My Descent into Slavery Ch. 17


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"I believe my ship is going to be packed full for the moment, Detective. William Thornhill has set up shelters for freed slaves in several cities. Please contact him and see if he can help. Detective, I have to inform you of something. Angela is currently with us. She has agreed to become Kadina's submissive for six months in recompense for her ownership of Kadina. She's going to be another guest on the ship as Kadina learns to be a responsible Dominant. If there's any reason for Angela not to leave California, we'll make sure she's flown back before we leave US territorial waters."

"Her investigation is still ongoing. I'll let you know if we're going to press charges."

"You'll probably see them both at Mr. Thornhill's tomorrow. As it turns out, Kadina is actually a very strong Dominant personality. She's managed to break out of her slave conditioning faster than any of the other slaves we've freed."

"Is that likely to cause any problems?" Marcia asked.

I looked at the new slave. "I doubt it, but I'll let you know ahead of time if I think it will, and we'll leave them on the ship if it appears it would be a problem."

"Thanks again for the heads up on the other slave. You may have saved a life or three."

"You're welcome. We'll see you tomorrow Detective."

"Take care." Marcia ended the call.

"Kadina, you've already saved three other lives," I said. "Thank you."

"What was that all about?" Angela asked.

"I developed the survey I was giving last night at the club, to find out about Dominants and submissives. A byproduct of the survey is that people who identify as submissives or slaves will show up not to be so in the survey. If they identify themselves as submissive, and aren't, means that they're likely an involuntary, human trafficked slave. One of the people who took the test last night, identified that she was a submissive, but showed up as neither submissive or Dominant. She said she was twenty-three, had been submissive for seven years, or since she was sixteen. That raised red flags, as I don't imagine many sixteen year olds would know if they were submissive.

"Kadina went through driver's license photos of the twenty-three year olds the police had gathered. She said a woman named Francine was probably a slave, because she was never happy as real submissives were at the club. The rest you now know. Kadina knew that she was never happy either, because she had no desire to be there, a feature she shared with Kadina, who had no desire to be there. That should have been another clue for you, as submissives attending a Dominant/submissive club, would be happy to be there. I certainly was. It's my element. I love to show off my submissive skills. I'm a happy slave slut. You missed several clues which should have made you question whether Kadina had truly volunteered to be a submissive."

"I apologize again, Mistress Kadina. When would you like your slave to lick your pussy?"

"I don't know if I will. I'm thinking about it."

Angela looked at me questioningly. She was probably wondering why Kadina would have a sex slave without having sex with her.

"I told you that lesbian sex is a sin to Muslim women. On the one hand, she's already sinned and may go to hell for all eternity, but perhaps Allah would forgive her because she was forced into it. If she has sex with a woman voluntarily, that option goes away, as it's no longer being forced on her. But if she believes she's already going to burn in hell, it may not matter to her. She might also be questioning Muslim beliefs about lesbian sex based upon what others have told her, and considering for herself, how much she's willing to risk for her immortal soul.

"She can be your Dominant without having sex with you. All that is required is your obedience to her other commands. She's not risking her soul if she makes you fuck someone else. You have the opportunity to walk away, so it's your choice that you fucked Ethan, not hers. As her slave, she will have you fuck other people as punishment for what happened to her. You can always choose not to submit to her will, a choice she didn't have. When she decides the best option for herself, she'll decide if she wants to fuck you." Kadina looked at me gratefully. "All of the other freed slaves had the same issues, Kadina. You're not alone. Every one of them has faced the same choices you're facing. We all understand. One of the doctors who's helping me with their treatment is Muslim. You may wish to speak to him about your choices before you make a decision."

We arrived back at the ship around 4:30. As soon as we were aboard, I took off my clothes, and told Angela to do the same. She looked at all the people moving about the ship, but removed her clothes. I stowed them in a locker with mine. Since the ship had been placed in freed slave protocol just this morning, a lot of people were curious why I just stripped. I'd helped create the protocol in the first place.

Ethan said goodbye, heading for the stern room, where I was sure he planned to fuck another slave. The rest of us made our way to Master's cabin.

He did a double take when he saw me naked, with Kadina, and with another naked woman besides. Angela was trying to cover herself. Kadina didn't say anything, so I did.

"You're a slave. Slaves don't cover themselves." She reluctantly put her hands at her sides.

"Mr. Greenbriar," I said, "I'd like to inform you that Kadina has done more to shed her slave conditioning in a short period of time, than any previous slave. You're welcome to test her if you wish to ensure this is the case. Additionally, I gave her my survey this morning, and discovered Kadina is actually very strongly Dominant, which might be the reason for the large number of stingray barb scars on her back.

"The other naked bitch standing before you is Angela Waycombe. Up until last night, she was Kadina's owner. She is still under investigation according to Detective Evans. When we went to her house to pick up Kadina's possessions, Angela agreed to serve as Kadina's voluntary submissive for a period of six months as restitution for her illegal ownership. I'd like to request another muster this evening after supper to introduce her to the crew and to witness her slave collaring."

"We can do that," Master said, smiling.

"There have been a number of other developments of note, sir. As Kadina was taking her survey, I went through the results of the other surveys at the club. One jumped out at me as a false submissive. I immediately informed Detective Evans there was another illegal slave in the results and suggested ways to identify her. When we went to sign Kadina's statement, Kadina looked at driver's license photos and spotted someone she thought was illegal, because she seemed just as unhappy with being at the club as Kadina was. Her owner was the man I suggested you might want to bankrupt, sir. Detective Evans went to the slave's house and found her owners had her bound and gagged and were getting ready to dispose of her. They were immediately arrested, and Francine was freed. She was originally from Minneapolis, and has been a slave since the age of sixteen after she ran away from home and came to LA.

"When Francine's owners were questioned, they discovered two other illegal slaves who've since been freed and their owners arrested. Kadina was directly responsible for the freeing of three other women. If she hadn't been able to identify her, Francine would likely be dead, as might the other two women, sir. I thought you should know. Also, you may wish to have Angela sign a Non-disclosure agreement, as she will be traveling with the ship for three weeks unless Detective Evans says she can't leave California.

"Kadina is hoping to receive training from Dominants who can teach her how to be a responsible Dominant to her former Mistress."

"I'm sure other Dominants will be happy to help her."

"I'm sure they would as well, sir. Before dinner, I'm going to give Angela the survey. She didn't take it last night."

"Do you think she's submissive?"

"At most, she's a submissive leaning switch. She was almost eager to volunteer to be Kadina's slave. I have my doubts that she was ever a real Dominant, sir, just a pretender."

"Kadina, strip," Master said.

Kadina smiled and said, "Fuck you to hell."

Master smiled back. "Do I have your permission to hug you, and then feel up your slave."

"Be my guest."

Master gave Kadina a gentle hug and then started playing with Angela. In seconds, her nipples were taut buds and he announced her cunt was very wet when he inserted two fingers and started pumping.

Angela blushed when he said she was wet, and it only took her a couple minutes to cum on his fingers.

"You may be right, Beth. This bitch seems very slave like in her responses. I'll arrange with Hannah for Angela to share Kadina's room, and it will be Kadina's choice if Yasmine continues to stay there as well."

"Kadina is not yet sure if she's willing to have sex with Angela, sir. Yasmine may well have to serve as the recipient of Angela's further slave training."

"Of course. Carry on."

"Master, Kadina's old slave jewelry hasn't been removed yet. Since she's no longer a slave, I think she should go down to sick bay and have Manuel remove it for her, unless you want to be marked, Kadina?"

"No! I want it off of me." Very emphatic.

"Sahar will escort you down to sick bay, and they will be removed. Your new purchases have probably been delivered to your room," I said. "Sahar will also take you there if you don't remember which cabin you were assigned. You may wish to put all your things away before supper except for your new slave's gear. You will collar her tonight after supper during another muster. You met several Dominants last night. Ask one of them how to conduct the collaring ceremony."

"Thank you, Beth."

"You're welcome, Kadina."

I took Angela to the Dining Room and gave her the survey on the iPad I'd been carrying around all day. When it was finished, I showed her how to kneel, put her on a cushion to wait for her Mistress, and went to enter her response in my database and run it through my matrix. She wasn't even a switch. Submissive through and through. I informed Master of the results and said we should video Angela during her initial slave training.


"Because Kadina is going to bring her to Mr. Thornhill's tomorrow night. I think it will help in her Dominant development. But I think in addition to the leverage provided by the NDA she'll sign, we should have additional leverage, like you had for Lynn before inviting her on the cruise. After all, the detective in her case is going to be there tomorrow, I suspect as a naked slave, although I told Marcia I'd warn her if I thought Angela would be a problem. With additional leverage, I don't think she will, but Marcia may want to hold off on her nudity for a brief time, depending on what Bill has cooked up for tomorrow's party. We'll add her to the event in the stern room after the muster and collaring. After she's voluntarily submitted to a train, she's unlikely to raise a squawk about anyone else's sexual proclivities."

"Probably not, although Marcia should be warned. If Angela is charged, she might use Marcia's presence to try to reduce her sentence."

"Yes, Master. I don't believe she's going to be charged, but I will tell Marcia tomorrow."

Kadina had returned after putting her things away. I pulled her aside for about fifteen minutes as they started setting the table for dinner.

"I'm going to start addressing you as Mistress, as I do the other Dominants on the ship. You can't punish me if I fail to address you as Mistress, but you can inform my Master. Unlike during your slavery where you might have been forced or ordered around by everyone in the room, it's important to maintain civility and to treat other slaves as someone else's property. You should ask their Dominant if you want to use them. The same will apply to your submissive. No one should use her without your permission, which is why Master asked for your permission to touch her. Did you talk to someone about a collaring ceremony?"

"I spoke to Yasmine's Master. He said the slave should be naked and kneeling when I put my collar on her. But he also said I should have her lick my pussy when she's collared. I'm not sure if I should be having sex with another woman."

"I understand. She doesn't necessarily have to lick your pussy. What's important is that she show some form of obeisance to you, acknowledging before all of the other people watching, that she's your slave and will obey you. You could have her kiss and lick your feet, even your shoes, if you're wearing them. Personally, I think it should be your bare feet in lieu of your pussy, but it's entirely up to you. After she's shown obedience to you, you could order her to provide sexual services to someone else, since she is, in fact, your sex slave, and you should be building up her sexual activities.

"The first three weeks that you have her, is going to set the stage for the rest of her slavery. It's important that you establish your Dominance immediately, as well as her submission. At supper tonight, before you eat, you might make her stand with her feet spread, and bend over and insert the smallest anal plug in her to start preparing her for anal sex. Then as you eat, she can stand beside you and masturbate for everyone. It will be humiliating to her, and humiliation and embarrassment are two of the tools used to establish her submissiveness.

"After her collaring, the two women who lost the bet to Mistress Layton, will still be having sex with all comers. I suggest you add Angela to the orgy. Announce after her collaring that she's going to the stern room to take on any man or woman who wants her until 8PM. Attach a leash to her collar, lead her to the stern room and make her submit sexually to any man or woman who wants to use her. Don't give her permission to cum yet. Her sexual pleasure should now be up to you and you will be miserly in your permission during the first couple weeks of her submission, so you have frequent reason to spank her, conditioning her with both sex and punishment, as was originally done to you.

"At 8 PM, I'm going to be giving cunt licking lessons to Tim and Zhou. You should make Angela attend the lessons and practice licking three cunts. Whether or not you ever decide to use her for sex, you still want her qualified to do a good job of serving others. It's the sign of a good Dominant and a well trained submissive that she can satisfy men or women equally well. After her training, you may take her to your room. You may confine her to her bed by voice command, under threat of punishment if she moves from it, or actually attach her leash to her bed. She's now your property, so treat her as such. If Yasmine stays with you again, you can make Angela serve Yasmine. Yasmine will enjoy the sex."

"Are you sure I should be doing this to her? She's not a real slave."

"But she is a true submissive. I gave her the same survey you took and she's not even a switch. She is almost as submissive as the most submissive person on the ship. She was never meant to be a Dominant. I think she was fascinated with submission, but not knowing how to seek a Dominant, accepted you when you were offered, so she could vicariously experience submission through you. She wants to be a true submissive. If you do a good job as her Dominant, I believe she will remain your submissive as long as you want her. She will be disappointed if you give her up. That's how badly she wants it.

"You're not going to be brutal or harsh to her, but you will make her feel her submission, and she'll thank you for it in the end. As a submissive myself, I know what she wants. It may shock her in the beginning, because she didn't know what Dominance and submission really was, but she'll eat it up. Remember, if it becomes too hard for her, she has the ability to walk away. Angela is doing this of her own free will, and she truly does care for you, so she will do her best to be pleasing to you."

Kadina nodded. I said strip, and she laughed at me. "How much longer will these orders go on?"

"A few more days. You are free to ask for sex now, but if anyone asks you for sex, please inform me or my Master. While I'm reasonably certain you'll tell them to go to hell if you're not interested, they shouldn't be putting you in that position. It's unlikely they'll remain on board, as Master will fire them, and have them flown off the ship immediately. One man who disobeyed the orders regarding recently released slaves was beaten severely before he left, but he also fucked one of the pregnant wives and it was her husband who beat him. The entire crew was pissed though. They have a lot of sympathy for what we've gone through."


Word had gotten around that the freed slave protocol had been lifted. Sherry and Delphine were serving naked. Angelique was naked at Hannah's side, as was Yasmine beside the Captain. Francesca was in Master's lap for feeding, while a naked Belle knelt at his side. I took my seat beside Sahar, and she wasn't shy about playing with me.

Kadina had Angela bend over with her ass facing the table and inserted a small anal plug in it. She didn't have lube, but took care of the problem by smearing the plug with butter before shoving it up Angela's ass. When Angela turned around, her face was flame red, and instantly got redder when Kadina ordered her to masturbate while standing beside her with her feet spread.

"You don't have my permission to orgasm, slave, nor to stop your fingers from moving, however you may slow down if you get close to a climax. I will feed you so you may keep stroking yourself."

Angela climaxed three times at the dinner table as her Mistress fed her. Francesca climaxed an equal number. Sahar pushed me over the edge twice, neither of them with Master's permission.

Near the end of the meal, after Francesca had removed herself from Master's lap, Kadina said, "Joshua, I'd like to thank you for giving me a home after your people managed to free me. I'd like to offer you the services of my new slave to suck your cock. If you would like, you may paint her face with your cum."

"That's a very generous offer, and I will gratefully accept. Thank you."

"Angela, please take care of Joshua's erection. Crawl to his chair. If he grabs you by the hair and pulls you off his cock when he needs to cum, close your eyes and allow him to cum all over your face. Please tell me if she needs cock sucking lessons, or just more practice. I might have her suck ten cocks a day until she becomes sufficiently pleasing."

"Yes, Mistress Kadina."

So Angela crawled over to Master's chair, released his erection, (he had been playing with a naked Francesca) and started sucking.

"I think pretty much all of the blow jobs I've gotten over the past year are better than this one. She's going to need a lot of work, but she's in the right place to get practice," Master said, after five minutes of her efforts.

"We'll know what else she has to work on after she gets some cunt licking practice tonight," I said.

Angela seemed to work a little harder after his comment. Approximately five minutes later, Master pulled her off his cock and sprayed all over her face.

"Don't clean that off, slave," Kadina said. "We'll leave it on your face as a badge of identification."

Kadina got up though to wipe it out of Angela's eyes so she could see. It was a substantial load as Master had been in meetings all day instead of fucking. They announced a special muster, where a new slave would be introduced and collared. Kadina took Angela's hand and led her to the sun deck where a display beam had been set up. Cuffs were attached to the Angela's wrists and ankles, and her hands raised above her head. Her ankle cuffs were attached to chains on either side, spreading her legs until her body was a taut, inverted Y, displayed for all to see.