My Descent into Slavery Ch. 23


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I spent at least six hours of every week day working on my dissertation, two hours working out, and three hours having sex. Three months after throwing away my pills, I announced I was pregnant. Master and Sahar made love to me so tenderly that night. Fortunately, it was only for the night, and I'd get enough rigorous fuckings to keep me happy, most of the rest of the time. I did enjoy a good pounding once in awhile.

After I was pregnant, I started having sex with other guys again, usually Ranger, Luke and Diego, sometimes Frank, or one of the visitors that would visit and stay over. Bill once, Richard once, Sam once with Marcia and Chantelle. Captain Amundsen came twice with Lynn.

Edgar was still Master's main security guy, so we saw him once monthly as well, and he always brought Fatima with him.

Fatima made Captain herself, able to Captain her own vessel, though staying with Björn's crew for now, acquiring the requisite hours with the help of Björn. I made one trip up to New York to see the other freed slaves, who were all still there. So far, the marriages were all intact, although there were rough patches. No infidelity, the hypnotic conditioning was still working to keep the slaves feeling ill if they contemplated sex outside of their marriage, but infidelity wasn't the only problem in a marriage when two vastly different cultures collided. Their counselors, (plural, four of them due to the large number of freed slaves eventually receiving help), worked through those issues as well.

As Master promised, they and many other freed slaves lived together in an apartment complex arranged by Bill and Master, going to treatment together, studying for a GED together, learning about life in the States together. Lynn was primarily in charge of the apartment operation, though Björn was frequently there since Master wasn't taking his yacht out presently. About once a month, it would go out for a couple days to keep in practice, give Fatima heavy vessel work and keep the crew trained, but otherwise, they had jobs doing other things for Master's many businesses.

Manuel and Sherry spent three days a week offering medical assistance at the apartment, living as Lynn's slaves, and three other days at their normal jobs at a medical practice.

Sahar and I both had sex with Jill on more than a few occasions. She was a lot of fun, kind of Master's de facto PA in Florida when Hannah was in New York, which she was most of the time, because that's where both Angelique and Delphine needed to be for modeling. They'd all visit every month, so that was good.

Four and a half months after arriving back in Gainesville, I submitted my dissertation. Three weeks after that, I had to defend it in front of a panel of Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Doctors in Social Work who specialized in working with victims of sexual abuse, human trafficking and sexual behavior issues, because my dissertation touched on all these facets of psychology. There were ten members I'd be facing. I was just starting to show a baby bump and my hormones were a little out of whack, so I was not as calm and collected as I would have liked to be.


Facing my panel. I took a deep breath and removed some items from my briefcase.

"Excuse me please," I said. "If I might have your indulgence for five minutes."

They nodded and/or assented verbally. I went in front of three of the members of the panel, a woman around, before whom I set a pair of handcuffs, another man in his late thirties, before whom I also put a set of handcuffs, and a man in his late fifties, in front of whom I set a paddle and a whip. Going behind the group, I asked gently of the two I'd put the handcuffs in front of, if I might please put something around their necks. When they agreed, I put leather collars around them, then attached a leash, which I laid the end of, on the table in front of them.

"Two days ago, I asked if you would all take a brief survey I developed in the course of my studies. You all agreed to take them and I've given you these objects as a result of that survey. I'll discuss the significance of them in several minutes.

"I spotted an ad in the newspaper here in Gainesville, about two years ago, from a man asking for a submissive to go around the world on a cruise with him. I'd been searching for a topic to do a dissertation on, and for some reason, this ad struck a chord with me. At the time, I did not consider myself to be submissive in the slightest. I was independent, being an only child whose parents died when I was entering puberty, then raised by an aunt who was highly independent and raised me to be the same. I was self-directed, resisted any form of control, competed in individual sports, avoiding group sports where I'd be subject to coaching.

"Upon seeing the ad, I decided to study submission only, because Dominance was well covered, and the concept was so foreign to me and my experience at that time. I looked at the state of research already done in the area, and the single thing which seemed lacking, was research from the point of view of a submissive. I decided that I would apply for this position and see what being a submissive was like, competing against many other women who might be applying for the same position. To give myself a chance at being chosen, I entered into a submissive relationship with a female Dominant here in Florida for a period of two weeks to see if this was something that I could do for a period of a year.

"Despite all my pre-suppositions of what this experience might be like, I took to submission as if I was born to it, learning that I would not only be able to tolerate my submission to another person, but perhaps even flourish. I began work on what would eventually become the survey that you all took. The survey was given to hundreds of people, all over the world as we journeyed. I learned to adjust the results based upon the ages of the parties, their prior experience with Dominance and/or submission.

"I began to notice a pattern in the results, eventually realizing that the survey was predictive, not of whether or not a person was living in a Dominant or submissive relationship, but if they were predisposed to being in that type of relationship. People who'd never been involved in Dominance and submission, were showing up as Dominant or submissive, or as a switch, someone who could be either Dominant or submissive, or who came out as none of the above. They had no predisposition to any of it. It might be more pronounced in someone who was already in such a relationship, and when their earliest exposure to such relationships had occurred, which I used to modify the survey, but always, it predicted how they'd feel if involved in such a relationship.

"During this cruise, we began to run into people who'd been taken by human traffickers, and sold into slavery, first at the direction of then Congresswoman Miranda Ward, who was chairing a House Subcommittee on Human Trafficking, who believed she'd identified a human trafficker involved in the enslavement of a number of women in North Africa, but who'd evaded arrest and prosecution. He also branded the women he sold, which is how we later identified others who'd been captured and sold by this man. We began freeing others from their owners. I began giving the survey to them, and in most cases, despite their enslavement as sex slaves, they had no disposition towards submission. Being forced into submission, didn't make you a submissive, no matter how many years you were enslaved.

"In fact, the opposite was true. Two of the slaves who'd been freed from their own slavery, were Dominant personalities, and later took their own submissives. One woman, who'd been acting as a Dominant to a woman who had been enslaved, was actually submissive, and their positions were soon reversed. Only one woman who we freed, was a natural submissive, who chose to find a Dominant that she wished to submit to. None of the others were either. They were what I'll term as neutral.

"I was later captured and enslaved by the North African trafficker myself, and prepared for a month to be sold as a slave. Just before I was to be branded and sold with two of my friends from the cruise, I was rescued. The news accounts of the events of that time, now over a year ago, were widespread, and I'm sure you're all aware of them. Despite having been a submissive for several months at that time, it in no way prepared me for actual slavery. I did not enjoy being enslaved. As a submissive, I chose to submit, chose the rules under which I would submit, established safe words to use for my submission. My Master did not have absolute control over me. Despite my willingness to submit to him, I was in no way prepared to be a slave. They are not the same, at all. Willingness to be a submissive, does not make you a slave. I didn't become more submissive as a result of my slavery, only more promiscuous, craving sex with others despite losing my desire and enjoyment of sex.

"Let's get back to you. I placed a set of handcuffs on the table in front of, and collars around the neck of two of you who survey out as submissive. I placed a paddle and whip in front of one of you who surveys as Dominant. The rest of you are neutral and have no predisposition one way or the other. You may have played some at what is normally considered D/s play, tied someone up, tickled someone, etc. You may regard D/s as a harmless kink, and while playing around with it, have no interest in it in your own life. I have no way of determining if the three I've identified have ever engaged in Dominant/submissive activities, or even if they ever would. What you're predisposed to and what behavior you'd actually engage in might be totally different. Some of my survey respondents have reached an advanced age without ever experiencing D/s behavior before.

"What I do know, is those three people are experiencing sexual arousal at the thought of their possible submission or Dominance; that if they engaged in such behavior, they would enjoy themselves, more than anyone else would."

I stood in front of the man in a collar and picked up his leash. The sign in front of him identified him as Doctor Frederick Eisenstat, Doctor of Psychiatry.

"You, sir, have an erection now, don't you."

He looked at his colleagues, the other people on the panel.

"We're all adults here, who understand the full spectrum of adult sexuality. I will admit to you that I am a full submissive, who enjoys a complete sexual relationship with a Master, despite being married to a woman, who accepts I'm submissive and in need of the Master who controls me. She has no desire to be my Dominant, and so gives me the freedom to seek a Dominant elsewhere. I am currently pregnant with my Dominant's child. There is no shame in admitting who and what you are."

"Yes..yes," he stammered. "I'm erect."

There were sudden whispers amongst his colleagues.

"I didn't ask for your sexual gender preference. Who would you like to kneel before, a man or woman?"


"Are you married?"


"Does she know you want to kneel down and kiss her feet?"

"She does. She's my Mistress."

"Good. You found someone who completes you, makes you whole. Dominants and submissives come out of all cultural and ethnic identities, income levels, race, educational backgrounds. There is no evidence to suspect any one factor in making someone Dominant or submissive, other than this inborn predisposition for it. I've met people from all walks of life that can fit in either category."

I moved down to the other submissive in my group and picked up her leash. Doctor of Psychology, Frieda Hernandez. I'd taken a couple classes with her. She was a good teacher.

"Please don't ask me," she said.

"Accepting your true nature, will make you happier in the long run. I'm so glad I found out I was submissive. I'm fulfilling my life in a way that I never would have believed possible. You can choose not to accept what you are, but you'll never know the joy of your own submission unless you accept it. Who have you dreamed of submitting to?"

She looked around, then put her head on the table and whispered, "A woman."

Only the people on either side of her heard her and one of them was shocked.

"Why are you surprised?" I asked the man who reacted.

"She's married to a man."

I rested my hand on her head. "That must be confusing to you. Do you love your husband?"

"More than anything," she said, her head still buried in her arms.

"That's not an insurmountable problem, Doctor Hernandez. I'm married to a woman, and submissive to a man. My wife accepts that I'm engaged in a submissive relationship with a man, and often engage in sex with others at his direction, both male and female. I now self identify as bisexual, though I'd never had sex or even been attracted to females prior to my submission. My wife was a freed slave herself, and understands a lot about human nature, both good and bad, as a result. She frequently engages in sex with my Master and other people with me. I consider myself to be deeply in love with her, despite the feelings I also have for my Master.

"It would take an understanding spouse to work with you, but depending on his own feelings and nature, he might be willing to go on this journey with you. For all you know, he might crave submission to a female himself, and would enjoy being submissive to a bisexual Dominant right beside you. I'd be happy to meet with you both and have him take the survey. Even if he's not submissive, he might engage in a polyamorous threesome as a neutral party. I've discovered a lot about myself and others during my submission. Don't despair until you're sure there's something to despair over.

"The other choice is to ignore your predisposition, your desire to be submissive. Your religious beliefs and upbringing may make it difficult to accept your nature, and you can choose to ignore it. You may remain as you are, perhaps never as completely happy as you could be, but still happy. I was happy before I learned my nature. I never considered myself to be unhappy or sad. I could have lived the rest of my life without knowing, and I would have married a man and been content. Never as content as I am now, having what I truly know I want, but fine, just the same. Here's my card. Please meet with me with your husband. I might be able to help you."

I set it on the table in front of her. She lifted her head and smiled at me. I moved down to my nascent Dominant. Dr. Sylvester Marconi, another psychologist, but in private practice.

"You, sir, are probably aroused at the thought of a naked bottom over your lap, accepting punishment for some infraction of your rules. Is that bottom male or female?"

"Either," he said.

"From your response, I submit that you have likely engaged in a Dominant/submissive relationship with both?"

"I'm Dominant to a married couple."

More whispers up and down the table.

"Might I guess that you're a Bull, and the husband is a cuckold as part of his submission to you?"

He smiled. "Yes."

"Does the couple have children, and are the children his?"

"No, they're mine." More whispers, which he ignored.

"How long has this relationship lasted?"

"Twenty years."

"Do the children know that you're their father?"

"No. I'm just considered a good friend of the family."

"Are all three of you happy with your relationship?"

"Very much so."

"I'm not surprised. Despite the nature of the relationships, submissives are happy being submissive, and Dominants happy being Dominant. Those people I personally know in these relationship are among the happiest, most contented people I know, fully embracing their own natures.

"In one case, the wife had previously been submissive to a woman, before meeting and marrying a man. I suspect that earlier in her life, she trusted women more than men, which is a critical aspect of submission. After her marriage, she had eight children and never engaged in further submissive behavior, until one of their four daughters came out as submissive to a man who was already married. To prevent potential violence, she admitted to her husband that she'd previously been submissive to a woman. No one in the family had a clue this had happened in her previous life. As a result of my survey, the man was identified as a Dominant, and he has assumed his wife's submission for himself. Despite being happy in their marriage before, they're more happy now.

"As a result of their living openly in a D/s relationship before the rest of their family, an additional daughter has submitted to another female, and two sons and a daughter have come out as Dominant, one son to his wife, another to a male, and the daughter to a female. All are enjoying their status in their own D/s relationships. While the husband had negative feelings towards homosexual relationships previously for a variety of reasons, he's accepted the gender preferences of his children, partly because of his wife's earlier submission to a woman. Part of the reason for his reluctance to accept homosexuality was because of the loss of potential grandchildren, yet as I pointed out to him, I have a wife with whom I can't have a grandchild, but will have children with my Master. His daughter was going to have children with the man she was in a submissive relationship to, despite his marriage, because his wife was infertile. These types of relationships can work through a lot of potential problems for the parties if they're willing to accept their own natures."

"I'm sorry if I've embarrassed any of you today, but I think it's important to realize the benefits of this research. Not only does my survey result in knowing our own nature and what might make us happiest, it can also be given to people already in such relationships to determine if they're actually right for them. It can be given to people who've been trafficked, and determine if they're actual submissives, or if they've been enslaved and are living as submissives so their owners can pretend they didn't buy and sell people. It's already been used in such a manner to free several slaves in Los Angeles a few months ago. Women who their owners were pretending were mere submissives, were unwilling slaves, some taken here in this country, and some elsewhere.

"I believe I've documented and made the case for this research and the benefits we can receive from it. I believe that I've proven that not only is submission and Dominance a natural part of many people's natures, but it is a healthy and natural aspect of their personality, and needn't be looked at as an unhealthy fetish which demeans and dehumanizes people, that somehow, people who engage in D/s behavior are freaks, who should be looked down on by others. It is no more strange than one's sexual preferences, which have finally started to gain acceptance as being a natural part of human existence, and is not an aberration or deviation to be shunned or locked away for. I ask that you accept my dissertation as valuable research and grant me a doctorate.

"It is my intent to use my doctorate to work with people who have been enslaved and are now freed, to give them the counseling they need to overcome the abuse they suffered as involuntary slaves, to lead normal and healthy lives living their own natures, and not what was forced on them by evil people, doing what they did for money and profit, and because they have no respect for the rights, desires, wants and needs of the people they enslaved."

"I believe I'm uniquely experienced to help these people, due both to my own nature as a submissive, and understanding of it, but also my own experiences as an involuntary slave, who had to overcome my own slave conditioning with the help of our own Dr. Herman Kline, Dr. Mahdi Sadiq in England, who gave me a Muslim perspective in dealing with the many Muslim women we freed, and my own wife, Sahar Wilson-Hafeez, a freed slave herself, who somehow managed to overcome what was done to her, pretty much on her own, and who had to recondition me to accept my true nature, without resorting to the promiscuous, self loathing person I'd become as a near slave. Thank you."