Ned's Big Payday Pt. 05


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"Holy moly, so you're rich. Well, I'll be. Never would I have thought that from your personality and lack of ego."

"The money is nice, but my parents are humble people and don't show their wealth at all. Dad drives a ten-year old F-250 and Mom drives a four-year old Honda accord. Dad and Mom also agreed to split the oil income with two of his brothers and one sister. They were originally owners of the land with Dad but they sold to him not long before oil was discovered. He felt bad about that, and he set up a trust fund to receive the oil revenue. That fund is jointly owned by all four siblings. That prevented any hard feelings."

"That just astonishes me. I think I'm going to like your family and I hope they like me."

"I'm sure they will. But don't ask or talk about the oil. They're very sensitive about it. Let's just say it's a closely held family secret. I'll take you out one day to see the wells, but we'll have to sneak out. There's some ATVs or a helicopter we can use."

"I understand. Hey, I need to get home. I have an early class."

"Is 7:00 good for tomorrow night," Rob asked.

"Yes, I'll bring some Wendy's salads."

Janet called Ned that evening and reported what happened. He was delighted that Rob had finally realized what he needed to do and that her plan to force feed him worked. She thanked him again and promised to stay in touch.


The next night Janet was met at the door by Rob with a dozen red roses in hand. She grinned and said, "You know how to welcome a girl." Their kiss lingered a few seconds longer than before.

As they enjoyed the salads, they talked about the previous night and Janet's lesson plan. She said, "I want to show you what turns a lady into an aroused sex-hungry woman. They are called erogenous zones, and they may vary from girl to girl. I'll show and demonstrate my zones. Then we'll explore your zones and find what works for you. If you don't mind, we'll start where we were interrupted so rudely by your pre-mature ejaculation." They laughed.

With the image of her open vulva burned in his brain, he replied, "That's fine with me."

After showering again to get all their body parts as fresh as could be, Janet spread her legs and began.

"This is my vulva and it's open so you can see the interior parts. At the top is a small triangular area that protects my clitoris. It's called a clitoral hood. Only a small part of the clitoris is normally seen due to the protection provided by the clitoral hood. The clitoris is the most sensitive set of nerve endings in a woman's body. It is the most important erogenous zone that exists. Most all my orgasms begin with massaging of my clit, as it's commonly called. Let me pull back the hood so you can see the external clit. Do you see how small it is on the outside, but it extends inside as a spongy shaft several inches long. That's very important as we'll talk about later.

"Now look directly below the clit and you'll see a small hole. That's my urethral opening and it's the exit for urine coming out of my bladder that's protected by the pubic bone. Where you have a penis to direct the urine like a hose, we women don't. That's a cleanliness problem for women as we tend to spray pee all over ourselves. Women with full bushes are worse off than me with all that hair to battle. Any questions so far?"

"I saw a movie one time where women went into the men's room and stood in front of the urinals and peed standing up. I think it was 'The Full Monty.' How can a woman pee in a urinal without a penis?"

"It's possible if you stand straight and use both hands to pull apart the large outer lips. This clears the obstacles, so to speak, but it still might spray erratically.

"Now let's look at the object of most men's desires. This large opening is my vagina and the access to my cervix which you'll feel in a minute. Obviously, this is where your erection goes. The vaginal canal is lined with muscles and little ridges that have a great deal of elasticity required by childbirth. It's also where my menstrual cycle flow comes out. You know about a woman's menstrual cycle, don't you?"

"That's what's called the 'time of the month' but I'm ignorant of the whole cycle, I suppose."

"It's normally a cycle that lasts 28-31 days and can vary. It has to do with egg development within the ovaries. An egg is normally produced and moves to the fallopian tubes once in a cycle. Sometimes two eggs will be ready and that's when fraternal twins can develop. So once the eggs are in the fallopian tube, they wait for sperm to come knocking. If no sperm arrives within 12-24 hours, they die and are expelled by the body along with the uterine lining. The lining was created in the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. The uterus is also called the womb. This is the menstrual fluid that has blood in it. The main information you need is that if we want a baby, we need to have sex within a few days ahead of the egg arriving in the fallopian tube. I'll usually be able to tell when that time is by monitoring my body temperature changes. Your sperm can live for several days in my fallopian tub while it waits for an egg."

"I never knew any of this. So, if we fall in love and decide to get married, you can tell me when to have sex if we want a baby. That's amazing."

"It's not a precise science as many women trying to avoid pregnancy have learned. Let's move on if we can. Here, next to my urethra are some small glands that are very important. Don't worry about their names but do worry about their function. When you get me aroused, my body gets itself ready for intercourse. One thing that happens is that a mucus like slick creamy fluid is released into my vagina from these glands. I can't control that happening or not happening. It all depends on my sub-conscious mind telling my body, my vagina and the glands to get ready for an erect penis.

"Now it's show time. I want you to put your hand over the clitoral hood and rub it using a circular motion. You won't be touching my clit, just putting a light pressure on it. I'll lay back and enjoy your hand."

Within a couple of minutes, Janet felt her arousal happening. His hand was magical. She could feel the early tingles, then she stopped him.

"Rob, I should be wet now. Insert your finger in my vagina and feel it."

"Yes, you're very wet."

"Good, that's the lubrication I said would be excreted. My vagina is now ready for your erection. Remember this when we're ready for intercourse.

"While your fingers are still wet, reach in as far as you can and see if you can feel a little dome with a hole in the top."

"I can't feel it."

"That's not too surprising. Buried down there is my cervix and it's pretty far in. That's where your sperm will try to enter the fallopian tube to fertilize my egg."

"Janet, if someone had told me I'd do what I just did, I'd call them a lunatic. No guy gets to insert his fingers into the vagina of a woman like you."

"If I care about them, they do."

"I'm about to cum again," Rob said with a scared look in his eye.

"Come here quick and I'll help."

Rob stood with his cock straight out and Janet grabbed it. She licked its shaft and slid her hand along the wet skin. After only a few strokes, he ejaculated in her cupped hands. She marveled at how much semen he produced. Her mind raced back to what Ned had said about a hormonal bull with a cow in season. That's an accurate analogy. Rob was hung like a bull and could shoot a similar load. These old boys from West Texas were amazing, she thought. Maybe tomorrow night she could feel his impressive tool where it belonged.


The following night, Janet was preparing to ring his doorbell when she heard what she thought was the radio. It was loud and uncharacteristic for him.

When she rang, the radio stopped and, in a moment, Rob came with a big smile. "Good evening, beautiful lady."

"Good evening, cowboy." They kissed and Janet added, "I just heard a beautiful voice on your radio. Who was that?"

"That wasn't the radio, it was me trying to get myself together while waiting for you."

"Rob, you're kidding me. The voice I heard was clearly professional."

"I've had some voice training but am certainly not a pro."

"What song was that?"

"'Unchained Melody' sung by Bobby Hatfield of the Righteous Brothers. It's Mom's favorite song."

"Could you sing it for me?"

"Sure, but let's eat first. The pot roast I made is ready and the rolls and roasted potatoes just came from the oven."

Janet stared at him like he'd just grown another head. She was dumbfounded.

"I had no idea you cooked. We've always eaten out or brought home food. Rob, you're taking all my previous impressions of you and flushing them. I can't believe this."

He reached and pulled her into an amazing kiss. Janet was staggered by her emotions and realized that she had only known the surface of this amazing man. She wondered how much more she'd learn and when.

The meal was really good, and both had two helpings. After the dishes were done, they sat in the living room and Rob took his guitar out. He first played an acoustic version of Dolly Parton's famous song, 'I Will Always Love You.' Janet couldn't help but sing some of the lyrics as he played. Whitney Houston's cover was one of her favorite songs.

Rob strummed the opening chords of 'Unchained Melody" and sang,

"Oh, my love

My darling

I've hungered for your touch

A long, lonely time

And time goes by so slowly

And time can do so much

Are you still mine?

I need your love

I need your love

God speed your love to me

Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea

To the open arms of the sea

Yes, lonely rivers sigh, "Wait for me, wait for me

I'll be coming home, wait for me"

Oh, my love

My darling

I've hungered, hungered for your touch

A long, lonely time

And time goes by so slowly

And time can do so much

Are you still mine?

I need your love

I, I need your love

God speed your love to me."

Janet bit the inside of her lip and tried to not cry. It was impossible to hold back. She'd just heard a fantastic voice, fully equivalent to Bobby Hatfield's original cut. Tears flowed. She sat speechless long after the last note."

Rob moved to hug her as she cried. A few tears flowed down his face as they embraced.

Once composed, Janet said, "See what you've done to my makeup. That moved me unlike any song I've ever heard. Your voice is amazing. Did you sing at home or in church?"

"Mostly to the cattle but sometimes home and church. My mother has a wonderful voice and I accompanied her in church sometimes. We practice at home, of course. But our cattle hear me more than people."

"I wasn't expecting that response. Tell me more about the cattle."

"We sometimes spend days at a time rounding up the herd and bringing them in for shots and vet checks. I'm in the saddle for many hours both day and night. I sing to pass the time. It gets boring out there."

"Just how big is your ranch?"

"The tax assessors say it's a little over 25,000 acres but we've never had it surveyed. We know where the boundaries are. Most are natural landmarks like creeks, rock formations and hilltops. We brand and ear-tag all the cattle in case they wander off our land."

"What's your brand?"

"The circle F which was started by my great-grandfather Fred."

"Rob, you've taken my impression of you and exploded it tonight. I sit here in awe of you."

Rob replied, "Maybe we can sleep together tonight."

Janet smiled, realizing his shyness had fled town, and replied, "Let's take a shower and get to it."

Chapter 15

New and Old Business

Janet woke before Rob. She listened to his rhythmic breathing and studied his face. She thought about the old Marlboro commercials showing the handsome cowboy smoking a cigarette. They were always gorgeous hunks of rugged men that a girl couldn't ignore. Rob was like that.

She thought about the last twelve hours and how her life had reached another crossroad. Thank God that she'd overcome her shyness with Ned's help. If she'd refused to share her table at Starbucks with Rob, none of these last few weeks would have happened. She was now looking forward at possibilities, not behind at misery with men.

Janet thought about their foreplay last night. Rob had been very attentive to her erogenous zones, not just her clit or nipples. His sweet kisses on the nape of her neck, the massage of her feet and legs and his attention to her bottom were perfect. By the time they moved to the 69 position, her juices were a flood. He licked her clit, urethra and vaginal opening repeatedly. Her mind couldn't focus on his erection, although it spent a lot of time in her mouth.

She had turned to Rob and said she was ready.

She asked him to lay on his back and let her work his erection into her vagina a little as a time. She'd not had a man in her since Ned and that was three weeks or more ago. She was surprised how easy it entered. She felt very full and warm and could feel her vaginal muscles contracting as her orgasm hit. He could also feel the contractions, a new experience for him. It didn't take long before she heard his grunts and felt the spurts hit. She finally experienced the amazing satisfaction of being a complete woman. A woman who had chosen her mate, not forced to accept one.

Janet suddenly remembered a class she was going to miss that morning. It was biology and they were just about to cover the human body. She smiled as she thought of the irony.


Jason listened to the plan for the Bentley and, after seeing and driving it, agreed. He and Ned studied for their commercial driver's license, applied for a business license and insurance to cover any issues. Well on the way, Ned and Angie met with Kate's video scheduling manager to pick a time.

There was a slot coming open the week before Christmas. The planning commenced and a call went out to Kate's employees for actors to appear in prom and wedding scenes. Several employees volunteered with their daughters and sons participating. Jason talked to the local police chief, who he'd worked with in Atlanta, to arrange a motorcycle escort of the limo with a pretend VIP guest to be picked up at the airport. They would launch the advertising campaign in late January in time for Valentine's Day. Two of Kate's employees had daughters with weddings in May and June. After hearing about the newly planned Bentley limo service, both booked it.


Kate planned a full day meeting with a management consultant recommended by Tom. She called Angie in ahead of that meeting.

"Sparky, I have some big news that'll significantly help you. Tom has talked to nineteen employees of their former video production contractor, and fourteen have agreed to come work for us. Relocation to Denver is going to be so expensive and time-consuming that we think now is the time to base a couple of crews in Nashville that can work daily with the artists of both studios. We'll need to find office space, buy equipment and select a manager."

"That's fantastic news. That'll give us the rest of the new people you planned. I'll get the names and personal information so we can put them on the payroll right away," said Angie. "Maybe I can ask Ned to go there, find office space and get to know these folks."

"That's a good idea. Let's put Ned on our payroll as a part-timer so he doesn't think we're talking advantage of him and his availability. Talk to HR and have them contact him with an offer."

"Will do, thanks Mom."

"Now here's the big news. Tom and I have agreed that we will one day be married and that I should prepare now to turn the company over to you."

"Mom, are you serious? Wow, this is sudden."

"As serious as I can be. I've always planned for you to run the company. Until I met Tom, I was planning to spend ten years getting you ready. We're now going to condense that. We know that you have limited management experience. I'll be mentoring you with the help of a man named David Cooper who's with a major consulting group in Boston. I want you to work full time side by side with me and David. It will be at least two years before I move to be with Tom."

"Are you planning to transfer ownership to me?"

"Yes, as soon as you can handle it. But I also want you to give a significant portion of the net earnings to our employees using a formula we'll figure out. Even after I move, Tom can get me here in a few hours if you need me or him. You can do it, Angie. I have absolute confidence in you."

Angie replied, "Can I tell Ned about this? His role in our future marriage is going to change when the job requires me to be so focused on the business. We plan children, as you know, and that means he's definitely going to be a stay-at-home dad. He's got to be in full agreement."

"That's right. A successful CEO depends on many people to support them. No one can do it alone," replied Kate.

"I appreciate your confidence in me, Mom. I'll not disappoint you."

"You'll never disappoint me, sweetheart. We may have challenges, but we've always faced them together and we will again."

Kate said, "David is down in the lobby. Let's bring him in and get to work. He's promised to bring many other experts to help as needed. However, he's going to be the lead."

Angie's mind was almost in panic mode. When she woke that morning, nothing even remotely like this was in her thoughts. It suddenly dawned on her that she'd only be twenty-five when taking control of her mom's company. That was a scary thought. Oh god, what would Ned think? This was a conundrum that forced her to carefully balance many priorities. Damn. She'd never felt so unprepared.

David was ushered in by Nikki and introductions and small talk followed. They sat around the coffee table and sipped the hot brew as they talked. David reviewed his background, including his work with Tom, and how he preferred to work with clients. He was sixty-one years old and had been working with Fortune 500 companies since selling his own company about ten years ago.

David's expertise was in financial planning, investment strategy, project control and cash management. He said that other consultants from their company would be used as needed for subjects like personnel management, benefits control, safety, government reporting, tax planning, community involvement, environmental stewardship, and contract negotiations. All of this would be done on the timeline that Kate had established.

They spent the rest of the day laying out specific plans for each month during the coming two years. Goals and objectives were defined as well as resources needed. By the end of the afternoon, Angie had a better understanding of the effort and could see how it would come together to create the successful ownership transition. She was still near panic mode knowing all that was expected of her. It had sounded so easy when Mom repeatedly told her about taking over the company one day. Now that she faced it and all its complications, she was scared. The very last thing she would ever want to do is let down her mom and cause damage to the company.

She needed Ned and his understanding and support more than ever.


Ned's caller ID showed Beth's name. He answered it.

"Hey Beth, it's been a while. How are you doing?"

"Ned, it couldn't be better. Mark called as you said, and it was a wonderful call. He told me about himself, his family and his goals. We shared many details of our lives. After thirty minutes or so, it seemed like I'd known him forever. His voice was filled with a personality that overwhelmed me. We talked for more than an hour.

"He invited me to a Bruce Springsteen concert that following weekend. We had a blast. He was fun to be with and we committed to begin seeing each other. We've since had two other dates and I'm delighted. Why in the world another woman gave him up is beyond my understanding."