My Descent into Slavery Ch. 17


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"I never imagined I was raping you, Mistress Kadina. I am so very, very sorry for what I've done. I know you may never forgive me, but I hope that at some point, you won't hate me anymore. I will do everything in my power to make it up to you."

"Thank you both for your honesty. Mistress Kadina is going to attend a group session with the other freed slaves tomorrow afternoon. You're not welcome, Slut. We need to be open with each other about what we've experienced, and that's hard to do with strangers present. It might be a good time to practice your pussy licking. Have you signed your NDA?"

"Yes, Beth."

"Tomorrow evening, all the Dominants and submissives are being invited to a friends house. I don't know what will happen there as it hasn't been shared with me, but you can expect that the slaves will be fucked. That is our purpose. The Dominants will fuck us. I believe that given her recent slavery and non-determination regarding participation in sex, Mistress Kadina will be treated differently. She may only witness what happens as further training on Dominant principles, or she may choose not to go, in which case, you will remain here, under her control.

"I would like to recommend you go, however. I believe Master William to be a very good Dominant, with two submissives of his own, including his wife. With Slut only able to take three weeks off from work, you would either have to continue on the ship without her, or return to LA with her. This gentleman can help you with your Dominant training should both of you wish to continue. He has access to resources that you might need to reintegrate into free society. I know he has friends that can continue working with you on self defense classes, should you choose to continue them, with counseling, which I strongly recommend. He is the one who has helped set up group homes for many of the slaves freed at the time Mahmoud was killed. Even if you choose not to live with Slut in her home, you would have a place to stay without the bad memories associated with your slavery, and continue your Dominance in a more neutral setting. You don't have to decide now. You have until after group tomorrow to decide."

"Once again, I must thank you, Beth Wilson." They left.


It was 2200 and Hyacinth and Glenda, who'd gotten her own name back now that their slavery was over, came down to the gym to experience their slaves after their recent training.

"I was able to give you both so much pleasure last night because you didn't order me to make you cum. In order to get the most of your slaves' new talents, let them have some control back to pleasure you. After you've allowed them to clean you up, and pleasure you, you can shower again and we'll send you home or back to the club by Uber, depending upon where your car is."

Monitoring their progress once again, I watched them satisfy their Dominants and they did excellent jobs of pleasing them. I think in the long run, they'd know their bet against me would result in some excellent fucking for them. They took brief showers after and Mistress Layton returned their clothes. Master was fucking Francesca and Belle tonight as they were leaving the day after tomorrow, so I went with Sahar to our bedroom and we had sex.

I was lying with her afterward. "You seem to know that it wasn't gangs out of the favelas that rescued you. Did someone tell you?"

Sahar laughed. "We were practicing to rescue you. Over and over we did run throughs, trying to account for every possibility. As I watched everyone practice, I realized it was the same way those supposed gang members moved through the house. I knew then, there was no way it was a bunch of undisciplined gang bangers who rescued us. I even remembered some of the moves as they flowed through the practice facility, including Edgar's, so fucking precise all the time. I suddenly blurted it out, right in front of Ranger, and he told me to keep it quiet and he admitted to it. I haven't said anything to the others, but there was no denying it anymore. Those fucking guys took such a huge risk to save us, and I can't even properly thank them."

"You can fuck them all. You don't have to tell them why."

"Only a fucking slave would think of fucking a dozen men to thank them."

"I am a fucking slave, so, duh."

She laughed again and kissed me. I burrowed down between her legs again, tasting her nectar one last time before I went to sleep.


I suggested to Kadina at breakfast that we go down to the gym again and she put her new slave on an exercise routine while Sahar taught her some self defense moves. We spent about three hours in the gym, Sahar showing Kadina all the ways you could kill someone while Slut and I did weights, followed by the treadmill. We were setting a fairly fast pace when Slut suddenly stopped.

"Can I talk to you a minute, Beth?"

"As long as we keep moving, yeah."

"I'd like to go to the group, this afternoon, just to meet the rest of the freed slaves, then I'll leave. I know I've met Sahar and Fatima, and probably seen the rest, but I'd like to put names to faces."

"We can probably take a few minutes for that, sure."

"Do you think that they'll hate that I was a slave owner?"

"I don't know, possibly, I guess. Although it's not like you bought someone."

"I feel so bad. I never even thought about human trafficking. I was so caught up in my little fantasy world. I've got a slave, isn't she nice. She'll lick my pussy on demand. How cute. I was so ignorant of the world. Do you think it would help if I offered myself up to them to punish, it would make them feel better? Like I could be all of the owners who ever mistreated them and they could wallop my ass."

I stopped running, considering what she'd just suggested. Farah had felt wonderful throwing the stingray barb in the harbor, Kadina had loved breaking Slut's paddle and wouldn't mind killing Spagnoli if we found him. I'd loved burning the remnants of the Mahmoud mock up in The Bahamas. Sahar had said she would have loved finding the fetish club and burning it to the ground with every asshole who'd ever been there to watch her, burn up with it. Some of the people who'd owned and mistreated them were dead, but they'd had no part in it. I'd, at least, had the satisfaction of kicking Mahmoud out of the helicopter. It had given me a lot of satisfaction to do so. I'd kept the stingray barb Sahar had used on me in the Bahamas, marking my victory over the last of my conditioning that had fucked me up so bad. All of Mahmoud's captures had felt that barb. Maybe chop it up and we all throw a piece overboard.

Symbols have meaning. That's why we wore collars. We could be submissives without them, but the symbolism is powerful. I felt more submissive when I was kneeling, collared, leashed, plugged, blindfolded, bound and tied.

Would the freed slaves feel more powerful punishing a stand-in owner. I could see some of them perhaps getting carried away if they were putting their owner's faces on Slut's body. I wouldn't let them use the barb, I could see them beating her to death with it if it got used. I could put it before the group. Set it up so no one got too carried away. Kind of like a lay-up drill on the basketball court. Everyone gets one good whack and passes on to the next one and they keep going until Slut called a halt, maybe have Manuel there just in case.

I wanted Kadina to talk to Dr. Sadiq anyway, and while she did that, I could ask him what he thought about the idea. I started running again.

"I'll mention that to the group and see what they say about it."


At 1100, it would be 1900, or 7PM, London time, so after a quick shower, I brought Kadina to my room and called Dr. Sadiq.

"Good evening, Doctor. I need to bring you up to date on things. I have with me a newly freed slave, Kadina Safoud, Muslim, taken in Algeria four and a half years ago. She's had three owners, two male, one female, the males brutal assholes, one of whom we knew from before who's dead. The woman may have been ignorant of Kadina's true slave status. An acquaintance who knew the owner had expressed interest in D/s, asked her to take care Kadina because he had leave the country and could not take her with him. She agreed, treating her more like a voluntary submissive, than a true slave. This was right after I was freed and slavers and people who'd purchased them were being arrested.

"He was probably fleeing prosecution, knowing he had no paperwork or identification for Kadina, but perhaps still hoping to keep her on tap by 'loaning' her to the woman, believing he might get her back..."

"Wait! Mark might come back for me?" Kadina asked.

"Angela didn't purchase you. She was looking after you while Mark left. It's possible he intended to wait until the heat died down, then return to the US, or work out some type of plea deal or immunity for his crimes, or perhaps make arrangements to get you out of the country, by procuring false ID. While saying you were a real slave would have queered the deal with Angela, by 'loaning' you to Angela, just asking her to look after you because of your submissiveness, it does appear he might have a future interest in getting you back."

"I'm never going back." She was shaking with fear, or rage, I couldn't exactly say which.

"You wouldn't have to. You're a free woman now, but that does raise a possibility for something else I'll talk to you about later, so we don't waste our time talking to Dr. Sadiq."


"At any rate," I continued, "it turns out that Kadina is a Dominant, and her last owner, Angela, is actually a submissive. For owning Kadina for over five months, Angela agreed to voluntarily submit to Kadina for six months, and Angela was collared last night. Kadina also helped identify another illegal slave who was about to be killed, which in turn, saved two others. At the moment, for the next three weeks, both of them are traveling with us. There is one thing I wished to discuss with you, then I was going to let Kadina speak privately to you about her Domination of a female from a Muslim perspective, since I can't speak to that for her. She has not yet taken her rights as Mistress because of the sinful nature of lesbian sex in the Qur'an, despite her previous forced sexual relations.

"My question is this. Angela, regretting her brief stint as an owner, is willing to offer our freed slaves, her body to be punished, to take out on her, the pain their owners took out on them." Kadina looked shocked. It was apparently not something discussed with her. "I know that there's a lot of emotional release in destroying the symbols of their slavery. Kadina broke the paddle that Angela used on her as a slave. Obviously, it would have to be arranged so as to protect Angela from excessive anger, directed symbolically towards those owners. Do you believe, in your expert opinion, that the freed slaves would benefit from this exercise more than the possible risk to Angela?"

"I think there'd be a great deal of catharsis from engaging in such a symbolic cleansing, though you're right about the risks. You'd need to be very careful."

"There's a second part to the question. I have the stingray barb Mahmoud used on me. I kept it after my treatment in The Bahamas, to commemorate my overcoming the fear I had for it after my captivity. Many of the women had the barb used on them, including the two captured with me. While I might have liked to keep it for that reason, would the ceremonial destruction of that barb by all the women harmed by it, be of great psychological benefit to all of the women involved."

"Undoubtedly. I think it would an immense benefit to them."

"Then we shall ceremoniously destroy it at group this afternoon. Before allowing Angela to be punished by all the freed slaves, I'll discuss the safety arrangements we've made with you, so it won't be for a few days. By the way, for your information, Sahar gave me permission to have sex with all the people in one room as a test. I didn't have the sex, but I didn't feel ill at the thought of it, so my hypnotic conditioning does work in that way. We're thinking of testing it out over a time frame too. Any sex I have between certain hours would be allowed, just to explore whether she'd need to be with me all of the time to grant permission. I'm going to give Kadina privacy to speak with you now. We'll talk in three days. Thank you, Doctor. Go with Allah."

"You too, Beth. Good day. May Allah be with you."

I left Kadina alone to speak to the good doctor about her religious beliefs and sex.


I made a call to Marcia from Master's cabin. She had said it was her day off today, so I called her private number.

"Marcia Evans speaking, hello Beth."

"Have you got a minute, Marcia?"

"I do. I've got a bit more information for you as well. The two owners arrested as a result of discovering Francine, have given up two more owners. That's now three more slaves freed, as one of the owners had two slaves. Six people freed as a result of your survey, and more might be coming. Six women freed, Beth, because of you and Kadina."

"That's wonderful news. The reason I called is because I think it's important for Kadina to attend tonight's shindig, whatever it is, to observe responsible Dominant behavior and treatment of submissives. It's also important for Angela to go to increase her submissiveness.

"I think Kadina might need to meet Bill as she may be asking for his help at some point. Angela has three weeks off from work and then has to return home. If Kadina continues as a Dominant, she'll have to return with her. She'll need guidance and I think Bill is the best man to provide the guidance, and Kadina has expressed interest in learning self defense and I know both you and Chantelle are practitioners and can continue her training when she leaves. I also understand someone with Brianna needed to undergo psychological help, and Kadina will need to be referred to someone good. There are good reasons for his help and I'd like her to meet him while I'm there to make the introductions.

"Angela has signed a non-disclosure agreement regarding activities she's participating in as part of her submission to Kadina. It's as much to protect Miranda as anything. I don't think there'd be complications of her attending, but Master said that if she were prosecuted, the fact that you would be the investigating officer might compromise you and allow her to work out a deal. I wanted to let you know. If she won't be charged, it probably won't make a difference, but if she is, it could."

"Do you really think she's innocent of bad behavior in this? What's your take on her?"

"We discussed how she got into the D/s scene. She started reading stories on a website she was introduced to in college, called Literotica, and the stories involving lesbian slaves were really attractive to her, more from the submissive side, than the Dominant. She's not even a switch. Her survey reads submissive all the way through. She fiddled a little with it a little with some girlfriends, but they weren't really Dommes. She'd mentioned to Mark that she was interested in D/s, but not her interest as a submissive, because she didn't want a male Dominant. That was shortly before Mark dumped Kadina on her. She figured she'd get to vicariously experience life as a sub through Kadina. She was more strict in the beginning, based upon what she'd read in her stories, but got progressively softer as time passed, because she's not Dominant. It almost became more of a girlfriend thing. Kadina verified this.

"She's obviously a little naive. I don't think she even realized human trafficking was a real problem, at least not in this country. She's agreed to be a punishment stand-in to all of the freed slaves. That she'd let them all punish her to take back power from their previous owners by letting them punish her. Part of that is her own submissiveness, but I believe her heart is in the right place."

"I only thought there was about a ten percent chance of prosecution in her case, but I'll recommend to the prosecutor they dismiss charges against her based upon her speaking to a psychologist and her making reparations to the victim."

"I'm not a licensed psychologist."

"You're a former slave. If you don't think she's guilty, she's probably not guilty. I'll call him now. If he has questions, he can call you. I'll tell him you developed the survey that allowed us to catch Francine's owner and with the same survey, determined that Angela doesn't have the slave owner mentality. He'll probably buy it. Go ahead and bring both of them tonight. I wouldn't mind talking to her more myself on a less formal basis."

"Naked is definitely a lot less formal," I laughed. "As you wish. I'll inform Master of your decision."


Slut went with us to group to be introduced formally to the members of the group.

"I know all of you attended Slut's collaring ceremony and know why she was collared. She owned Kadina briefly, by accident more than because she bought her, but she was appalled by her ignorance and all that she did to Kadina or allowed because she couldn't believe that real slavery existed in this country. She wanted to meet you all and apologize for what you went through."

I began my introductions.

"Ateefah is one of our mothers, forcefully impregnated by her owner, she was the youngest woman taken, captured and enslaved in Pakistan, a slave for eleven months, sold in Brazil. Maahnoor was captured in Morocco by the same slaver who took Kadina and myself. She is another of our mothers, forcefully impregnated by the same owner, sold in Brazil, a slave for three years. Hibbah, captured and enslaved by Mahmoud in Sudan, recently married, owned by the same man who owned Sahar in Brazil, a slave for about two years. Farah was captured in Tunisia by Mahmoud, sold in Argentina, also a slave for two years. Yasmine, you've met briefly, captured in Morocco by Mahmoud, sold to a Frenchman, who also owned Kadina at one time, a slave for two and a half years. Fatima, you met, Sahar you met. Hannah and Jìngyi were both captured by Mahmoud with me in Algeria, so slaves for one month as I was.

"Slut suggested something to me this morning. As an owner herself, even if accidentally, she was wondering if she could be a symbolic owner and be punished, by all of you, as you were punished, to symbolically punish the men who owned you and hurt you. I talked to Doctor Sadiq, and he thought there might be a mental health benefit to all of you to do so."

The women looked at each other. Sahar looked at me, her eyebrows raised.

"She would let us beat her with a stingray barb," Farah said.

"I wouldn't allow it. She's not your real owner, she's a symbolic representation of your owner. She shouldn't be totally treated as they should be or should have been. She shouldn't have her skin broken as their stand-in."

"I would allow each of them to bloody me once," Slut said. "I think that's fair. Kadina had her skin broken by a former owner, and I owned her."

Kadina looked at her new slave speculatively.

"This is not one of your slave stories, Angela," I said, "where you take a licking and keep on ticking. We're talking lots of pain, excruciating pain, risk of infection. You're not going to feel hunky dory afterward. It might be days before you can lie on you back or sit on your butt."

"I never thought to ask Mistress Kadina about her scars or her brand. I accepted that she voluntarily had those things done to her. I was an idiot. If I can somehow help everyone overcome what was done to them, I'll accept the punishments for all of their owners."

"I don't know if my Master would allow this activity on his ship. Kadina, this woman is theoretically yours now. She's promised to you for six months. Would you allow her to be marked like that?"