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I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself—I hadn't even been awake for an hour yet, this was going to take time. A day, two, a week, a month who knows but I was going to fucking get out of here alive. Thankfully she never threatened violence. The chain made a muffled scraping sound as I walked across the rug to the shower, climbed in and pulled the curtain shut. I started the water, doing my best to ignore the thick metal around my ankle while I washed off. After shampooing my hair I grabbed the body wash and soaped myself up; it smelled amazing. I glanced at the bottle and realized that it was very high end, very expensive—in some sick way she really was trying to take care of me. I shook the thought from my head and finished up, grabbing a towel and hastily drying.

At first I wondered if she just wanted me to remain naked the entire time until I saw a folded pile of clothes on the side of the large sink. Though they weren't mine, they were my size; I pulled on the t-shirt, trying to figure out how the fuck I was supposed to get into pants with a damn chain attached to my ankle when I noticed that the side of the sweat pants were closed with a series of snaps. Fuck, she thought this through—it was an unnerving notion. I ripped open the left side and pulled them on, snapping each button to seal them up. I found a new toothbrush and some toothpaste, so I did that too. By the time I was finished, there was a soft rap on the door. I expected her to barge in and when she didn't I reluctantly opened it.

A smile lit up her face when she saw that I had showered and gotten dressed, "Are you hungry?"

I thought about telling her to fuck off. I mean, she basically kidnapped me, she chained me to her house and was refusing to let me go but...when I really thought about it, the sex was amazing. All she was asking for was a live-in boyfriend more or less, hell, I couldn't even remember the last time I made a chick happy by simply taking a shower and getting dressed. "Sure," I replied with a non committal shrug.

This seemed to satisfy her enough. She pulled a key out of her pocket; I almost breathed a sigh of relief until I realized that the key was yellow. The padlock on my ankle cuff was black. I had to force the smile to my face when she handed it over; I knelt down and unlocked the yellow lock around the eyelet, freeing about fifteen feet of chain and allowing me to follow her back out into the bedroom.

I didn't notice it the night before but the room was very large. The king size bed was near the door but there was also a large living area with a couch, a television and a small table with two chairs. On the table was a feast fit for a buffet. I hesitantly sat down opposite her, looking at a plate mounded with eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles and a few other things. She watched me eagerly, a restrained smile on her face. I knew I shouldn't eat the food—she could fucking poison me after all—but I had little choice. I was chained to the floor and she was my only way out; if she wanted to kill me she could—there wouldn't be a whole lot I could do to stop her. I grabbed a fork and speared a sausage link, reaffirming to myself that if I didn't make her happy, I wasn't going to get out of here alive. I bit into it, chewing slowly before swallowing, "Thank you for making breakfast."

Her smile grew; she sheepishly looked away, pouring syrup over her waffles, "It is my pleasure to take care of you, Nine."

She said it again—I thought earlier that I had misunderstood her but I knew it for certain now, she had called me Nine. "Aaron," I said quietly, scooping up some eggs, "my name is Aaron."

I don't know what I expected but she completely ignored my comment. I shrugged it off, it seemed silly to insist on her addressing me by my name when I would be gone soon enough. I ate as much as I could for several reasons; the first, I was starving—other than beer, I didn't have anything to eat the night before. The second reason was a simple one: there was no telling how long I could stay on her good side which in turn meant I didn't know when my next meal would be...and the last reason was simple, she was a good cook and the food was delicious.

When I couldn't stomach another bite I leaned back in the chair and breathed out slowly.

"Did you get enough to eat?" she asked sincerely.

"More than enough," I said, full and mildly relaxed, "I'm going to become a fatty if I keep eating like this."

"Well we can't have that," she replied while stacking the empty dishes back onto a tray. She nodded her head towards the far side of the room; my attention followed, seeing a small weight bench and a treadmill in a makeshift exercise area that was to the left of the bed and door. "Maybe tomorrow you could run before your shower and breakfast," she stated.

I tried to look excited, "All right, if that is what you would like me to do."

Her eyes locked on mine, that darkness back in them, "Yes, it is." She held my gaze for a while as if daring me to refuse her but I kept the same dumb look on my face the entire time. When she realized I wasn't going to object, she smiled again, "I am going to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen. Why don't you relax a little? I will be back after a while."

I nodded, watching her leave the room and waited until the door closed behind her before I got to my feet. To keep the chain from dragging loudly across the floor I picked it up and carried it, seeing just how far my range extended; I was disappointed. Starting at the bathroom, I went left to the treadmill only to discover it was out of reach—apparently a privilege I would have to earn. There was no way I could get to the door and my hopes started to sink further when I found out that I couldn't reach the bed, even if I stretched out to it. From my vantage point I couldn't really see out of the windows and to the street below; following the length in a wide circle, I discovered that I couldn't reach the couch in front of the TV, in fact aside from the bathroom, the only other area I had access to was the small table with chairs.

When I heard her walking up the stairs to the second floor, I stepped into the bathroom and silently shut the door, giving myself a small moment of privacy while I took a leak. I glanced down at the eyelet on the floor, trying to figure out what each padlock would allow me. There were three left aside from the black one on my ankle; red, it seemed, would give me access to the couch, green to the treadmill, which meant that the blue one was for the bed. A frown grew on my face when I realized that if I didn't earn the red one, I would be stuck sleeping on the floor. Alone. It was a weird thought that crossed my mind: despite being chained and held against my will in this woman's house, I still wanted to fuck her and it seemed that I had a ways to go in order to earn back that privilege.

I shook my head to clear that thought—I was supposed to be looking for a way out. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, reminding myself that I needed to earn her trust.

When I opened up the bathroom door, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting. I looked over the psycho's body; her long blonde hair drifted around her shoulders, the simple grey t-shirt she was wearing appeared to strain around her middle with the abundance of her tits and though she was only wearing jeans, they hugged her hips low on her waist. I bet they made her ass look good, which brought a smile to my face when I remembered the night before, how amazingly tone her body was when she bounced up and down on my lap; my cock twitched and I felt it starting to firm up. I looked back up at her eyes when she spoke.

"What do you want to do today?" her voice was cold again; she saw me ogling her body but I got the feeling that wasn't the reason.

I looked down to the chain at my feet and then to the door before I could catch myself. I ran a hand through my hair and quickly looked around the room, "Maybe..." When I spotted the couch, I remembered how much it would suck to sleep on the floor, "maybe we could cuddle and watch a movie?" I offered.

"Oh," she looked surprised, as if she didn't expect that answer quite yet, "okay. I'd like that." When she rose to her feet and slid her hand into her pocket, she pulled out a red key and stared at it for a while before crossing the room and handing it to me.

"Thank you," I said earnestly, letting my hand linger on hers for a moment when I took the key. Stepping inside the bathroom, I bent over and unlocked the matching lock, freeing another section of chain. I tried not to breathe a sigh of relief, now having access to the couch. My time would be substantially worse if my back was killing me.

I found her sitting apprehensively, flipping through the movie rental choices. I sat beside her about a foot away.

"What do you want to watch?" she asked.

"Whatever you think looks good," I replied, not really caring what choice she made because I just wanted some time to let my brain wrap itself around everything.

"I kind of want to see this one," she replied, glancing at me.

When I looked at the screen, she had tentatively selected a rom-com. Inwardly I puked a little but on the outside I smiled, "Okay."

Sheepishly she selected it. She set the remote down before leaning against the arm of the couch. I stared numbly at the TV, watching whatever dull looking female character was the protagonist as she had her first interactions with the handsome, rich man of her dreams who seemed just out of reach. It was about halfway into it when it occurred to me that all my kidnapper wanted was something like whatever retarded fairytale romance she grew up reading—to be swept off of her feet by a handsome dude, to have mind blowing sex, to get married in a chapel in a white dress that she no doubt picked out when she was twelve. I rolled my eyes thinking about it until the notion began to settle—did I really want anything much different? I wanted a hot woman with a great body, a freak in the sheets to fuck every night, something lasting that would be enough to keep my attention.

Well, she definitely had my attention now, that's for sure. She wasn't drop dead gorgeous but she had a rockin' body and last night was amazeballs. Dredging up those memories, the sounds she made while grinding on top of me instantly made my cock get hard—then, I realized, that I came twice. She didn't come even once. Perhaps that was her reason for being so frigid.

I stretched my arms over my head, stifling a yawn; I scooted to the middle of the couch before pulling my feet up. I had to sort of kick the chain over the arm rest in order to get comfortable but after getting situated I leaned into her, "Why don't you lay down in front of me?"

She looked doubtful at first but moved none the less, sliding down the couch until her back was pressed into my stomach. I laid my head on the side of the sofa, extending my left arm out before grasping her shoulder and pulling her down to the couch so that she was resting on my forearm. Her body was warm against my front while I spooned her and though it was so wrong, it felt right when I slid my other arm around her waist and held her close.

The movie droned on, rather dull until it came time for the characteristic sex scene. It was hard not to be irritated by it—society today had created such unrealistic expectations for men! Women seemed to think that every man can be a hunk if they simply looked at a gym, or that getting a chick off was as easy as sticking a cock in her. Fuck, if only it were that simple—women are a lot of damn work! My train of thought was cut off when I heard her sigh, just as the movie star faked a romantic orgasm with nothing more than some soft core porn grinding. Ugh. I tried not to let my irritation show and focused on my initial task—make my psycho captor happy.

I tilted my head forward, gently brushing the back of her neck with my nose while my hand started to creep under her shirt. Admittedly, she smelled amazing, like strawberries and sunshine or whatever stupid scents women's shampoo were made of. Just as I reached the underside of her bra, I placed a gentle kiss just below her ear.

Her entire body stiffened, "What are you doing?"

"Relax," I whispered before sucking the bottom of her earlobe into my mouth. My fingers slid in the tight space between her breasts and shirt until I felt the soft, pliable flesh cupped in my hand.

"I don't want to do that," she said coldly while pressing her ass up against my hard dick.

I closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling of the gesture despite her tone. I squeezed her tit one last time before my hand snaked back down her stomach. It was an even tighter fit to squeeze my massive paw into the front of her jeans but I managed none the less, feeling her warm, smooth cunt, "I'm not looking for sex," I said quietly, gently biting down onto her neck, "I never got the chance to take care of you last night, so this is overdue. Now, unbutton your pants."

I felt her shudder but she did what I asked without objection; the extra freedom allowed me to slip my hand lower, my middle finger gliding in between her wet pussy lips. She mewled out when I stated rubbing her clit. Fuck, just the tone of her voice, the sound of her pleasure made me ache. It took a lot of restraint to stay focused on getting her off when all I wanted was to feel her mouth wrapped around my dick again. I couldn't help it when I pressed my crotch forward to grind against her ass—thankfully she enjoyed the fact that she was turning me on. Her hips started rocking forwards and back, her now dripping pussy sliding easily under my hand while she humped it and the fact that with each motion she also pressed back against my cock made it all that much hotter.

I reached down a little further, easily slipping two fingers into her—I knew from my somewhat limited experience that women didn't necessarily enjoy being fingered without some other stimulation and I got as much of a response from her when she whined a little. My intent became clear though, when I brought those now sopping wet fingers back up to her clit; with the extra lubrication I wasn't worried anymore about her getting sore so I started rubbing her harder and faster. Her breathing became uneasy, her hips moved arhythmically as she started to lose control of her body and gave in to her desire to come. My cheek was resting against the back of her head and I had to bend my left arm around her throat to grasp her shoulder in order to keep her body from falling off of the couch. My vantage point gave me a great view of her descent into wanton trollop. When her own hands pushed her t-shirt up over her breasts and she tugged the cups of her bra down to free her tits, I almost lost it as she started tweaking her nipples.

It had been so long since I had a regular piece of ass that I was on the verge of coming in my pants; I closed my eyes to shut out the visual stimulus and worked her clit harder—it was slightly embarrassing but my arm could keep this up for another hour if I had to, I had a lot of practice jerking it these past few years. When I felt her body tense it was a relief; she moaned out and started squirming under my touch. I kept at it, stroking her clit until she started twitching and trying to pull away—only then did I slow down and ease up on the pressure, gently sliding my fingers over her saturated pussy lips. She melted against me, her bare tits bobbing with each panting breath; unconsciously I licked my lips—I wanted to suck on those nipples. My cock throbbed, so close to my own relief; I slipped my hand out of her panties and brought it up to my mouth, drawing in a deep whiff of her musky scent before licking my fingers. She had a tolerable taste, slightly sweet but tangy, not unlike a lot of women, a sign that she took care of herself and watched what she ate.

I lowered my left arm so I no longer had her in a sort-of choke hold, returning my right to rest around her waist and held her close, "Do you want to rewind?"

She fixed her bra and tugged her shirt back down, covering my view of her amazing tits. Clearing her throat she puncuated her question by grinding against my ass, "Do you need to take care of this?"

"I'll be fine," I said casually, nuzzling her neck, "let's finish the movie."

"Okay," she replied, contentedly. She rewound the movie back to the awful sex scene and started playing it again.

Despite wanting to fuck her, I knew that giving her an orgasm while not taking one myself was the right move. If watching this wretched movie was teaching me anything, it was that I needed to become the unrealistic, romantic man that everyone woman desired. I needed to be her Prince Charming—no way would she keep the perfect man chained up in the bedroom, there'd be no reason to. That was my ticket to freedom.

I closed my eyes to try to talk my little buddy down but before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

When I woke, the TV was off and she was still lying in front of me, her eyes shut and her breathing deep. It was nice feeling her warmth against my body but my arm had fallen asleep and I needed to piss pretty bad. I hated to wake her up, she looked so peaceful; unsure the best way to go about it without startling her, I began to softly kiss her neck, running my hand up and down her arm.

She shivered and her eyes opened up slowly; turning towards me, she smiled, "Hi."

"Hi," I said nudging her cheek with my nose, "I have to pee."

"Oh," she laughed before she sat up and scooted out of the way.

I did the same, stretching when the pins and needles began to make my arm burn. When I got up, the chain thunked loudly onto the floor—right, apparently I forgot that I wasn't here of my own free will. I did my best to ignore it and hobbled off to the bathroom. My pants were a little stiff with dried precum on them; as I pissed, I tried to think when the next time I could jerk one out would be, maybe in the shower tomorrow morning? At night after she went to sleep? I shook my head, somehow, I kinda felt like she would be pissed if I jacked off. Besides, I'd done enough of that over the past few years that I had no qualms waiting a day or two to come inside of her mouth or pussy again.

Woah, did I actually want to fuck her still, that bad? She was holding me prisoner—yet, I don't know, it was weird, I was starting to feel somewhat...okay with it?

I washed my hands and went back out to the room; she was still sitting on the couch but had buttoned up her jeans, "What time is it?" I wondered, unsure how long we slept.

"It's almost four," she said, "I should probably make us some dinner. What are you hungry for?"

"You," I said in such a cliché way, I mean, she walked right into it...but honestly, it was the truth.

She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, right."

"I'm serious," I walked over to the couch and stood in front of her; grabbing her hands I pulled her to her feet, "I love the noises you make when you're coming. It drives me nuts." It was unnerving how easily my hands slid around her waist, how comfortable I felt pulling her close to my chest.

"You didn't seem that concerned with it last night," she said flatly.

Ouch, harsh. I slid my hands underneath her t-shirt and had it over her head and on the ground before she realized it, "You know what? You're right. I was being a selfish dick last night and that is not who I am," I lied. I tugged at the buttons of her pants, crouching as I pushed them down. She tried to squirm away but I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pressed my lips into her stomach, "Let me show you what kind of lover I am. I don't expect anything in return, I just want to hear those sexy noises that you make."

She stopped trying to get away; though she was hesitant, I knew that she wanted it. I slipped her jeans off of her feet before I stood back up. With a gentle hand cradling the base of her skull, I leaned in and kissed her for the first time since I realized she was a fucking psycho bitch. Her small hands rested against my chest while my other circled her back and unclasped her bra. I pulled back slightly and slid the unnecessary garment from her arms; I couldn't help but gawk at her tits, "You truly are beautiful, you know that?" Before she could answer, my mouth was on them.