My Descent into Slavery Ch. 23


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They looked at each other for a few seconds, then the head of the panel asked that I leave the room while they deliberated my case. Twenty minutes later, they delivered their verdict.


"How did it go, bitch?" Sahar asked when I exited the building.

"That's Doctor Bitch to you, bitch."

"You got it?" Sahar flew into my arms, almost knocking me down in her excitement. "That's the best news I've had all day."

"I did. You're looking at the newest Doctor of Psychology at the University of Florida."

We were hugging and kissing when my panel started making their way outside, done for the day.

"This is your wife?" My identified female submissive asked.

"It is. My wife, lover, bodyguard, guardian angel, and one of the deadliest people you'll ever meet. She's saved my life more times than you can count on one hand, not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. I might have committed suicide after my slavery if not for her."

"She saved me too," Sahar said. "I was dead inside when she met me, ready for my life to end, feeling unworthy to be loved, or ever love anyone again. She gave me hope for the future, and when she told me she was willing to marry me, made me the happiest woman in the world. We make a good fit."

"Are you hungry? I'd like to buy you lunch and talk to you about the nature of your relationship and how you make it work."

"I'd love to have lunch with you," I said.

"Are we going to fuck her?" Sahar said.

"You have to excuse my wife, Dr. Hernandez. Four years in the worst kind of sexual slavery and learning English and combat from a bunch of ex-military vets, left her without much in the way of social filters. She is usually brutally blunt. In answer to your question, Sahar, I doubt it, as she's married to a man, and is possibly considering a female Dominant, which neither of us is."

"Too bad. I like her."

"She is attractive, isn't she." She blushed. "Where would you like to eat, Doctor Hernandez. Sahar and I will both eat almost anything."

"That's because neither one of us can cook worth a damn," Sahar said, taking my hand. "We'll follow you, because I'm driving and I'll lose you if I lead."

"Does Bonefish Grill sound good?" Frieda asked

"That's fine. I love the Bang Bang shrimp," I said.

"But don't lick pussy after eating it. Stings like hell," Sahar said.

I laughed. "You see what I mean about social filters."

Frieda smiled and said. "My car is right down here."

"This is my baby," Sahar said, patting the Corvette. "I'll be right behind you."

"Nice car."

"Her Master gave it to us."

Sahar followed her to Bonefish Grill while I texted Master and told him I'd just received my Doctorate. I texted Professor Kline and informed him of the same thing. While eating, Sahar and I gave her a complete and honest accounting of our lives together, and how we made it work for us.

"Why are you willing to allow your wife to have sex with other people?" Frieda asked. "I'm sure my husband will have a problem with it."

"Well for me," Sahar said, "I already knew she was in a submissive relationship with a man. I knew that if I didn't want her having sex with other people, she wouldn't, or couldn't marry me. So it was either accept the status quo, and her sex with other people, or refuse to accept it and do without her. I'd rather do without air, then I would do without Beth, so that part was easy enough. I had to accept. In fact, I had sex with a man again after my slavery, because women willing to join her Master in bed, got to spend more time with Beth. That was my primary goal. I never expected her to offer to marry me.

"But I have the same rights and privileges. I get to have sex with other people as well, so even though I prefer sex with the one I love, I do get the variety that sex with other people offers. That's nice."

"Remember that you have control of some things when you choose a relationship with a Dominant. You establish the rules of your relationship together. If your husband would have a problem with you having sex with other men, take them off the table. Only accept a Dominant who respects his wishes that you only have sex with her or other women. You probably can't find someone to Dominate you who would give up sex with his or her submissive. That's too critical to the relationship, but we had an affianced heterosexual couple accept submission to a woman who agreed that the woman would only have sex with other women. She was the more submissive of the two. She has to accept that her now husband is having sex with other women, including her Mistress, but also others as well.

"To a certain extent, you'll find as a submissive, you're willing to tolerate things you might have been unable to imagine before, such as your husband having sex with other women. It just won't bother you as much as it might have before, because you get so much more out of your new relationship. One of our freed slaves eventually married a man after she began Dominating another man. Their marriage is based upon the provision she can have sex with her submissive, but no other men, and in return, she agreed he could have sex with other female submissives. It's how they make it work. There are no predetermined set of rules, there are only the rules you make, and with a husband involved, it has to be rules he can accept as well. Let's face it, though. There are probably very few men who wouldn't want to see you having sex with another woman, and who wouldn't enjoy sex with another woman himself if he knew it wouldn't get him into trouble. He'd have to be very insecure not to enjoy it.

"Which is why your husband could be willing for you to engage in a polyamorous relationship with another woman, if he could do so himself, even if he's not submissive. I know my Master prefers I have sex with other women, but allows it with other men because he's in control of it. He couldn't have abided me marrying a man, because my sex with my husband would have been out of his control, but had no problem with me marrying a woman. Sahar and I can fuck all we want and he doesn't care, plus she frequently joins us in his bed. He gets two women for one."

"One of our favorite things to do," Sahar said, "is to sixty-nine together while the man fucks the one on top. That's crazy good, being licked and fucked at the same time."

"Why didn't you marry your Master?" Frieda asked.

"He asked me, but I thought he'd be better off marrying another woman, as long as she had no objection to his continued Domination of me. I didn't care, and enjoy sex with her as well. She's one of my dearest friends and a sister slave."

"Sister slave? What does that mean?"

"He Dominates her as well. He has a total of four. One of them is a Switch, who has her own submissive. If you wish to check out whether this is something you really want to do, you can use her as a test of your submissiveness and your husband's willingness to go along with your needs."

"How submissive am I? Can you tell?"

"Fairly submissive, though not as submissive as Dr. Eisenstat. If his wife is his Dominant, he's probably in a Female Led Relationship, and it's not only possible, but highly likely, his wife cuckolds him with his consent. That is fairly common, although I don't look at cuckolding as necessarily bad, as much as other people might. It's just another part of being submissive. If your husband ends up having sex with your Dominant, you'll be a cuckquean, but it's unlikely that you'll care. You'll want to please both your husband and your Dominant, and allowing them to have sex will meet your needs as well as theirs. Both Sahar and I are having sex with other people, and we don't see it as negative. We see it as a normal part of our lives. If the Eisenstats both enjoy their relationship together, what difference does it make how it works for them."

"I need to speak to my husband. Do you have any recommendations for me?"

"For now, tell him you took a survey from which you learned today, which taught you something about yourself that you're interested in pursuing, and that you'd like to explore the possibilities with him. Ask him if he'd like to come to my house and take the same survey you did. On the off chance that your husband is Dominant, would you consider submitting to him?"

"I'm not sure. Every time I've thought of myself in a place of submission, it's always with a female ordering me around, making me do things I wouldn't normally do."

"Then you've never had sex with a woman before?" Sahar said.

"No, and I guess I'm afraid to, you know, have sex with one, but if I were ordered to, and threatened with punishment if I didn't, I would do it. I could do it. The thought excites me."

"What's your husband's name, Frieda?" I asked.


"After your conversation with Malcom, call me and let me know how it went. I'll speak to Francesca so she'll know she might be involved in training a new sub. We could probably arrange something for this evening or tomorrow, whenever it might be convenient for you both."

"Probably tomorrow as he won't be home until six tonight."

"As you wish."

"Thank you. This has been floating around in my head for months now, and I feel like I can finally let it take flight."

Sahar waited until after Frieda left, then said. "She's going to be licking pussy soon."

"And I'll probably be training her to lick pussy, and suck cock. I'll bet her husband enjoys that training."

"I never met anyone who didn't," Sahar said, "Doctor cunt licker and cock sucker."

I laughed. "Me either."


Master wanted to celebrate with friends after my successful defense of my dissertation. He booked a table at the Melting Pot in Ocala so we could share my success with Mistress Layton and company. Unfortunately, Ranger had to work, so we missed him, but we had a great time with everyone else. I explained how I'd used the survey results with three of the panelists to prove the reliability of my work.

"That sounds risky," Theresa said. "You put three of them on the spot. They could have gotten pissed."

"Perhaps, but I tried to frame it that it's a natural part of life that some people would have these feelings, and no more different than you liking blue and me red. At no point, was I critical. In fact, the woman professor who hadn't yet tried submission approached me afterward and asked to take us to lunch so she could talk about how Sahar and I made our relationship work."

"You definitely put people at ease who you'd think might be afraid of being judged, and I would think University nabobs would be afraid if anyone would."

"The professor interested in submission is going to speak to her husband about possibly submitting to a woman."

"Not me, I hope. I have enough on my plate at the moment," Theresa said.

"Actually, I was thinking of Francesca. It's only a test trial. She wouldn't remain her Dominant. We'd be leaving for New York fairly quickly, wouldn't we, Master. Then if she wants to continue, perhaps you could refer her to someone in the local area."

"I was thinking we should stay long enough for Sahar to finish out the semester. There's no point in splitting when she only has six or so weeks left of this semester. Then, she can transfer full credits to wherever she goes to school next."

"Of course. That makes perfect sense. What are you going to do with the house?"

"Sell it."

"Can we drive the Corvette up to New York?" Sahar asked.

"Or you can fly and transport it by truck."

"It might be kind of nice to drive, Master. Sahar hasn't seen most of this country. A nice leisurely drive up the through the Smoky Mountains and up the Blue Ridge Parkway might be nice."

"It will be anything but leisurely if Sahar drives. I'm not sure flying wouldn't be slower. If you drive the Corvette, only the two of you can go."

"We could take the Navigator and make it a family trip. Take our time, do a little sightseeing. Stop in Washington, DC, prepare her for her citizenship exam."

"That might be doable," Master said.

"Are you going to take Jill back to New York?" Sahar asked. "Or is she just a Florida employee?"

"I was going to put her to work up there. She's too good not to make full use of her."

"She's too good not to fuck, too," Sahar said. "You should try her, Joshua."

"Now that I'm not on the ship, fucking employees doesn't sound wise to me. It was more controlled out there."

I got a phone call and saw it was from Frieda Hernandez. The noise at my table went down so I could answer the call.

"Beth speaking."

"Hello, Beth, what are you up to?"

"Celebrating with friends."

"I spoke to my husband. We'd like to come see you."

"It will have to be tomorrow."

"That's fine. What time?

"Is 10 AM acceptable to you and your husband?"

"We'll be there. Will you all be naked?"

"Not when you first arrive. I'd like to talk things over with Malcom first and he shouldn't be distracted."

Frieda laughed. "That makes sense."

"If you decide to proceed, you should be prepared to strip, and my Master will be present when you do. You might want to consider trimming or shaving before you come."

She was silent for a moment. "You wouldn't believe how wet I am at this moment."

"Yes, I would. I'm always like that. When you first get the house, I'll be asking Malcom what you discussed, so I know what he already knows. I just told Francesca she might be working with you."

"I'm shivering."

"We'll see you at ten. Take care." I hung up.

"So, she's coming?" Master said.

"She's a submissive waiting to kneel, sir."

We continued celebrating, although there was no alcohol for me. Sahar didn't normally drink either, so we were the only two not imbibing. It was a wonderful time regardless.


There was an air of excitement in the house the following day. A possible new submissive who Francesca would be training, probably around the house, although it was possible Frieda would go to her father, Frank's, pony farm at some point. Frieda had maintained an excellent figure, slim and svelte. We had no clue what her husband might look like, but if Frieda submitted to Francesca, then in all probability, both Francesca and Belle would be fucking him, at the very least.

We were all dressed by ten, and perhaps a little on edge. At the moment, Master and Miranda were in another part of the house. Even though Miranda had given up the House of Representatives, she was still conscious of political fallout. We'd never really advertised their presence in Florida, although it wasn't impossible to find out. I never spoke of it. Master was Master, not Joshua Greenbriar, multi-billionaire, and I had a slave sister, not an ex-congresswoman who nibbled on my lady bits.

It was somewhat humorous to think that Miranda was the first person who I'd discovered her submission through my survey, and Frieda Hernandez was the latest in a long line, but the first as a newly minted Doctor of Psychology.

They arrived a few minutes before ten, and Frieda seemed to be almost vibrating in excitement. I invited them in and offered them some water or juice to drink. They both accepted water and Sahar went to get them some. When she returned, I introduced them to everyone.

"Malcom, I'm glad you could join us. Do you know why you're here?"

"A little. I have a lot of questions."

"Of course. I want to answer all of them Malcom. Frieda, you met my wife, Sahar, and this is my friend Francesca and her wife and submissive, Belle. My name is Beth, Mr. Hernandez. Your wife sat on my dissertation defense panel yesterday."

"So she said. Submissive?" Malcom asked. "What exactly is that?"

"Belle has agreed to submit to her wife, as a sort of slave, entirely voluntarily. These relationships are commonly referred to as Dominant/submissive, or D/s for short. As part of this submission, Belle provides sexual services to her Mistress, and agrees to be obedient within the boundaries set by her slave agreement. Failure to obey can result in different types of punishment."

"What does Belle get out of this arrangement?"

"It fulfills an aspect of her personality, a desire to serve someone she loves, trusts and respects. In return for this service, Francesca is responsible for the care, welfare, and pleasure of her slave. She sees to the needs that the submissive has. It is a symbiotic relationship between one who wishes to command, to demand obedience, to direct, to dominate, and one who wishes to serve, pleasure, obey, and worship."

"Frieda informed me that she took some sort of survey a couple days ago and that it indicated she was submissive. She said she wished to explore that aspect of her personality. She's forty years old. Why wouldn't she know this about herself before now?"

"That's a very good question, Malcom. Let me ask you a question. What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up?"

"A cowboy."

"Are you one?" I asked with a smile.


"What came next. What was the next thing you wanted to be?"

"An astronaut."

"And along the way were there other things like professional athlete, rock and roller, or movie star?"

"And various other things."

"And what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a Professor of Literature."

"When did you decide on that career?"

"In college, when I realized I had no head for numbers, and wasn't going to make a living as an author either."

"In other words, when life's experiences and realities directed you to something you knew you were good enough to make a living at. My wife was a human trafficked slave. She was raised in a country, and in a faith, that considers lesbianism a sin and a crime. In all probability, had she not been enslaved, she would have married a man fairly young, had several children, and be a devoted wife and mother, who would never have considered having sex with a woman, and in fact, jailed or killed if she had ever done it.

"As a result of what happened to her, she couldn't imagine marrying a man, had generally lost all respect for men, had no desire to ever have sex with another one, felt degraded and dehumanized to the point she despaired she'd ever have a loving relationship with anyone and would probably kill herself. Then, she met me. She found someone she discovered she could love, who wanted her, who didn't despise her for the things she was forced to do as a slave. She realized she could have a loving relationship with a woman and if she went to hell for it, it was worth it to her.

"She also became a deadly killer, someone who could snap your neck the way you snap a pencil. Someone who's killed over thirty people, mostly to save my life. No husband, no children, as she might have expected growing up, but with a wife, a gun, a knife and an implacable hatred for all slavers, and anyone who harms women. Life threw her a curveball, but she hit it out of the park.

"One doesn't grow up thinking, I want to be someone's submissive. Society doesn't teach us that it should be a goal. Even it it did, it wouldn't be a suitable goal for a large portion of the population, anymore than being a professional athlete is an attainable goal for any more than a tenth of a percent of the population.

"Since no one teaches us to be Dominant, or submissive, we need to stumble on it ourselves. I discovered it about myself when I chose to study it for my degree. I never had the slightest wish or inclination when I was growing up, that I would make a superb sex slave. I considered myself totally unsuited to submission. I thought I was too independent, too strong minded, to give control of myself to another person. But I did discover it in myself, and in the process of discovering in myself, developed a way to recognize those character traits in others, as well as influence people with my presence.

"My Master feels that I am so perfectly submissive, that people with Dominant traits want to Dominate me, and people with submissive traits want to emulate me. That's not what happened to Frieda. She's probably had this unrecognized, undefinable, longing for something she couldn't quite put a name to. Doesn't quite know what she's missing and why she's missing it. Then she read my dissertation, took my survey, and during my defense, I pointed out to her that she has submissive traits, that she could be a submissive, if she wants to be. Doesn't have to be, wants to be.