My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 13

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Samantha Learns Her Life is Still in Danger.
14.5k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 07/27/2023
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In this chapter, Samantha learns her husband had insurance on her she knew nothing about, and that her life may still be in danger. In addition to buying a weapon and getting lessons from Grant, she learns about situational awareness. She takes her friends out to supper for helping her get her house ready to sell. This chapter contains oral sex, anal sex, group sex, lesbian sex, sex toys, and bondage. My thanks to Johnny Galt and Steve15077 for their editorial assistance. ©2024. This work cannot be used, copied, or published anywhere without the authors express permission. Do not steal intellectual property.

My Husband Fucked Me Over, Ch 13

Learning to Cope with Danger

The night Bonnie learned she was pregnant, was the night Pen and I tied Robert down on the bed and had our way with him. We blindfolded him, then tickled him with a feather, used silk scarves to caress him, rode him, (both his mouth and dick), switching off. He'd cum once, in me, while I took my third turn on his dick. By that time, he'd been hard for an hour, and left a huge amount of cum in me. Then we switched again, and Robert cleaned up his mess as I rode his face.

"I know you're not used to the taste of male cum, lover, but Pen and I do it all the time. It's not going to kill you," I said, just before I lowered my creamy pussy over his mouth. He dove right in because he was a good sport about it, as he was about most things sexual. He'd done it before, Pen said.

The last thing we did was lube up his butthole, and as Pen fucked his ass with a long, slim vibrator, I sucked him off. May I say that he must have enjoyed it, because my mouth was absolutely flooded with his semen when he arched off the bed, groaning, and blasted a massive load of cum. I lovingly swallowed it all, and gently sucked his sensitized cock until he started to shrink.

At that point, we undid his blindfold and released him. "I hope we didn't turn you off to the experience, because I had a great time, and I'd like to do it again," I said.

"I'm willing to take turns," Robert said. "I enjoyed what you did, but you've given me ideas for your next time tied down."

"Actually," Pen said. "It's my turn next. I'm the only one who hasn't been tied down. You can work your perverted imaginations on me next."

"Ooh, I like the sound of that," I said. "I'm thinking I owe you a spanking, at the very least."

Pen laughed. "I hope it's more than a spanking."

"Don't worry," Robert said. "There will be lots of other stuff too."

We took a shower and we were frisky enough washing off that Robert got another erection, and because Pen hadn't gotten any of his cum yet, she got ass fucked in the shower, leaning over with her hands against the wall as I sucked on her nipples. Clean up was easy, since we were already in the shower.

Friday was the day we expected the boat back, later in the afternoon. Bonnie and I worked out with Pen and Stephanie, then we all worked on the house while Tony cooked up a storm in the kitchen. We still had time to get into our suits and enjoy some time on the beach. The 'Odyssey' anchored off the beach around three, and the families got brought in to shore, five people at a time in the inflatable.

Everyone was in a great mood when they got back, having had a wonderful time. None of the women had tan lines up top that I could see. Becky rushed up to me and gave me an enthusiastic kiss in greeting, then giving one to Robert and Pen, only a trifle less enthusiastic.

"It was a fantastic time," she gushed. "Thanks for letting us take the boat, Robert. It was a great trip. So much fun. I missed having you with."

Everyone else agreed they'd had a special time together. Ben's and Edith's families had a chance to bond more and were all better friends for having taken the trip.`

"We have some news for you as well," I said. "Rancid has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder, seven counts, and Bonnie is preggers. She and Bill made a baby. We've got a place to exercise now. Edith, it appeared you were on his list. Your house was specifically targeted, and the burglar was told to kill anyone he found in the house. Becky, apparently shit for brains had it in for you too. The burglar was told there might be three in my house, and you were the only one who might be consistently there. Bill, Bonnie and Billy were also specifically targeted.

"You're on my insurance now and can drive my car. You can drive back and forth to school. Robert and Pen have all of my money, and all of my insurance was changed so Rancid can't get any money from our deaths, and word was spread among the inmates that he hasn't got any more money with which to pay anyone, so we're probably all safe for now. Even his parents refuse to talk to him again. His ass is cooked big time."

"Wow, what a bastard," Becky said. "I am so glad I didn't sleep with that asshole. How did the detective break the case?"

"It occurred to me when I had my chat with Rancid, that he might have instructed the burglar to do my house last because it was possible it was still under surveillance. If he did, he'd be caught, possibly having committed murders in the other houses, and Ransom wouldn't have to pay the burglar because he'd get the death penalty. They floated the idea to him. He still didn't say anything, but when he went back into the general population, and found out Rancid didn't have any money left to pay him, he cut a deal with the State Attorney. And, Rancid got the shit kicked out of him. Apparently, the burglar was pissed."

"Damn, great detective work," Jack said.

"Well, he had stuff from the other two places in his van when he was captured breaking into mine. They could have been chosen at random, but what if they weren't? It was worth a question. By the way, Edith, you can call Detective Barbara Bancroft to get your stuff, although you should probably wait until Monday."

"What did they take?" Edith asked.

"When we got our stuff, we saw some jewelry, silver, a stamp and coin collection, a TV and DVR we didn't recognize. Oh, and I think there was a handgun."

"That does sound like it's my stuff. Do you think it's safe to go home?"

"You might want to give it a week to see if anything else crops up," Robert said. "All three doors were repaired by Bill's company. Your front door key will work, but the back door locks were replaced, so you'll need the new keys for that. You could always go to Ben's place if you need privacy."

"Have you seen Ben's place?" Edith said. "The man lived like a Spartan. He had a studio apartment with a double bed in it. The man didn't spend money on where he lived, that's for damn sure."

"You should see my retirement account," Ben laughed.

"You're welcome to stay here," Pen said. "It almost feels like family."

"Even family starts to smell fishy when they stay too long," Marjorie said.

"That hasn't been my experience thus far," Robert said. "I've been getting along with everyone just great."

"It has been like a working vacation," Bill said. "I think I'll be able to give notice and start my business in about a month. I've got some employees lined up who also have to give notice. Someone's working on a website. I'm getting close."

"Antonio has been slaving away in the kitchen all day," Pen said. "He said supper should be ready by six."

"We got a beach volleyball set up on Tuesday. We can set it up and anyone who's interested can play," I said.

Everyone but Marjorie wanted to play, so we put up the net. It looked like it was going to be a hard fought game, so I sat it out while Mary, Becky, Pen, Robert, Bill, and Jack, took on Paul and Marianne, George and Ruby, and Greg and Annette on the other, with Ben, Edith, and Bonnie ready to hop in on either side if anyone got tired. They were all pretty fit people, so it was an entertaining game. Bill was worried about Bonnie playing at first.

"You do realize women used to deliver babies while plowing the fields, don't you" Ruby said. "She's good for lots of exercise until about the three month mark."

While they played, I pointed out the game to Emma and Billy, mostly how hard they hit the ball, and how they could get trampled or hit in the face if they tried to play.

"There are some other games we can use the same ball for, such as to play kick ball, which might be easier for you, and we can play that sometimes. When you do want to try volleyball, we can probably lower the net, so it won't be so hard for you to hit the ball over it."

One of the players hit a wild shot and I snapped my arm out to intercept it before it hit the kids, knocking it back on the court. "Careful boys and girls."

Becky called Bonnie in to play for her and came over to sit beside us. She was breathing hard from her exertions, had a good sweat going, and looked nut brown. I'm guessing she got a lot of sun that week.

"Did you have a good time on the boat?" I asked.

"Wonderful. Did you miss me?"

"A little," I teased. "About this much," and I held my thumb and forefinger around two inches apart. "I'm glad you had time to play before you went back to school."

Becky laughed. "Did you get laid every night?"

"Not every night." I lowered my voice. "When I learned Rancid had schemed to kill his own daughter, I was pretty beat up. I spent a couple nights in Mary's room with Emma, just holding onto her for dear life all night. I was a mess. Things finally got back to normal after that."

"I can imagine that hit you pretty hard."

"Did you miss me?"

"Maybe this much," Becky laughed, holding her fingers three inches apart. "I guess you win."

I kissed her softly, holding the kiss for a few seconds.

Mary swapped out of the game with Edith and came strolling over.

"This game looks as fun as the volleyball was," she said.

"No game," I said. "Real life."

"Can I walk the beach with you?" Mary asked me.

"Me, not Becky?"

"Yeah, you."

"Sure, Becky, would you watch the kids?"

"No problemo."

I got up and brushed the sand off and headed down to the shoreline with Mary beside me. When we were a fair distance away, I asked, "What's on your mind?"

"It's no secret to you that I really like Becky a lot, is it?"

"No, it's not your little secret," I laughed. "I'm pretty sure everyone knows."

"You were right. Becky won't come to Australia with me."

"I didn't think she'd give up school so close to graduation."

"Perhaps. I think it's half school, and half you."

"I'd like to think she cares for me a little bit, but I doubt if it's half."

"I'm not so sure. She's pretty wild about you."

"I can't give her more than I am."

"I think she knows that, but she's not unhappy with what you can give her. You made the Tafts accept her, so she can be a part of your little group. I think she can be happy with that."

"What is it that you want then?"

"I'm not sure."

"You know you're certainly welcome to pursue her. I won't stop you or her from doing what you want. There may be other reasons she wants the status quo. You're over ten years older than she is. I'm closer in age. She loves Emma almost as much as I do. I can't change that. Maybe the fact that you were going to move in with another couple weighs on her. Switching so suddenly from them to her, might make you seem flighty."

"I can't say it doesn't seem flighty to me as well. I think I was just tired of living alone, and I got along well with both of them. I certainly don't feel as much for them as I feel for Becky."

"Does she know that?"

"I've certainly tried to tell her."

"Maybe you're the one who needs to make the move?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if she uproots her life to live in Australia, and things don't work out, she's gone from everything she knows, stuck in a foreign place without anyone, brought there by someone who was ready to move in with another couple. She knows what she has here, with a good job lined up after graduation. It might not feel like the best move on her part to go traipsing off with you."

Mary was thoughtful for a while. "You're right. I wouldn't be ready to take that deal either."

"So you make the move. You're an American citizen. You can move right back, live in the same country with your family. Veterinarians can get a job anywhere. Hell, if you want, I could sell you the house I'm living in across the street from your sister. Unless they move to a bigger house, you've got instant neighbors with people you love and a niece or nephew. You offer me anything close to a reasonable price for it, I'll take it. I don't care if it is below market. I don't owe my husband anything. Fuck him. You're here, you can pursue Becky all you want, and convince her you're the better woman for her."

"Deal. Tell me what you want for it. I'll settle my affairs in Australia and move back."

"I'll let you know."

"You really won't fight me for her?"

"I'll tell her to follow her heart, wherever that leads her. It may not lead to you, but she'll be true to herself."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

When we returned to the others, they'd finished playing, and were sitting around drinking water to rehydrate. Mary asked Ben and Edith if they wanted a new neighbor.

"Who?" Edith asked.

"Me," Mary said.

"I thought you were thinking of moving in with that couple?" Marjorie asked.

"I was, but I think it's just that I was lonely and felt compatible with them. I liked them, but I didn't love them. I want to move back here. My family is here, my sister and her new husband are here, and soon I'll have a baby to spoil. Sam offered to sell me her place at a good price, so I'm coming back."

"Are you sure you're not moving back for Becky?" Ben asked. "We saw how you followed her around like a puppy dog on the boat."

"She's the main reason," Mary said, "but I have others."

"You'd move back here for me?" Becky asked.

"I was asking you to uproot your life for me and wasn't giving you anything in return except promises you didn't know I could keep. Well, it's time I took responsibility for what I want. I want you, and I'm willing to show you how much."

"Wow," Edith said. "Just wow. Talk about a sudden change of events."

"Can I talk to you?" Becky asked me.

"As long as I don't have to go for another walk. I'm fat, pregnant, and walked out."

The others all laughed as Becky took my hand and led me into the house. We went to our bedroom, such as it was, shared with the Tafts.

"You'd sell your house to Mary?" Becky asked.

"I have to sell it to someone. It would be convenient to Edith."

"Do you love me?"

"I care a great deal for you. I would look at it as close to love, if not love."

"And if I fell in love with Mary?"

"I'd be very happy for you, and a wee bit sad for me. Becky, I want what's best for you, whatever that is. It's why I know I love you a little, because I want you making choices that make you happy. I want you to follow your heart, wherever that leads you. If it's to stay with me and Emma, with the Tafts, I welcome that. If it's to fall in love with Mary, I welcome that. I just want you to be happy with whatever it is you choose. You're very dear to me, my first real girlfriend, but do what's good for you. That would make me happy."

"You're not going to push me at Mary, are you?"

"No, but I won't stand in your way if that's where you choose to go."

"Can I sleep with you tonight? Just you?"

"We'd have to get a room somewhere? There's no room to sleep alone."

"We could sleep on the boat," Becky said. "It can stay anchored here, can't it?"

"Ben would know. I don't."

"But you will sleep with me?"

"Of course, even if we have to get a hotel room, I'll boink your brains out. I did miss you, truly."

I went out and asked Ben if they could leave the boat anchored offshore all night.

"Sure, we have to leave some lights on, but it should be fine. Why?"

"Becky wanted a little alone time, and all the bedrooms are taken in the house."

Both Mary and Pen looked a little sad, and Mary seemed more sad. I'd told her I wouldn't stand in her way, and here I was, going out to the boat with her crush to fuck.

We got called to dinner. Pen and Bonnie were shepherding the kids. I caught Mary's hand before she left, holding her back.

When all the rest were gone, I said, "Becky just needs reassurance I still care for her after she was gone with you, and I don't think it means more than that. You had her for a week; surely you don't begrudge me a night."

"No, I guess not."

"I don't think she's setting down roots. She's trying to understand how she feels, and that's not a bad thing."

She smiled a little. "Yeah, I get it. It's just been a long time since I felt this way about someone."

"It's a wonderful feeling to have, despite the bumps and bruises. I promised I wouldn't push her at you, but you can always push yourself. Just be friendly and encouraging, not clingy and jealous."

"I've got it. Thanks."

Tony had made thin slices of beef, marinated and slow cooked in wine, and coq au vin, chicken cooked in wine, with hot dogs for the kids. We had new red potatoes with garlic and parsley sprinkled on them, and broccoli with a lemon cream sauce. The food was outstanding, and the company was lively.

All the boat trippers had stories to tell about the trip, and there hadn't been much worn up top, and the cabins had seen a lot of action. They all wanted to know more about Ransom but I said I'd talk more about it after the kids were in bed which was shortly after we finished eating, and we all helped clean up.

Pen took the kids to bed and to read them a story, while I relayed the events of my meeting with Ransom in the jail, the general conversation and tone.

"That's when I knew the fucker had planned to kill me; when he didn't even try to deny it," I said.

"Was he abused as a child?" Ruby asked, "because that's one sick bastard."

"His parents are sweet as sugar," I said. "I think he was just one of those people who are born with something missing. It's like he faked empathy, but I don't think he had an ounce of it in his body."

"Like one of those 'Bad Seed' sort of people," Annette said.

"I think so," I said.

"What 'Bad Seed' sort of people?" Becky asked.

"'The Bad Seed' was a book, then a play, then a movie, then a TV movie about a child who's a ruthless killer, without a conscience. It was pretty scary," Annette said. "The original book had the child surviving and the mother dying. When Mom realized her daughter killed a schoolmate for a penmanship medal, and two other people, she gave the kid a lethal dose of sleeping pills, then tried to shoot herself. Hearing the shot, the neighbors get the kid to the hospital in time to save her. The Code Office said you couldn't have a movie without the bad person paying for their sins, so the movie reversed that, and had the kid try to retrieve the medal from the river where she drowned the kid, then got hit by lightening, and the mother survived. You just think of kids being so innocent, and this little girl was pretty savage, killing at least three people in the movie."

"Wasn't the child's real grandfather in the movie a serial killer, and Mom got adopted?" I asked. "That's why the Mom thought she was a bad seed, born that way because of something missing in her real father."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Poor Emma was worried she'd grow up to be like her father," I said. "The fact that she'd worry about it is all the evidence I need to know that she wouldn't."

"Poor baby," Marjorie agreed. "To think a child needs to worry about stuff like that."

"Ben, could I trouble you to take Becky and I out to the boat and make sure it's set up for the night. I want to cuddle after all this distressing talk about the rabid animal that was my ex."