Ned's Big Payday Pt. 05


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Kate described her house as a two story with six bedrooms, four baths, sitting room, family room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and a full basement used for exercise and recreation. The wing used by her cook and driver was on the second floor and it was composed of a bedroom and another room used by them for TV, office and library.

After lunch, Tom and Kate watched a football game as they snuggled in bed. One thing led to another, and another. They had no idea who won the game and didn't care.

Charles and Claire returned from the zoo and called Tom to let him know. They had reservations at a fine restaurant in Manhattan for four at 7:00. The restaurant had valet parking which relieved Charles and Claire for security reasons.

Dinner was superb. As dessert was served, an elderly woman approached the table and said, "Kate."

Kate looked up and saw Ginger, owner of the modeling agency where she'd worked. Kate stood and warmly hugged her as they kissed cheeks. Kate said, "Everyone, let me introduce Ginger. I worked in her agency for five years, about 25 years ago. She's a jewel."

Ginger replied, "Kate was one of our stars then and, from what I see, I believe she still could be. You look fantastic, Kate."

Kate introduced everyone and then asked, "Are you still in the agency?"

Ginger said, "I sold it three years ago and am now enjoying life much more. I live in the same house near the park and we're in good health, thank God. Where are you?"

"I live near Denver and have a video business. We produce music videos for promotions and some TV ads. Tom is one of my clients."

"Someone told me you have a beautiful daughter who could easily be a supermodel. Tell me about her."

"Her name is Angie and she's 6' 1", perfect for the runway. She's working in my company and is recently engaged."

Tom added, "Angie is also gorgeous, like her mom." Kate smiled.

Ginger said, "I see you're still dining so I'll leave you alone. I just had to stop by. You were a great model, Kate, and I always wished I could've found a hundred more like you." They kissed cheeks again.

Although nothing like the French Laundry, the dinner was very good by New York standards. They were back to the hotel by 10:00 and ready for bed, or other things.

Kate and Tom lay entwined while they talked about the weekend. Both realized that life-changing decisions were being made. The enormity of those decisions would not be fully known until much later. The pathway they planned would likely have many twists and turns, but they were now committed to see it through.


The flight home in the Citation was rough with a cold front and turbulent wind shaking the plane. They landed at a general aviation facility where Kate was met by Angie. Tom brought the luggage in and visited with Angie while Charles directed the re-fueling. Kate kissed him as they hugged. Angie could tell that this kiss was damn serious compared to last time.

Arriving at the car, Angie asked, "Mom, I've got to know what is going on between you two. That was not a usual 'see you late' peck on the cheek."

"Angie, just settle down. We had a very good, open and honest time talking about ourselves and our future and what we want out of life. I'm feeling very close to him, and he says he is to me. What the future holds for us, we're not sure yet."

Kate didn't want to talk about their marriage at this time as so many uncertainties remained. She also didn't want to take away any focus from Angie's big day in June. Every bride deserves to be the center of her world through her wedding.

"Okay Mom, we'll talk about this later. Ned and I want to pass an idea by you when we get home. I think you'll like it."


Sitting around the kitchen table with adult beverages, Angie said, "Ned and I have been talking about the Bentley. We drove it around town one day and it attracted a lot of attention. That has us thinking that the car is not for us, as nice as it is. However, we're thinking about putting it in a business to hire out for limo services like for weddings, special events, and visiting VIP's. We think we could get $200 or more per hour of it's use. Ned would be the driver when he's available but when he's not, we'd like Jason to drive. Jason is as close to a perfect driver as we could imagine. What do you think?"

"Sparky, it's your car and that sounds like a good idea. It's the only one of its kind in town, according to the dealer, and it does attract attention. Why don't you ask Jason and show him the car. I don't think he's even seen it. It's been under that protective cover since before he and Denise came."

Angie said, "Of course we would have to set up a company and get commercial drivers' licenses. We'll also need to do advertising. If we agree to pay all the expenses, could you ask one of our crews to make some promotional videos for us?"

"Sparky, I own the company. Of course we can. After you get all the permits and licenses, let's sit with our scheduling office and pick a good time. We could set up a wedding scene, a senior prom shot and some VIP getting picked up at the airport. I think Jason is perfect for that and he'll look good in a chauffer's suit. Very distinguished. I'll bet he could get some of his police friends here to give the VIP an escort in the video. All doable."

"Mom, this is great. That car is special and needs to be seen and admired. We'll talk to Jason and see what he says. It would also give them a nice additional income. Is Jason here?"

Kate said, "I believe he and Denise are upstairs. I suggest you call up to them to make sure you're not interrupting their visitation time."

Angie was not expecting that and asked, "Are they on very friendly terms again, if you know what I mean?"

Kate replied, "Denise told me that it's wild around here when I'm away. I didn't ask any questions, but I know she's been needing more of his attention. Evidently, she's getting it."

"That's wonderful. All women need a man's attention," Angie said, "But you and I wouldn't have believed that just a few months ago."

"Ned changed that, didn't he?"


Janet's lessons were just beginning at Rob's apartment. When she arrived, she demanded to know if he'd jerked off. He denied it. The fact is, Rob was a total mental wreck since the previous night. Janet had started educating him on women's breasts and he couldn't keep from cuming in his boxers when massaging them. Her nipples were the main culprit as he'd only seen them in magazines and porn sites. And last night, she insisted he lick and suck them. And tonight, she promised him more education using her body. All day long, that's all he could think about.

They quickly ate dinner.

Janet said, "Now let's go to your bedroom. While I get undressed, I want you to thoroughly wash your hands. You're going to be handling my body in a very sensitive area tonight."

It was impossible to overstate how nervous he became.

Returning to the bedroom, he saw Janet was on the bed with her top half exposed. She still had on slacks. She directed him to come sit beside her and fondle her breasts and lick her nipples to see if he could hold his cum. Although Rob had a raging erection, he didn't shoot so that was a passing grade.

Janet instructed him to remove her slacks but leave her panties on. He was able to do it and still not cum. So far, so good. Janet pointed out her navel and told him many women like a man to play with it and lick it. He must do that now. He did and Janet praised him for his tongue technique.

She turned over on her stomach and instructed Rob to remove her panties. He was shaking with sexual excitement as he slowly pulled them down and slid them off her legs. Her bottom was the most sexy thing he'd ever seen, even on the porn sites.

"Rob, a woman likes to have her bottom massaged. Do that for me, now."

He reached out his hands and lightly touched the warm skin of her butt cheeks. He straddled her thighs and began kneading both sides, obviously a rank amateur. When he pushed up on them, her anus was revealed in all its glory. That did it. He filled his briefs once again.

Janet heard him making grunting sounds, rolled over and said in a loud and stern voice, "I think you did it again. My god Rob, how are we ever going to have sex when you keep shooting off before I can even touch your cock."

He apologized profusely but could offer no explanation without sounding crude.

Janet scolded him for the way he kept disappointing her and said, "I think that's enough for tonight. We'll pick up at this point tomorrow night. I have a lot more to teach you. Order in Chinese for us and I'll be here at 7:00."

Later that night, Janet called Ned and told him all the details. They laughed and laughed some more. Ned said, "Damn, girl. You're ripping out his shyness with a crowbar and slamming it to the pavement. Are you planning to stomp on it tomorrow night?"

"He's rattled but doing mostly what I tell him. He did hold well until he saw my butthole."

Ned replied, "You do have a perfect anus, Janet. Any man who saw it would get aroused."

Janet said, "Well thank you. I aim to please. If he can hold it while massaging my bottom and fingering my anus tomorrow night, I'll move on and introduce him to my vulva and all its parts."

Ned started laughing again. "Janet, you might as well shoot him in the head. His mind is going to explode. I predict, though, that you're on the right track. He won't have any shyness left after tomorrow night. You're force feeding him sex and more sex."

Chapter 14

Rob's and Janet's Best Nights Ever

Janet arrived at the appointed time. She kissed him as normal but noticed something very different about him. Rob was smiling, relaxed, joking with her and not shy about kissing her again before they opened the Chinese take-out.

"Rob, I'm seeing a more relaxed you tonight. What happened?"

He smiled and replied, "For three weeks I couldn't figure out how to approach you. I was scared that I'd screw up and you'd leave me. I finally realized that if you hadn't left me by now, I had a good chance. I think I understand you better and it now feels very good and comfortable to be with you."

Janet smiled and replied, "That's very good. I want you to feel that way. Has interaction with girls always been a challenge for you?"

"My first time realizing that girls were different happened when I was five or six. A girl who lived at a neighboring ranch would come to stay and play at my house when her parents had to be away. She was a year older, but we got along good. One day, she wanted to play house with me being the father and her the mother. She said that she'd show me hers if I showed her mine. I didn't know what she was talking about. I agreed without knowing what I agreed to.

"She took off her shorts and panties and showed me her girl parts. I wasn't allowed to touch them, but the view captured my attention. I could see a slit with a tiny hole inside what I later learned was her vulva. I took off my shorts and underwear to reveal my massive one-inch penis. She studied it and looked at my ginormous testicles. Then we put our clothes back on and played with her dolls and my soldiers. I wondered about that for a long time."

Janet could only laugh before saying, "I don't think I ever did that with a boy, but I've heard other girls talk about similar experiences."

"My next exposure to anything related to sex was when I was ten or eleven. When I got home after being released early from school for some reason, I heard my mom moaning upstairs. I was concerned and walked up to her bedroom and got the shock of my young life. There was my dad with his naked bottom sticking up bouncing up and down on my mom who seemed trapped under him. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and I assumed they were wrestling like I'd seen on TV. I peeked around the door and watched. It became obvious that they weren't mad because they occasionally giggled. I had no idea what they were doing until much later."

Janet said, "That's funny. I never caught my parents having sex but I've no doubt they were at it quite often. Did your dad or mom ever give you the 'birds and bees' talk?"

"Never. I guess they were embarrassed. We were a very religious family and went to church every week. Sex seemed to be a taboo subject. They were very careful of what we watched on TV, and I know they set parental controls on my laptop. Only when I got to high school did I find that out. I had a new laptop when I came here and then found the porn sites. But you're the first person I've talked to about sex. This is all new to me."

Janet asked, "Am I force feeding sex to you?"

He smiled and replied, "Probably, but this is a great meal. You're telling me and showing me things totally new. Sure, the porn sites show everything but that's on a computer screen. You're here and telling me to touch parts of your body and feel the warmth and texture of your nipple in my mouth. This is a dream come true, but I'm still scared that this not for real and that you're playing with me."

"I'm sorry you believe that," Janet replied. "Since we met, I've discovered there's a lot of substance to you. I've been very interested in your volunteer activities and your concern for people in need. You're obviously very intelligent and I think you have a great future. There's a very good chance I will fall in love with you, but that's down the road."

Rob asked, "Are you as comfortable with sex as you seem to be?"

She smiled, "I am now but it's not always been a comfortable subject for me. I was badly mistreated by a couple of boyfriends a few years ago. I lost my confidence in being around men to the point that I thought I might be a lesbian. Then I was referred to a sex therapist who taught me that all men are not what I experienced. He showed me how to love myself as nature intended and how beautiful sex could be with the right man. But just three months ago, I was a shy girl living in a shell of insecurity."

"But you're a cheerleader and in front of people all the time."

"That's not being with a man in a car in a parking lot off campus. I'm very happy with my cheer squad women friends but I don't socialize with the guys."

Rob replied, "That means I'm the first guy you've really dated seriously."

"That's right. Still, I want to teach you all there is about my body and then we'll explore yours. I think that will make us much more comfortable being together. And who knows, if you can keep from pre-mature ejaculation, we might even have real sex like your parents had."

"I'd like that very much. You're a special woman."

She smiled and said, "Let's begin tonight's lesson by taking a shower together."

As the warm water soaked them, Janet reached for his impressive penis which was partially erect. She washed it with a soapy cloth and gently applied soap to his testicles and anus. He used the same cloth to wash her genitals.

After helping each other dry off, Janet led him to the bed.

"I'm going to start with where we ended last night." She lay face down on the bed.

"Now take both hands and spread my butt cheeks so you can see my anus. Okay, that's wide enough. Now put your nose in my crack and lick my anus. Wow, that feels good. Keep going. Stick the tip of your tongue in and wiggle it a bit. Yeowww, now we're talking. Geez, Rob, how long a tongue do you have? Okay, okay, back out and let me settle down a bit."

Rob replied, "That was killing me. I just knew I'd shoot again but somehow, I stopped it."

"Now before we leave my butt, I want you to take a little Vaseline and rub it on my anus. Okay, that feels like it's enough. Now take your index finger and work it into my rectum up as far as you can. Oh jeez, that's far enough. What do you feel?"

"I don't feel anything. It just opens into an empty space."

"That's what you should feel. Your finger stretched my sphincter muscle which surrounds my anus. The rectum is much bigger so there's a void inside. Now let's talk about this. On the porn sites, do you see men put their cock in a woman's rectum?"

"Yes, it's common."

"Does it seem like the women enjoy it?"

He replied, "Sometimes it does, but mostly no. They look to be in pain."

"That's right. If I took the end of a baseball bat and rammed it up your rectum, would it hurt?"


"That's the same as a huge erection like you have going into my rectum. So don't ever try it. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am. Never."

"Fingers and your tongue are fine. Those turn my motor on, and I could easily have an orgasm when you do it. Now let's move on to my other body parts."

Janet turned onto her back and spread her legs to reveal her full treasure. "What you see here is called my vulva. It is composed of many parts, and we'll now review those and what I'd like you to do when we're having sex."

"The area just above what men call a pussy is puffy and has a bone under it. This fleshy tissue is called the mons pubis and is where pubic hair grows. The bone beneath the skin is called the pubic bone. Since I shave my pubic hair, you shouldn't see any on me. If you do, that means I missed a spot. Put you hand on my mons pubis. That's good. Now push down gently to feel the pubic bone.

Immediately behind the pubic bone is my urinary bladder. It empties through a tiny hole called the urethra which I'll show you in a minute. This is like the hole you have to pee through. I hope you're listening and not daydreaming. I might give a test later."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now look at my vulva. It has lots of parts. The long fleshy sides are called the labium majora. When you're licking the center of my vulva, just pull these outer lips aside like this. They are there to protect the sensitive inner flaps called the labium minora which you can now see. Go ahead and practice pulling the labia aside and lick between them. You look like you're not paying attention."

"I'm sorry, I'm about to cum again and trying not to."

"Okay, come here and let me help you. We'll pick up the lesson as this point tomorrow night."

They moved together and Janet took his erection in hand and rapidly stroked it. He quickly shot a load into her hand and on the bed.

After washing her hands, Janet came to lay beside him. They lay face to face with her nipples just touching his chest. "I like the new you," she whispered. "I think we could have a great future if we want it."

Rob replied, "I know I'm dreaming and that you're an angel that has come down to help me. There's no other explanation. I mean, I'm just a simple guy from West Texas. How in the world do I explain laying here with the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. It just doesn't happen. Please don't go away. Let the dream continue."

"First of all, I'm not an angel. I've made plenty of mistakes and committed many sins. I don't know why we happened to meet but I do know why I was immediately attracted to you. You're a handsome guy. I love that rugged cowboy look of yours. I dream about you and think about you all day. Am I still invited for Christmas?"

"Of course you are. Mom and Dad are excited to meet you. My brother and his family will also be there. Did I tell you anything about the ranch or them? I've been in such a mental fog that I don't recall."

"No, you've not said anything."

"We live on a ranch that was originally purchased by my great grandfather. He raised cattle and irrigated part of it for hay and grain crops. Most of the annual income was from the cattle.

"About twenty years ago, a wildcatter drilled a few test wells and found oil and natural gas. It turned out that we're sitting on a pool. As of now, only a small portion has been drilled and we have thirty-two producing wells. My dad asked me to focus on becoming a petroleum engineer and geologist since he really doesn't trust the oil company geologists."