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The door bell rang, followed by a harsh knocking as the cops waited impatiently outside.

"You'd better stay quiet," she tried to threaten, though there was a clear undertone of fear in her voice, "I will get rid of them."

"Okay," I replied. My heart was racing so fast—all I had to do was scream at the top of my lungs. They would hear me and I'd be free—but I couldn't let on. I casually stuffed my hands in my pockets and tried to look nonchalant.

She narrowed her eyes at me, thinking hard. The bell rang again. Drawing in a deep breath she threw both of her arms up into the air in frustration before she turned. I heard a small clink but she didn't, caught up in her own worry; as she walked out and shut the door behind her, my eyes searched the floor before landing on the culprit. A black key.

My hands were shaking so badly that I could barely pick it up. I was worried she was going to realize and come bursting back into the bedroom at any moment. When I finally got the key into the lock on my cuff, I heard her footsteps retreat down the stairs. I turned the key, the loud click of the lock opening echoed in my head. For the first time in days, the skin around my ankle felt cold air hit it. I stuck the lock in my pocket and quietly walked over to the door, opening it and looking around; I was so shitfaced when I arrived that I couldn't remember any other part of her house. The large landing outside of the bedroom led to some stairs which ended directly next to the front door.

"How can I help you officers?" she said sweetly. Her back was to me as I crept across the landing.

"We're just checking out a complaint, ma'am. Are you the only one in the house?" an officer asked. He hadn't seen me yet but I was walking down the stairs.

"Yes," she lied.

"Then who is that?" his partner asked, pointing to me.

I froze, three steps from the bottom, when she turned around. Her face had lost all color and she was struggling to retain her composure. I glanced from her to the officers, when I suddenly had an odd feeling. I can't exactly explain it; maybe it was the look of loss in her eyes or maybe it was the way her stance deflated when she saw me, or perhaps the way one of the officers casually rested his hand on his gun.

"What's going on, darling?" I asked her with a soft smile on my face. I took the last few steps and crossed over to her, sliding my arm around her waist.

Her eyes went wide for a moment but then she played along, "Oh! I thought you went to work all ready. These officers said they had a complaint?" She turned back around to look at them.

"Uh, yeah," replied the first one, "your neighbors said they found a note about someone being held against their will?"

It took some effort to put an amused look on my face; for effect, I forced out a chuckle, "Seriously? Man, those kids next door make up the craziest shit."

She huffed, "Yeah, don't get me started on those brats."

The cops glanced at each other before looking back directly at me, "So you aren't here against your will?"

My heart was racing. YES! screamed the voice of reason in my head. This was wrong, so fucking wrong. I glanced over at her and caught her eyes; my mind flashed back to her naked body, the way she would whimper and whine when I played with her clit. My cock twitched and I felt it start to grow; crist, men really do think with their dicks, "No, I'm not here against my will." I turned my attention back to the cop, a smile naturally growing on my face, "Is there anything else we can do for you, officers?"

One of them grunted, "No, that will be all. Thank you for your time." With a nod, they turned and left.

I watched as they walked down the path leading away from the house where I was being held prisoner, as my probably only chance of freedom from the psychotic woman who kidnapped me got into their squad car and drove away. Rationally, I should have said something, I should have ran out the door that very second but instead, I held still and watched her shut it.

Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, her entire body almost trembling as she caught my gaze. Seeing her like that, seeing her quiver in the fear of losing me or fear that I could now over power her and escape made my heart ache. All she wanted was someone to love and to be loved in return...were my own desires so different?

I pulled the padlock out of my pocket, looking down at it as it rested in my palm. Who knew such a small, seemingly unassuming object could carry so much power, so much meaning? I unlocked it before I pulled the key out of the slot. Before I could change my mind, I extend my arm and held the black key out towards her. Her beautiful doe eyes appraised me as she cautiously took it. I felt a small smile grow on my lips. I turned around and headed back upstairs to the bedroom.

My mind was at a stalemate; part of me wanted to stay with her—she took care of me, cooked for me, paid attention to me, she wanted to be around me and even though we hadn't had sex since Valentine's Day I truly enjoyed pleasing her. However, the rational part of me realized how fucking psychotic this entire situation was—she had picked me up at a bar, fucking chained me to her house and was keeping me like a god damn dog! I needed time to think and couldn't come up with any better way than to finish what I had started so I got back onto the treadmill and continued my work out, just reaching a full on run when she crept into the room. As she sat on the edge of the bed I glanced at her briefly before returning my attention forward and focusing on the exercise.

Even if I could overlook the fact that she had padlocked a cuff around my ankle this was no way to start a lasting relationship. I knew the right move was to leave—while I had corroborated her story to the cops, I truly did not want her to be punished for any of this. In fact, in a way, I understood why she had done it in the first place. When I finished and climbed off of the treadmill, I was panting pretty heavily. I turned towards her, unsure what to say—Goodbye? Thanks for kidnapping me?

As I opened my mouth, I noticed her eyes were glistening. She was on the verge of tears. Though she held them in and kept her face relatively blank, her affect had deflated so much she could have been a different person. Something in the way she looked, so broken, reminded me of every failed relationship I had had before. In that instant, I knew exactly how she felt and why she did what she did; in a way, it made me realize that I needed this, that I needed her, that I would do whatever was necessary to make this work. After I kicked off my shoes, I pulled the padlock out of my pocket. I bent over and replaced the cuff around my ankle, clicking the lock into place. I drew in a deep breath, realizing that I had just relinquished my freedom to her. "I'm going to take a shower. Do you want to watch a movie after breakfast?"

It seemed like melting ice, watching her face warm up with a genuine smile that touched my heart, "I would like that."

I leaned over and kissed her cheek gently, "So would I." I didn't linger, brushing past the awkwardness that had interrupted our routine, the chain dragging behind me as I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I sat on the toilet while I took off socks; I stripped out of my sweaty t-shirt and pulled apart the Velcro on the left leg of my shorts. I took care to make sure everything was right side out before placing it all into the laundry basket in the small linen closet.

I had just gotten into the shower and had grabbed the shampoo when I heard the bathroom door open. I froze, waiting for her to speak, curious as to what she wanted but instead, I saw the side of the shower curtain pull back, her head sheepishly appearing as she looked me up and down.

"Hi," I said dumbly. I felt exposed, standing there underneath the pouring shower head, stark naked except for the metal band around my ankle. The way her eyes wandered over my body, hovering on my crotch, caused it to twitch in need. It hadn't even been three days since we fucked, since I had came balls deep inside of her but it might as well have been years because I had been so sexually amped since then that my cock was a time bomb. It was difficult to even wash it, it was so in need.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked coyly, pulling back the curtain more to reveal that she was just as nude as I was.

The blood rushed to my dick so fast that I was almost light headed; I was hopeful, I needed release so bad but I didn't want her to know that and if she had a mind to simply tormenting me further it wasn't going to work out the way she had planned. I should have told her to leave but I felt compelled by something deep inside of me to never deny her anything. "Of course," I said with a casual smile, doing my best not to acknowledge the six inch red flag drawing all attention towards it.

I watched her beautiful body as she entered the shower; she took the bottle of shampoo out of my hand as I had apparently forgotten that I was going to do something with it. I stood there stupidly, not sure if I should move out of the stream of water so she could get wet, or pretend like she wasn't there, or simply start stroking an orgasm out of her. Luckily, she answered my predicament for me when she squeezed a blob into her hand and began shampooing my scalp.

I had never had anyone do that for me before, though I knew women often raved about going to the salon and having someone wash their hair—I can say for certain I understood the appeal. Her fingernails lightly raked my scalp while she massaged it. Since she was shorter than me, she had to extend her arms fully upwards and stand rather close; I almost groaned when I felt her water slicked belly brush the head of my cock. It was like a surge of electricity straight down to my balls. In an attempt to keep my wits about me, I bit down hard on my tongue to still it.

She guided my head backwards into the stream of water which forced me to close my eyes as the soap dripped down my face. I stood still, waiting her direction. Then, the most antagonizing feeling happened—I felt her soapy hands gliding over my body. She started near my shoulders, small hands slipping over my chest before she raised each arm individually and thoroughly washed them. I remained still under the water, my eyes closed, relishing the feeling yet too terrified to move lest she stop touching me.

After she washed my arms, her finger tips glided down my stomach and hovered there; I felt my cock twitching in anticipation and I could only imagine she was watching it too but instead of proceeding any lower, she put pressure on my hips and turned me around so that I was facing away from her. I tilted my head downwards to let the water drip off of my face without inhaling it. I couldn't contain myself anymore and breathed through my mouth, my chest rising and falling as my heart started steadily beating faster. Her touch slipped over my back, down to my ass. I knew she had to have been crouching because I felt her hands suddenly on my calves, working their way back up my thighs. When she reached my ass, her nimble fingers slipped between my cheeks as she touched me in areas that no woman had ever dared before, gliding her soapy hand past my puckered ass hole to the back of my scrotum.

I couldn't help the soft moan that came out when her hands cupped and gently kneaded my balls. I wanted so bad for something to touch my cock, I needed it like I needed air. I let out a soft whine when her touch disappeared, only to feel her hands put pressure on my hips again as she rotated me back around. I felt a palm on the front of each thigh and when I heard her voice I almost choked.

"Look at me," her tone was dark and husky.

I opened my eyes, feeling the warm water cascading down my shoulders and back, washing off the soap but there she was in front of me, on her knees, her legs splayed open as she rested her pert ass on her heels. Her face was level with my cock and her eyes locked on mine.

"I want you to fuck my face," she said bluntly.

I groaned—no way did she need to tell me twice. I reached out and gently cupped her cheeks, gliding her forward. She came willingly, her mouth open, her tongue out like a good little slut. Feeling her warm, wet mouth as it took in my cock made my entire body tremble in bliss. Fuck, I was so glad I stayed.

I never had a woman who willingly gave me head and I most definitely had never fucked someone's face, so I was a little apprehensive about going at it hard; instead I eased her forward slowly, waiting to feel some tension or resistance from her when my cock became too much but instead I felt the length of it slide across her tongue and the head as it hit the back of her mouth before the pressure increased and slid down her throat. I kept it there, panting as I savored the new feeling; I didn't want to pull away but as I realized she needed to breathe I eased my length out of her mouth until just the tip remained. She suckled teasingly on it until I slowly thrust forward and back into her throat, holding her head still. It was a delightfully agony, this feeling of such pure savage bliss and restraint as I wanted it to last forever but that wasn't possible as I was a loose cannon. I got a few pleasure saturated minutes of fucking her face before my balls tightened.

She knew I was close when I started groaning and pulling out of her mouth to spare forcing my come into her but she surprised the hell out of me when she pressed her face forward onto my retreating dick, burying it all the way in, her nose pressed harshly into my pubes. I felt my cock surge and stretch her tight throat before spewing come down it; one hand tangled in her hair, instinctively holding her in that position to take my jizz while the other braced against the tile wall so I wouldn't collapse. I was breathing raggedly, unevenly as my cock surged more within her mouth; when her tongue wiggled against the bottom of it my body twitched, overly sensitive after the mind blowing release I had been holding back over the past few days.

I was concerned that I she couldn't breathe but she didn't seem to be worried about it; eventually she eased my cock out of her throat but kept it in her mouth as it started to soften. Though I tried to pull away, she held me tight with her hands clutching my ass cheeks. She was gentle but continued to suckle and roll my soft flesh around with her tongue, leaving it in a semi erect state. When I finally stroked her wet hair out of her face and gave her a pleading gaze, she slowly tilted her head back and let my cock fall from her mouth. It was all I could do to remain upright; I felt very much that I should return the favor but when I began to crouch she shook her head.

I watched as she stood and turned me back around towards the now lukewarm water; she pressed her warm body to mine and reached around, carefully washing my cock and balls off, handling them like they were a precious bit of property...her property.

When she finished, she shut off the water and opened the curtain. I reached for a towel but she blocked my grasp, grabbing one before drying me off herself. I stood still and took it; though I knew what she wanted from me—someone to take care of—it was almost demeaning to be treated as if I were inept. None the less I wanted to make her happy, so I did what I could to assist, raising my arms, turning, slightly crouching in an awkward way as she patted the water off of my balls and cock, insuring they were dry before moving on. Even the small amount of attention she gave them left my dick engorged, though not as painfully hard as it had been over the past few days.

I figured she wouldn't let me dress myself and I was correct, instead she did it herself before taking my hand and leading me out of the bathroom. Her body was still glistening with water droplets, still stark naked and it was a thrilling feeling to be clothed while she wasn't. She took me to the couch where she more or less forced me to lay down and rest while she wandered off to get dressed and start breakfast. I had intended on lifting some weights but my eyes grew heavy and I soon fell asleep.


Our day continued on much as it had before; by the time we finished dinner and watched another movie, the sun had long set and it was dark. I released her from my arms when she got up from the couch and retreated to the bathroom to get ready for bed. As she did, I took the time to gather up the pillows, sheet and blanket to prepare my sleeping spot for another night alone. I didn't want to presume that I'd be sleeping in the bed tonight; honestly, despite my earlier actions today, I felt I hadn't earned the privilege yet.

My assumptions were correct; after she got out of the bathroom, she placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. I wrapped my arms around her, savoring the feel of her body pressed to mine. I was surprised that I was reluctant to let her go but I did so none the less. I watched her walk away from me towards the bed, the bottom of her ass cheeks poking out from under her night shirt. As she climbed in I retreated into the bathroom to get ready myself.

After making the routine motions, I decided that there really wasn't any need for me to be modest; she was already in bed, the lights were already out. Plus, well, she did touch every part of my naked body and sucked my cock earlier in the shower so, there was that. I tossed my clothes into the hamper, shutting out the light before I walked towards the couch naked. I climbed under the blanket and fell fast asleep.

Sunday, February 18th

My squirming woke me up; my body felt flushed, my heart was racing and I was fucking horny again. I forced my eyes open, rubbing them briefly as the feelings clicked in my head—glancing downward, I saw her knelt between my splayed open legs, my cock deep in her mouth, her eyes watching me. My breath hitched in my throat—I had no clue what to say or do. I felt my cock grow, I felt it harden in that warm wet mouth of hers. When she lulled her tongue around the bottom and started sucking a moan escaped my lips.

I remained frozen in awe as her head slowly bobbed up and down in my lap, watching as my cock disappeared into her mouth, reappeared when she pulled back and groaning as it repeated again, over and over. It was so unexpected, so sudden that it only took a few minutes before my body tightened up; she sensed that I was close and started sucking harder—that threw me over the edge. My hips bucked upward of their own accord as the come spewed out of me and into her waiting mouth. She never even blinked, instead swallowing down my entire load. I shuddered when she finally pulled away, my cock popping out of her mouth and flopping down onto my abdomen.

"I will make breakfast while you exercise," she said casually, completely ignoring the fact that she had just sucked me off.

"Okay," was all I could manage to sputter out. I watched her go before dropping my head back onto the pillow. Fuck, I really wanted to just sleep some more, especially after that wake up...but I knew better. She wanted me in shape, she wanted me to take care of my body and frankly, I wanted to make her happy. I got up, changed and hopped on the treadmill.

Running with a chain on my ankle wasn't exactly the easiest thing; it took some trial and error in the first few days but I managed to discover that she left me enough slack to hold the length of it in my hand while I ran. It was still loud as hell but someday, I hoped, the chain would be gone. I ran for about twenty minutes before I called it quits; while still panting, I lifted some weights in a haphazard sort of work out.

By the time I had showered and dressed, she was waiting at the small table with breakfast; I loved her cooking but I was thankful she went with something lighter this time, though the oatmeal she prepared had so many extras packed into it I was full before I managed to finish.