Ned's Big Payday Pt. 05


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Kate laughed and said, "I'll bet it did. You were obviously a tall and good-looking guy, even at that age. But it's still a shock to go from first to home plate in only one date."

He laughed and added, "I don't even remember touching second base. The ump would have called me out."

She laughed and said, "Tell me what happened?"

"She told me we needed to be in the back seat. I was driving an older Chevy Impala, and the back seat area was huge. As soon as she had me there, she started taking off her skirt and panties while I unbuckled my pants. Keep in mind, Kate, that the only experience I had with sex at that time was jerking off to a Playboy magazine my dad had in the garage."

She replied, "I think all dad's had a stash of Playboys hid somewhere."

"Probably true. Now Celeste was damn serious, and she helped me take off my pants and boxers. She began stroking my semi-erection like a pro. I then realized that she must have spent a lot of time on second and third base. After she thought I was hard enough, she said, 'I'll probably scream a bit since my hymen is mostly intact and you'll tear it with this big cock. Just ignore that and enter me a little at a time.' That's what happened and we ended with blood on both our legs. She really was a virgin. It hurt her, I know, but she never cried and even said it felt good when I was all in."

"Did you date her after that?"

"A couple of weeks later and had great sex on the hood of my car. You might say that I returned to third base for a do over. We graduated the following day and that's the last I saw her. I heard years later that she'd married a lawyer and had three kids."

"Tom, that's hilarious. That's the best first-time story I've heard."

"Now tell me about yours, young lady."

"Oh geez, mine is so boring by comparison. I was actually a virgin on my wedding night. Unheard of, right? I'd had many guys at first base but only one had made it to second. When he tried to steal third, I threw his ass out. After becoming a professional model, guys were trying to get on base all the time, but I left most in the batter's box. Our agency paid for security to accompany us so that helped.

"My husband knew I was a virgin, so he was gentle with me. It still hurt like hell and we had blood on the bed, our legs and even a few drops on the floor. He gave me a day to recover and then hit a homerun twice in one night.

"To continue with your analogy, he was only interested in home runs and didn't bother touching the other bases. Sex with him was my duty, not my pleasure. I put up with it a long time but then he started hitting home runs in another ballpark and I threw his ass out.

"At the divorce hearing, I asked him if a piece of ass was worth the eighteen million he was forced to pay me. He had no answer, the piece of shit."

Tom cuddled her in his arms and whispered, "I promise to never do that to you."

Kate laid in his arms for a minute or longer. She then turned to face him and placed his hand on her vulva as she lifted her top leg to cross his. Without a word, he massaged her crotch and inserted a couple of fingers into her vagina. She stroked his penis which quickly rose to the occasion. She rolled him onto his back and sat reverse cowgirl on his engorged dick. She knew he would enjoy watching her bottom as she worked.

As he slipped in for the first time, she leaned back which directed his erection into her G-spot. With both hands, he cupped her breasts and finger-rolled her erect nipples. With every stoke, there were moans and grunts and gasps. She felt he was home and should never leave. He felt at home for the first time in many years and he never wanted to leave.

Their orgasms arrived within a few seconds of each other. Tom held onto her breasts as it hit. She trembled and jerked with the spasms of tingles racing. He felt tremendous pleasure with the ejaculation spurts that hit their mark for first time.

They didn't move until their bodies were once again relaxed.

Kate rolled off and rested her head on his chest. She said, "This is right. This is what I want and need."

Tom replied, "I never thought I'd find love like this again. We need to make plans tomorrow for our future. It is very bright."

Chapter 13

Plans are Made

Janet and Ned played phone tag before connecting Saturday morning. She explained that Rob, her engineer friend, had taken her on five dates but was very shy and didn't take any initiative toward having sex. She really liked him and believed he had a great future. They had kissed and she'd let him feel her legs but that's where his advances stalled. She asked Ned for advice.

He said, "Let's rule out one reason. You're a gorgeous young lady in great physical shape. I didn't feel any fat on your body, in fact. That's ruled out. He's obviously attracted to you since he's asked you out five times. Did he always pay the costs?"

"Yes, he never hesitated. At dinner, we always had interesting things to talk about. He's big into sports, loves helping people and even volunteers at the local food bank. He just ran a five-mile charity race before our recent date. He's more political than I am and seems to know a lot about the immigrants flooding across our Southern border. We had serious talks about the plight of those coming here. He went to Guatemala last year to help dig a water well for a remote village. He makes me feel like a scrooge."

Ned asked, "Which engineering program is he in?"

"Petroleum engineering and also in geology."

"Those go together. Is his family in the oil business?

"He hasn't mentioned it, but he wants me to visit them in West Texas at Christmas. I guess I'll find out then."

Ned said, "I'm guessing he was raised in a religious family, taught responsibility of helping the less fortunate but was never introduced to sex and has no experience with it, maybe only by men's magazines and porn on the internet. That's a bad way to learn.

"However, I know from another client that while dating a guy from the South she had an experience similar to yours. When she finally conquered his shyness, he was like a hormonal bull attending to a cow in season. Their sex became often and exciting. She was thrilled."

"That's good to know. What did she do to overcome the shyness?

"She told me that she gave him lessons using her body and taught him how sex was supposed to be. She taught him to do oral sex and showed him what it felt like when she sucked his cock. In other words, she opened her body to be a textbook for him to learn. And it worked."

Janet replied, "Damn, that might work in my situation. She just knocked his shyness in the head with a sledgehammer. I love it. Thanks Ned, I'll report back."


Tom was first to wake. He stared at the ceiling for several minutes to clear his mind and prepare for the discussion with Kate. He had a preferred plan but wanted her to make the decision.

As she slept, he arose and went to shower and shave. Coffee arrived as previously ordered and the aroma woke Kate.

"That coffee smells like heaven in a cup. Can you bring me one?" She sat up and leaned back against the pillows. Her impressive breasts were fully exposed.

As they sipped, Tom asked, "I wanted to ask you something before we consummated our friendship last night."

Kate grinned and said, "That's a good way to describe it. What's your question?"

"What are your rules for a lover?"

"I'm not sure what you mean," she replied.

"What am I allowed to do during sex?"

"Tom, I'm a lover and I love your attention to my body. My nipples are sensitive so please don't massage them aggressively. But I also like my nipples lightly sucked. There's a mother in me that enjoys the feel of nursing. The only thing I will not accept is your erection in my butt. Your finger is okay, in fact I enjoy that. I don't like any finger that's been in my vagina or rectum to then be put in my mouth. That's dangerous and disgusting. I enjoy giving head and I enjoy having your mouth between my legs. My clit is very sensitive so don't bite it hard."

"Do you like massages?"

"I love massages. They get my motor running."

"My wife was the same way. I learned to give a good one."

"Sir, you now have my full attention. Tell me what you like and don't like."

Tom replied, "I like my cock stroked and licked. I like my balls licked and I really like my prostate massaged and cock stroked at the same time. I always shoot a big load. I also like massages and my back scratched with your fingernails when I'm on top. And I really appreciate a beautiful woman's feet rubbing my hard cock. Finally, this may be weird, but I love women to wrap their breasts around my hard on and pretend like I'm fucking them."

Kate replied, "This is great info and none of that is weird. Having sex with you is going to be epic. What's your favorite position?"

Tom said, "I can live with any, but I do like doggie and missionary with your feet reaching for the ceiling. I also like to enter from behind when you're on your stomach. I think it's called the surfing position. But in all honesty, any position that brings you to a climax will be a good one. How about you?"

"I like cowgirl, both front facing and reverse. I like doggie in most any variation. I enjoy missionary if you don't lay your full weight on me. I like the lotus position from the Kama Sutra and I like laying side by side as we did last night. Oh, and I love the old 69 position."

"Let's dress and go down for breakfast," he suggested. "You're making me hot."


Charles and Claire asked if they could go to the Bronx Zoo since Tom and Kate planned to stay in their room all day. Tom instantly agreed and was happy they had something to do. Kate and he needed to have a serious discussion most of the day.

Both sat on the sofa and Tom said. "Let's talk about the plan for your company and your vision of future options."

Kate replied, "I'm 49 now and plan to work another ten years. I'll turn it over to Angie at that point. We're growing at 30% per year and will keep it private. We're seeing net earnings after taxes of four million a year and net cash flow of a little more than five million. I'm the sole owner.

"Options would be to sell either sooner or later to someone willing to take it public and give a certain percentage of the shares to my employees. They've worked too hard for me to just walk away with all their sweat equity as cash. I want them to have real equity. I could also take it public and keep 51% of the shares and give a portion to my employees. I could also merge it with another similar company or buy out another competitor. What plans do you have for the studio?"

"Since it's owned by a holding company that's traded on a very limited basis, all our numbers are published and analyzed. What no one knows is that I'm thinking about selling my interest to another large cap investor and some discussions at the CEO level have begun. As you know, I own 51.3% and the other shareholders are minor averaging less than two percent. We only have 28 stockholders, so it's very closely held. I'm also open to merging with another studio but we may have some issues with anti-trust concerns. We have about half of all country music contracts and sixty percent of the growing Latino music sector. That studio is in Miami. I'm planning to open one in Brazil soon. The Latin market is huge and growing. If I sell my shares, the proceeds will be heavily taxed unless I can find other investments or donate it to charities. Maybe there're some options we need to consider like me personally buying your company and having you and later Angie run it. I would be a silent owner."

Kate asked, "If we decide we go that direction and you buy my company, could we give a percentage to Angie as an incentive to grow it?"

"I could do that but another option would be for you to let Angie start taking over now. You stay there for a year or two to make sure she's successful and then come to Nashville. I could see you every couple of weeks and it'll take a good while for us to plan the wedding."

"Wow, you're already talking about a wedding?"

"Yes, if you will have me. I've never met a woman of your quality and doubt I ever will again. Not since my wife was killed have I felt like this. She was the perfect wife for more than twenty years and I still love her. But the pain of her death has been eased by you coming into my life.

"My pastor told me after her death that when God closes one door, He opens another. I waited for more than two years for a door to open. Then you came in my door. I have no doubt that we were meant to be together and that my whole future is through your door."

Tears rolled down Kate's cheeks as she listened closely to every word.

"Tom, my door was closed six years ago when my ex kicked me to the side and went to a younger woman. I've thrown myself into the business as my escape from the hurt. Men became my phobia and I'd rejected any future with men in my life. I finally received some therapy several months ago that showed me where I was wrong. The phobia gradually went away and I was back to a good mental place when we met. I immediately saw in you the man I should have married."

Tom said, "It's not too late." He went to one knee in front of Kate and asked, "Would you do me the highest honor of becoming my wife and partner in life?"

Kate was overwhelmed and tears flowed. She reached out to touch his face and smiled. "I will and I'm the one honored by your confidence in me. We can make it happen. It will take a couple of years for me to bring Angie to the point she needs to be. We can take turns and you come to my house once or twice a month and I'll come to yours once or twice."

Tom replied, "Maybe we can also get some consulting help for her. She'll need help in personnel management, contract negotiation, banking and cash management. I know several very good consultants who helped me in those areas."

"That sounds like a good idea. We've avoided consultants so far but maybe they do have a place. That's worth us considering."

Tom said, "I want to be very open with you about my financial assets. I have the $4.6 billion in stock of the holding company and $2.3 billion in other stocks and bonds. Also, there's $1 billion in the Latino music studios, recordings portfolio and distributors. I keep $500 million in cash equivalents, and I own another $500 million in real estate. I don't need or want a pre-nup since I have no heirs to worry about. All of this will go to you or into a trust to be managed for your benefit if I die. If you get tired of me and want a divorce, you'll have half of it."

"You said when we first met that you had plans to give most of it away to charities. Now you indicate that you'll give it to me. How do you reconcile that?"

"When I realized how much I love you, I decided I wanted you to have it. If we can decide together to give lots of it to charities, then we'll do that. I want you to have the control that you want."

"Geez, Tom. We're not talking nickels and dimes here. We need to seriously consider giving it away. We don't need it. But it's also hard to give it away to people who really need it. How do you find them and how do you avoid the fraudsters? We need to have a team to do the research."

Tom replied, "I met a young lady in Nashville named Emily Ryan-Anderson who might partner with us. An older couple named Bob and Judy Thompson have consulted with dozens of artists over the years to focus their foundations money where it's really needed. Emily was there from California learning from them. She's a granddaughter of a very wealthy family in Ireland and they're helping fund Emily's foundation that's named for her deceased mother."

Kate said, "I remember reading a book about her and the foundation. It's called 'Thank Goodness for Irish Women -- Sometimes.' I think her husband wrote it. I accidently found it on Amazon a few years ago. She's amazing."


Back at the university, Janet, the cheerleader, and Rob, her engineer friend, had another date. He decided that this was the night to get to second base. She'd let him touch her legs and her kisses were amazing. He believed she was sending him subtle signals but was unsure what they meant. This was his first serious experience with a girl, and his only experience with a girl this beautiful. He was nervous, very nervous.

After a fine dinner at a local restaurant, he invited her to his condo. Amazingly to him, she accepted. While relaxing on his sofa, Janet reached for his hand, leaned into him and kissed him with more passion that before. He reached and touched her right breast covered by a sweater, expecting to be pushed away. But Janet had other ideas. She removed her sweeter and bra to expose those beauties to an engineer who probably had never seen a pair in person.

She watched his eyes and expressions and realized he didn't know what to do.

She said, "These are my breasts. They are size 34-C. The 34 is the distance around my chest at nipple level. The C is the cup size for my breasts. The areola is the brown zone around the nipple. It gets crinkly when I'm aroused and ready for sex. If you want to know what my body is saying, look at my areola. These are my nipples and they're not as sensitive to touch as some women have. I like them touched and especially licked and gently sucked. Can you feel them and suck on them for me?"

He slowly leaned in and took each breast into his trembling hands. He gently squeezed the soft flesh and took a nipple between his lips. He forgot what to do next but accidently did it well. He licked the nipple and lightly sucked. He noticed her areola were crinkly.

Janet saw his face had changed and he seemed very embarrassed. She guessed he had just shot his load in his pants.

She asked, "Did you have an orgasm without me?"

He bit his lower lip and slowly nodded.

She continued, "That's not fair. I need to have one. We've got serious work to do but I want you loaded and ready to shoot for the next part of your lesson." She stood and put on the bra and sweater. She kissed him and said, "I'll come tomorrow night. Don't jerk off tomorrow before I come. I'll be here at 7:00 so order in pizza for us."

When Janet returned home, she called Ned to report in. She told him all that had happened and how she pretended to discipline him for poor behavior. He asked how Rob responded. She said he took it well, but he seemed to be devasted by his inability to hold it.

"When you outlawed him from jerking off before your arrival tomorrow, what did he say?

"He said, 'Yes ma'am.'"

Ned said, "I think you've found the issue. He wants to be disciplined by you. He has seen you as such a strong personality that he's scared of you and expects you to push back on what few advances he's made."

Janet responded, "That makes sense. I guess I need to take a firm stand with him and direct his every action. If he doesn't follow my instructions, I need to yell at him and postpone the lesson.

Ned replied, "I agree. I think you have him where he wants to be. Good luck."


Tom and Kate ordered room service for lunch. As they enjoyed soup, salad and turkey sandwiches, Kate asked him about his home in Nashville. He had purchased it last year when he sold the one he and his wife built. He explained that the home was like hell after his wife and daughter were killed. Everywhere he went in the house reminded him of them and their happy times together. After a few months of agony, he shut the house down and moved to a furnished townhouse in the city.

That also got old with all the city noise and the constant battle with traffic congestion. He found a house under construction in a new neighborhood only three miles from his studio office. It was a four bedroom, three bath two story with a full finished basement, sitting room, family room, dining room and a large kitchen. Tom had a theater room installed in the basement and used it to watch new music videos, videos of shows by his artists, and new music being recorded prior to release. He admitted to spending most of his time while home in the theater room.