My Boyfriend Likes to Expose Me Ch. 25


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Just after he'd thanked me for my co-operation the man who's scurried out came back with a box that he put on the stainless steel table. Mr Wa got up again and went and opened the box.

I stood up and watched as he got out 6 different vibrators and lined them up on the table. My heart was pounding and my brain was in turmoil. This man had just asked me to test a load of vibrators and I had agreed. Had I been conned and did I want to now refuse? Could I even refuse after I'd already said that I would? And where did he want me to test those 'things'?

I'm sure that my face was red as Mr Wa started talking.

"I will be here for the rest of today and tomorrow, I would like to try each one of these on you over that period; say one every two hours. I will tell Mr Wang what we will be doing so don't worry about him. I have a few things to arrange then we will start in 1 hour."

Fucking hell, what had I let myself in for? The next hour was my worst for years. My stomach was churning, my brain was in turmoil; my face was bright red and for some weird reason my pussy was gushing. My vibe was still purring but I couldn't feel a thing.

One hour later Mr Wa and 2 other men came into the room. I stood up and looked at Mr Wa who pointed to the table. I jumped up and sat on the edge.

Mr Wa introduced the 2 men and told me that one was the operator and the other the quality control man. Neither of those 2 spoke any English.

As the operator unpacked one of the vibrators the quality control man started writing.

The operator gently pushed on my shoulder and I lay back. As I did so I automatically opened my legs. This wasn't enough for the man and he held my ankles and lifted my legs then put my feet flat on tha table before pressing my knees as wide as they would go.

After looking at my jewellery for a few seconds he picked up the first vibe and just as it touched my clit Mr Wa spoke. The man stopped, put the vibrator down and pushed 2 fingers inside my pussy. Feeling around he got behind my vibe and pulled it out. He put in on the table in an open space so that everyone could see it.

I say everyone because all the workers had stopped working and were watching what was going on.

I could feel the vibrations coming from my vibe through the metal table and hoped that it wouldn't vibrate across the table and fall off. I didn't want it to get broken.

The first vibe was re-introduced to my pussy and the man got to work. I couldn't see what he was doing but it felt good.

That man must be well practised at using vibrators on women because he was soo good; rubbing it around my clit, pressing on my clit and teasing my hole by just pushing it in just a little bit then bringing it out.

It didn't take long for my first orgasm to arrive, me being as vocal and active as usual; but the man had only just got started. He continued teasing my clit and my hole and just as I was starting to cum again he thrust the vibrator deep inside me.

Orgasm number 2 over, the man kept going until I'd cum for a third time.

Thankfully, he stopped then and put the vibe back into its box. The QC man stopped writing and Mr Wa thanked me for my contribution.

I just lay there, legs still bent and wide open. After a couple of minutes I got up and went back to my desk. I was glad that I'd brought one of the little towels from the Wang's house to put on my chair.

Ninety minutes later the doctor arrived, and shortly after that, 3 more potential employees.

Mr Wa saw them, looked at his watch, thought for a few seconds then went to see Mr Wang.

Right in the middle of the first girl being examined Dong came over and distracted me from watching the doctor invade the girl's body.

"Tanya, as you can see, the need to examine potential employees has taken over the time allocated to test the new products. My father and Mr Wa have decided that the rest of the testing will take place tomorrow morning at an off-site location. I will take you there in the morning. My father's leaving now so you can use his office to skype your boss if you like."

I thanked Dong, finished what I was doing and went to use skype.

Dong was at the breakfast table when I got up the next morning. After assuming the position, being told to get up, having some breakfast; the 2 of us headed into the village.

We stooped at the 'village green' and Dong said that we must be a little early.

"I don't understand Dong. Surely we need to go to the building where the testing will take place."

"Actually Tanya, I've got you here under false pretences; well partially. Do you remember me telling you that showing any sign of sexual excitement is taboo in our culture and that the girl can be publically punished for it?"


"Well you have continued to show lots of sexual excitement, even to the point of affecting production; too many girls stopped working yesterday afternoon because of the noise you were making; so much noise from such small lungs. Anyway, my father has decided that you need to be taught a lesson."

"But Dong, I explained that, and besides, wasn't the whole purpose of yesterday's test session to see how good the products are?"

"Well yes, but once my father has made a decision it is not reversible."

Realising that I was trapped, I asked Dong what the punishment was.

"Well, in our society we try to humiliate the offender so much, in the area of their crime that they will not offend again. As your crime is showing too much sexual excitement we are going to combine the testing of the products with lots more stimulation; right here in this very public place. Within an hour this place will be full of people."

"You can't be serious Dong."

"I'm sorry to say that I am. It's my father's decision. After your punishment everything will be forgiven and we will all make a fresh start."

"Dong, I'm really sorry that I have offended your father. But isn't there any alternative to this; I mean, you're talking about humiliating me in the worst possible way; and the worst possible place?"

"That's the whole idea Tanya. This type of punishment always works with the local girls so we expect it to work with you."

"Please Dong, there must be another way."

"No Tanya."

Whilst we'd been talking I'd seen 6 men arrive carrying a stainless steel table like the ones at the factory only a bit smaller. On the table was a box and the men were in the process of taking ropes out of it and tying them to each corner of the table.

I started shaking as I realised that I was going to be tied to the table; right there in the public square and made to orgasm over and over for goodness know how long. I looked round and saw that some people were already stopping to see what was going on.

I nearly fainted but 4 of the men grabbed an arm or a leg each and before I could say anything I was getting tied down, spread eagled, onto the table.

As I nervously waited I looked round. A small crowd was gathering and Mr Wa, the QC guy arrived with another guy carrying the same box that I'd seen the previous day.

Mr Wa spoke and the man with the box got a package out and opened it. It was a vibrator that has the extra bit on it to tease your clit at the same time as it vibrates inside you.

Without using any lubrication, or checking to see if I had any natural lubrication, the man just switched it on and pushed it in.

My body was producing lube but I still gasped at the force at which the man pushed it in.

I didn't want to orgasm in front of all those people but I had no choice in the matter. As my arousal rose I just hoped that once I was up there I'd stay there until it was all over; or better still, I'd pass out and not remember most of it.

I remember the third vibrator going in after about my fourth orgasm, but after that it was all a foggy haze - thankfully; and I think that I passed-out twice.

The next thing that I remember was Dong sitting me up and giving me a bottle of water. I felt totally ashamed and humiliated as I looked round and saw that there were still a few people standing around looking at me. What must they have thought of me?

The walk back to the house was slow and painful and I went straight to bed. I looked at my clock and worked out that I'd been on that table for about 5 hours; no wonder I was totally knackered.

Next morning Mr Wong was there when I went for breakfast and as I assumed the position Mr Wong smiled at me and quickly waved me up. He spoke more to me that morning than he had all the previous 3 weeks. I guessed that they really did forgive people after they'd been punished.

I was glad that I hadn't put my vibe in that morning and I had a quiet day at the factory; although that night my fingers were busy.

The day after that I put my vibrator in before going to work and it, and my little clit ring, gave me 4 orgasms in the office before the batteries went flat. The only difference that day was that somehow I managed to keep quiet (just) as I came.

The College Visit


During the middle of the second week at breakfast one morning, Wu told me that we'd be going to the local college so that I could tell those that were taking English, a bit about England. I was a little concerned because I imagined a college with hundreds of kids. I assumed that there would be some young women there but I didn't know if they'd be naked or not. Did they have to leave college when they got to 18 if they hadn't married? Would I be the only naked young woman there? Did girls even go to college?

I assumed not as Wu didn't say anything about me putting any clothes on. He also didn't say anything about where the college was; or how we'd be getting there.

When we went out of the front door the man with the motorcycle was there waiting for us. When he saw us he started it and got on, Wu told me to get on and I had to lift my leg over. It was way too late to worry about Wu seeing my pussy so I just did it. Wu got on behind me, squeezing me between the 2 of them. I put my hands round the driver's waist and Wu put his arms outside mine and round to rest on top of my tiny tits.

Off we went, and about 30 minutes later we arrived in the next village and then a big, old college.

Wu took me into the college and to an office where he spoke to a man (probably the headmaster - if they have those there) in Chinese; he man looking me up and down, but not talking to me.

Then it was to a classroom. Going in I saw about 30 kids who I guessed to be about 18 or 19. About 25 of the kids were young men and the young women were sat at the back. Because of the design of the desks I could see that the girls were naked too. That fact helped me relax a bit.

Okay, the youths were used to looking at naked young women at college but that didn't stop them staring at me. I never saw one of them looking at my face.

The male teacher said something in Chinese and then in English. He welcomed me there then asked me my name. After I'd told him he spoke to the class and told them that they could ask me anything they wanted to know about England.

I had a little panic attack, wondering how good their English was, what they'd ask and would I be able to answer; but I needn't have worried. The teacher had done a good job because I could understand just about everything they were asking and none of it was difficult; except when they started asking about football teams.

After about 30 minutes one of the boys asked me what that was between my legs. I had a little panic attack again, not knowing if he was asking about my clit hood barbell, my little clit ring, or the fact that my clit was sticking out between my lips (I still hadn't seen a Chinese woman with anything other than just a slit).

I decided to go for the clit hood barbell and just told them what it was and that a lot of English girls had piercings there.

Thankfully the questions went back to things like education, politics and football.

Wu later told me that I'd been talking for over an hour. Thinking back I realised that not one of the girls had asked me a question. When I asked Wu why that was he told me that it 'wasn't their place.'

As we rode back to the house with Wu's hands on my tiny tits again, I thought about how hard it was being a girl in China.

The factory - again


I hadn't realised that there were 2 workrooms in the factory until a couple of days after my total humiliation in the village. When I got to work that day Dong asked me if I'd seen the assembly room yet. When I said that I didn't even know they had one, Dong took me down there.

I was expecting a similar start of work procedure to the first workroom that I'd been in but this was different. There were no showers; only the duct tape.

It was Dong who put that on me before he took me into the room. It was a bit like the first room but the naked girls were working alongside 3 straight conveyor belts. As the product slowly went along a girl would add the next component; and so on until the last girl packed them into boxes.

I nearly laughed when I saw that 1 of the lines was assembling and packing vibrators.

Dong walked round with me and agreed with me that it was a lot simpler than the main workroom. He asked me if I wanted to have another look round the main workroom. My initial reaction was 'no way' but when I opened my mouth out came,

"Well, some of the tasks were quite complicated; maybe I should go in there for another half day."

"A good idea Tanya, you do realise that you'll have t go through the same procedure at the start of the day don't you? And we don't want you getting into more trouble do we?"

"Err, yes and no," I replied; "I'll do my best not to upset anyone."

"Good. Maybe I should look after you in there; then I'll be able to explain the more complex tasks to you."

"Yes, I think that would be good idea. Thank you."

Why had I said that? I'd just invited Dong to put his fingers in my holes and maybe to shave my pussy. What was wrong with me?

Then another thought hit me,

"If it hadn't been Dong the first time; who had it been?"

As we left the assembly room Dong took the duct tape off when we left the assembly room as well.

The next morning saw Dong shaking my leg to wake me up again. As usual, I was on top of the covers with the toothbrush charger between my legs. Neither Dong, nor Wu, ever said anything about that and I wondered what they must think.

I walked with Dong and Wu to the factory and we were early because there were no girls stood outside the door. Dong and Wu left me, presumably to go and get changed, and when the other girls arrived they all appeared to be talking about me. They were pointing at me and laughing. I guessed that they'd all heard about my punishment.

The door opened and in we went. I was nervous even though I knew what was going to happen; and happen it did. The man even shaved me, why hadn't I got up earlier and shaved myself? I didn't know if the man was Dong or someone else; he didn't say a word and the masks covered too much of his head.

I did cum but I managed to control it; probably something to do with the fact that quite a few of the girls were all staring at me; probably waiting for me to make a spectacle of myself again.

I had to wait inside the workroom again but Dong eventually arrived and asked me which workstations I needed to understand better. I quickly looked round trying to remember which operation was the most complex.

Fortunately I managed to pick one where the girl looked like she was really concentrating. We stood and watched her as Dong explained what all the little bits that she was putting on the circuit board were. I even managed to ask a couple of question that sounded a bit technical. Dong didn't say that I was being stupid and answered me with something (in English) that I didn't understand; probably something about electronics.

I picked another couple of workstations and Dong went through the details again. Then I told him that I was okay with the rest and Dong told me that he'd be able to put me through the exit procedure because he'd have to get changed as well.

When we got into the room with the 5 tables I asked Dong it was really necessary because he'd been with me all the time (not quite true) but Dong insisted and I had to get up on the table while he removed the duct tape and gave me a full cavity search.

I did manage to avoid cumming again.



When my vibe batteries went flat I made a special effort to go to the shops after work; not that I'd found many. With my purse in my hand containing my Yuan I wandered around the village looking for shops that might sell batteries; and anything else that I might fancy. I hadn't really been expecting much so I wasn't disappointed.

One problem was that I didn't know what I was expected to do if I went into a shop and there were some men there. I assumed that I'd be expected to assume the position but I wasn't sure. I should have asked Dong or Wu but I wanted to do this on my own.

When I found a shop that looked like it might sell batteries I stood outside and watched for ages. Finally I saw a naked young woman go in and I followed her in. The girl assumed the position so I did as well.

It was a male shop assistant and he ignored us until he was ready to serve us; then he said something in Chinese and the other girl got up, so I did.

Communication was difficult but I managed to get the batteries that I wanted, and looking at the money that I got back, those batteries were quite cheap.

After that I wanted to look in another couple of shops but I chickened out when I didn't see any other naked girls going in.

The skype calls


During my second skype call to my boss I asked him how Grace and the 2 men were getting on. Tim told me that Grace was okay but she'd been terribly shocked when she'd also been told that she'd have to be naked all the time. She was coping but looking forward to going home. Tim had asked her if she wanted to go home early but she's said that she'd stick it out.

When Tim asked me how I was getting on I told him that I was okay.

Once during the call I had to go back to my desk to get some papers and I just stood up, went and got them then sat back down again. It was only when we started talking again that I remembered that I was naked. My boss had got another look at my pussy and had been able to see my tiny tits all the time. I wondered if he was recording the video conversation.

When I asked Tim if Grace was using video and audio, or just audio; Tim told me that she too had just decided to ignore that fact that he could see her naked.

By the time I left China I was so used to Tim seeing me naked that I never even thought about it.

I was missing Ryan tons and I wanted to show him my pussy with me playing with it but the angle of Mr Wang's webcam was all wrong so we had to settle for him just watching my arm move up and down as I rubbed. He told me that he could easily imagine the rest.

On my fourth skype call to Ryan I told him about Mr Wa and the vibrator testing he laughed and asked me if I remembered what he sometimes says to me when I'm wearing my Ben Wa balls and I get close to cumming. I thought for a second or so then said,

"Cum for Mr Wa."

Then he asked me if Mr Wa had a brother called Ben.

We both laughed and I realised that I'd never be able to wear my Ben Wa balls again without thinking about the Mr Wa that I'd met, and those vibrators.

I didn't tell my boss or Ryan about my 'punishment'. I thought that I'd save that for Ryan when I got home.

Leaving China


I was so happy when my month was up; I couldn't wait to get back to Ryan; but at the same time I'd enjoyed my time there. Okay, I'd been horribly humiliated when I'd been punished, but when I look back on it, what a way to get punished. I'm sure that lots of girls would have loved to go through it. I think that in a weird way I'd enjoyed it as well.