No Ordinary Proposal Ch. 04


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"I'm sold, I like the upgrades and if Scott were looking to go bigger I'd love to get my hands on the six hundred series."

"Boys and their toys." She grinned rolling her eyes upward.

The afternoon was likely to entail a lot of engineering and accounting and after a nice lunch in the executive lounge Jo was chauffeured back to the hotel with thanks to André for both the gifts and the experience. I think the chance to sit in the cockpit may have sparked an interest and I hoped to explore that with her.

After an afternoon of crunching numbers and gathering data I was sure that this was going to be the aircraft for Scott's company and it was starting to look like I could come in under budget. I got a ride back to the hotel and went up to our room. When I pushed the door open I heard Jo talking and peeked around the edge for her. She waved me in.

"Bobby just got here. Want to talk to him?" She asked who ever she was speaking with on her laptop at the desk. I set my coat on the hanger and laid my folio on the desk and walked around behind her to see Scott on the screen. Jo adjusted the screen so I was in the camera frame.

"Hi Scott. How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing well enough. I'm not of a mind to enter any road races though." He looked tired and pale which was becoming the norm. "How's my jet coming along?" I brought him up to speed and told him I was going to take the offer the next day.

"I'm giving Jo the job of decorating it though."

"I told her to make it as ugly as possible. She told me that they didn't have bright pink for the leather seats, which is a damn shame."

"No they're going to be some neutral color, just to be difficult." I said. "I'll go downstairs and let you two talk."

They both stopped me, Jo reaching out a hand to grab mine.

"No don't go, we've been talking for a while now. I should let you go, I'm sure you want to get ready for dinner on the town." Scott said.

"I don't know. Fly boy over here is looking a little wiped out. It might be downstairs or room service for him tonight." Jo said looking up at me with a little smile.

"Well he's in the best hands he could ever hope for." Scott said. "You two have a good night. Get some rest."

"You too Scott." I said and bowed out of the image as they finished their conversation.

Inwardly I was glad Jo had recognized how tired I was. Normally I was keyed up after flying but the work of the afternoon did me in. I felt cross eyed from going over schematics and spreadsheets and wanted nothing more than a beer and some TV.

"I will." She growled low at the computer before turning sweet and loving towards Scott before signing off. She walked around the desk wearing a pair of yoga pants and a loose button down that I realized was mine, that caused me to smile. She walked up to me and didn't stop until she was fully against me and kissed me.

"You will what? Am I allowed to ask?" I said with a little smile.

She sighed and leaned into me, her head on my shoulder. "We talked, a lot, and he wanted me to reconsider the whole postponing sex idea." She sighed again and I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

"Jo, if and when you are ready, not a moment sooner. You don't need to bend to his pressure, which seems a little odd to me. Do you know what his big rush is?"

She laughed. "No, but the son of a bitch snuck a box of condoms into my luggage!" Her arms circled my neck and she relaxed into my body and I just held her for a few minutes.

"Is this what you want Jo?" I whispered into her ear. "Or are you going along with it to make him happy?" She didn't respond and I felt the dampness through my shirt.

"Can you picture the future? Can you picture it with me... after?" I asked. She stiffened slightly and leaned back to look at me. Tears streaked down her face. The nod was barely noticeable. "But she did nod." I thought to myself.

"Maybe a little too easily... remember, I told you." Her throat bobbed as she swallowed and leaned back into me, her body relaxed again. "I just." She stopped and I could feel the frustration coursing through her as she tensed up again. I ran my hands up her back rubbing gently hoping to work the tension out of her.


"I mean." She sucked in a sharp breath. "Is that what you're in it for?"

I leaned back and tried to push her away so I could see her face and she just tightened her grip.
"Don't you let go of me Bobby. Just tell me the truth." She sniffled.

"The truth? The truth is that none of that mattered. I fell in love with you a long time ago, and I'm just now able to admit it, out loud." I felt her body spasm as she sobbed into my shoulder. I let my hand slide down to her ass and I cupped it gently. "It was never, ever, about this. If, when you ever decide to cross that threshold with me I will cherish that moment forever." Her body trembled in my arms.

"Bobby, you know why I never thought any woman you dated was worthy of you? It's because I thought the only one worthy of you was me, and I feel like such a cheating whore just now for saying that out loud." She was crying in earnest now and I just rubbed her back and let her exhaust herself on my shoulder.

"You're not though. We've never expressed these feelings before Scott stoked the fire and I honestly do believe he knows what he's doing pushing us together like this. He wants you to be happy, safe and secure, and he's hoping that I can make you feel that way."

She took several deep breaths. "Listen to me piss and moan. You're beat and probably hungry. Do you want to go downstairs or..." I stopped her with a kiss. She leaned into it with pent up emotion returning it with an intensity that surprised me.

"Room service it is." She turned towards the desk where the folder laid and propped it open. "What would you like?" She looked up at me and grin spread across my face. "That's dessert, what did you want for dinner."

She ordered me into the shower after she hung up the phone and jumped in behind me to wash my back. The knock on the door came just as we began toweling off. I wondered if it would be the same guy as the previous day and wasn't surprised when I donned a robe and answered the door to find him standing there again. He wheeled the cart in and looked around hoping to see a little more of Jo. I signed the slip and held up a finger as I went to my wallet on the dresser. I turned to see him watching Jo in the bathroom doorway as she dried her hair with nary a stitch on. It was a long moment before I began walking back towards him and handed him a tip. I thought he'd have gladly given it back to stay for a few more minutes. Jo crossed to the cart and lifted the lid off one of the plates, snagged a cherry tomato and popped into her mouth. She still hadn't done anything to cover up and turned and walked towards the dresser. He made no move to go and I cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned bright pink and thanked me and turned and left.

She sat down to dinner across from me, completely nude, and smiled.

"Why do you do it?" I said with a laugh.

She shrugged but didn't seem offended by the question. "He's got a shitty job where he has to bow and scrape for tips and I'd like to think I'm the highlight of his day. I like the way it makes me feel, wanted, desired, lusted after." She took another bite of her dinner. "The looks that you give me are pure fire."


"Oh Bobby, the night of that party, I could have forged steel with some of the looks you gave me. The amount I'd had to drink, you could have probably hauled me upstairs and had your way with me and I wouldn't have held a thing back."

"Was I that obvious?"

Her eyes rolled heavenward as she thought. "It wasn't obvious that you wanted into my panties. You were definitely guard dogging me though, the protective aura was just pouring out of you." She shrugged and rubbed her arms as goosebumps raced up her body. "Those feelings... warmth, love safety, it's crave-worthy when you've lived your life with no foundation. A family is a powerful thing and when you don't have that, you feel a little bit adrift. You cling to what ever pier you can as you weather the storms that blow your way."

I nodded and thought about my family. I knew I was only a phone call away from a sympathetic ear or gentle cuff to the head, if I was being foolish. The thought of Jo and Scott wanting to start a family slipped into that thought and I realized that was something I was craving, when I'd popped the question to my girlfriend, what felt like forever ago.

"Do you like kids Bobby?" The question was innocent but had depths like a dark pool. She must have known I'd see through it because a little smile crept across her face.

I nodded. "I was just thinking that I was ready to join the white picket fence crowd a decade ago, when I'd proposed to my girlfriend."

"And now?"

"Once I'd gotten over her leaving I was much more careful with who I got to know, who I confided in, nobody passed muster, until now."

"Just now?"

I let out a sigh and smiled. "Not just now, no. Here I sit on the verge of becoming Lancelot."

The grin she gave me was brilliant in the failing light. "If I'm Guinevere then which is it that you see me as, a villainous traitor, or flawed yet noble lady?"

"The latter, definitely. If this had gone any other way though..." I shrugged. Jo chuckled at that.

"It's hard not to feel the traitor, even when Arthur himself is doing the match-making." She pursed her lips and gave a little shake to her head.

"I wonder if there's a game on?" I said trying to bring her out of her funk.

"Now I'm second banana to a bunch of jocks? You really know how to sweep a girl back onto her feet."

I smiled. "You could explain the idea you have for a photo shoot and we could see how that goes."

She opted to explain the idea of her sexy business woman shoot, the pin stripe suit, stockings and heels at the desk. The desk was a simple table and stood by the window. I looked up at the layout of the room and saw how she might look seated in the chair, legs apart, skirt hiked up and started to enjoy the idea.

"I would have loved to get some on the plane in that outfit, jet-setting business babe. I wish you had a tripod with you. I'd love for you to get into your uniform and I could be looking over your shoulder into the camera." She grinned.

She then went into an idea of a scenario where she went from a hot outfit to a fluffy robe, cozy night in bed idea, maybe a book in hand and a hand inside her robe. She stated that she had a little black dress with her she didn't want to scandalize my contacts with but was more than ready to wear to dinner should we plan to go out another night. She looked at me then leaned forward and peeked over the edge of the table to find that I had risen to all of her ideas, my erection having pushed aside the robe in the process.

"That's the vote of confidence I was hoping for." She smiled and reached over and gave it a little pat.

"I can get a cheap tripod here." I said surprising myself with the thought of having my back in the frame with her wrapped around me. She smiled broadly at that and took a sip of her wine.

"You look tired."

I chuckled. Jo rolled her eyes and joined in. "I was being sincere."

"I am."

She stood and held her hand out to me and dragged me up out of my chair and pulled me towards the bed.

"Aw mom, it's not even nine o'clock yet." I teased. She fluffed up the pillows, pushed me onto the bed and pulled the covers over my lap. She went over and grabbed the remote for the TV and handed that to me.

"Here find a game or something." She kissed me. "I'm going to order some dessert."

I hummed in appreciation as I looked her up and down in the dim light. She still hadn't put a stitch of clothing on.

"If you can stay awake you can have that too, but I'm getting something off the menu. Want anything?"

I nodded. "You decide. I'm fried." I made a swirling motion at my temple and clicked the TV on.

She put the cart from dinner back together and picked up the folder and placed the call. I heard her try to pronounce something in French, she let out a giggle and tried again when it sounded as if they had corrected her and she agreed that was what she wanted.

"Going to answer the door stark naked?" I said teasing.

"Maybe?" She grinned and grabbed the button down shirt I'd tossed across my suitcase and pulled it on and began rolling the sleeves. I grinned at her challenging expression noting she hadn't bothered to button it.

"You're going to give that kid a heart attack."

"I just hope he washes his hands after he jerks off." She picked up our cast aside clothing from earlier and began to put together a little pile for the laundry service. There was a knock on the door and Jo looked up and smiled. "Play along." She grabbed a bill out of her purse and tucked it into the shirt pocket and went to the door. She held the shirt together until she saw it was our friend once again and she let it go and it parted. I was sure by the expression on his face.

She waved him to where he could set the tray down. "Hi, Matt." She said after leaning in to read his name in the dim light. "You said to ask you if we need anything." She reached up and rubbed the back of her neck and I could see the shirt open wider out of the corner of my eye. I turned the TV down a tick but pretended to not pay attention to them. "Being near the airport I imagine you guys do a lot of media related stuff, news people and such. Is there like a lost and found closet somewhere that might have a camera tripod kicking around in it?" His expression turned comically towards deep thought when I knew the only thing he was thinking about was Jo's naked body.


"You see, I'm a model." She waited for a reaction and got it. "Yes, this kind." She flipped open the shirt and put her hand on her hip in a provocative pose. "I hope you can keep a secret but we're going to do some shots of me here over the weekend. Don't blow the whistle on us." She winked.

"We have a place for that sort of stuff, projectors, screens and things for conferences I can check with my friend that works there and see. When do you need it?"

"Well for Saturday the latest, but tomorrow afternoon would be even better."

"I'll be back in tomorrow at two, I'll text him tonight to see if he knows if he has something that will work and I can bring it up tomorrow."

While he was responding Jo had backed up against the wall next to the bathroom door with her hands behind her back. The shirt was only covering her arms at this point and I was impressed he wasn't stuttering because I would have been in his place.

"Do you have a girlfriend, wife, both?" Her grin was impish as she asked and I could see his color shift.

"I uh..."

"I was going to send you one of the photo books I'm having printed since you're being so helpful. Would you mind?"

He shook his head so hard I could hear it. "Give me your mailing address. You'll have to be patient it's going to be printed in a couple weeks then shipped after that so it may show up out of the blue in a month or so. Okay?" She walked over to her purse and pulled out a little note pad and pen and his head swung around to where he could see me again and I nodded and he froze like he was caught, hand in the cookie jar.

"If your friend has any reflectors that would be a huge help too. I didn't realize it would be so bright in here during the day and I don't want her to be a dark spot against the windows."

He just nodded as she handed him the notebook. "Write down the best address to receive porn by mail. You are over eighteen, right? I should have asked before now." She covered her grin with her hand.

"Twenty-two." He said with a little laugh as he wrote his info down.

"Is there a good place to buy lingerie here?"

He looked puzzled for a few minutes and shrugged. "I only know of the chain at the mall."

"Well. I'll have to look into it tomorrow." She took the pad back and read the info and flipped the page to a blank sheet and began writing something down for him. "What's your favorite color?"

"Purple." He said after thinking for a moment. She tore off the sheet and turned it to him.

"We aren't headed home until Monday so I won't be online until probably Wednesday morning. If you're not still asleep you can find me on that website, look for my user name." She pointed with the pen and returned her notebook to her purse. "One last question." She peeled the shirt off and stood completely nude and turned her back to him. "Do you think briefs, bikini, thong or one of those cheeky numbers would look best." She drew a little pair of lines with her fingertips where the hem would be.

I looked at him and he was near drooling like Pavlov's dog after the bell sounded. I looked down and there was an obvious tent in his work slacks.

"Um cheeky, I guess?"

She walked back to her suitcase and pawed through it and walked back towards him and held a pair of panties across her hips. "Lace, or satin?" She showed both for a moment each, neither pair were purple and I thought he was going to have a coronary any minute.

"Lace?" He didn't sound sure.

"To be honest that's the first time I've seen you with underwear, I was beginning to think you didn't own any."

I couldn't help but laugh, Jo did too.

"Keep it up it could be the last time you see it, or anything else." She gave him a shrewd look and he held his hands up in surrender.

"Don't go around wearing clothes on my account." He was getting bold and I though it might be time to cool him off.

"I take it this means we're shopping after work tomorrow? For something in purple lace?"

"Yup, I already have a place I want to go too." She smiled at me and turned to Matt tossing the panties over her shoulder in the direction of her suitcase. She was face to face with him. "Thank you for bringing up dessert." She slipped her fingers into the pocket of his slacks. I hadn't seen her palm the bill when she took the shirt off. "Thank you for the help with the other things too." She rolled up onto her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned almost purple himself. "Hope we hear from you tomorrow about the tripod."

She turned and went to the tray and lifted the lid.

"The maple drizzle was warm, I hope it still is." He said not taking the cue it was time to go. Jo dipped her finger into it and sucked it off and looked him up and down.

"You'd better go. I'm already getting too curious for my own good."

"You have a good evening folks." He said as he backed towards the door.

Once he was gone Jo began to giggle. She turned to me and handed me a slice of apple pie. "Want some of this maple drizzle it's divine."

"What I want is to throw you down and drive my tongue into you."

"I think the pie can wait a little longer." She said with a grin.

"Bring the maple drizzle though." I laughed. She set it on the nightstand and straddled my lap, our tongues crashed as the tense excitement from her little display released almost violently. She practically dry humped me as my hands roamed over her entire body, gripping her ass and pulling her hard against my cock through the robe.

"I have never gone that far teasing someone before in my life." She mouthed around my tongue.

"Why now?"

"Oh my god, the rush of teasing both of you, getting both of you rock hard." She reached between us to find the proof. "I'm not going to lie Bobby, I want it, and I want it now, hard and fast."

I slipped my fingers beneath her and she was very ready. "You might be ready here, but I'm still not sure about here." I kissed her chest just above her left breast. "We're both worked up to a froth and like a horse it's best to cool it off well before putting it away."

She leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "I want you to ride this mare like it was the run for the roses, and don't stop pushing until well past the finish line. I'd like to be breathless in the winner's circle with you."