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I heard her gasp as I suckled a nipple in, my tongue laving around it before I brushed it with my teeth. I took care to show the other one the same attention; then, I kissed my way down her soft stomach. I knelt on the floor, looking up into her eyes while my fingers pulled her panties down. I had intentionally given her the high ground, me on my knees with her standing over me to make her feel as if she was in control of the situation—that's what she wanted, control over me. Frankly, at that moment, I didn't really care. Her smooth cunt was glistening with her excitement, the musky smell of her scent lingering from her earlier orgasm. Gently, I tipped my head forward and placed butterfly kisses on her pussy.

She drew in a sharp breath, no doubt surprised at my tenderness; my love making skills were versatile, if I wanted to I could please a woman but I'm no saint, I'd rather just get off instead. My time with her was definitely a bit of karma—I had a tendency to leave women wanting and that always cost me the relationship. With a light touch I traced the fingers of my right hand over her bare ass cheek and down the back of her thigh; hooking her knee I forced her to bend it and slung it over one of my shoulders, giving me access to her cunt. I wiggled my tongue in between her lower lips and I knew I had found her clit when she mewled and grabbed my head to keep her balance.

I teased it a bit, lightly gliding over it without a set rhythm, my right hand squeezing her plush ass cheek and forcing her cunt closer to my mouth. I paid attention for the subtle cues, her quickened breathing, her whimpers, a tightening of her hands in my hair—when I got them, I buried my face into her pussy and closed my lips around her clit, suckling while flicking it with my tongue. My hand slid down from her ass and traced a path over her wet slit. When her hips started rocking, I slipped two fingers into her tight cunt and heard her groan. I curled them forward and prayed that I could find her g-spot before I slowly started fucking her with them.

When she began quivering, I knew I was doing something right. Her hands slid through my hair before she grabbed it in her fists and began rocking her hips forward to fuck my face. The moment a moan came out of her mouth, my cock became rock hard—fuck, the noises she made, the way she sucked and fucked me, her obsession with taking care of me...they were almost enough to make me overlook the fact that I was her prisoner.

I had to try hard to focus, to keep my fingers aimed forward and moving, to keep sucking, licking and nuzzling her cunt—I wanted her badly. Her legs squeezed inward on my face, her hands tightened in my hair as she shoved her pussy harder into my mouth. She cried out, almost squealed when she came. I gripped her thigh tightly to keep her from pulling away; I stopped thrusting my fingers into her, leaving them buried deep inside so I could softly stroke her while I felt her cunt clamp down and throb on them. I released the pressure of my lips locked around her clit, instead gently licking it while she rode out her orgasm.

Eventually, she started whimpering and released her hold on my head; I watched as she stumbled backwards to the couch and slumped on it, buck ass naked. My cock ached and twitched in my pants at the sight of her frazzled body, her rapidly rising and falling chest, her flushed face. It was torture knowing that I wasn't going to get any relief but I tried to remind myself that wasn't the point—the point was to make the psycho happy so that I could get out of here. I traced my hands over her bare thighs, slightly spreading them as I did.

Before I could think much about it, I leaned forward and my face was buried into her cunt again. With long, slow laps up her slit I cleaned off her juices, smirking as she made soft little groans and whimpers. When I finished, I placed gentle kisses on her skin, her inner thighs, all around her glorious hole before I leaned back onto my heels. She was struggling to keep her eyes open, a completely relaxed, sated look on her face. I stared at her, admiring her naked body for a long time as she fought off the desire to sleep; eventually, she got up and reluctantly dressed.

She trailed a hand down my cheek, offering a smile, "I'm going to make us some dinner."

I nodded as eagerly as I could manage, watching her go; the moment she shut the door, I leaned over and sprawled out on the floor. Fuck, I didn't know which was harder—restraining myself from fucking her or reminding myself that I shouldn't want to in the first damn place.

We ate a nice, quiet dinner at the small table; her cooking was fairly good and she made the effort to prepare a well rounded meal. Afterwards, as if to avoid being forced into awkward conversation, she pulled out a board game and we played that for a few hours. Eventually, I was struggling to keep my eyes open; I was tired because I slept like shit the night before (and presumably drug across the room and left on the floor of the bathroom at some point). I let her win before I got up to stretch.

"Do you have an extra blanket I could use?" I asked politely with a smile on my face.

Her cold eyes looked at me for a moment, as if wondering how I had determined I wasn't going to sleep on the bed with her; she decided it wasn't worth asking, "Sure. I'll get you a pillow too."

I nodded and padded off towards the bathroom; after taking a piss and brushing my teeth, I looked down at my clothes. Normally I sleep in my boxers but seeing as how I wasn't wearing any, my options were either sleep in these clothes or go bare ass. I decided I'd rather sleep naked but didn't necessarily want to stroll out there in my birthday suit—yeah, she had already seen the goods, sucked on it even but the dynamics of the situation changed drastically when she fucking chained me to the floor of her bathroom.

When I got back out there, she had a sheet draped over the couch and tucked in, a pillow on one end and a blanket on the other. "Thank you," I said with a smile. I made a show of it, stepping towards her so I could slip my arms around her waist and pull her into my chest; our hug lingered and I softly stroked her back. She smelled really good. When I felt my cock twitch and betray my thoughts, I pulled away and pecked her on the cheek, "Good night."

"Good night," she said with a small smile.

After she had retreated to the bathroom and shut the door, I took off my shirt and pants and laid down on the couch before covering up with the blanket. I had intended on staying awake until I knew she was asleep, so I could try to piece out a better escape plan—I mean, mine was shit. I was supposed to be pleasing her—which I was—but in the mean time I wasn't supposed to want to be near her at every moment of the day, nor was I supposed to want to fuck her senseless in every position known and unknown. Before I could think of anything other than the curves of her body, the softness of her skin, the sounds of her pleasure, I fell fast asleep. 

Friday, February 16th

I was having this amazing dream—you know the one that you desperately want to return to when you start waking up but you can't even remember the damn thing? My brain started to regain consciousness and it was gone like water through my fingers. I reached up and rubbed my eyes before opening them—I startled immediately.

She was right there, hovering near the couch, watching me sleep. I saw her gaze wander down my body and linger near my crotch; when I followed it I realized that I had kicked off the blanket at some point during the night and my cock was out, sticking up a little from my groin, a thick strand of precum stretching down to my stomach. I tried not to scramble but move somewhat slowly, sitting up before pulling the blanket over my lap, "What time is it?"

"Six," she said, "I thought you would want to exercise while I make breakfast?" Her eyes narrowed at me as if she was testing the desire on my part to maintain my physique.

No, I didn't want to exercise, I wanted to go back to sleep or even better yet go home but from the stiffness of her affect I knew both were out of the equation. "That sounds like a great idea. I wouldn't mind a nice run on the treadmill," I lied.

She nodded, looking me over again. After a brief pause, she produced a green key out from the back pocket of her jeans, "I left some clothes and a pair of shoes in the bathroom for you. Please shower before breakfast."

I took the key and nodded, waiting for her to leave before I got up. I almost left the couch as it was but I caught myself and took the time to fold the blanket and sheet and place them with the pillow in the small wicker basket they came from.

In the bathroom were two piles of clothes, a pair of snug exercise shorts, a tank top, some socks and running shoes and another pile with a soft pair of sweatpants and a cotton shirt. I grabbed the shorts and tank top and dressed before hopping on the treadmill.

I was never one for exercise and I did so sparingly, only a couple times a week at the gym in the basement of my apartment building. It showed, my body was definitely not magazine cover worthy. In a few minutes I was huffing and puffing but I pushed through it, instead, focusing my mind on the possibility of signaling for help. She had taken my phone and there wasn't a landline in the bedroom so those options were out; I also didn't see a computer which left my only option of flagging someone down through the window. Since the lots on either side of her house were vacant it didn't seem feasible that someone would see me waving and I sure as shit wasn't going to start screaming as long as she was in the house.

I cut the run down to fifteen minutes; yesterday, if I had to guess, it probably took her half an hour to make us breakfast so it didn't leave me much time to look around the room and test out my new found length of freedom. I picked up the chain and removed my running shoes, quickly seeing what I could reach.

The bed was still too far as I thought it would be but now that I had the extra chain I could make it all the way to the TV and the windows just behind it. Quietly I checked the locks and managed to open one; the screen was easy enough to pop out. If only I didn't have the stupid chain I would have risked the fall from the second story; I breathed in the fresh morning air, looking around the empty lot when I noticed several kid toys. I followed the messy trail back towards the neighbor on the other side, seeing even more toys strewn about; not wanting to risk getting caught, I put the screen back in place and shut the window, returning everything to the way it was before I walked back into the bathroom.

In the shower, a plan started formulating in my mind; it wasn't a guarantee but it would be better than trying to wait out her patience. I decided I would find a few pieces of paper and something to write with—she had plenty of books around and there were pencils in the board game we played last night. I could write a note asking for help and fold it into a paper airplane; if I could get it to land close enough to the house, no doubt one of those kids would pick it up and take it inside.

We ate breakfast in silence; I was nervous about my plan and though I hadn't done anything at all yet, I definitely felt nervous like she was going to somehow catch me before the act. Since our breakfast was light and early in the morning, I assumed she planned on making us lunch which meant that I would have a little time alone to get a note out the window. After she cleared the dishes, she sat on the couch with a book.

I could have picked a random one to start reading as well or even to just pretend with but I was having a hard time sitting still. Eventually I got up and knelt on the ground in front of her. She glanced up over the top of the book, a slightly curious but otherwise disinterested look on her face. I waited until she went back to reading before I gently grabbed her feet and started massaging them. It was easy to see the effect it had on her, almost her entire body seemed to relax a little and the coldness melted from her expression.

I had to admit, it was satisfying knowing that I could do something so simple to gain her approval. Women always say they don't like foot rubs but then again they also claim they don't like roses or chocolate—it is a fucking trap, they lie about damn near everything. Once you realize that, it makes life much simpler. Like if she says 'No, it's okay, you don't have to,' you're a dipshit if you haven't realized that means 'You'd better fucking do it right now.'

I took my time, letting the minutes tick by as I massaged her other foot, before working my way up her calves. I stopped when I got to her knees though—for certain, I'd lose my focus of sending a note for help if I planted my face into her delicious pussy beforehand. Instead I moved over to the floor beside the couch; I had to shift her upper body and turn her so her back was resting against the arm. Starting slowly, I began to massage her shoulders and neck. Her skin was so smooth and soft that I had to look away at the clock and watch the second hand circle around it to get my mind off of her.

When lunch time finally came, I breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Having massaged all the parts I could reach, I stood up and sat down on the couch while she got up.

"Maybe after lunch we can watch another movie?" she asked.

When I caught her gaze, I understood the implication of it—she wanted to get off again. "Of course," I smiled, intentionally letting my eyes drift down to her tits and lower to her hips. She knew I was watching her ass as she left which was exactly what I wanted, she enjoyed knowing that I was attracted to her.

The second I was alone, I jumped up off the couch. I held onto the chain and tiptoed towards the bookshelf, selecting the largest book that appeared to have gotten little use; I tore the blank page out of the front and one out of the back. It took me a moment to figure out where she had stashed the board game from the night before but soon I had a pencil and was standing at the table, debating on what to write.

Time was ticking, so I scribbled down the first thing that came to mind, My name is Aaron and I am currently being held against my will by Emily Adams. Please call the police immediately. I folded up both pieces of paper and crept over to the window. The kids weren't outside but I suspected as much—it was the middle of the day on a Friday but with any luck they'd find it tonight. I aimed as well as I could and tossed the first airplane; it was flying straight towards their backyard when a gust of wind whipped through and sent it crashing into a large bush. I tried not to curse aloud and gave it a second go; this time, my aim was true and the wind held back—the small paper airplane glided across the empty yard and landed right on the edge of the neighbor's property line.

I felt like jumping up and down in a victory but my triumph was cut short when I heard footsteps on the stairs. Quickly I fixed the screen and shut the window; I barely had enough time to fall into the chair at the small table before she came into the room. My heart was racing and I did my best to not show anything other than a smile when she came to the table.

It was hard to eat and not look guilty; I knew I shouldn't feel guilty. I was, after all, simply trying to escape the clutches of a deranged woman who kidnapped me but in a sick way I felt like I had betrayed her. I struggled with how to process the conflicting emotions; when we moved to the couch, I snuggled up to her unconsciously, resting my head on her lap.

She didn't seem to mind, in fact half way through the movie her fingers began to rake through my hair, the soothing motion of her touching my scalp calmed me though I still felt bad about what I had done. After the movie finished, we were both still awake; I rolled off of the couch and to my knees, tugging gently on her hand to get her standing.

Without putting up a fight she did as I directed, allowing me to unbutton her jeans and slip both them and her panties off. I hesitated, glancing up at her blank face; I felt very much compelled to apologize but I couldn't without giving away what I had done so instead, I unfolded my legs, letting them slide between hers. When I laid back, I guided her forward; initially she seemed skeptical as she hovered over my crotch but when I forced her to keep moving until she stood straddling my head, that doubt faded.

I reached up and tugged on her hands, waiting patiently as she positioned herself on her knees with her cunt hovering above my mouth. I extended my tongue in one long lick up her slit before glancing at her.

"I want you to use me," I said as the most blunt, naughty thing I could think of.

A smile crossed her lips; she didn't hesitate. Wiggling her ass downward a little bit she firmly planted her cunt against my mouth. I breathed in her musky scent, lapping up the wetness that seeped out of her. Her hands came down and tangled into my hair before curling into fists so she could hold my head where she wanted it; then, she started to rock and grind against me, using me as a fuck toy.

She wasn't the first woman who sat on my face though there weren't many, however she was the first one truly used that position to its full advantage. Frankly, it was a lot easier to eat out a woman this way, especially when she had no qualms about taking what she wanted—all I had to do was keep my tongue out and breathe when the chance arose.

It shouldn't have been that arousing for me yet something about it made me rock hard. Maybe it was seeing her in such control, or the way her body moved as she ground her cunt against me, or just watching her use me like I was a piece of meat. Her body started shuddering and her voice came out erratically; as she began to reach her peak she tugged on my hair, mashing my face against her. I responded in kind by wiggling my mouth between her lips and latching onto her clit. Her head tossed back and she cried out to the ceiling as she came. I continued to suck hard until she jerked my head away from her pussy and slumped off of me to the floor.

I licked my lips before wiping off the rest of her juices from my face with the back of my hand; rolling to my side I pulled her body close to mine and held her in my arms while she coasted in her high. Having given her such pleasure erased my guilt, leaving behind the satisfaction of a job well done.

After our brief nap, she got dressed and made us dinner. We ate and I knew from the look on her face that she was content, fully sexually sated for the time being. Instead of a board game she wanted to read a little more, so I happily held her in my arms on the couch as she did so; it didn't take long though for her eyes to start closing and for her to nod off. I took her book, marked her page and helped her to her feet. If I had a longer length of chain I would have carried her to the bed but as I was confined to my limited range all I could do was usher her into the bathroom.

By the time I had my turn and stepped out, the room was already dark and I could hear the sounds of her deep breathing. 

Saturday, February 17th


I startled, almost face planting on the treadmill as she burst into the room. I paused the work out and stepped off, facing her—she had never raised her voice like this, nor had she ever looked so scared. She stood there with one hand in her hair and the other in the back pocket of her jeans; her eyes were glued on my leg cuff.

"What is it?" I asked, a little unnerved to find her so flustered.

"The cops are here," she said flatly, finally looking me in the eye, "what did you do?"

I froze; after nothing happened last night, I didn't think that my note had worked and had kind of forgotten about it. I shrugged, hoping the look on my face didn't portray my actions, "Nothing?"