My Hot Wife, the Sex Goddess


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Glenn had to share a special place in my wife's heart with my best friend, but it was enough to make him swoon.

Despite the fact that we were alone, I dropped my voice considerably. "I would keep that fact to yourselves, gentlemen. The One may have her favorites, but it wouldn't be proper for that knowledge to become widespread."

They nodded emphatically.

I turned to catch up to Amanda. There were still preparations to be made before the final ceremony.


Dusk was beginning to settle. An orange sliver of twilight separated the blackening sky from darkness of the land along the horizon. The fading light was poignant, and the contrast between light and dark possessed an almost mystical quality as stars began to twinkle overhead. The air was crisp and cool once more, pure and adulterated, with a faint wind or the intermittent crackling of fire the only occasional sounds that broke the silence.

The beauty of natured surrounded us, something that I often took for granted.

I held Amanda's hand tightly as she stood to my right. She was wearing a different white robe, one that was silky and much more grandiose. And whereas her hair was simply down earlier, my wife had painstakingly fashioned it into a halo braid, which fittingly resembled a regal crown sitting atop her head.

Firelight reflected eerily in Amanda's eyes. Before us, her 6 most faithful worshippers- Glenn, Dimitri, Darren, Scott, Phillip, and Bryan- stood with their backs erect and hands folded over their genitals. They were naked saved for a leather collar buckled around their necks. The collars were merely intended to be symbolic, but each contained a metal ring that my wife could attach a leash to if she desired.

Behind them in a clearing, angry flames crackled from a large bonfire and ascended like restless fingers to the darkening heavens. The Saint Andrew's Cross burned prominently in its center, carefully surrounded by large chunks of firewood to add fuel to the fire. Every now and then, a sharp pop would punctuate a piece of wood getting vaporized.

I looked at the naked men meaningfully. "Good evening, gentlemen. You have all endured and sacrificed much to arrive at this point, and your proven love for my wife makes me joyful. Each of you have partaken in an initiation ritual, and have successfully gained approval from The One Whom We Worship and Love So Dearly. But know this: your acceptance into her flock is not complete yet."

The men held their collective breath as they hung on my every word.

"In order to participate in the final ceremony... and to remain with us beyond this night... you must agree to continue paying her tribute." I glanced at Amanda, who remained stoic, but my palm was sweating in her hand. Despite the craziness that had ensued all day, butterflies formed in my stomach as I uttered my next words. "And the price of your tribute shall be this: on the 1st of every month, each of you must bring forth a new member to pledge his... or her... undying love for our Divine Goddess and to worship her as devoutly as any of you would. Failure to do so will result in excommunication from our sacred family."

Everyone needed a moment to digest my ultimatum. Comprehension dawned on Amanda first as she quickly performed the mental calculations, and she actually gasped and covered her mouth. If the men currently present brought a new member to join our cult every month, and those members attracted new members monthly, and those subsequent new members, in turn, brought in fresh blood every 30 days... our little sex cult would explode exponentially in just a short amount of time.

We would no longer just be a cult; we would be an entire community solely dedicated to worshipping my wife.

A low murmur permeated the group as they finally understood. I kept my eyes locked on the men, amused by their stunned reaction, and deliberately avoided looking at Amanda. But out of the corner of my eye, I could discern her shifting uneasily.

"The price of being a Chosen One is high," I conceded. "Those who lack conviction will be weeded out from the strong and faithful. Many of you will be deemed unworthy. But know this: the reward for being a Chosen One is much higher than the cost. Our Beloved will bring you to her bosom and guide us to the Promised Land... to Salvation and Paradise... to Eternal Ecstasy." The double entendre of that last word was apparent as I stared each man down. "What say you?"

Everyone was deathly quiet when I stopped speaking. Only the crackling of the bonfire gave any indication that time hadn't stopped or that the earth was still spinning.

It was Glenn who spoke first, as I knew he would. All the men were wildly obsessed with my wife, but he was always first in line for her. "I'll do it!" He cried out. "I'll do whatever it takes." He looked at Amanda with fanatical adoration. "Anything for you."

"Anything for you," the men repeated one by one.

I turned to Amanda, and intoned last, "Anything for you."

I could only imagine the myriad of emotions that my wife was experiencing now... horror, excitement, disbelief, lust. She appeared as though she was about to cry, but the prospect of supplying her with an endless supply of sex partners- a potentially limitless amount of cock and pussy- thrilled me as I know it did her.

I was about to give the men further instructions when, to my surprise, Amanda stepped forward. She had quickly reigned in her emotions and her eyes were already dry, but an expression that was both celebratory and naughty appeared on her immaculate face. My heart suddenly pounded in anticipation.

Amanda was going to do something wonderful and unexpected again.

My wife and I shared utilitarian views on organized religion. We didn't believe in one Supreme Being who lorded everything, but begrudgingly gave credence to the idea that there might be some kind of higher power. We weren't religious, but did consider ourselves spiritual. However, Amanda was pragmatic in one particular aspect of her beliefs: being worshiped as a deity didn't merely entail basking in the service of your followers; it also bore the responsibility of providing service to your followers, as well.

My eyes widened as I realized where things were heading.

Amanda stood with an authority from knowing that she commanded the attention of everyone present, and her voice rang in the thin air like a hammer striking metal. "A true goddess knows that, in order to receive love from her followers, she must show them love, as well. A true goddess knows that if she expects service from her follows, then she must service them as well." My wife paused dramatically, then continued with such an aura of power that we felt a physical impact behind her words. "Who, here, desires service from their Goddess?"

"Dear god," I croaked in awe; the gauntlet had been thrown.

"'Goddess'," Amanda corrected me with a straight face. Fortunately, everyone was too caught up in her moment to detect her subtle humor.

Dimitri raised his hand and proclaimed obsequiously, "I do."

"I do," the rest of the men repeated in unison like a mindless herd.

Amanda immediately flashed me that crooked smile that always made me weak in the knees, and I staggered back. How could she appear so beautiful and so wicked at the same time? But my musings on life would have to wait as she ordered me, "Remove my robe. Now."

"Yes, Mand-, uh, I mean, My Divine Goddess." I disrobed her before the very hungry eyes of her devoted followers.

"Now take me closer to the fire so I stay warm," she whispered lowly so no one else could hear. "And make sure it's a grassy spot, I don't want to kneel on any rocks."

I almost swore aloud. My façade of austerity was rapidly eroding. "Christ, Mandy. Are you going to-"

But my wife admonished me in a low tone, "Keep your voice down, babe! You're supposed to be my High Priest or whatever, remember? You're the one running everything. You need to stay in control."

I shook my head in wonder. I, clearly, was no longer in control, but that was nothing out of the ordinary; ultimately, Amanda always wrested command when she felt like it, and it appeared now was that time again. But I didn't fret. Though I had plans for the final ceremony, I was smart enough to realize that whatever route she chose instead would be a thousand times better. I whispered, "I fucking adore you, Mandy."

"I know," she replied impudently. My wife could never resist an opportunity to tease me. "Now lead me over to the fire."

I definitely knew what came next.

I escorted Amanda close to the blazing bonfire and paused to admire how the flames illuminated her smooth, flawless skin. Her expression was all business once again, and my mouth began to water as she dropped to her knees. I turned to the men, who appeared as though they were about to swarm her, and ushered them into what Amanda and I affectionately referred to as the "blowjob line" [see "Sharing My Wife Amanda, Chapter 1].

After I assembled the men into an orderly fashion, it took a Herculean effort to calmly return to my wife's side as unbridled excitement surged through me. I knew that, beneath Amanda's composed exterior, her eagerness matched my own. I looked at her once, and she nodded gravely. Then I turned to the line, and gave them the same signal of affirmation.

Thus, we began a mockery of the 9th Commandment.

I remained at my Amanda's side like her guardian angel as the men approached her one by one; and one by one, I watched as she vacuumed their cocks down her throat with an ease that made me beam with pride and with an expertise that would've made even the most depraved porn star blush.

Glenn and Dimitri each stood at polite attention as my wife pleased them separately. They were content to peer down upon her in admiration as they savored her cock-sucking skills, and were as gentle to Amanda as she was to them. Their interactions were respectful and romantic, and the men affectionately stroked her hair as she pleasured them with her mouth.

Bryan and Scott were 2 sides of the same coin. When it was their turn, each man, as usual, attempted to be overly physical with Amanda. That wasn't a surprise since she often enjoyed rough sex with them, something that matched their temperament. But my wife had other ideas tonight. As they tried to palm her head between their large hands with the pretense of savaging her throat, Amanda coolly twisted away and batted their hands from her head. With a simple warning, she was able to keep both vulgar men in check. That wasn't to say that my wife played innocently with Bryan and Scott. She noisily deepthroated them until she gagged and spewed on herself, then attempted to take them even deeper!

As Amanda aggressively sucked, licked, and slobbered all over Darren's manhood, the poor young man had the same expression he always did when she toyed with him: a mixture of awe, panic, and sweet ecstasy. Piper's husband had always been intimidated by my wife. Though he had experienced her sexual prowess countless times, he was still in utter disbelief of her sheer depravity, which only seemed to intensify over time.

Phillip had been an enigma to Amanda since the first time they slept together. Soft-spoken and polite, he was the soul of courtesy but displayed a shocking kinkiness behind closed doors. Even now, as my wife swallowed him balls-deep, the pony-tailed Asian man reached down to rub his palms all over her firm, warm body. He touched her everywhere... all over her neck and shoulders, and down her back... and slid his hands down Amanda's chest to squeeze her breasts hard. She relished the roughness and purred like a cat. This sent pleasant vibrations through Phillip's cock, causing him, in turn, to moan pleasantly. As if to reciprocate his physicality, my wife slipped him out of her mouth and slapped his slimy erection against her cheek several times while gazing up at him before swallowing him whole again.

Amanda served her lovers expertly from her knees, varying the technique of her blowjob according to whomever she was performing fellatio on, knowing precisely how to please each man.

My wife let the men fuck her throat, but what she did not allow them to do was achieve orgasm; at least, not yet. She was completely familiar with the signs each man displayed prior to climax: Glenn trembled uncontrollably, Dimitri cried "Oh god!" over and over again, Bryan merely uttered something crude and vulgar, Scott's cock turned even warmer and pulsated like a heart, Darren rolled his head back and howled, and Phillip quickly inhaled through his nose and rapidly exhaled through pursed lips.

I watched in silent amusement as my wife blue-balled her every single one of them; there were still not allowed to cum.

And neither was I.

But Amanda wouldn't deny them for long. She wasn't that cruel, nor was it in her best interest to wait much longer. After all, she craved to be with her followers almost as badly as they longed to be with her.

I herded the men back to give my wife some breathing room then helped her to her feet. None of them had climaxed in her mouth, but that didn't mean that Amanda had escaped the "blowjob line" unscathed. A mixture of spittle and pre-ejaculate was oozing down her chin, and her chest was streaked with a wetness that glistened in the firelight.

We watched in mute wonder as our Sexy Goddess smeared the mixture all over her breasts like baby lotion.

I gaped just like everyone else. But then Amanda looked hard in my direction, breaking the spell that she had cast over me. She gave a curt nod, and I immediately sprang into action. Approaching the group again, I directed them to their assigned stations.

The final ceremony was about to commence.

This wasn't Amanda's first gangbang, nor would it be her last. In fact, she had been the focal point of so many that, at this point, it was a given that she could accommodate 5 stiff cocks at once without much effort: one her pussy, one down her throat, one up her ass, and one in each hand. Engaging 5 men simultaneously was almost amateurish for my wife!

But six... now this was a different story!

The issue wasn't a matter of courage or effort. Amanda was a marathon runner and religiously worked out at the gym 5 days a week, so she possessed the stamina to have sex with a small army. Considering her voracious sexual appetite- and my fetish in watching her with multiple partners- perhaps that feat wouldn't be too far off in the future!

No, our current issue was a matter of numbers. Having only 3 holes and 2 hands meant that Amanda could logistically only accommodate 5 penises at once. She may have been a Sex Goddess, but the laws of mathematics still applied to her. However, Amanda, through a combination of common sense and moral decadence, easily came up with a solution to account for that additional penis, a solution that, in retrospect, was fairly obvious.

Double-penetration, of course!

Amanda's worshippers had been given their instructions beforehand, so they assumed their positions rather efficiently. Phillip and Dimitri lay on the soft grass first, with their heads pointing in opposite directions, legs overlapping, and the undersides of their manhood pressing firmly against each other. I escorted Amanda over to them.

My wife squatted over Phillip and Dimitri, and carefully lowered herself onto their vertical erections. Her pussy was already wet and loose, and could normally fit 2 cocks without any issues. But the duo was even hotter than usual for her tonight, as evidenced by their size and hardness, and Amanda actually grimaced while impaling herself.

"That's it, Mandy," I whispered encouragingly in her ear. "Nice and slow... that's it. Stuff that meat inside your pussy... feel them inside of you..." My wife sighed and trembled as she continued to slowly drop her hips. "That's my Goddess," I encouraged her proudly.

Darren approached Amanda from the front so that his manhood dripped and waggled obscenely before her eyes. She had just blown him, but apparently he didn't care. Amanda gulped the young man into an immediate deepthroat.

Glenn and Scott rushed at her from either side. Out of the corner of her eyes, Amanda could seem them presenting- practically shoving- their stiff penises towards her, and she dutifully reached out to grasp them, and began masturbating the new 2 newcomers.

That left Bryan last. Unlike the others, I had a hard time figuring out what Amanda saw in him. He was adorned with multiple tattoos and body piercings, which I never knew her to be fond of. Furthermore, he was a foul human being, always making sexually inappropriate remarks to my wife and trying to touch her or, if not her, then any other female who was unlucky enough to be within his reach. Bryan had no redeeming qualities that I could discern, save for the fact that he was obsessed with Amanda and shared her love of running.

Then it dawned on me: those were precisely the reasons why my wife was so attracted to him.

Outwardly, Amanda frequently talked down to Bryan and barely gave him the time of day. But the more she belittled him and the more she played "hard to get", the more he lusted after her. It was their personal game that they thoroughly enjoyed.

Bryan sidled behind Amanda and callously pushed her forward. His eyes were afire and his grin was greasy as her puckered anus winked at him. At least Bryan was polite enough to spit on his hand and lubricate his cock before spearing my wife ruthlessly from behind.

Bryan had, of course, previously sodomized, rimmed, fingered, and crammed inanimate objects into Amanda's ass, but he was currently competing for real estate with Phillip and Dimitri. Still, attempted to force himself deeper into my wife's rectum without any apparent regard for her well-being- or Phillip's and Dimitri's, for that matter- and, together, the 4 winced and groaned at Bryan's anal intrusion.

I feared that Amanda had finally encountered a sexual situation that she couldn't handle, and stepped forward with the intention of putting an end to her plight.

But my wife was undaunted, nor was she yet satisfied. A long tendril of saliva mixed with semen stretched grotesquely from her chin as she spit Darren out of her mouth to snarl at Bryan, "For fuck's sake, push harder, you stupid moron! Push HARDER!!"

Her vehemence stunned me until I remembered whom she was addressing.

"As My Lady wishes." Slapping his hands onto Amanda's hips to secure her, Bryan thrusted forward hard. He, along with the 2 men in her pussy, all emitted a loud wail as the trio were all suddenly balls-deep into my wife.

Darren, with surprising forcefulness, yanked Amanda's head towards him again, and plunged himself back down throat until he was balls-deep into her, too.

My wife murmured and writhed, and I gazed upon her in awe and admiration as the 6 men brutally jostled her with reckless abandon. A mere mortal would've been completely overwhelmed, but not Amanda. She gave as viciously as she received, and the bumps and bruises that she was suffering was barely a minor inconvenience.

With so many cocks embedded in Amanda, it was difficult to determine who climaxed first. Someone moaned, and it was as if an explosive chain reaction had been set off. One by one, my wife's disciples presented with their offering into our sex cult: their unquestioned love and devotion... as well as their sperm.

Thick globs of goo began splattering on Amanda's neck and shoulders as she jerked Glenn and Scott into euphoric submission.

Bryan savagely squeezed her tits together while pumping his seed into her rectum.