My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 13


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"No problem. Just grab what you need and meet me at the little boat in ten minutes."

We wouldn't really need clothes on the boat. I would need my toothbrush, and maybe a few toys. We got what we needed and met Ben. He took us out to the 'Odyssey' and turned on the generator and the lights we'd need. Becky immediately stripped off, and I followed suit, or should I say, without suit.

"Fuck, I missed you," Becky said, pouncing when I got bare. Her mouth was immediately on mine, kissing. My belly was starting to get in the way, so we adjourned to the cabin she'd shared with Mary while they were gone. The sheets still smelled of sex as they hadn't been changed. The kissing quickly graduated to more. More fondling, more rubbing, more sucking, more licking. I swear we kept it up for an hour, until we were both panting in exhaustion.

"God, I needed that," Becky said, arm thrown over her head, the picture of satisfied beauty. I probably looked as satisfied, but a little less on the beautiful side.

"So, tell me about the trip from your perspective," I said. "It looked like most of you had no tan lines on top."

Becky laughed. "Yeah, that was pretty cool. Mary and I shed our tops immediately, and Ruby and Annette followed within a few minutes. Edith having gone out with Ben before the wedding, and knowing how nice it could be, shed her top about an hour later with a little encouragement from Ben. I think the fact her sister was already topless helped. The next morning, Marjorie and Marianne had breakfast without their tops, and from then on, it was all boobs, all the time.

"Most of the men developed frequent erections during the day, so there were repeated trips to the cabins. No one was complaining about that. Mary was the only one to go bottomless on board, but I think that's because she was single. We all went skinny dipping at least once. Swimming in the ocean naked feels great. I'd do that again in a heartbeat. All those Mason men had decent looking dicks, but the surprising one was Mary and Edith's father, Jack. His was the largest in the bunch. He's even bigger than Robert."

"So, tell me about Mary. What's she like? Do you like her?"

"I like her a lot. I like her almost as much as I like you. She's smart, loving, funny, great bod, but she's not you."

"Maybe it's because I'm your first; you know, your first girlfriend, the first one you ever had sex with."

"I don't know. I just know I'm not ready to commit to only her. I feel like I still have a lot of my life left to live. She's ready to settle down, and I'm not. I think it's partly a function of our ages. She's settled. She's got an advanced degree, traveled, lived in a different part of the world, had sex with lots of people. I haven't done all that stuff yet. I feel like I need to sow wild oats for a while. How did you know you wanted to get married right out of college?"

"Obviously, I wasn't, or I would have chosen better. Ransom was more eager to get married than I was. I did want to have children, though, and that influenced my decision. As soon as Ransom landed his great job at Taft and we bought a house, I was throwing away my birth control pills to get knocked up. Looking back on it now, I think Ransom was trying to lock me down. Marriage, kid, making me feel more trapped, so he could start doing what Ransom did, but making it harder for me to bail if I found out about him. I don't know. I may never understand his motivations. They were a hell of a lot different than mine.

"I will say this though. I don't think all of the other things mean a hill of beans. What matters is people, the people in your life. A lot of the things you talk about, like travel, will be more fun doing it with someone you care about, rather than doing it on your own. Even experimenting with sex, like we've been doing, is more fun with someone you know and trust, than with strangers.

"I wouldn't let just anyone tie me down. That requires trust, so no one night stand will ever have that much control. Mary seems to like guys as well as girls, so if you did some experimenting together, she'd probably be willing. Just because she wants to settle down with you, doesn't necessarily mean she's ready to make you her one and only. That's something you'd need to work out together. Maybe, you can add a guy to your life too, have a Taft/me thing going on, or a Taft/me/you thing. Those are the things you'd need to work out in any relationship, long or short. Just be open to all of the possibilities, not just the ones you have with me, because even those are limiting. I'm not going to add more sexual partners. If you do that, you're doing it on your own. It's why I don't mind you being with Mary. You're young and you should be figuring stuff out for yourself, not tied to me."

Becky kissed me. "See, that's what I love about you. You put everything into perspective for me. Okay. I'm willing to be open to possibilities. I won't cling to your apron strings more than anyone else's."

"That's my girl. Do you want to cum again?"

"I do, but let me do you first."

"How about we do each other together?"

"Sounds lovely. On your side, bitch. I'm not letting you climb aboard carrying all that extra weight."

"It's easier for you to move. You do the flip."

That's what we did. Soon, we were nestled between each other's thighs, showing our love and affection for each other. It was great.


We repeated our pleasure in the morning, and doubled up with some tribbing to go along with it. Since we were out on the water, fairly far from shore, we weren't shy about going about the deck bare ass naked, and there were supplies to make breakfast. There was a lot of touchy-feely stuff going on every minute, as we communicated our joy in being with one another under rather carefree circumstances. The kids were being looked after, and we had time to canoodle, before, during and after breakfast. We even went skinny dipping together (fun) before getting dressed and calling for Robert to send someone out to pick us up.

Ben came out to get us. Before we climbed in, he asked, "Edith wants to know if Mary is wasting her time moving here?"

"Mary isn't wasting her time for sure," Becky said. "I'm open to the possibility of romance, but I'm unsure who that romance would be with. I'm still weighing my life options. I need to finish school, and start work, but Mary is on the list of possible amours. Only time will tell if she's wasted her time, but I definitely intend to date her, so she takes her chances, like anyone else. I'm not locked on to anyone at the moment. I think she'll enjoy moving here, but only she can decide if it's worth it."

"That's oddly comforting," Ben said. "That will have to do."

"Was it really Edith who was concerned, or Mary?" I asked.

"Edith was the one who talked to me. I can't say for sure who prompted the question."

"If it was Mary, tell her not to press too hard. Becky is certainly willing to give her a chance, but not to be too clingy. A decision made in haste, isn't necessarily a good decision."

"I'll let all interested parties know."

"You might want to show Mary a touch of affection when you get back, to show her you're not zeroed in on me either," I told Becky.

"Gotcha. Home, James."

Ben laughed. "I've got to say, my life has gotten a lot more interesting since you two entered the picture."

Becky gave Mary a rousing kiss when she got back, and I did the same for Pen and Robert. They were still the top targets on my radar. I greeted Emma and decided to get into a swim suit for more beach fun.

"Hey, kids, would you like to kick the ball around a little this morning?"

"Sure, Mommy," Emma said.

"Let's get your suits on. We can swim when we get hot and sweaty."

The Masons had another day before they had to leave on Sunday. Mary was leaving on Monday. Jack and Marjorie on Tuesday. We spent the rest of the morning playing a relaxed game of soccer on the beach, with the kids joining in. Nobody kept score, and everyone had fun. We grilled hamburgers and cheeseburgers for lunch, after which the kids took a nap, because we'd tuckered them out. Mary and Becky went to the bedroom, but I suspect a nap wasn't on their agenda. I'm sure their spending time together helped allay some of Mary's fears.

I was relaxing with Pen, Robert, Bill and Bonnie on one of the decks in the shade. I was tuckered out too. I was holding Pen's hand. Bonnie was holding Bill's, and Bill and Robert were talking about Bill's planned business, while the ladies were engaged in desultory small talk. The others were down on the beach, swimming, and otherwise fooling around.

"I suppose that starting on Monday, I should start packing up my stuff," I said. "Becky starts school, so I'll probably need rides to and from, and I could probably use some help with packing things."

"Why don't you take Grant and Stephanie. You're helping out here, so she's got time to help you," Pen said. "I can look after Emma."

"If you can look after Billy too, I can help pack," Bonnie said.

"Not a problem," Pen said. "I'll get my work done in the morning while everyone is cleaning."

We had another nice meal that evening, then said goodbye to the Masons, who'd be going straight to the airport tomorrow. I hadn't gotten to know them as well as the others because I hadn't gone on the boat ride with them, but they'd struck me as good folks, not unlike Ben. I spent the night with the Tafts, while Becky spent the night with Mary, and she told me before going to bed, she'd spend Sunday night with her too.

Sunday was a cold, rainy, windy day, so we couldn't go outside, and we had a movie afternoon for the kids, watching 'Frozen' this time.

I spent that night with Robert and Pen, having sex with both of them, more or less at the same time. While we were resting, Pen asked about my night with Becky.

"It was nice. She just needed reassurance that I still cared for her. We had a lot of fun."

"Do you think she'll end up with Mary?"

"I don't know. There's interest there, but she's not ready to commit one way or the other. She thinks she's too young for that choice yet."

"Is she?" Robert asked.

"I wished I'd waited longer before marrying Ransom. I wish I'd known him better than I did. It doesn't hurt to wait if it's real."

"Is there anything we need to do to convince you it's real with us?" Pen asked.

"No. I'm happy. I'm not going anywhere."

"Grant was asking if you could make an adjustment to your schedule tomorrow, and let him take you shooting, and to get a weapon for concealed carry?"

"That's fine. Believe me, I can wait to pack up my house. I'll call for an appraisal to be done in the morning, though. I'd like to give Mary a figure before too long."

"I'll send you the number of a reputable firm first thing in the morning," Robert said.

"Should I give all of my furniture and household stuff to Goodwill?" I asked.

"Is there anything you want to keep? Silverware or something?"

"I don't know. I'll figure it out as I'm packing it. None of it will really go with your things."

"It doesn't have to," Pen said. "But some of the stuff may have more value than you think, and Mary might like something furnished."

"I'll text her pictures of the stuff I can't keep and ask her if she wants it. Now where were we. Isn't it my turn to get stuffed with Robert's cock?"

"I believe it is," Pen laughed. "I'm licking."


"Whatever I can put my tongue on"

In the morning, Becky went to school, Ben and Edith took Mary to the airport, then went to claim their belongings from the Lee County Sheriff that had been found in the burglar's van.

And, instead of starting in on packing up my stuff after my morning cleaning, Grant took me out to a gun store with an indoor gun range and had me show him how well I shot with his.45 caliber. I think I impressed him with my accuracy, but he reminded me that paper targets don't shoot back, so it was always more difficult shooting in a fire fight, than it was on the range.

The gun shop allowed us to take multiple weapons on the range, and I tried several, trying to decide which of them I would get. We tried three 9MM automatics, three.40 caliber automatics, and two.357 caliber revolvers, and shot a minimum of twelve rounds through each. Grant explained the benefits and disadvantages of each.

The.357 revolvers had the better stopping power, generally, but kicked hard and were limited to six shots although I could get an autoloader that carried an additional six. The.40 calibers were an intermediate stopping power between the 9MM and the.357, and ammunition choice was helpful in yielding greater stopping power regardless of what I chose.

I tried different barrel lengths as well. When I shot them, I preferred the longer barreled (four inches or more), weapons because of their better accuracy and slightly less kick when I shot them, but Grant said it would be very unlikely that I'd need to shoot someone more than twenty feet away, and it would probably be less than ten, and might be close enough to touch them. Smaller guns could be carried easier and drawn faster in an emergency.

I eventually decided on a Smith and Wesson M&P.40 caliber, Shield M2.0 with a micro-compact frame and a 3.1 inch barrel. It carried seven rounds in the magazine, but I could carry an additional magazine and change it faster than I could a revolver with an autoloader. Having decided on a weapon, I shot a full box of ammo through that one, getting used to it. Before we left, I got a purse holster to carry it in.

"You need to do me a favor," Grant said.

"What's that?"

"You promise to put that one beside the bed at night, or you buy another one just like it to keep by the bed permanently. That weapon won't do you any good if it's in your purse and someone comes at night."

"I'm a little worried about having a loaded gun in the house next to the bed. Accidents can happen. I don't want to shoot Pen or Robert because they got up to use the bathroom."

"Don't shoot at shapes and shadows. Make sure of your target. Wake up Pen and Robert. They should be alert as well."

"And the kids?"

"We can put it in a gun box with a biometric lock, so they can't get at it, and I'll give everyone some basic safety lessons, including the children. For them, it will be primarily not to touch one."

"Let's get two then, and make sure both Pen and Robert know how to shoot."


We added a second weapon and a bed side gun safe with both a biometric and numeric keypad lock. There was a three day mandatory waiting period on the guns, so I couldn't take it with me, although I could buy five boxes of practice ammo, and one box of the Cor-Bon, 135 grain Jacketed Hollow Point ammunition, which in the.40 caliber, seemed to have the one shot stopping power of the best.357 ammo, based upon actual police records as culled by Marshall and Sanow, in a study they'd made. We also got a rubber dummy gun that I could use to practice drawing from my new handbag holster.

When we got home, he took me into the gym and showed me how to punch, kick, knee and elbow someone on the heavy bag, then showed me the places on the body where those things would be most effective. The throat and groin were the obvious ones, but he showed me incapacitating blows to the thighs, knees, neck, temples, and various other pressure points.

"Don't forget going for the eyeballs with your fingernails," Grant said. "And the element of surprise."

"I've used that at least once on someone's balls. They weren't expecting it."

"Don't take a stance like you know what you're doing. Look scared and fidgety, and when you have to move, hit hard and fast. Don't give them a clue what's coming. Show me on the bag."

I held my hands up in front of my face. "Please sir. Please don't hit me." Then I went for a knuckle strike to the throat, then grabbed the top of the bag like they were shoulders, gave a knee in the general vicinity of the groin, yanked down like I had the shoulders and tried to give another knee to the face, bam, bam, bam.

"Just like that," Grant said. "Have you had any Martial Arts."

"A couple years in high school when Dad saw I insisted on hanging out with boys all the time."

"Smart man. All fathers should look into doing that. Not that you should go crazy with it, and don't look for trouble, but be prepared for it."

"Well, we're going to have a couple of girls here now. Maybe we'll put you in charge of training them."

"I'll do it. We'll go over cleaning and caring for your weapons after we get them. We can pick them up on Thursday."

"Thanks, Grant."

"You're welcome."

That night, Becky joined us in bed again, and I talked to the others about having a gun in the house. They all agreed to make sure they knew how to handle guns properly and learn to shoot.

"It sounds like it could be fun, if say, all the women went together and competed against one another," Becky said. "Loser gets cunt licking and cock sucking duty only that night."

"Sam will almost automatically win that one," Pen said. "Grant said she did great, and I've never even fired a gun."

"I have," Becky said, "but everyone can have some practice before we hold the contest."


Tuesday, Marjorie and Jack flew home, and Edith and Ben flew out to Colorado to start their honeymoon. With Grant driving, we went by a U-Haul and got two dozen boxes, tape, packing material, and magic markers and I started tearing my house apart with Grant's, Stephanie's and Bonnie's help. I started taking pictures of the furniture and dishes, utensils, pots and pans. I'd let Becky send the photos to Mary asking her what she wanted to keep. It would give Becky a reason to contact her. The appraiser came by as we were working, and he came in and took measurements and photos. We packed up the kitchen and both bathrooms. We kept the food, and condiments that wouldn't spoil and took those with us, plus stuff from the bathrooms we could use. Food that we couldn't keep went into the garbage can (past use by dates) or boxed for a food kitchen. The other boxes got taped shut with their contents carefully noted. We dropped off the food kitchen food on the way back.

Wednesday was more of the same, going for clothes and the bedrooms. I couldn't fit into most of my clothes, but I hoped to get back into most of them after I delivered. Around a quarter of them, I figured I'd never wear again, so to Goodwill they'd go. There were things Emma had outgrown which I wondered about. I called Pen.

"Do you want to save some of Emma's clothes for this baby, or do you want all new stuff?"

"Keep anything that's pretty, but not anything that's overly worn. Half of the fun of you having a baby will be to buy things for it. It's not as if I need to watch my budget."

"That's true. I'll keep the things she still fits in, and things like her christening gown, and a couple of the more attractive baby clothes I had, and Goodwill the rest."

"Sounds fine."

"I'd like to reward all the hard work everyone is putting in. Can I take everyone to dinner on Friday night?"

"I'm sure they'd love that. Something fancy?"

"If it's okay by you. Right now, every dime I own is in your pockets."

"Don't worry about that. They're your pockets too."

"Then pick someplace you like and make reservations for eight adults. Can Henry watch the kids?"

"It won't be a problem. Eight?"

"You're babysitting the kids and I'm not going anywhere without the husbands. Grant would be overwhelmed with estrogen."

Pen laughed. "Eight it is. Any particular kind of food?"

"Surprise me."

"Dress up or casual?"

"I'm sure we'd all like to shower before we go out, so let's say resort casual to dressy."

"Will someone be wearing a Lush?" Pen asked.

I looked over at Grant and Stephanie. He'd purchased one of the toys. "Why don't we say that all of the females will be so attired."