My Life


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As most kids, we had our other hangouts, where it was just us kids, usually the boys with the boys and the girls with the girls. Yes, we all knew of each other's hangouts, but we respected the other's privacy and we never barged in on them, and they more or less left us alone as well.

Like I said, we took care of each other and watched the other kid's backs.

* * * *

"Chris! Is that you, child?"

"Grandpa Ned!", I shouted, glad to see a familiar face at last.

"Where did you come from?" I asked him.

"Been here now for about 6 months. My brother is ill and I had to move up here to help take care of him."

"I'm so sorry to hear that," I told him. "I do hope that he'll get better and then you can go home again and be with your friends."

"Not a problem, Missy. I've moved here now and I do the same thing here that I did down there. I have a huge pool in my back yard and the neighborhood kids come to the house in the evenings and swim, eat, and enjoy each others company. Still got the same rules, too."

"I know," I told him, "No drugs, no smoking, no drinking, no sex!! Just have a good time at Grandpa Ned's House!!"

"That's right. Guess I got about 14 or 15 boys and girls who spend the evenings there and the parents are real nice, too. Kinda reminds me of the parents back home. They all care about their kids and, after seeing the references from all the folks back home, they didn't have any problems with me watching their kids for 'em one bit. Still make a good bit of money as well, and that helps me with what little bit I need and lets me help my bother at the same time. Yes, missy, it's just like back home, but I think it's better now that I got my brother with me again."

"I'm so glad that you're happy. Hey, think I could stop by one night, for old times sake? You know, to just sit and chat with you for a while?"

"Sure thing, girl. I think that would be a nice idea. You can tell some of these new kids about things that happened down home and I think it'll make a difference to the parents as well, to know that someone's here who used to come to my old place."

"Ok, Grandpa Ned. Let me see what my schedule is for the rest of the week and I'll be in touch."

He wrote his new phone number down for me and told me to give him a call and we'd set up a time and place to meet. He wanted me to meet his brother as well, who was almost 15 years older then he was.

Let's see, that would now make Grandpa Ned in his middle 60's, while putting his brother closer to 80. For some strange reason I felt an unfamiliar tingle between my legs, but chose to ignore it and continued to the shop in the mall to get my shoes and then went home, further thoughts of Grandpa Ned and his brother no longer on my mind.

Two nights later, I was at one of the local bars, sitting at the bar and nursing my first, and only drink, of the evening. I was supposed to meet Jake Stanford here for our first date and it was beginning to look like I'd been stood up. I'd already been waiting for almost an hour and had decided to give him another 15 minutes before I left and went home.

While sitting there I was approached by a tall, handsome black man.

"Hello. My's name's Sid." He reached out to shake my hand, and I returned the gesture.

His skin felt smooth to the touch and I immediately liked him. He seemed polite and educated and when he asked me to join him at his table I readily agreed and let him lead me to one of the corners of the bar.

Once at the table we sat and talked for a while, and I was relaxing, listening to his smooth voice as he told me about himself. I returned the gesture and told him a little of my background.

We seemed to hit it off, too.

"Stood up?" he asked me.

"Seems so."

"Doesn't seem right to me. Why would anyone want to stand up such a pretty young thing like you?"

"Beats the hell outta me," I answered. "I've only known him for about 2 weeks and I thought we could make a difference to each other and I was looking forward to this date so much." I simply shrugged and looked into his dark eyes.

"Well, would you consider going dancing with me, since your date apparently isn't going to show up?"

To say I was surprised is an understatement. I've never been asked by a black man for a date before, but I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I could still have a good time and that nothing serious would come of it.

Boy, was I ever wrong!!!!!

"Sure," I told him.

"Just let me freshen up a little bit and I'll meet you at the door."

That was the start of a very different date and one of the most exciting times of my life.

Sid and I went to a dance place about 2 miles down the road.

There was a mixture of black and white patrons and it appeared as though everyone was having a good time, not only at the bar and the tables, but also on the dance floor. I could hardly wait to get Sid on the floor and show him what a good dancer I was.

First we got a table (later I found that he was a regular at the place and even had a table reserved for him whenever he showed up). We ordered our drinks (him a gin and tonic and me a Sprite, since I'm not much on drinking) and we sat and continued to our conversation from the bar.

"You from around here," he asked me.

"Actually, I'm new here. Only been in town about 8 months or so, and I'm still learning the area. But, I love what I've seen so far and think I'll like it here very much."

"Well, that's good to know. I like to meet new people and the prettier the better, if you ask me."

We both laughed at that one and the atmosphere seemed to get easier to breath. I was beginning to relax and soon thoughts of my almost-date were gone.

In a little while we got up and went to the dance floor and in no time I was showing Sid all my moves. Apparently he was impressed and he told me so.

"Never seen a white girl with the moves you got, Chris. Most the time it's the black girls with all they rhythm and moves. Nice to see some white girls can dance."

"I took dance classes as a child and I've always loved to get on the floor and move. I think it's just second nature for me to dance and I feel so free on the floor, and like nothing can stop me from having a good time when I dance."

"Well, you gettin a lot of stares out here, too. Don't think I've ever seen so many guys staring at one white girl for so long. Hope it don't bother you none."

"None whatsoever, Sid."

"Good. I was beginning to wonder if I was gonna have some competition out here and I want you all to myself tonight."

"Well, Sid, you got me. Think you can handle that?"

"Don't see why I can't."


We continued to dance for another hour or two, never leaving the floor. Some were fast, upbeat dances, while others were slow and we held on to each other like we never wanted to let go.

It was probably one of the best nights of my life.

I hated to see it end that night but, like all things, it had to.

Sid drove me home and we sat in the car for about 15 minutes, the silence in the air heavy among us.

Finally I broke that silence and asked Sid a question, "Did you have a good time tonight, Sid?"

"One of the best I've had in a long time, Chris."

"I'm glad. Think we could do it again sometime?"

"Don't see why not."

"You ok with dating a black man?"

"Nothing bothering me about it. You?"


"Good. Here's my phone number. Give me a call and we'll set up another date and I'm sure we'll have another good time."

Sid didn't even try to give me a kiss that night, and I guess that's what I really liked about him. While some of my other dates had tried to force a kiss on me, Sid just said good night, watched to make sure I made it into the house, then drove off.

"I hope this isn't a dream," I said to myself as I locked the door and went upstairs to bed.

That night I dreamed of Eva for the first time in 7 years. I recalled part of our last conversation, that night in our secret place:

"So tell me, what's it like with a man?"

"Believe me, Chris, when it finally happens to you, you'll know the difference and it's not something that I can easily put into words. All I can say is give it a chance. You might like it, and then again, you might not. Everyone has a choice of which way you want to go. While I do enjoy a hard cock in me on occasion, to me there's nothing like making love to a woman. You'll see for yourself one of these days."

I have no idea why that part of our conversation came back to me, but I sat up in my bed, covered with sweat, and began to wonder what it could mean.

I also noticed I was soaking wet between my legs and that some of my juices had settled underneath my ass and wet the sheet. I've not been that wet since that evening with Eva.

I know for a fact that I've never been that wet either with a man or just thinking of one, but then I wondered. Did this have something to do with Sid, or was it just my imagination?

I've never been naked with a man before.

Never felt a man before and, other then pictures, had never seen a man's penis up close. I felt my self wondering what Sid's would look like.

I laid back down and tried to go to sleep again, but it wasn't possible. Now I had Sid on my mind and I felt my hand going between my legs, almost as if it had a mind of it's own. Soon my fingers were parting my outer lips and starting to stroke my erect clit. It only took a few minutes for me to get myself to cum, adding more of my juices to the already wet sheet below me.

Before I realized it, I had three fingers inside me, pumping in and out, while the thumb of my other hand continued to rub my extended clit, bringing me off time and time again.

When I finally did get up in the morning I wasn't surprised to see that my sheet was thoroughly soaked with my juices and I quickly got up, took them to the laundry room and washed them before my mama could find them. Then I went back upstairs and got clean sheets from the hall closet and remade my bed. Then I went downstairs, took a quick shower to clean myself up, went into the kitchen and fixed a light breakfast. Then I left to go to work.

"What a night!" I thought to myself.

Around 3 that afternoon I got a phone call from Sid, asking if he could see me tonight.

"Sure," I told him. "I've been thinking of you all day and was hoping you'd call me."

"Really?" he asked.

"Really. Just couldn't seem to get you off my mind. I even dreamed of you last night."

"Well, you really must have missed me then, if you dreamed of me. All good dreams, I hope."

"Nothing but sweet ones, believe me."

"Ok. I'll see you tonight around 8 then."

"That's fine. I'll be waiting."

The rest of the day went by without any problems and as soon as I got home I began to get ready for another date with Sid. I got in the tub and took a long, slow hot soak. I washed my hair and decided against curling it this time. I just dried it and let it hang straight down my back. I put on my makeup, polished my nails, and then set out one of the sexiest outfits I could come up with. I wanted to make an impression on Sid tonight and I was determined that I was going to find out what he had between those black legs of his, one way or the other. My imagination was already running overtime. I could still feel that bulge against my thighs as we danced, but it didn't help. I had no idea as to what was really there and all I could use was my imagination, and that didn't help one bit at all. I knew that the only way I was going to find out was to actually see it for myself, and tonight would be that night.

I fidgeted all evening, waiting for 8 to get here. Although it was only about a 30 minute wait, it seemed a lot longer, and I was getting restless, knowing what I had planned once I got in that car.

Finally, 8 pm.

With a look out the door window, I saw Sid pull up.

"I'm gone," I hollered at my parents. "We'll be home about 11 or so."

"Have a good time, dear," my mama answered.

If only she knew. Ha!!!!

I raced out the door and jumped into Sid's car.

He sat there like he'd never seen me before, just staring at me.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.


"Hell no! Girl, you are so stunning. It just took my breath away watching you coming out that door and towards me. I've never seen a white woman look so good in so little." He whistled and winked at me at the same time. And, while I probably should've felt a little 'dirty', I didn't. I was just proud that I'd gotten the exact reaction I wanted from him.

Yep, this was going to be the night.

I moved across the seat and snuggled up to him, twisting my arm in his as he pulled onto the road. I reached up and gave him a kiss on his cheek and patted his leg. I left my hand on his leg and I watched as he looked down and then looked at me, a knowing smile on his face.

"You gonna get into trouble that way," he told me.

"So?", I asked. "Who says I don't want a little trouble tonight?"

"You sure"?

As if to answer his question, I moved my hand up his thigh until I felt the bulge in his pants. I gave a quick squeeze and asked, "What does that tell you?"

"Tells me that we better find a place to park so we can get down to some business," he answered.

Again, the right response I was looking for.


"Yes, Chris."

"How old are you?"

"Does it matter?" he asked.

"Not really. I just want to know. You already know my age, and I just wanted to know yours, that's all."

"Ok," he answered. "I'm 37."

"WOW!!! I thought, 10 years older then me!"

"Does that bother you?"

"Nope. Guess you could say I have a thing for older men," and I laughed. The amazing thing was that he laughed along with me. Made me feel much more at ease at that moment, too.

I continued to stroke his bulge as he drove, feeling it expand and grow with each successive squeeze.

"You keep that up and there won't be anything left to give you when we do find somewhere to park."

"Would that be so bad?"

"Listen, Chris, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I can wait. There's no hurry here."

"Listen to me, Sid," I told him, "I've wanted this for some time now, but just never found the right man that I wanted to give myself to. You're that 'right' man, Sid. I want to give my all to you. Tonight! I want to know how it feels to make love to a man, and to tell you the truth, I'm happy it's you and not that jerk who stood me up at the bar that night."

"Boy!! That felt good!" I thought.

It took about 20 minutes for Sid to find a spot where we could have some solitude. After he parked the car we got out and got in the back seat, since there was much more room back there.

Now came the hard part.

I had to disrobe in front of him.

In the 5 years since my lesbian encounter with Eva my chest still hadn't gotten any bigger. In fact, I could still wear a sports bra and feel quite comfortable. To say that I was embarrassed for my lack of boobs is putting it mildly. Nevertheless, I sat there and began to disrobe for Sid, wanting to share my body with him.

Sid also started to remove his clothing. First his shoes, then his shirt, his pants and finally his shorts.

By the time he was finished so was I. I sat there, in his back seat, covering my chest with my arms, still somewhat embarrassed for my lack of endowment. My eyes never traveled lower then his face though. I guess I was afraid of what I might, or might not, see down there.

"Don't be embarrassed, Chris," he told me. Then he gently pried my arms away from my chest and stared at my hard nipples, standing at attention in the cool night air. He reached out and played with both of them at the same time, twisting gently, causing waves of pleasure to sweep over my body.

Then I got the nerve to look in Sid's lap.

What I saw there didn't appear to be much, but then again looks can be deceiving, can't they?

"Don't worry, it'll get bigger," he told me. "Right now I just need a little stimulation and you'll see something you'll not forget anytime soon."

I reached out and put my hand on his penis. Finally, I was holding a man's penis in my hand.

At first I wasn't too impressed.

It didn't seem like much to me. Just a limp piece of meat that didn't appear to be interested in anything.

Then, as I began to move my hand up and down on it, that piece of meat began to stir and get bigger. And then I noticed something strange about it that I'd not noticed in the pictures I'd seen of other penis'. There was something covering the head!

I guess Sid could see my confusion.

"I'm uncut, Chris."


"I've still got my foreskin."

"What?" I said again.

It was then that Sid realized that I'd never seen a penis before, much less held one in my hand.

He looked at me like I'd suddenly grown a second head.

"You're a virgin, aren't you, Chris?"

I could only nod, not daring to take my eyes of that growing penis, afraid it would disappear on me.

I could hear the concern in Sid's voice when he asked his next question.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Again, I could only nod my head.

"Aren't you afraid?" he asked.

"Like hell," I told him. "But if I don't do this now, then I don't know when I"ll get the chance again, and I want to find out what it's like to have your penis in me."

He laughed at that one.

"It's a cock," he told me.


"Call it a cock, Chris. Penis sounds so.......medical!"

"That's all I've ever heard, Sid."

"Well, that can change now. It's a cock. Go ahead, say it."

"Cock," I said.

"See. That's not so bad now, is it?"

"I guess not."

As I continued to pump his 'cock' I noticed that the 'foreskin' was sliding off the top of his 'cock' as well.

"That's my cock head," he told me. "The foreskin covers the head and helps to keep it sensitive. Makes it much more enjoyable for me when I make love to a woman. Only I usually say when I 'fuck' a woman."

"Is there a difference?" I asked.

"Some say that there is. What I've learned is that 'making love' is a slower, gentler way, while 'fucking' is an all out 'go for it' kinda thing. Usually more intense and satisfying, if you ask me."

"If you say so, Sid."

We both laughed. I guess I was his first virgin in while, because he wanted to go slow with me, which I really appreciated. After all, this was going to be my FIRST TIME.

"Play with me a while, and get used to the feeling of me."

Which is just what I did, too. I watched as his skin moved with my hand, covering and uncovering his head. And then I had an unusual desire to lean forward and take that shiny head into my mouth.

I looked at Sid and I guess he could read my eyes, cause all he did was tell me to try it and see if I liked it.

"Just remember, Chris. I'm not going to make you do anything that you don't want to do. This is just between you and me and if you want to take it slow and easy, and experiment, then that's ok with me. I'm in no rush and I don't want you to be, either. I want this to be something that we'll both enjoy."

"Thank you," was all I could say.

Then I opened my mouth and took that head into it. I moved my tongue around this head and, at one time, actually felt it slide between his head and the skin that tried to stay over it.

Another statement from my one evening with Eva came suddenly to mind:

"Hey, you've got a talented tongue there, kiddo, and you shouldn't waste it...."

It was almost like Eva was right there beside me, encouraging me to continue.

So I did.

In a few minutes I could feel Sid's cock responding to my oral manipulation. He was getting harder.

And bigger!!

Before I could understand what was happening, his cock was swelling in my mouth, threatening to cut off my oxygen supply. I started to panic and pulled off, gasping for air.
