Naughty Fiancée Ch. 05


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"Close your eyes," Tyrone said in a soothing voice. From the reflection on the window, he could see the fury in Jenny's eyes and he repeated, "Just close your eyes."

Still upset, Jenny closed her eyes.

"Think back to yesterday," Tyrone said again in a soothing voice, "Remember every thick inch you felt in your core, the darkness you saw, the sounds you heard from getting fucked, the smell of sex and the taste of cum."

Jenny vividly recalled Tyrone's use of her. The symphony of her senses hitting that perfect note together, resulting in wave after wave of pleasure cascading down her spine that radiated throughout her body. It was a surreal experience, calming even, and it was something she desperately wanted to feel again.

"Wonderful isn't it?" Tyrone asked as if reading her mind.

"Yes," Jenny sighed as she squirmed hornily in her seat.

"Good," Tyrone said soothingly, then his voice took on a much sterner tone, "If I so much as even THINK you're under the illusion that you get to decide who I fuck, I WILL walk out on you and leave your sorry cunt high and dry."

Jenny opened her eyes, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. No man had ever dared to give her such an ultimatum before. Ever. Her old boyfriends usually left because they couldn't handle all the men hitting on her. Yet here was Tyrone, laying out the ground rules.

"I don't want to, I really don't," Tyrone continued, "You're the best woman I've ever met and probably ever will. Stewart's a very lucky man. You've got a great personality, you're sexy as hell and you're smart. And you're a great fuck."

Jenny's emotions were on a rollercoaster. One minute, she was reliving the yesterday's bliss then next minute Tyrone was threatening to leave. And now he had her swooning over his compliments. One thing was certain though, Tyrone was the only man to keep her on her toes. She was wanted to say something but she sensed he wasn't finished.

"And frankly," Tyrone continued, "I don't know what it is about Stewart that has you so head over heels for him. Sure, some girls are fine with an average guy. But certain girls want and expect certain things. Don't blindly set yourself up for failure. God knows he doesn't have what it takes to curl the toes of a girl who puts so much time and effort into her body. So I don't know why he would expect a fine piece of ass such as yourself to simply lay back and faithfully spread your legs for him for the rest of your days."

Jenny waited for a moment to process what Tyrone said. She was supposed to be a loving wife, not some sex starved slut for black cock. The truth was, she WAS starved ever since she left Florida to be with Stewart. Her heart was filled with love for her fiancé. Sure, she had her cravings, but the hollow shell of her old self remained faithful to Stewart. It was either heart or body, but she couldn't have both. At least, until she met Tyrone.

The love Jenny shared with Stewart filled her heart while Tyrone's cock filled her body. All it took was one slip for those cravings to return tenfold. She had never wanted anything as much as she wanted to be filled, to feel that orgasmic high and to be satisfied again.

It wasn't just a matter of size, Jenny knew bigger cocks existed. It was because Tyrone knew all the right buttons to push to give her that addictive rush. And it was clear that regardless of how she felt, Tyrone wasn't planning on satisfying her exclusively. That was something she would have to accept or she would have to live with her cravings.

There was a long silence in the SUV.

Jenny wanted to be certain Tyrone was done speaking. She didn't want to agitate him more than she already had. After carefully weighing her options, she asked, "So I should faithfully spread my legs for you?

"Maybe," Tyrone said with a smug grin, "What you have with Stewart is special and I'm not here to take that away. What we have is special too in its own right. But I will give up that tight pussy and that spectacular ass if I have to. I've got a long list of ex's to prove it."

"It's true. He does," Darren said and looked at Jenny in the rear view mirror, "But none of them were as fine as you. And I sure as hell did not quit my job for any of them! So if you don't jive with Ty's terms, I would be more than happy to work something out with you."

"Aw. That's very sweet of you Darren but that won't be necessary," Jenny said appreciatively while looking into the rear view mirror at Darren's eyes. Turning her head to Tyrone, she said, "You can fuck whomever you want. But if your bitches get that gorgeous slab of meat between your legs, then I'm your bitch."

"Good," Tyrone said, "I'm glad that's settled."

"Exactly how many bitches do you have?" Jenny asked out of curiosity and instantly regretted her question. She was partly afraid of Tyrone's answer and partly afraid he might think she was being too nosy.

Neither of Jenny's fears happened.

"Bitches I have? Just you," Tyrone said with a smile.

The look of disbelief was written all over Jenny's gorgeous face. Her eyes narrowed and she looked at Tyrone suspiciously.

"Believe what you want, it's true." Tyrone said, "I fucked other women, but as of right now, right this moment, I wouldn't consider any one of them as 'my bitch.' Not one. Only you."

'Well, at least he's not denying that there are other women,' Jenny thought to herself.

"You know what difference is between fucking bitches and having bitches?" Tyrone asked.

Jenny shook her head.

"Fucking bitches is just that. Fucking," Tyrone explained, "There are responsibilities that come with having a bitch. Like you for example, you've earned your collar, you're my bitch and that means you're under my care. There's a responsibility that comes with that."

Jenny touched her Tiffany's choker necklace and nodded her head. Not because she agreed with what Tyrone said -- though she did -- but because she understood what he said. He was taking ownership of her and she was his responsibility.

Suddenly, an epiphany came to Jenny. Other than Stewart and Tyrone, all the other men fucked her like a bitch in heat. That was all she was to them. She understood men and she knew they had sexual needs. Sometimes, a man simply needed to get off and she was happy to provide a hole for their needs. That may have been degrading to some women, but Jenny got turned on knowing that men saw her nothing more than an object for their gratification. On the job or on the bed, it didn't matter, she was nothing more than a pair of lips, tits and ass. A series of holes for their pleasure. Nothing more.

"The engagement ring around your finger," Tyrone continued to explain, "represents the love between you and Stewart. That you guys will be there for each other through good times and bad."

A growing stomach churning guilt ate away at Jenny as she looked down at the 2 carat diamond eternity engagement ring and wondered how much it cost Stewart. They loved each other wholeheartedly, yet she couldn't count the number of men that have been inside her in the last 24 hours. That fact alone made Jenny feel guilty.

Jenny had never felt comfortable enough to reveal her true self to her fiancé. She had kept that side of her hidden from him. It was a sacrifice she had to make, just like how he had to slave over work to buy her that ring.

"But he doesn't know everything about you," Tyrone said, bringing Jenny out of her thoughts, "You see, the choker around your neck is about trust. It is about the faith you have in me. You get wet from being made to do all kinds of naughty things. Things that your fiancé wouldn't want you to do. You want to be used, you enjoy it when a man's primal instinct takes over and he ravishes your body. You need a man to embrace the side of you that Stewart doesn't know exists. You like being a dirty little slut. You need to have your holes filled, day and night. We both know the truth. But you trust me with your well-being that I would never hurt you or put you in danger. That is something you can't do with Stewart. And that's why you're in this car with me even though you don't know where we're going. You just trust that it's going to be good."

'Everything Tyrone said couldn't be more right,' Jenny thought. Love is between two people, but sex shouldn't be so exclusive. She wanted a man that could embrace her for who she was, put her in her place. She needed a man that would not be content with having one woman for the rest of her life, one that had the balls to share their bed with another woman not because Jenny condoned it, but because that was what he wanted. Lost in her own daydream, there a gleam in Jenny's blue eyes. Without thinking, she said out loud, "I hope I would be allowed to clean off his cock when he's finished with her."

What she said out loud didn't even register in Jenny's mind. Nor did she notice it when Tyrone gave her a questioning glance. She stared blankly ahead, lost in her own little world, silently playing with her sterling silver choker.

Jenny had worn collars before, though she wore them strictly for sex. Yet this time, this collar, it felt more intimate. She was honored to wear a collar. There was a sense of pride knowing she earned her collar, according to Tyrone anyways. She was proud to be one of the few, the elite. What Tyrone said could have all been bullshit but it made her feel special. She felt valued and appreciated. She would love nothing more than to be his bitch to happily please and indulge Tyrone in his fantasies. Forever.

"You Okay?" Tyrone asked with an amused smile and put his hand on Jenny's smooth, bare thigh.

"What?" Jenny asked with a jolt.

"Bitch is still cum drunk is all," Darren chuckled from the driver seat.

"HAHA!" Tyrone laughed, joining in Darren's chuckle.

"I was thinking!" Jenny laughed.

"I bet you were," Tyrone chuckled.

In a high pitched voice to mimic Jenny, Darren repeated, "I hope I would be allowed to clean off his cock when he's finished with her."

The three of them burst out in laughter. After the laughter died down, the conversation in the roomy Suburban took on a surprisingly different direction.

Darren asked Jenny about her past.

Jenny explained how growing up, her love for horses led to her competing in English horseback riding at the equestrian center in Miami. And how her athletic abilities as a teen gymnast helped her become a Florida State cheerleader. Jenny told them how she tried modelling to pay for her tuition and when that didn't work, she tried waitressing. Finally, she told them about how she stripped to pay her way through university and earn her degree in marketing.

Darren told Jenny about his life of growing up in the rough neighborhoods of Los Angeles. How he and Tyrone grew up together but in different neighborhoods. The two friends went to the University of Los Angeles together before they parted ways. Darren decided to serve in the navy whereas Tyrone -- the better investor of the two -- managed to pay for his own tuition and became a successful investor.

Tyrone filled Jenny in on what he and Darren did that morning. She was surprised to learn that while she was sleeping, they were busy. Neither men slept much, instead, they opted to make the most of the day. They worked out then over breakfast, they discussed Darren's new role as Tyrone's yacht captain. Tyrone pulled the 'there-was-no-one-he-trusted-more' card to convince Darren to be his driver as well. Then the two friends went to buy the brand new SUV they were in and went to Jenny's.

The California blonde was filled in by the time the black Suburban was speeding down the Pacific Cost Hwy and nearing the outskirts of Los Angeles. There were a few outlines of the city's high rises dotting the horizon. Most of the city was blocked from view by a place the locals called 'The Point at the Bluffs.' Closer to the city, the traffic got denser as the sandy shores of California's picturesque beaches went on for as long as the eye could see.

It was a sight Jenny never grew tired of and never saw enough of. Still relatively new to the west coast city, Jenny was not familiar with her surroundings. Malibu was a far drive from Los Angeles, so Stewart and Jenny did not venture into the massive city often. The postcard worthy sight disappeared when the black Suburban turned onto the Santa Monica Freeway. The density of the buildings was still something she was not used to. Compared to Los Angeles, the buildings, houses, and everything was spaced further apart in her Miami hometown.

"We're here!" Darren said as the SUV turned off the street and onto a cobblestone driveway.

"Where are we?" Jenny asked as she caught a glimpse of the world 'HOTEL' before the SUV came to a stop.

"I'd rather show you," Tyrone said with a smile. He unclasped the leash from Jenny's choker and tossed it into the back of the cavernous SUV. Opening his door, he couldn't wait to stretch out his legs from the hour long drive, "C'mon."

Darren saw the valet approaching his door and rolled down the window to say, "It's all good man. We're just dropping her off."

"Okay," The valet replied before turning around. He rounded the rear of the Suburban and he ran right into the gorgeous blonde.

"Oops!" Jenny gasped and bounced back from the Hispanic man, "Sorry."

"I'm sorry ma'am," The valet blurted out more as a reflex than a sign of sincerity. Many beautiful women came to this particular hotel in Beverley Hills, supermodels, celebrities, wives and girlfriends of CEO's from the tech companies. The valet had seem them all. Accidentally touching such women in any way usually meant getting fired. He had seen that too.

Jenny saw fear in the valet's eyes but she also saw lust. He was about the same age as her, yet their lives were entirely different. While she was living the lavish life, he was wearing a crisp white shirt and black tie in the California heat. She couldn't tell whether the beads of sweat rolling down his face was from fear or the heat. Maybe both. Following the path of his gaze, her eyes led her down to her own chest. She glanced up at him but his eyes were focused on her chest. Then she looked at the gold nametag pinned on his chest with the black letters 'JUAN' etched in.

Juan was still caught in the moment. The blonde looked she walked off a Playboy photoshoot and rushed to get here. He couldn't help but look at her pair of big round tits, debating whether or not those puppies were real.

Seeing the expression on Juan's face change from fear to inquiry made Jenny smile. Leaning towards him, she proudly whispered into his ear, "They're real."

Jenny pulled back and gave Juan a wink. Turning away to join Tyrone, she heard the other two valet's burst out in laughter.

Shocked, Juan returned behind the kiosk to the chagrin of his co-workers. The other guys lambasted him about getting fired but he brushed it off. The blonde hottie was not like the typical patrons. She was as gorgeous as any of the sophisticated trophy wives he had seen, but there was something different about her.

The valets admired her tight rear end, encased in a tiny pair of mint green compression shorts, hypnotically swaying left and right as the blonde followed the black giant. Once they were out of an earshot, the valets exchanged plans on how they would fuck the blonde. Mainly it was a variation of "getting a good grip on her waist and tapping that ass til the sun comes up" or "fucking that bitch cowgirl style and slapping her ass to make her ride hard enough to make those titties bounce."

Tyrone wrapped his arm around Jenny's astonishingly small waist as they entered the spa and said, "Surprise!"

Jenny was stunned by the spa's jaw dropping interior. She had been to spas before but none were as posh as this. The sooth white décor of billowing curtains and comfy chairs made the spa reminiscent of a celestial dream. The warm, white tones of the décor gave a very serene and peaceful vibe, something every spa tries to do but few succeed.

"WOW!" was all Jenny managed to say. She never had the kind of money to pay for such a luxurious spa treatment and she only dreamed of going to a spa like this. After moving to Los Angeles, even with Stewart's money, between planning for the wedding, working out and keeping their Malibu mansion clean, Jenny never had the time to indulge in such a lavish experience.

Choking back tears, Jenny jumped on Tyrone and wrapped her arms tightly around him. She couldn't believe this giant brute of a man -- who somehow managed to push her beyond every self-imposed limit she lived by since she set foot in Florida -- was also nice enough to treat her to a spa after she already told him she was willing to spread her legs for him again and again.

Had it been another man, Jenny would have never agreed to do half of what she did with Tyrone. There was something irresistible about him that made her want to please the black man. Although humiliating at times, Jenny found it to be surprisingly enjoyable.

There was no incentive for Tyrone to impress her, especially not after fucking every single one of her holes. Tyrone could have blackmailed her into doing whatever he wanted, except he didn't. Instead, he was rewarding her with a spa session after a hard night of properly servicing him and his friend. It was hard to feel the regret for cheating on her fiancé, especially when she was still feeing battered and sore from last night.

"I take it you like your surprise," Tyrone chuckled and pried Jenny off of him.

"Like it? I LOVE IT!" Jenny exclaimed, "Thank you SO MUCH!"

"I took the liberty of arranging a spa session for you," Tyrone said, "Give you some time for yourself, you know? It will help you relax and rest up. We've got a busy week ahead of us."

'Someone is going to be on their knees tonight,' Thought the young brunette receptionist as she smiled politely from behind the counter. The blonde's reaction was one she watched a thousand times before. Having learned a long time ago not to assume the client's last name, she double checked the register and waited until the blonde finished making out with the massive black man before she said, "This way Ms. Turner."

"Everything's paid for," Tyrone said and handed a piece of paper to Jenny, "When you're done, take a cab to this address."

"Okay," Jenny said without even looking at the address.

"We'll be there," Tyrone said.

"Can I have my bag?" Jenny asked.

"What for?" Tyrone asked.

"My clothes. I need to change after," Jenny replied.

"Nah, what you got on is fine," Tyrone said, "It's just a backyard BBQ."

"You sure?" Jenny asked.

"It's a BBQ. Super laid back," Tyrone said, waving over his own attire, "What you have on is perfect."

"Okay, see you there!" Jenny chirped. She gave Tyrone one last peck on the cheek and turned towards the receptionist.

Tyrone said, "Have fun."


Tyrone's slap was firm enough to send Jenny stumbling a step forward as she yelped, "UH!"

"I'm Brittany, and welcome to your luxurious chocolate spa session," Brittany said, pretending she didn't hear the unmistakable sound of hand-on-ass echoing throughout the spa's lobby, "Mr. Frost has already, like, totally planned out your personal relaxation experience from start to finish."

"Oh," Jenny said, gingerly rubbing her right ass cheek and smiling sheepishly at the receptionist. The air conditioning was making her nipples poke against the spandex material of her white sports bra. And if Brittany noticed Jenny's hard nubs, she didn't show it. Then it dawned on Jenny that she was hardly the first walking sex toy Brittany saw.

"You're, like, in for a treat, I can tell you that," Brittany said as she led Ms. Turner deeper into the dream like spa.