that they come round tell them that I said that they have to fuck you or they can't use my Sybian or bike again."

Ryan laughed.

I had a nice vision of the 3 of them, Ryan on his back, one of the twins riding his cock and the other riding his tongue. I got quite wet.

The rest of the conversation was about boring things and we left it with me promising to skype him again as soon as I could.

I went back to my desk and did some more work for a couple of hours then went to see Dong to see if I could skype my boss. During that time the ring had zapped me twice and I'd gasped a little each time. I hoped that none of the men there had noticed.

As the connection was going through I adjusted Mr Wang's webcam so that only my head was on the screen. I didn't want my boss to know that I was naked.

When the connection came up we went through all the pleasantries and details of how the journey went. Then he asked me about Mr Wang and his family and my accommodation. Then the subject was changed to the factory. I managed to talk about the office setup and was pleased that I'd managed to keep the discussion away from my nudity.

Then Tim asked me if I'd had a look round the factory and I lost it. I told him all about the naked women and what happened to them at the start of each shift.

"So did you have to get naked to go into the factory?" Tim asked.

I confessed that I'd gone through the same routine and inspection, telling him with my face burning.

"But at least your nudity was confined to the same place as all the other girls?" Tim asked.

I wanted to lie but I just couldn't, I'm a terrible liar. I told him that all unmarried girls didn't wear clothes anywhere at any time.

"It's good job that you've got Ryan then."

"But we're not married."

"OMG... So you have to be naked all the time? I'm so sorry Tanya, I didn't know about that. If I had I wouldn't have asked you to go. I wonder if Grace is okay; I know that she's not married. Does that mean that you're naked right now, in Mr Wang's office?"

I confessed that I was.

"We can make these skype calls voice only if you like Tanya."

"No, that's okay, I'm getting used to being naked all the time."

I tilted the webcam down so that my chest and face were on the screen.

"You're bound to see me sometime whilst I'm here so we may as well get it over with."

I stood up and backed up so that my body from hair to knees was on the screen.

"Okay Tanya, that's enough sit down again... I have to admit that I've seen your breasts and genitals before; it's difficult not to with some of the clothes that you wear at work."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'll wear more modest clothes at work if you like."

"No, that's okay Tanya. I have no right to tell you what you can and can't wear; the company policy is 'smart casual' and here in England you always fit into that category and over there in China you do as well. You're not thinking of coming to work here like that are you? It's not a problem from my point of view but I can think of 1 or 2 people here who might complain."

"No don't worry Tim. Besides, the climate in England isn't conducive to being naked for 9 tenths of the year."

We got back to talking shop and I managed to avoid telling him about the cultural thing about when a girl goes into a room with men in it; and to not tell him about all the orgasms that I was having.

I ended the call feeling that it went better than I had expected. I also wondered what he meant when he implied that I was wearing 'smart casual' whilst I was talking to him. Did he think that being naked was 'smart casual' or that I had a smart body?

At dinner that night I asked Dong and Wu what there was for nightlife in the village. I was disappointed when Dong said that there was nothing other than a big hall where young people meet. He added that there was some Chinese music but dancing wasn't allowed.

I went to bed early and after moving the bed over a bit I managed to get the toothbrush charger in between my legs. I went to sleep with it pressing in my pussy and hoping that I'd wake to a strong zap from my clit ring.

It must have been zapping me all night because my pussy was soaking when I woke up.

The rest of the month went pretty much the same as those first few days except for a few exceptions: -

My little clit ring


I kept charging my clit ring every other night with the toothbrush charger. Whenever Dong or Wu came into my room and saw the charger trapped between my legs they'd just stare for a few seconds then get on with whatever they'd come in for.

Before that they'd usually caught me with my legs open, often with me rubbing my pussy.

I couldn't see any point in trying to hide my pussy as they'd both seen it every day and often saw me cumming.

My vibrator


Ryan had got me to promise to wear this except when I went into the factory but I decided to wear it only every other day. There were 2 reasons for this; firstly, I didn't believe that I could cope with it every day; and secondly, I only had 1 spare set of batteries. I had some Yuan with me but so far I hadn't seen a shop that looked like it sold batteries.

I have to say that it was VERY difficult having my vibe purring away inside me and the clit ring occasionally zapping me. I know that I had some pained expressions on my face a few times when Mr Wang was nearby.

The Festival


The annual festival has been part of their culture for centuries. I was lucky enough to have been there when it came round that year.

One part of the parade was the young women. Every girl is obliged to make a head-dress depicting one of the months of the Chinese year. Each head-dress is judged and the winner has to go through a ceremony.

Mr Wang first told me (with Dong's help) about the festival and the girl's parade one evening over dinner. Then he asked me to help the people who were making the factory's entry by acting as a model. It sounded like fun - well different, so I agreed and I spent the next day with 2 older women and 1 man as they kept doing a bit, putting it on my head, taking it off again etc. etc.

I couldn't communicate with them through speech but I did manage to mage a couple of suggestions by showing them and they incorporated them in the head-dress. By the end of the day I quite liked what they'd done.

What I found out the night before the festival was that Mr Wang had decided that I was going to wear the head-dress in the parade. I tried to refuse saying that I was a foreigner and shouldn't get the honour but they wouldn't listen to me.

Dawn the next day found me lining up with about 35 other girls, all wearing nothing but colourful head-dresses. In single file we slowly walked through the village, passed what I supposed they called the village green, to the beat of some very noisy Chinese music.

My head-dress was heavy and by the time that we'd got to the other end of the village I was happy to see some of the other girls taking theirs off.

Suddenly everything stopped, the music stopped and a man's voice came out of the loudspeakers. Apparently I had won the competition for the best head-dress; or should I say Mr Wang's money had won.

I was ushered over to where the man with the microphone was and all of a sudden I could hear English being spoken by the man with the microphone. I was pleased for that because it meant that I could refuse the award and they could award it to some other girl. However, he wouldn't listen to me and I found myself being carried by 2 men, over to a big pedestal with a big cross on it.

Before I could say anything my arms and legs were lifted up and tied to a big wooden 'X'. Not understanding what was going on I looked around for Dong or Wu but they were nowhere to be seen.

I was carried back through the village, spread eagled on that cross. And it wasn't quickly. Every few yards the bearers would stop and talk to some of the people stood at the sides of the road. Of course, everyone was staring at my pussy, some of them pointing to my jewellery. There was nothing that I could do other than hope that my clit ring and vibrator would soon take me passed the point of not caring.

Thankfully they did and lots of people must have seen my gushing pussy as I came lots of times before we got to the other end of the village. I doubt that any of the people would have heard my moans because there was way too much noise.

Back where it had all started someone took my head-dress off and the bearers left me leaning against a wall; still strapped to the cross.

About 10 minutes later some floats arrived and I was hauled up onto the front of the first float. I quickly realised that I was going to be displayed on the front of the front float as it crawled through the village.

Crawl was a very appropriate word because the floats were going so slow that people were walking all around, many walking close to me so that they could see the foreign girl with nipple and clit hood piercings and a little ring on her clit. I guessed that it was quite novel for them as I had yet to see another girl's clit.

They also got to see me cumming and cumming and cumming. I'm sure that I passed out at one point because I suddenly realised that the people who were in in front of me looking back were all different from where they were a second ago.

Finally we got to the end of the route and things started to get less noisy. A man came up to me, looked at me, grinned and walked away. Seconds later he was there again but with a hosepipe in his hand.

The idea of being hosed down in public does not appeal to me but that time it felt really good. What's more, the batteries in my vibe were getting flat so I was able to enjoy the water without distraction.

I was left to drip-dry for a few minutes (it was a warm day) before another man came and cut me down. I was then left to find my own way to wherever I wanted to go.

I chose to sit on a grassy bank for a while and must have dozed off.

When I woke I felt refreshed and happy. The village was still full of people all apparently enjoying themselves with quite a few people in fancy dress.

As I wandered around I saw lots of naked young women, mostly on their own or in groups.

I really did want to talk to them to find out what their lives were like, but there was no chance.

The Doctor


Just about every other day the doctor visited the factory and examined an average of 2 young women. Each time everyone would stop working and watch as the doctor gave those girls a very intimate examination.

I'm sure that some of them must have orgasmed while they were being probed and groped but only one of them actually got vocal and physical. It wasn't as bad (or good) as Ryan tell me that I get, but it was certainly enough for the doctor to have to stop and wait for her to calm down.

With the cultural rules as they were I wondered if she'd get the job.

Dong's Dong


One morning when I was in the shower I was visited by Dong. He promptly took his clothes off and stepped into the shower with me. All he said was that his mother was in the other shower.

I wondered if he was going to fuck me but he didn't even get an erection. His penis was massive though and I wondered if it got even bigger when it got hard. I smiled when I thought about his name. Had his parents known that it was going to get that big when he grew up? Did they even know what the word 'Dong' meant in English?

Dong didn't try anything on with me and he just showered leaving me pressed back against the wall watching him.

When I got to work I looked up the meaning of the Chinese name Dong. I was a bit disappointed to find that it meant 'east' or 'winter'.

The women's slits


By about the end of the second week I realised that I hadn't seen one woman with anything sticking out between their lips. At first I just assumed that it was a 'Chinese thing', but a bit later I wondered if all the girls were subjected to some form of female genital mutilation. I googled it and couldn't find any evidence of it happening in China so I came to the conclusion that it's just the way Chinese girls are; just like their flat butts.

Mr Wa


This was the third week that I was there.

One morning when I was working in the factory's office, Dong brought another man in and introduced him to me as Mr Wa, the man from their head office who was responsible for organising the cultural exchange at the China end.

We spent about an hour talking about how things were going and how I'd got used to the different cultural ways. As he was asking that I noticed that his eyes were looking at my chest, not my face. That made my nipples get harder and I saw a smile come to Mr Wa's face.

I told him that it had been difficult for me having to be naked and to have to spread my legs letting everyone see my genitals.

"Ah yes," Mr Wa said, "I hear that you have some unusual features down there. Can you show me please?"

My jaw nearly dropped. It didn't help that my clit ring zapped me just at that moment; and that was on top of the fact that I was wearing my vibe that day, and it was purring away inside me.

No I didn't cum.

"What, here, now?" I asked.

"Yes, get on the table and show me."

I slowly stood up and moved to the stainless steel table. I looked at Mr Wa again and he just nodded.

Up I climbed and my legs instinctively opened wide revealing my very wet pussy.

Mr Wa proceeded to pull all my jewellery in different direction and when he pulled on my clit ring I lost it. I had a full-blown, intense orgasm right in front of him.

By then everyone in the office had stopped work and were staring at me.

As I calmed down Mr Wa continued his examination. I got a little after shock when he first touched my clit again but that was only on his was to putting a finger inside me.

As soon as he started that I remembered my vibe. Mr Wa smiled as he inserted another finger and they came out with my vibe between them.

If I hadn't been so aroused I'm sure that I would have died of shame.

Mr Wa held up my vibe for everyone to see and most of the men started talking.

After a couple of seconds Mr Wa pushed my vibe back inside me and told me to get up. He then said something to one of the men there and he scurried off somewhere.

Inviting me to sit down again Mr Wa started telling me that their companies made many different products and that they sometimes found it difficult to find people to test some of the products before they were released to the buyers; and he wondered if I would help them whilst I was there.

Thinking that maybe he wanted me to test a new smart phone or something, I replied,

"Of course, if I can I will be happy to help you."