My Feather Girl Ch. 02b


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As Betty was getting close, with me eating her pussy and fingering her ass, I pulled my finger and inserted the vibrator on low giving her ass a good fucking, feeling her quiver above me. There was a screech that echoed to the neighbors and back and she was flowing into my mouth, her legs giving out and planting her flowing pussy on my face.

I kept using that vibrator in her ass, full stroke, from the tip, to my hand, driving it deep enough to hit my fingers on her ass as I drove it in, a squeak or groan on every stroke as I drove in like I was giving her a good deep fucking. Basking in her nectar flowing to me, only tipping my head back enough to breathe through my nose and revel in the aroma as I did. The nice thing was that even when I pulled the vibrator from her ass she didn't really move, having already collapsed on my face against the toilet.

cumming cumming can't stop cumming bumping my clit. FUCK!

I just lay there as she kept flowing until it turned to just a dribble. A finger lightly across her rosebud and Betty hissed and rolled to one side leaning against the cabinets still panting, her body covered in a lovely sweaty sheen.

"You're terrible..." she panted.

I smiled up at her, "Want to practice some more until I get good at it?"

Betty grinned and then laughed, finally collapsing down on me until we crawled, her literally, into the shower.

If you do that to me again, HELL YES! Oh Hank, that's soooo... filling me with warm water, the spray inside me on my g-spot, sliding the head in and out. Fucking and filling me to overflowing almost as good as Hank's delicious dick.

And I was 'forced' to use her new shower wand on her. I was coerced into putting a splitter in before the big hand held massage head for her 'personal wand', a nice little cylinder with a few jets lined up on one side for her to rinse out with. Seems it kept her sanity by rinsing out and lubing near the end of her period. Going more than four days without sex was more than she wanted to endure.

I chuckled, I did pretty good, only two blueberries missed! Just have to practice some more.

I toweled her off and maneuvered her to bed, almost asleep before her head hit the pillow. No energy to cuddle. LOL


I got up around three to go pee, chuckling at Betty snagging my pillow as I got out. I heard my phone ring while I was I there and came back to find Betty chatting, 'Claude' she mouthed. They were talking lasagna and it sounded more like Mom and one of her girlfriends discussing what should and should not be used.

But with her laid back like that with her knee up and spread, I was thinking about eating something else! And even as I nibbled on Betty she held my head and did her best to carry on her conversation with Claude. I just enjoyed myself, keeping her close and waiting until she was off the phone before giving Betty a nice little orgasm. And since I'm the wonderful guy I am I just had to clean up the mess I made!

Oh this is soooo naughty, talking with Claude and having Hank eating my puss! Playing and lavishing me. He could make me cum and scream while on the phone if he wants to and he knows it. I no more than hang up and FFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK!!.

They had it all planned out, tomorrow evening around six thirty. That would give him time in case his meeting went late, and us to get up and moving and yet still have time after to change and get to work after.

I feel like it's a fairy tale and I'll wake up any moment. A loving man willing, no wanting, to make changes to keep me safe. Yet loving to show me off and let me show off. I never knew how exhilarating letting my body be seen 'accidentally' could be! I wonder if that guy will be in high roller tonight? My new tank top does gap a little more than the others... if I just happen to lean forward a bit that is...

Betty was a bit silent, just cuddling back in after getting woke up a little early, instead of trying to get back to sleep. She fidgeted a bit then got up and piddled on her laptop while I cooked breakfast. I had been 'allowed' to make scrambled eggs and bacon with toast. Anything more complicated was to be left to the professionals. Sheish!

Betty was still a bit quiet about halfway through breakfast, then all of a sudden she smiled, "I think we need to look into it."

"Into what?"

"Transferring down south. The cost of living is pretty close to here, maybe even a little lower, housing in town is a bit high, but if we get out in the country a bit it drops WAY off."

I smiled, "That what you've been doing in there?" pointing to her laptop on the coffee table.


"So what now?"

"Now..." Betty turned to me and kissed me, "we go SHOPPING!"

I dropped my head to the table, "Ugh."

Betty ruffled my hair, "Grocery shopping silly, and maybe a few other things."

Betty was going through the cupboards when the girls got home, and soon the kitchen turned to a cackle fest, then screeches when they found out Betty was making lasagna from scratch, and again at who our guest was going to be. They wormed their way into dinner, but pouted when they were told it was a semi-fancy dinner. Clothes and all, and no hard nipples standing out!

You know I thought shopping with Betty was bad, but with Tarra and Ebi tagging along it was pure heaven... I mean torture, yeah yeah, pure torture. OH DAMN, they're in the freezer section again... They are going to give that poor clerk a complex the way they keep teasing him.

With fresh supplies and a few extra pans Betty was all set. "I thought you already had one of those pans?"

"How many screwdrivers do you have in your tool box?" Point made, and just for spite, we went out for pizza before heading into work, not letting her cook.

I got a nice kiss before we went in instead of our usual quick peck, Betty even flashing me some thigh and stocking top as I dropped her off! It was a typical winter evening though, cold enough to snow and feeling like it could at any moment, but holding off to tease you. And Betty and Magda were the only ones dressed like it wasn't the middle of the winter. It was, however, a usual winter evening on the floor so there was lots of time to chat.

And since I had started cross training Betty on machines we continued, intermixed with 'what if' conversations. It all would depend on what Claude, and in turn Don, had to say. If we could make the transfer, when we could make the transfer, could we make the transfer at the same time, etc.

And of course Betty was teasing whenever she could, having unbuttoned her top one extra button so when she shifted or sat beside me I could see her bare tit completely but couldn't reach in, especially when she leaned forward on the sit down machines catching her top with her arms pushing it even further open...ARG! Too damn cold to head up to the roof.

Hank is getting hard looking at my speed bumps! And the other guys are looking at me, even Stewart! Some of the high rollers are taking peaks down my shirt. Can they see my nipple harden when they do? Does it look as good to them as it feels for me knowing that they are looking? FUCK I need a cream filling!

And going home was worse, with the short days it was barely getting light going home so she felt it necessary to lift her skirt and drop her top. I'm seriously thinking about trading this thing in for something old enough to have a bench seat!

That morning our love making was both intense and slow, wanting to savor every sensation, the feel of her tit in my hand, the curve of her neck where it meets her shoulder, the velvety softness of her pussy as she envelopes me, the little grunt when I bottom out balls deep in her after sliding in slowly. The way her tits jiggle as I pound her hard, the 'O' she makes with her lips just before she screams in orgasm, the way her pussy keeps fluttering a bit when we're still coupled together after. The lovely and yet nasty sound we make when I slip from her, the little giggle she stifles when she begins draining, me thankful we learned to put extra towels on the bed before we made it this afternoon! We wash a lot of towels...


I woke alone to the sound of pots and pans and such. I found Betty in the kitchen, puffs of flour here and there where her apron didn't cover, and a nice white stripe across her ass where she had backed into the table. Even though she had made this a few weeks ago, she felt it necessary to do the pasta early just in case . I had to chuckle at the corner of the table though. For all the times Betty had chided me on eating cereal instead of letting her cook a proper breakfast, there sat a bowl and spoon next to my box of frosted corn flakes.

I tried to lighten the mood with a few well-placed kisses and gropes, but she was too intent on her preparations.

She finally had her pasta made, with extra just in case and had them in the freezer. She had the bread already rising when the girls got home, and it was the three naked cooks for almost an hour, well a cook and two helpers. They made sure the wine was properly tested. Then the lasagna was put together and in the oven, Then Betty had to do the one thing she was NOT good at, wait.

As soon as Claude called to say he was on his way, Betty popped the bread in the oven and the girls scattered to their respective bathrooms like a billiard table break. I just slid into my shirt and slacks, put my slippers back on and kicked back on the couch.

Claude rang the bell forty five minutes later, Betty screeched she wasn't ready yet, and the girls came out in just simple jeans and nice shirts... and they even put bras on! Claude had just gotten his coat off, admiring his two helpers, when Betty came out in that nice yellow halter dress. Hair perfect and just a hint of makeup. I gave her a quick kiss before she scooted off to the kitchen and began setting the table.

The food was wonderful and the company even better. It was kind of comical how we all talked shop in a way but just traded gags, funny stories, and stupid customer situations. When dinner was done the girls popped up having to get ready to go out. They were hitting a couple of clubs with some friends, leaving us alone with Claude.

We had barely cleared the table when they came back through in their party dresses. Narrow halters not even coming close to covering nice braless tits down to wide strips of cloth around their hips barely covering their crotches. From Claude's point of view on the couch I bet he could tell me if they had contrasting thongs on or were commando. From Ebi's grin as they lifted arms high to slip their long coats on I was betting commando.

So we kicked back for a moment. Claude with his wine, us with soft drinks since we had to work tonight and didn't need to give Thomas any more ammunition.

Betty tucked under my arm, and Claude asked, "So now that I've been properly bribed," patting his belly, "What is the real reason you asked me over?"

"Well, it really is mostly in thanks for helping us out during the opening. You could have farmed it out instead of pitching in."

"Nonsense, I asked what you needed, and got it for you."

I grinned at that, "And the other is a bit more sensitive. We need to ask something without going through the regular channels the first time."

Claude looked back and forth between us, "We?"

I lifted Betty's' hand and kissed her palm, "We. We've run into some issues here, both personal and work and are thinking about moving on and were wondering if the offer Donald made during the refit might still be available."

He looked like he was thinking about it. "Lay it out for me."

"This is just between us?" Claude nodded so I laid out the basics. Betty had a past abusive relationship and wouldn't mind getting away from here. The guys all hitting on her once they found out she was available, and all but one taking the hint, and that one doing his best to sabotage me to split us up.

Claude grinned and sat back, "Let me guess, the little brown nose following us around today uninvited."

Betty looked at me and I grinned, "That sounds like Thomas, Mr. Self Important."

Betty chuckled and play slapped me, "That's why you're on the night shift, you have no filter."

I looked at Claude, "And here's the million dollar questions. One, can we make the transition together? Two, how should we go about it if Donald still wants us? And three, the real kicker, when we get engaged are they going to try and split us up? I know we're safe dating, and I know the rules when we marry, but the engaged area is a pretty big gray one. I've seen couples work different areas, I've seen couples work different shifts, and I've even seen them force one to change departments. If it comes to that we're better off here and just switch to another casino and say the hell with our seniority."

ENGAGED... WHEN we get married, not if! Hank wants... he wants to... it could be a slip of the tongue, but Hank doesn't have a slip of the tongue. He say's what he's thinking without any filter...

Betty was all tense against my arm, she was more worried about this than I thought.

Claude sat there a bit, "You say this guy is being a bit overt about it?"

"But he knows where the cameras and mikes are, hell we all do. He uses the blind spots to his advantage so I can't prove a thing." Betty responded.


"Is it just you?"

"Right now mostly, but he's chased others. Some have given in, others were scared off, some quit because they couldn't handle it as it's a 'he said she said' between an hourly employee and a manager."

"Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen." He steepled his fingers looking down, then back up at Betty, "Would you be willing to get him on tape?"



Claude got up and went to his briefcase, tossing Betty a large pen as he sat back down. "That's a micro audio video recorder, holds about five or six hours of recording, and it even functions as a pen. If I set it up on the local WiFi it will stream to my laptop."

"So what do I do with it?"

He held a hand out and Betty handed it back. "You click the top and it's recording," He clicked the top like you would for a pen. "To use it as a pen just give it a twist," twisting it and out popped the pen tip, twist it back and it retracted like any ordinary pen.

Betty held her hand out, "If it will keep him from ruining anybody else I'll do it."

"And now I believe you two have to get ready for work. I'll let you know more when I talk to Donald."

It's going to happen, it has to happen, Hank said that he...

Betty stepped up and gave him a big hug, a little unexpected from his reaction.

"Thanks Claude. We were worried about problems if we asked through channels and it created problems since we waited so long," I told him once Betty released him, putting a hand out for a shake.

Betty was in a much better mood, she grinned at me when she pulled one of her modified long skirts on. I was going to get to watch her ass nibble on that skirt all night long.

He loves me! Hank wants to MARRY me!!

It was another wonderful slow night, and I thoroughly enjoyed the girls' modification of her long skirts.

This isn't so hard once you get the hang of it... LITERALLY! Bend over and give your ass a wiggle to let the skirt fall in, then clench your cheeks as you stand and it's in there pretty good. At least I think so from the looks of the guys I see in the reflections anyway

And just because I wanted to, I took Betty out to breakfast, well kinda. We stopped in the main restaurant and had a nice meal. I had a double order of biscuits and gravy and was scolded by Betty for not telling her I liked them. She thought the order I got while we were down south was because it was what we had time for.

There's Claude smiling, and ASSHOLE! Well time to do it up right. I made sure my hand was on Hanks whenever possible, I leaned over and kissed his cheek several times, and even pouted a bit when he wasn't quite ready to go. FUCK YOU THOMAS! You're lucky I didn't unbutton two more buttons and show a LOT more cleavage!

All of this just happened to be two tables away from the group of suits and the brown noser. Thomas was seething that someone had the attention beside him, and Claude didn't help. "Be careful Hank, you make that cook mad and you never know what's she'll put in your food." The suits chuckled, Thomas looked like he was going to blow a gasket.

We finished our late/early breakfast and headed home, I couldn't resist giving Claude a wave on the way out. We took our shower and were just cuddling in bed a little later than usual for a possible soft romp when my cell phone went off. A text from email message, and I didn't recognize the address, but I recognized the message.


I nudged Betty, and she was instantly awake when she read the text.

"What do you say?" I asked her. She just nodded, enthusiastically!


We had just settled back in with Betty heading for my cock when my phone went off again.



I looked at Betty, "In for a penny in for a pound," she said.





I turned to Betty, but the grin told me all I needed to know.



We cuddled back in, a huge load lifted off our shoulder. Betty mumbling something as she dozed off.

"Mrs. Hank Morrison..."


The next morning / afternoon I woke alone to the sound of cackling women. You know, I'm going to miss a house full of naked women. Betty was all animated telling the girls about our pending return trip down south. She was really looking forward to it, and Tara and Ebi were all grins giving me little glances here and there.

I couldn't hold it in, I had to tell them. Ebi said it was a slip of the tongue, but Tarra grinned and nodded, she believed it. HE SAID WHEN we were engaged! WHEN we were married

We spent a good part of the day going through closets picking and packing for a few weeks down south, no sweaters or heavy jackets needed. The best part is Betty packing every bikini she owned, and promising me to take me shopping for more.

Wherever it is, they have to have dressing rooms where Hank can watch me change, the way he looks at me, watching me lift and shift. Mmmm and the way he has to lift and shift his hard dick when I touch myself! Hank even got a bit hard when I told him I was going to have to get a lot thinner and lighter outfits down south to deal with the heat. Do they have nudist colonies down there? GRIN

Unfortunately we had quite the cold snap today and Betty opted for slacks instead of a skirt. Another thing we wouldn't have to deal with down south. Betty would be opting for the thinnest, skimpiest outfits she could get away with. I wonder how skimpy I could talk her into? Cue the ominous intro music to 'Jaws' ...

Betty was in such a good mood she put on her old boy shorts with the lacy edge and a thin lacy bra under her thin silk top. Her jacket hid them, but take her jacket off and the texture of lace panty line and lace cups were nicely apparent! If you just happened to be looking I mean.

You're going to look at this ass all night long. Even if Thomas sees it, it's all for you even though you haven't taken it yet. I'm going to have to do something about that.