My Feather Girl Ch. 02b


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"Oh you're terrible!" then she looked around quick and leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, "I like it," she whispered in my ear before she turned to leave.

You know, I come up with some pretty good ways of showing her off. If I had only known what an inferno I had started.


I can't believe Hank, taking me out to the mall and letting me walk around like this! No bra, no panties, and a thin dress. The air curtains plastering it to my boobs. Dropping his hand to my ass and giving me a squeeze, looking down my dress. If I wasn't on the rag I'd strip him right here and RIDE HIM!

Monday was nice, having a full day off with Betty, lounging around naked, going for a walk before the day got too hot. Strolling around the mall looking at outfits, and she was really starting to get into showing off a bit, but still checking with me to make sure it was okay. I have got to get her self-confidence up! Be careful what you wish for!

We did a little internet search on Zack, and discovered the extent of his screw up, man he did it up good!

Not only did he have a healthy stash of Oxy behind the microwave, he got caught with the mayors' daughter... four days before her eighteenth birthday!

SERVES HIM RIGHT, FUCKING AROUND WITH SOME KID. Probably trying to convince her that his little micro dick was 'normal' before she knew any better. HA!

The prosecutor was running against the mayor in the next election and made hay about a liberal mayor and his coddling ways in the press, citing the Mayor's own pampered daughter as an example. Seems the mayor was also stupid enough to think he could get his liberal buddy the chief of police to cover for him again. Both of them lost the election hands down when that got out.

But either way, with the list of charges against Zack he would be serving some serious time even if he pleads guilty. I wonder what his time would go like if his cell mates found out he was a pencil dicked wife beater? Hmmmmm. But I had to smile, first time in the shower and they'd find out the first part! Bet it wouldn't take long and he'd be some guys girlfriend whether he wanted to be or not.

A month after getting back we had our reviews, and with the copy of the letter in our file, something I had to point out to Thomas and show him my copy, we both got full step bumps in pay. He wasn't happy that I was making almost as much as he was. Good thing he didn't know I knew what he made, but he liked to brag to the girls he was hitting on so it wasn't like I was snooping or anything. Maybe if he shot his mouth off a little less and did some more work on the floor he's get better wage bumps?

Reviews went well, even if there was a verbal warning about that yellow dress. IT WAS WORTH IT! And for as much as it shows, there hasn't been any comments about my new wardrobe. But then again it isn't designed to show off, it just happens to make it possible! And feeling my nipples rubbing around in my tops is good and bad. Good in that I'm getting a lot of notice from our regulars as I jiggle along, some even requesting me to help them, trying to get a peek at my boobs, Bad because as soon as I get in the door at home I drop and suck Hank in. I'm even getting him in my throat a little more. Maybe that's not so bad after all. SLUT!

Betty's wardrobe also got a whole lot more interesting. She stopped wearing bras unless she had to, opting for double breasted shirts and teasing me with glimpses down them when she could. Her tight shorter skirts were all donated, and she got all ruffled, pleated, or slit ones instead. Now, it was a nice variety of slits, left and right, front and back kinda looking like wrap around ones. But they all had a button or Velcro that could be undone to let them open almost all the way to the middle of her hip for easy access.

And Tarra and Ebi being the ornery girls they were, made an interesting alteration to several of her long skirts. Right in the center in the back they put an inch and a half dart, aligning with the crack of her ass. Now they not only clung to her ass, but when she bent over and then stood up it would sink in and stay there for more than a few steps or as long as she clenched her ass on it.

With Betty's change in attitude she couldn't keep it a secret that Zack was gone. She was being invited to parties and out on dates but was turning them down. We kept our relationship a secret for just under two months, but enough sightings of the two of us out together and the cat was out of the bag.

That was the beginning of the end of the beginning.

I've waited for and dreaded this day. We've decided not to hide our relationship any more. We might have gone a little longer, but Alice seeing me kissing Hank in the mall kinda killed that idea... in Victoria's changing room in a skimpy lace bra and panty set trying to push his hand in my panties... SLUT! I 'made' Hank sit on the roof and put my skirt over his head to eat me while standing up that night. I have to do it closer to something to grab a hold of next time, I came again as I planted my puss on his face when I collapsed from the first orgasm!

It was nice to be able to sit and talk and occasionally hold hands and not hide it. We still snuck off to the roof for some quickies. Generally a nice blow job or sitting down and eating her pussy while she tried to stand over me. Occasionally I would get a note, 'make me a Twinkie!' usually on last break, but if she was in a wild mood it would be on first break and she would grin all night long. Those nights were generally in a long skirt and a day or so before her period when her hormones were ALL wound up.


The first bad sign was about a month later when Thomas wanted to shift my days off to Wednesday Thursday, but couldn't give me a reason for it. I had to go over his head to keep my days off the same as Betty. The following month I had a sour review without any justification and once again had to go over his head. I had also heard from Betty that Thomas was asking about her, and from her and several other hosts that he was bad mouthing me as well.

I'm going to do it! I'm going to run around the floor with everybody looking at me in a skin tight outfit, well my bottoms at least!

The bright spot in this was Halloween. While the techs didn't generally dress up, what with carrying tool belts and stuff, a large part of the rest of the staff did. Betty got permission to dress as a feather girl, and then only after telling them she was getting the costume from the same company as the ones the casino got for New Years but with a shorter head dress so security wouldn't have a fit. And that was true, but they had different versions of those costumes.

Where the News Years girls had the monster head dress and DD chests, Betty got a smaller head dress and a somewhat smaller top with stiff cups that were still WAY too big. She got similar bottoms, but they were a little bit thinner and higher cut on her hips than the New Year's girls had on. And I got a nice preview of her top. Since it was a little big, Betty decided to cross the straps... in front! When she knelt down I could see right down her top showing her tits off so nicely.

Damn I'm glad I put a tampon in! A wet spot now would be a little embarrassing! But Hank keeps looking at me, and the customers keep looking at me, my legs, my ass, even my fake boobs! I can feel their eyes on my butt or looking down my top at my little speed bumps. Can I? Can I? Yes I can! OH FUCK! RUNNING AROUND IN MY BRA AND THONG! Hank I need you...

Betty was so wound up by lunch time we had to go up to the roof for 'an emergency blow job!' She wanted a cream filling but that was out of the question with her outfit. You see tragedy struck. She caught her sparkly pantyhose on the drawer of a change bank known for snagging them and had to run around in just her top and thong for the last two hours. It really was a tragedy, I swear it was.

DAMN! Without the pantyhose they sure do snug up against her shaved lips soooo nicely!

The only bad part was Thomas coming in early. He had to look me up and down like a tiger eying a piece of meat. He even tried to reach out and grab my bare ass but I scooted back and was able to stop him until one of the other girls came around the corner... ASSHOLE!

That's when Thomas put the full court press on Betty. It wasn't anything specific, and nothing could be proven, but it really became a pain in the ass. We did our best to ignore and avoid it, but he was technically my senior as a day shift manager so I had to put up with a lot of shit jobs that should have gone to the new guys.

Sometime I wish we had kept it a secret. Thomas is just being an ass to Hank and I. But we're taking the next step. We're going to his families for supper one night, and then to mine the next. I hope Charlotte's hair is all one color this time! And I'm not dressing down for Mom. She will see me the way Hank sees me!

The bright spot was Thanksgiving. Now as casino workers you NEVER get the holiday off, but we had plans to see our families and introduce the love of our lives to them. Betty actually wore regular panties for those two days, granted they were still skimpy and lacy, but I hadn't seen anything but little thongs in so long I forgot she even had anything else.

But my little tease did wear the double breasted shirts instead of a bra. Her mother scolded her a little when she thought I was out of ear shot, her little sister gave her a thumbs up and asked if I had a brother. My mom? She was just glad I found somebody that could give her grandchildren. Betty turned so many shades of red that day I lost count. 'She's a keeper', Mom whispered on the way out. MOM YOU HAVE NO IDEA!

KIDS! Would Hank want to have kids with me? I mean you would kind of assume so, but we've never really talked about it. But he did grin and blush and tell his mom to hush!

Things are almost getting out of hand, Hank saw Thomas make a grab for my ass. He was going to go over and pound him, but I stopped him since we both need our jobs. And even if Thomas tried, I didn't let him get close enough.

The first week of December actually became the turning point. Thomas was really becoming an ass to the point I was thinking about applying to another casino before I put him in the hospital. We were bundled up headed out to the parking lot in the morning when I saw a crowd of suits headed for the main office with Thomas trailing and thanking my lucky stars knowing why he wasn't a pain in the ass this morning.

And then I saw a familiar face. I told Betty to go on to the truck and warm it up, I had a quick errand I needed to run up to the office, 'and a hair brained, Hail Mary idea, of a crazy thought' I didn't add.

I saw them going around the corner of the 'office loop' and went the other way around, walking like I was headed for something but not in a hurry. I saw them coming around the corner, all the suits following one in particular, Claude Harrison, the regional director I had met down south.

I stopped and smiled looking at him. He glanced my way and then went on with the conversation he was having, then looked back. "What kind of sandwiches you eating lately Hank?"

I chuckled at the reaction of all the other suits as he chatted with one of the little guys, and especially Thomas the wide eyed brown nose in the back. "I'm not, Betty is doing her best to fatten me up," patting my belly. "In fact, it you want to come over and have some real food she's planning on her Grandmothers' lasagna sometime this week, it'll let me make up for last time we saw each other. That is if you're going to be in town long enough to help me eat it? She still cooks like she's feeding a football team."

Claude chuckled, "The only way to cook good Italian lasagna is in huge pans. When is she planning on torturing you?"

"Not sure," I grabbed a post it note from a desk and wrote my cell number on it. "Give me a call later when you get a chance and we'll co-ordinate." I handed him the note, "Good seeing you again Claude. Stop by on the night shift and I might teach you some more about the machines." Sticking my hand out for a shake, he took it and shook and we parted ways. Thomas choked when I called him Claude giving me quite a glare on my way out.

Well it was sink or swim time.

I walked slowly out to the truck, and Betty was waiting for me there, her skirt around her waist. I kissed her hand and drove home thinking.

"What's wrong?"



I kissed her palm, "Nothing, just an idea coming together."

Betty smiled, she knew me oh too well, "Okay."

We got home and showered, just enjoying being with each other. I dried off and sat on the couch, beckoning Betty to sit between my legs.

I'll make him talk!

Betty snuggled in and pulled my hands to her tits, I chuckled at her attempt to get me to talk, but that was exactly what I had in mind. She sighed a bit as I lightly kissed the side of her neck. "Babe, how tied are you to this place?"

"Why? You want to get our own apartment?"

"Not the apartment, the city, living and working here?"

Betty turned enough to look directly at me, "Why?" she asked slowly.

Now what's he up to?

"Well, with all the problems the guys have been giving you since you got away from Zack,"

"Especially Thomas?"

"...especially Thomas. What would you say to starting over somewhere, just the two of us?"


Betty did the faraway look for a bit, then looked back at me, "Well I won't say it hasn't crossed my mind a few times. But we'd be giving up a lot just to get away."

I kissed her neck again as she turned to cuddle back into me, pulling my hands to her chest without thinking about it. "What if we didn't have to?"

"How you going to pull that trick off?"

God his hands fit my boobs just right.

I nipped her ear lobe making her squeak, "You remember our sandwich gofer down south?"

Betty chuckled, "Yeah, what about him?"

I held her tight, "Well I invited him over for your lasagna."

Betty tried to jump and turn, "YOU WHAT! I don't have half of what I need for that, and it'll take me all day just to do it right."

I nibbled on her neck to distract her, "Settle down. I don't even know if he can make it or how long he's in town for. He'll call and co-ordinate when he can."

"And when he gets here, you going to make him get Thomas castrated?"

You won't let me kidnap him and do it myself!

I chuckled at that thought. Betty had volunteered to do it with a dull butter knife once or twice. "No, I thought I'd find out if the offer for us to transfer down south was still available. That's why I was asking about if we wanted to stay here or not."

"I'll go wherever you go."

This time I turned her to face me, "Uh, uh, this is not one of those decisions. I want you to think about it. I know you're kinda close to your family, but you also have some bad memories here too. I can stay or go with my family spread out all over the country, but I kinda like the idea of a fresh start for just the two of us as well. Promise me you'll think about it, seriously think about it."

"Okay," she sighed.

I'll still go where he goes.

"I do have one more question though."


"Do we have any blueberry filling?"

I felt Betty quiver under me. "Turkey baster?" she moaned.

"Oh I guess."


There was no stopping Betty, dashing for the kitchen and opening a can of blueberry topping to heat in the microwave, in too much of a hurry to warm it on the stove.

Over the last few months we had developed a nice game of blueberry topping, something she reminded me we never got a chance to try down south. Originally I would dribble a little here or there and lick it off leaving her pussy for last. But one time Betty dipped her finger in and put more on her nipple causing me to go back and lick it off. She went back and forth for a while until I put a finger in her ass as I licked and made her fall over in a quivering massive orgasm. That was also the first time she came close to actually squirting.

The next step was when she cut the end off of a plastic turkey baster and put a nice bit up in her pussy. The groan and the way her eyes rolled up when she squeezed that first bit of warm blueberry in her own pussy was something I wish I had a movie of. And while Betty doesn't actually squirt, something about her physically she says, it's a good healthy flow that is almost better because I get all of it.

I had just spread out the big blue towel on the bathroom floor, blueberry DOES NOT come out of white towels, when Betty came skipping into the bathroom and laid herself out on them. She grinned and put a little on her lips.

Got me all worried you did something, time to pay the piper mister, and clean some puss while you're at it!

This was going to be one of those sessions!

I licked and kissed her lips, taking my time. She dabbed her jaw, and again I obediently followed. She was going to dab her neck, but decided on her nipple instead, smearing it all over her tit to tease me.

I smiled, this was one of my favorites. I licked and licked and licked like an ice cream cone, up and around and around her until just the last hint of blueberry was left on the tip of her nipple, then sucked it in and kept sucking until I had as much of her tit as I could.

Hank KNOWS I can't take much of that!

Betty pulled me away from her tit and grinned at me, "Bad boy." She smeared as much if not more on her other tit, "Now do it again."

I licked and sucked, making sure I got it all licked off the first time and then had to go around and around that tit again and again while groping and squeezing the tit I had already cleaned.

Why does he have to be soooo good at that?

"Enough," Betty panted, "You're falling behind." She pushed me down toward her pussy and I watched her 'prepare herself' for me to service. Spreading her dribbling pussy wide and slipping that baster in and giving the bulb a squeeze, and the subsequent moan as the warm blueberry was deposited deep inside her.

FUCK! Thick gooey warm blueberry flooding my cunt! Now all I want him to do is cum in me... I wonder if Tarra and Ebi ever do something like this?

I took my time in licking the blueberry she pushed out for me, licking up and down her enjoying the mix of her juices and the blueberry. I looked up between her legs for the comment she was waiting for, "You're going to have to move for me to get the last of it."

"Oh I am, am I?" she said with a grin. "Well I guess if I have too."

This is just so terrible, having to squat down and 'let' hank nibble on my puss, feeling his tongue in me while his nose bumps my cliiiiittttt!

Betty got up and I lay back, a little closer to the toilet than I had in the past but she didn't seem to notice, must have been the blueberry trying to dribble out of her already.

I watched as she kept her legs together until she had to spread them, and I got a good bit of pussy juiced blueberries before I actually had to go digging for them, and I had an ulterior motive for being so close to the toilet. First off she was going to need it, because second, I had hidden one of her small vibrators and some lube in the bottom vanity drawer.

I trapped the vibrator between my thighs so I could lube it one handed while my other continued to squeeze and play with her cheeks. Then switch hands and slip my now lubed finger in her rosebud to lube and play getting a nice squeak from Betty as she collapsed over to the toilet lid. I told you I had a plan.

OH GOD HANK! Playing with my ass while you eat my cunt. I'm not going to cum yet, I'm not going toooooooooo...