My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 13


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We had to leave at 6:30 to make our 7:00 reservations. We took the limo again, and for the first time ever, I was armed when I went out. Sure enough, when we got to the Turtle Club, Grant sat so he could watch the door, and Stephanie sat opposite him so she could scan the rest of the room. Becky and I sat on either side of her, while Pen was to my right.

We got a waitress right away and we put in our orders for drinks and appetizers.

"Order whatever you want," I said. "Pen assured me that I have enough money to pay for anything you order." Robert and Bill both laughed, and the rest of them smiled. "Thank you for all your help. I couldn't do it without you."

I got the carpaccio, which was sliced beef tenderloin with lemon olive oil, spicy aioli, arugula, shaved pecorino Romano cheese, capers, diced shallots and French bread and a non-alcoholic banana daiquiri for me. Becky ordered the jumbo lump crab cocktail with citrus mustard and cocktail sauce and Stephanie got the ceviche.

"Eat your oysters, Robert," I said. "I have plans for you later."

Robert laughed again and ordered the oysters turtlefeller, their take on oysters Rockefeller, with apple-smoked bacon, cream, parmesan and Pernod.

While we waited, I asked Stephanie what she was looking for. Becky paid attention too.

"Okay, first of all, I want you to look at all of the people you can see without turning around," Stephanie said. "Does anyone look out of place?"

"Well, most of the people here are with other people, either a spouse or friend, or a small group," Becky said. "One of the men is by himself. Is that out of place?"

"How old is he?" Stephanie asked.

"He looks to be a well preserved mid-seventies," I said.

"Probably too old for a hit man, or a single businessman," Stephanie said, "but that is a little odd. Most people going out to spend this much money, want to do so with someone else. Does he look like he's waiting for someone. Is the table set for another diner?"

"No," Becky said. "The rest of his table is cleared. He's got a whole bottle of wine, though, not just a glass."

"Does he look happy or sad?"

"A little sad," I said.

"One possibility is this is a day that he'd normally celebrate with someone else, but they're gone. Perhaps a spouse who died, and this is on a birthday or anniversary. It happens. Some people still want to remember the important moments of their lives, even though the partner is now missing. Given his age, it might be somewhat of a habit. He might also be someone who enjoys being alone with his own company. Other people may aggravate him. The thing is, you don't know why he's alone, but being alone is a little odd, so you'll probably keep more of an eye on him than the others, just from the oddness. Anything else seem out of place?"

"Well, that couple at the small table keeps looking at us," Becky said.

"What's the expression on their faces like?" Stephanie asked. "Is it inquisitive, intense, amused; what does their expression say to you?"

"It seems one of recognition, with a hint of being inquisitive to me," I said.

"Very good. A lot of people recognize Pen and Robert in Naples, being as they're local celebrities of a sort. But, due to the recent news coverage, you have also gotten some notoriety. I can't tell who they recognize, but they bear more watching unless we know."

"Pen, the couple at our one o'clock position," I said, "with the woman in the silver dress. Do you recognize her?"

Pen looked up, then waved at the couple. They waved back. "Yes, she sits on the local American Cancer Society board with me."

"How well do you get along with her?" I asked.

"Well enough. She's been somewhat standoffish since the news broke about us having a child with you. She hasn't said anything to my face, but I suspect she was shocked and is trying to integrate our behavior into her world view, whatever that is."

"So, she might be trying to place everyone else at the table, wondering who we all are?" Stephanie asked.

"Probably," Pen agreed.

"Would she be shocked you're dining with the help?" I asked.

Pen laughed. "Perhaps. I doubt that anyone else is here with their staff, but she wouldn't know they're the help. No, that's not quite true. She has been to my house on a few occasions and might recognize Stephanie as the maid."

"Well, we might find out," I said. "She's getting up and heading this way."

She approached the opposite side of the table, next to Robert and Grant.

"Hello, Robert, Penelope, it's good to see you again," she said.

"Greta," Robert said, standing. "Good to see you."

"Please sit down, Robert. You're such a gentleman. May I have introductions?"

"Certainly. To my right is my driver and bodyguard, Grant. Next to him is Bonnie Smith, and Bonnie's husband, Bill. You know Pen, of course, and beside her is Samantha Ford, then Stephanie, Grant's wife, and Becky, Samantha's friend. This is Greta van Groot, one of Naple's luminaries."

Greta smiled. "Luminary. I like that, Robert. It's good to meet you all."

"Everyone is here tonight as my guest," I said. "They've been giving me lots of help moving from my former residence to Mr. and Mrs. Taft's residence. Due to my recent troubles, I've had to concern myself with the safety of myself and my daughter. Stephanie, as a former military veteran, and one of the people helping to protect me and my daughter, was just providing Becky and me tips on situational awareness. For instance, she was pointing out the interest you seemed to have in our table, and assessing whether you could be a possible assassin hired to kill me." Greta stiffened. I smiled. "Just joking. Pen informed us you were a friend, one she hasn't seen as much as she usually enjoyed. Recent events seem to take up everyone's time more than they should. I took everyone out to dinner. Penelope has been a godsend in helping with my daughter. She's like a second mother to my daughter. She's taken to calling Pen Maman, and Robert, Daddy, since her real father wanted to kill her."

The shocked look on Greta's face was palpable.

"Yes," I said, "my soon to be ex-husband is a sociopath. He's been charged with Conspiracy to Commit Murder of several people at this table, his own daughter being one of them. Fortunately, we get by despite the circumstances, because of the friendship and love shown by our very good friends. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. van Groot. Hopefully, things will soon get back to normal and you can spend as much time with Penelope as you did in the past. I'm sure she misses your company and that of the other friends and acquaintances she's used to working and socializing with. I find Pen to be one of the truly bright lights in this universe. Her kindness towards me and my daughter is without bounds. I don't know what I would have done without her friendship." I smiled again. "Perhaps, when things settle down, Penelope could have several of her old friends over for coffee or cocktails. I'd like to involve myself in some of her generous works. She's an example to all of us."

"Yes, yes she is," Greta said.

"Since I'm going to be living with them on a permanent basis, I'd love to get to meet all of Mrs. Taft's friends eventually."

"Moving in permanently?"

I smiled again. "Well, I am carrying Robert's and Penelope's daughter, and they did want two children, and their children would be Emma's half siblings, and they felt they could protect me and their child easier at their house than my own, so I've graciously been invited to stay with them on a permanent basis. We'll be like an extended family. I look forward to spending more time with them, and meeting all of their other friends."

I saw Grant tense up, then he gradually relaxed. Stephanie had noticed too, her hand going to her pocketbook before she looked around. Becky had noticed Grant's reaction. She turned to look. Situational awareness. Now I knew what that was.

"Mrs. van Groot," I said. "Thank you for coming to our table and introducing yourself. It was a pleasure. I hope to see more of you in the future."

"Me too. Goodbye all."

She went back to her table, and quickly engaged in chatter with her husband.

"I'm relatively sure all of you former associates will have the details of your new living arrangements fairly soon," I said. "It will be interesting to see who your real friends are."

"I'll be interested in seeing how many of them want to visit now and check out things for themselves," Pen said.

"Well, most of my things are in the guest room, so feel free to tell them as much or little as you want. What did you spot, Grant, when you tensed up?"

"Someone who didn't seem to fit in, but he went and joined a couple at another table."

"Well, now I have an understanding of what you mean by situational awareness. It was a good lesson. I shall try to pay more attention to my surroundings from now on."

"Good, one of the things I want you paying attention to is when we leave. Most assassins don't want to shoot people in a restaurant, because it's closed off. The best place is outside of the building, close to their cars and exit strategies. You're relaxed, having eaten, perhaps had a few drinks, looking forward to going home. It's a time of peak vulnerability. Acme is outside, checking the parking lot and the people going in and out. They'll be looking for peculiarities. Things like cars running, people lingering outside, but you should get used to looking yourself. You should always do it. Parking lots are dangerous places, even if someone isn't out to get you.

"Before you even walk out, check the area surrounding the door, then expand your area. Have your keys in hand before you go out, so you're not digging in your purse for them, and can continue looking around, concentrating on the surroundings. Remember that cars make excellent barricades. If someone pulls a gun, drop behind a car, move sideways a few feet before taking a look. Don't make it easy for someone who's looking at where you dropped out of sight. Maybe peek out around the front or back. Make sure someone is calling 911, if you can't do it yourself. If you have a voice activated phone or watch, have it call 911 so you can remain aware at all times."

"Are parking lots that dangerous?" Becky asked.

"More muggings, purse snatchings, assaults, and kidnappings occur in parking lots than any other single place. Cars in parking lots are burglarized all the time. Cars are stolen out of parking lots. Bad guys like them because security is laxer, people are carrying packages or fumbling for their keys, so you're not paying attention. You're usually alone and help is farther away. If I were a crook, I'd love parking lots. The good thing is, the more alert you are, the less you look like a target. If nothing else you can start screaming right away or blowing a whistle."

"Damn," Bonnie said. "Is it really that dangerous."

"We live in a relatively safe area, so it's not that dangerous, but it does present safety challenges. You're better off going with someone else than going alone. I had a Highway Patrolman tell me once about a woman who got into her car at a supermarket parking lot. Immediately, this big pickup started following her. She tried speeding up, slowing down, turning, and this truck just stayed behind her, no matter what she did. The guy never got out of the truck, didn't try hitting her car, but she was terrified. Finally, she dashed into this 7-11 and told the clerk to call the police. This was before cell phones were common. They called and a trooper was in the neighborhood and responded. The truck is still sitting behind her car, with the motor running, the guy sitting there calmly. The trooper draws his gun and goes up to him and asks why he was following the lady around.

"He said, 'Because my truck sits up so high, I can see into the ladies back seat. There's a guy in there. I figured he couldn't do anything if I followed, but if I got out of my truck, he could make her drive away and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I figured I'd just stay on her tail until she got help.' Sure enough, the trooper looks in the back seat, and there's a guy crouched down on the floor. Probably, he saved her life, so that brings up another safety tip, look in your back seat before you get in the car. Don't assume it's empty, because it was when you went in the store."

"OMG," Becky said. "That's terrifying."

"It is, and bad stuff happens to students in student parking lots. You're not yet used to driving back and forth to school. You need to stay alert. Situational awareness is more important than any other thing you can do to increase your safety. You think something is wrong, don't ignore your gut. Get help, scream, call 911, get someone to walk you out to your car. Mall security will frequently accompany closers out to their cars. It's because they know enough bad things have happened, it would be reckless not to."

Our appetizers and drinks arrived, and we ordered our salads and main meal. I decided on the roasted beet and watermelon salad, because I'm sure I'd never had anything like it before. Might as well try new things. For the main meal, I was still trying to stay away from shellfish, which for some reason, wasn't considered healthy for expectant mothers. Since I'd ordered the beef appetizer, I stayed away from the aged New York strip steak, trying to decide between the Thai-spiced grilled swordfish, or the roasted salmon. I finally decided on the salmon, which was served with jasmine rice, grilled asparagus, toasted almonds and orange-honey.

Becky got the roasted lobster tail and petite filet, served with sweet corn and bacon potato hash, grilled asparagus and chipotle beurre blanc for the lobster. Stephanie got the rack of lamb with herb roasted fingerling potatoes, green beans, carrots, and a demi and mint pistachio pesto. I was going to have to try a bite of everyone's food, it all sounded so good to me.

As the meal went on, Stephanie kept grilling us on the people around us, keeping us on our toes. People watching with a purpose, Grant had called it. It really was. I don't think I'd ever paid as much attention to the people around me in a restaurant before. It was kind of fun, actually, trying to guess things about people from their behavior. The couple having the silent spat, where the husband was getting drunk, and the wife wasn't. Was she disgusted, or a designated driver. I thought she was disgusted, and a designated driver, not because she wanted to be one, but because she had no choice.

The price of the meal was hefty, running to several hundred, almost a thousand dollars. To imagine living like this on a regular basis. What a dream it was. A dream and a nightmare.

We did as Grant suggested as we left, looking around the entry before exiting, then expanding our awareness out further. I didn't see anything of note, and neither Grant nor Stephanie reacted to anything outside.


All four of us were in bed, naked. Robert gave all three of the women a Lush.

"I know you were really looking forward to playing with these toys tonight," Robert said. "I figured you could play with them now. I want all three of you to put this in your ass, using this lube I've gotten for you, then I want you to daisy chain while I play with the controls. When I've had my fun playing that way, I've got something else we're going to try. Begin."

We lubed up the three toys and put them in our butts. We got in a daisy chain with me licking Pen, Pen licking Becky, and Becky licking me. Between Robert controlling the toys going nuts in our posteriors and avid, eager tongues licking slick, wet pussies, all three of us were cumming like crazy. It was wonderful. Not quite up to it buzzing against our g-spots, but the tongues dancing on our clits made up for that.

Robert was having a lot of fun with the controls, changing patterns, speeds and intensity. I must have cum six or seven times in the next thirty minutes. I know my face was soaked in pussy juice, and I assumed, the other two faces looked just as bad. Then, Robert had us kneel on the edge of the bed, all in a row. Starting with his wife, he fucked her until her next orgasm, then moved to me, fucking me until mine, then going to Becky. As soon as she climaxed, he was back to Pen. I don't know how he did it, but he was able to fuck us for close to another thirty minutes with the toys stimulating his cock as well as our bottoms. He made it through Pen for four orgasms, me for four, and finally gave up the ghost while fucking Becky to her fourth. She didn't get it before Robert climaxed, but got it while he was still pounding her silly as he shot her pussy full of his cum.

Pen cleaned Robert's cock of all three of our pussies and his cum, while I cleaned Becky's pussy.

"I enjoyed that a lot," I said, after we removed our toys, washed them and put them back on their chargers. "What we haven't done yet, is try out Robert's toy, to see if we can work him to some good orgasms."

"You're right," Pen said, panting. "We definitely need to do that tomorrow night."

"We need to check out the claim that playing with one toy, reproduces what the other person would feel," I said.

"Indubitably," Becky said, "and if they don't, we need to file a complaint with the manufacturer."

"You know, if you and Mary each had a Lush, you could play with each other," I said. "You could make her cum in Australia. And we know she liked how it made her feel, from the rehearsal dinner."

"You're right. She's got to buy one today, so we can play," Becky said. "What do I need to make it work?"

"A smart phone that you've downloaded the app to, the serial number of the device, and a wifi signal at both ends," I said.

Becky got out of bed, grabbed her phone and sent a text to Mary telling her to buy a Lush, and send her the serial number when she had it.

She climbed back into bed. "Where were we?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm done," I said. "Baby on board. Tired. Worked my ass off this week. I can hardly wait to tell Ransom how much I'm selling our house for. Shithead. If you guys want to play some more. I'll sleep in the other room."

"No, I think I'm done too," Pen said. "We've got a busy day tomorrow with Grant. It wouldn't do to be tired when I'm playing with firearms."

"Bill said he's going to go with, buy something for him and Bonnie tomorrow," Robert said.

"Talk about paying an extreme penalty for adultery. Now Bonnie has to worry if my husband will kill her too. I feel so sorry for all of you. If I hadn't married that jerk, none of us would be in danger," I said.

"On the other hand, I wouldn't have met you if you hadn't," Pen said. "I guess that makes me feel better about the whole thing."

"I second the motion," Robert said. "It's brought us great joy in addition to being a pain in the ass. If I have to have both, or neither, I choose both."

What a sweet thing to say. I have to admit, as much as I hated Rancid for what he did to me, I sure had lucked out with what happened afterward.


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thedog2thedog215 days ago

Great story looking forward to the next chapter let’s hope we don’t have to wait too long , great writing

OGHMNWOGHMNWabout 1 month ago

Samantha is the most level headed, caring and empathetic person possible. This is a Great chapter with creating better prepared parties for anything Ransom dreams up. Grant & Steph are doing a fantastic with the groups training and practice. Emma truly doesn’t deserve Ransom for a Dad. Thank You and looking forward to reading more of this series.

greens444greens444about 1 month ago

Another great chapter. The sex is always fun to read, but character development is your real talent.

Ollythedj1Ollythedj1about 1 month ago

loving the story just wish i didn't have to wait so long in between parts of it. Ransom needs to get butt fucked in prison a good dozen times till he understands what he has done to his ex-wife and his life, then maybe she could get on with her and her daughters new life away from all that nonsense.

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 month ago

Another great instalment. Situational awareness is of paramount importance today, even here in the UK.

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