My Journey into Spiritual Sex Ch. 03


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Soraya then asserted that less than 30% of women can reach orgasm with penetrative sex alone. Mere thrusting of a penis in us is just that. Many women do not like to acknowledge this and fear there may be something wrong with them. The wild extreme orgasms frequently enjoyed by females just through penetration in films is a Hollywood myth. Most women need foreplay and some other external stimulation in order to have an orgasm. I thought that I must be part of the 30% because I do sometimes have an orgasm just through penetrative sex, but I certainly need to feel mentally aroused first. I am lucky because I can and do get sexually aroused easily just by thinking about sex. Soraya said that for you chaps it is different. Thrusting your penis inside a vagina is usually guaranteed to result in orgasm. It is a reliable mechanical process. But for us girls it is a lot subtler.

She said, "Our heads have got to be in the right place. Yes? Most women need whatever is being done to them to be regular and steadily maintained for them to build up to a climax. There is a point of no return beyond which orgasm is going to happen as long as your partner does not change what they are doing. This is why you hear women so often crying variations of, 'Don't stop what you are doing. Don't change what you are doing. Don't stop!' "

I thought this was the longest session I have ever had with Soraya where I have kept my clothes on! Usually long before now she has us doing something erotic that involves nudity! We broke for coffee.

Tantric Massage

After coffee the next session was about tantric massage. A massage table had appeared at the front of the temple

Soraya began, "This is one of my favourite sessions. The ancient art of erotic massage is one of life's delights. It is a simple basic pleasure that has been around for as long as mankind. And best of all it is free, and available to all.

"During this session we are going to practice sensual massages techniques using tantric methods."

Soraya asked for a volunteer. For a few seconds nobody responded. I would have loved to be the subject but felt I should not be too eager. Eventually one of the guys, good old Mark, said he did not mind.

Mark came forward and Soraya asked him to sit on the massage table with his legs in front of him in a v. Thankfully Mark had lost his semi- erection from our hugging exercise together yesterday! Soraya began by teaching tantra breathing techniques. These did not seem much different to Buddhist meditation breathing techniques to me, but I suppose there are only so many ways you can breathe!

Soraya then invited us all to stand up and come closer for a better view and gather around the massage table making sure everyone could see.

Then Soraya whipped off her sari with her usual aplomb and said, "Usually tantra masseurs practice naked themselves as the belief is that it relaxes the patient by being on an equal footing."

She then asked Mark to strip off his robe and lay face down on the table. Mark wriggled around and got comfortable on his front. Soraya began to pour oil that had a strong fragrance of lavender onto Mark's left leg. I was surprised how much oil she used. She said it was important with tantra not to keep stopping to add more oil and to maintain contact with the subject for as long as possible, so it was best to put the oil on in large quantities in each application. She was quickly travelling up his leg and over his butt cheek. She then oiled up the other leg and his butt. The she was using both her arms to travel up both legs at a time and over his butt.

Soraya said, "I am doing an accelerated version in this demonstration as we have limited time and I want to get onto you guys massaging each other."

Soraya then tipped oil over Mark's back and spread it out so that he was now well lubricated all over. She then started to demonstrate long flowing strokes using both hands that travelled all the way from his toes to his neck.

She said, "For the best results and the most exquisite and sensual massage these long unbroken strokes work best. Some of you may know that this system of massage is often called Hawaiian massage." I recognised this from how Joshua massages me.

Soraya then apologised that this was very rushed and accelerated to give us an idea of the techniques. She asked Mark to turn over onto his back. Soraya then gently separated Mark's legs and began to travel up his inner thighs in her long movements up his body. Soon she was travelling over his genitals on her forays up and down his body. Mark could not resist beginning to thrust a little begging for more.

Soraya said, "Try to relax Mark. Try not to engage me. Don't thrust. This is what we have been talking about regarding enjoying the sensations for what they are without pushing for more."

Mark had been suitably chastised. Poor bloke I thought. I know if I were on that table right now, I would be thrusting!

Soraya then began sometimes using her forearms to travel up and down Mark's surrendered body. She also from time to time used her gorgeous breasts to travel up and down his body. When she reverted to using her hands, she made a point of fondling Mark briefly as she traversed his prostate body. Poor Mark was fully erect and that was plain for all to see. I wondered if that was what Soraya intended to happen. But Soraya cleared up any doubt by saying, "From this point in a tantric massage you should try to ensure that a man retains more or less a full erection but without causing him to cum."

With that she applied buckets of oil over the entire front of his body. Mark was now as slippery as a dolphin. Mark sort of grimaced to us as if to say someone help me here, someone rescue me. This is beyond endurance!

She was rushing but quickly massaged Mark over his thighs and stomach and chest with the same long continuous flowing strokes. Very soon these strokes were including Marks's genitals. She then started with one hand to grip and stroke his erect prick and give it her special attention.

She said, "Using the traditional tantra Indian terms we refer to his penis as his lingam".

Poor old Mark was thrusting again. What a failure he was! He was desperate to cum. It was all too much for him. Actually, I think Soraya's touch would be too much for anyone.

She said, "The important thing with tantra is to watch your patient closely and when you think they are getting close to orgasm, to back off and let it subside a little. What we are trying to achieve is to keep our subject at a peak of arousal for as long as possible whilst we move on and make a spiritual connection with them by looking into their eyes and whispering messages of affirmation". The look of sheer desperation on Mark's face was comical. I could not help but chuckle.

Soraya continued, "It is normal in a tantric massage for the masseur to encourage some mutual respectful touching. If you have limits, then just politely ask your patient to respect them. Mark it is OK for you to touch my breasts if you wish."

Mark did not need to be invited twice! As Soraya travelled up and down his body, and wanked his lingam, Mark was trying as best he could to caress Soraya's illustrious soft perfect goddess breasts. He also ran his hands over Soraya's equally perfect hips.

Soraya said, "It is shocking to think that throughout history the genitals were always a standard part of any massage around the world, and it is only since the Victorians frowned on it that in our modern repressed culture it has come to be seen as inappropriate".

Eventually Soraya said, "OK you get the idea. Shall we now be nice to Mark who is looking pretty desperate? We can't leave him like that!"

Everybody chuckled.

Poor old Mark was unable to speak and immediately thrust his bum up off the table to offer his desperate prick up to his tormentor.

"OK! Here goes. Give us your sacred juices Mark."

And when Soraya decides you are allowed to cum-you cum! Astonishingly she had him squirting like there was no tomorrow in no more than four strokes. As he came Mark moaned loudly and uncontrollably in front of us all. All dignity was lost. I would never look at Mark the same way again. There was cum all over the floor and Soraya's breasts. She did not look concerned.

We all gave Mark a little clap and he mustered a bewildered smile.

It is normal in tantra to finish with a long mutual hug and if you wish a kiss on the lips. Mark sat up and put his legs over the side of the table and duly hugged with Soraya. She said, "Namastay. It is the customary way to conclude a tantric massage by mutually thanking each other for the experience and spiritual connection."

She then said," My turn!"

I thought Oh My God! What is coming next? What is Soraya going to do next? She never failed to shock with her hard-core high-octane antics.

Soraya then jumped up on the table herself, laid down on her back, and asked Joshua to massage her. It looked like they had prearranged this. This is obviously a regular part of the retreat. This is why they had Joshua here I thought. She has some neck I thought. We all stayed gathered around the massage table goggle eyed for a grand stand view.

Joshua removed his robe and bending over the table naked he poured oil onto his hands and began by massaging Soraya's feet especially the soles. He told us that there are thousands of nerve endings in the soles of the feet. So many nerves run through the body and end at the soles of your feet. He then proceeded to work his way up her legs and thighs and over Soraya's abdomen pouring more oil as he went. I had been through the same routine with him many times and knew how expert he was and wished it was me on that table. He began to do the same whole-body continuous strokes from neck to toes that Soraya had demonstrated. As he progressed, he began to adjust his route, using both hands, to travel via her inner thighs right up to her crutch and then over her mound. Soraya was very careful not to join in or thrust as Joshua gently separated her legs to allow access to her vagina when the time was right. You could have heard a pin drop in that room. It was worth coming on this retreat just to watch this on its own! We were all riveted to the scene. The atmosphere was electric.

Joshua began to very briefly stroke the lips of her vagina on his way up and down her body. Soraya's vagina glistened with moisture. This progressed to running his fingers down the crack and then he changed to continuing to massage her chest and breasts with one hand and gently inserting a finger into Soraya with the other.

Joshua said, "Using the Indian terms in tantra we refer to the vagina as the yoni and in tantra we talk about a yoni massage."

As Joshua progressed to two fingers, I could have sworn it caught Soraya out and I heard a sound of pleasure from her.

Again, this was an accelerated rushed version just as a demonstration. Joshua then spent a few moments sucking her nipples and caressing her breasts and tummy. Soraya purred a little and then apologised chuckling, "Sorry I forgot you were all here!"

Joshua then resumed using two of his skilled magic fingers and carefully inserted them into Soraya and rotated them from side to side, and in and out. Soraya changed to holding her legs apart up in the air like a yoga position while Joshua attended to her. Her red triangle was as neatly trimmed as ever. Very soon Joshua had most of his hand deep inside her in front of all of us. Nothing would embarrass Soraya. As ever I was in awe of her and wanted to be her!

Joshua ordered Soraya that she was not permitted to cum. He told her she would be punished if she came! Soraya protested but it was just role play of course. Soraya put her own hands down and spread her lips revealing her cunt to Joshua and the rest of us as much as she could. We could clearly see her pink sweet labia and her clitoris nestling at the top of her open cunt, thick and pink and standing to attention.

His attentions became ever more frantic alternating between plunging into her vagina, and back up to her clitoris. Soraya began to breathe more heavily and could hold her legs in the air no longer. Then she was bucking her hips, and panting, and starting to cry out loudly as she was enveloped in a mind-blowing orgasm. She then collapsed back on the table briefly exhausted. She laughed and said, "Well that is not how to do it! You are supposed to maintain a state of arousal for longer than that! Even we can't always get it right."

'Hmmmm', I thought to myself. 'No different to the rest of us then'. I wondered how long she could resist Joshua's attentions and it turned out not long!

Joshua and Soraya finished with the obligatory hug.

Soraya said, "Right it is now your turn. There are eighteen of you this week. I want you organise yourselves into three groups of six. Luckily this retreat we have nearly the same numbers of girls as boys so it should work out fairly evenly in organising yourselves into groups. But please form a group that does not contain any of the people you have worked with already during this retreat."

We all became like school children in the playground trying to form teams. It was comical. This sort of thing is very embarrassing really. I wish they had just done it for us. There were groups of twos and threes trying to arrange mergers and then suddenly there is a group that is too big and needs to be broken up and no one wants to leave and so it went on! I was not supposed to work with Mark, Amy or Carol again. Anyway, to cut a long story short I finished up in a group of six with Daniella and Amy and three guys-Victor, Ralph and Jacob. Yes, we sneaked Amy in, and Soraya did not notice that I had worked with her before this time. But I really wished I could have had Shakti, Mark and Joshua in my group but that was not to be. I told you this breaking up into groups brings out the 10-year-old in you!

They set up two extra massage tables around the temple. Soraya said she will be coming around and see how we are getting on.

In my group Ralph went first and jumped up on the massage table. Ralph was extremely good looking, in his early forties and a bit podgy with a beard. But all the guys here seem to have beards of some description or other. Ralph's was the well-trimmed designer style- not the unkempt hippie sleeping rough variety. I actually hate beards really and cannot understand why they have become so popular. The longer they are the worse it is. I cannot abide kissing facial hair, but it is increasingly harder to avoid.

Ralph undressed himself without any hesitation and laid face down anticipating the attentions of our group. I was somewhat sceptical about the value of this session as given there were five of us massaging him simultaneously it was guaranteed to be pretty amazing without any real effort. We could hardly fail to please. It would be a different story when you are giving a tantric massage on your own, I thought. I think the exercise was of more value regarding how the receiver takes their pleasure; how they develop a way of accepting and mindfully savouring the pleasure, and generally feeling love and connection and not pushing for an ending.

Ralph became highly stimulated and aroused almost immediately lifting his arse up hoping for one of us to fondle his tackle. Eventually we turned Ralph over so we could all concentrate on his front.

Soraya said, "Remember we are aiming at delayed gratification. We are trying to prolong the pleasure. Maintain lots and lots of eye contact, squeezing hands, placing your palms on your patient's forehead, and heart, and frequently whispering your love for them in their ear. This is all so that whilst they are in this prolonged state of bliss, you are connecting with them deeply and spiritually. When you finally get to a point of release, then if successful, the extended orgasm becomes a whole-body experience".

Anyway, rest assured Ralph had a jolly nice time and enjoyed himself and was fully satisfied. He reckoned that the orgasm he experienced was something special and out of the ordinary.

I went second in our group. What would ordinarily have been one of the most outstanding tactile erotic experiences of your life was becoming routine and a daily event at this retreat. And so, it was. I had these five people all concentrating just on me. Was I in heaven? Of course, I was. Think of the fuss they make about promoting four hands massages and how much they charge. Well this was ten hands! Well actually eleven because I could not keep one of mine from rubbing my special place.

When Soraya came around, I was fully revved up and thrusting wildly at my servants. Soraya told us that as the subject, I was the receiver of their spiritual love and connection and that I should try not to think of this as a physical experience at all.

She said, "Try to think of it Rachel as a wholly emotional, and spiritual, and mindful experience and not physical. Just concentrate on feeling love for the members of your group. Try to leave your body behind and simply allow it to do what comes naturally to it. Your body is perfectly capable of looking after itself. We worry far too much about the physical sensations and logistics during sex. Instead we should just forget out physical bodies and concentrate on our emotional feelings and maintain an ever-deepening connection with our partner or partners. This really works!"

She had come at an opportune time. I really did try and do what she had said.

It was Ralph who was the main person responsible for frigging me and he was very good. And although not covered in this session by Soraya young Jacob, who looked far too young to be here at all, had his hand under my bum and a finger in my arse. Victor was like a pig in muck demonstrating how much he adored my breasts and nipples with his hands. Meanwhile Daniella was proving to be an extremely competent French kisser. I will be following that up with her I thought. Amy was left massaging my feet when she was able to grab one while I waved them around in the air. Far from being duff my group had turned out to be surprisingly good. I really did try and just concentrate on feeling love and connection with my group of five and ignore what was being done to my body. By the end though I was still moaning incoherently and thrusting manically, so the outcome was the same whether I was trying to leave my body behind or not!

Copying Joshua, Ralph also instructed me sternly not to cum. For the finale he changed from using his hands to his mouth. The period between stopping pleasuring me with his hands and inserting his tongue into my vagina seemed like an age although was probably about 2 seconds. It just seemed so brutal when he withdrew his fingers before I had reached oblivion. Ralph was equally amazing with his mouth and tongue. I knew I was close, and well past the point of no return where orgasm is a certainty and so did he. All he had to do now was to bring me in to land.

The rest of my group, also sensing that the sacred ending was imminent, redoubled their stroking, kissing, and words of love and unconditional approval. Ralph was sucking my swollen labia intensely and slurping up my sweetness. His tongue grew ever more frantic. When he quickly oscillated his tongue over my clitoris again it was too much to bear and I gripped his head with both hands and came violently. The sacred nectar flowed freely from my vagina. I came and came with my whole body shuddering wildly while my beloved group tried to restrain me to prevent me rolling off the massage table. Was it a whole-body experience though? I don't know but it felt pretty bloody awesome.

There is not enough space here to tell you about what happened when each of the other four members of my group took their turn on the massage table. But rest assured this was probably the standout session of the week and a memorable time was had by all. Everybody in my group had an orgasm that afternoon and probably everybody at the retreat. Every so often the peace of the temple was interrupted by someone at another table breaking out into moans and cries of ecstasy as they surrendered. Amy, in particular, surprised me yet again by how intensely she embraced the experience. I have to say that when I occasionally looked around the temple at the sight of the three massage tables each with a group of five gathered around working intensely on their patient or victim it was a sight to behold. A truly unforgettable image.