No Ordinary Proposal Ch. 04


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I rolled her gently onto her back and began working my mouth down her body and she whined. "No!" She grasped my by the face and dragged me over her body. "I need you, not just release, I need you." She wrapped her arms around my neck and dragged me down, hugging me tight to her body. "Please!" She pleaded. "Fingers, your tongue, no matter how talented, isn't going to put this fire out."

"Jo, hush." I whispered into her ear. "I love you, never ever doubt that, but I don't want you to want me just because you worked yourself into a frenzy."

She lifted me by my shoulders and looked into my face. "Is that what you think? I only want you because I'm horny? I mean I am, I am on fucking fire right now but that's not the only reason. Bobby I love you. I don't remember when I admitted it to myself but I assure you it wasn't as recent as you might think." She reached between my legs and took me firmly in her hand. "If this was all I wanted, I could have had it from that horny guy that was just ogling me naked for a good twenty minutes. Trust me he was packing one and it was primed and ready to fire just like this one." She let go of my cock and ran her hand up my chest. "This is what I want, I just want it delivered by this right now." She looked down between us and took hold of my erection again.

I rolled off her and fell back onto the bed. My cock pointed skyward, the robe was a disheveled mess around me.

"What's wrong?" Her voice was soft and warm as she snuggled up to my side. Her hand reached out and she stopped and rested it on my stomach.

"I'm just scared that you're going to scream yes in my ear now and cry later. I don't want you to regret it Jo. I don't want you to feel bad about enjoying yourself, enjoying me." I turned to face her, the dim light barely outlining her face in the shadows.

"What's your middle name Bobby?"

I snorted. "Why?"

"What is it?" I could hear the smile in her voice without looking at her.


"R-A-M." She snickered. "Robert Alan McNeil, will you marry me?" She leaned down and kissed my shoulder.

"What?!" I said it loud enough that I was worried I'd wake up the people in the next room.

I turned to face her and she was smiling broadly. "Will, you, marry, me?" She underscored each word.

"That is NOT why I'm not having sex with you right now!" I was completely flabbergasted and didn't know what prompted her to propose.

"Besides the fact that you're trying not to, I know. I'm not proposing just to get some dick either. Truth is it's right here." She took me in hand and stroked it making it throb almost painfully. "If I were to roll onto it, you wouldn't be a total cad and throw me off would you." It was stated as a plain fact at that point. She sighed and let go of me, her hand slid back up to my chest. She propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at my face.

"Scott wasn't kidding, we had been talking for hours when you got here. A lot of things were brought out into the open. He made me face up to the fact that I won't only be devastated by his loss, but by suddenly being alone. I love Maggie to pieces but she just isn't that kind of companion, you know? You would be there for a time, but eventually things would go back to normal if this hadn't been brought about by him." She let out a soft chuckle. "I know you're going to be there for me, no matter what happens. I am saying it openly to you, to myself. I am in love with you Bobby, and I think that you feel the same about me. You might be scared to admit it out loud. You might feel ashamed that you feel that way about your best friends wife, but I'm telling you that you shouldn't. We've all had a lot of emotional baggage kicked open recently and we all need to come to terms with it, sort it out and put it aside."

I listened to the sound of my pulse pounding in my ears, the feel of her breath, soft on my face.

"When I asked you earlier if you could picture a future with me it wasn't a rhetorical question." She let out a deep sigh. "In a few months I'll be wearing black and crying my eyes out and you'll be holding me up, dressed in your best dark suit. People will be silently sympathizing with me and wondering where you get off jumping claim over the fabulously beautiful, and suddenly rich Wid'er Meadows." She said the last with a deep drawl and made me laugh. "The truth is that I'm ready to deal with the gossip mongers and nasty comments because I'm scared that on that day, when I go home that I will be all alone."

"But you won't..." Her finger pinned my lips closed.

"I know you will be there to hold me as I open the twelfth box of tissues and wail endlessly at the loss of the first man I ever felt loved me for who I was and not what I looked like."

I felt the tear hit my shoulder as her voice got thick with emotion. "My truth is that I don't just want you, I need you, and I'm scared that you might not want or need me when the time comes. I can be strong, when I know I've got someone to lean on." She sobbed. "The truth is that if there's no foundation then I'm not going to be able to stand on my own, no matter how much money there is in the bank. This is what I need to be truly rich." She put her hand over my heart. "Promise this to me now before either of us chicken out."

"Can you promise me your heart when Scott still holds it?"

She looked at me a moment and nodded. "I think that's what we've been trying to figure out." She paused for a moment, her brow drew together as if she were about to explain something difficult that even she may not understand fully. "You never run out of love Bobby. You can give it and give it and give it, and there's always more to give. He's trying to make sure you're there to take it for him and treasure it like he did, he does. We talked about it and he apologized for ever getting this mess started. I apologized to him for trying to run my life even after he's passed away, but he's right, if left on my own I will probably, emotionally at least, crash and burn. On both of our behalf I want to apologize to you, for this all happening the way it has. I hope you can find it in your heart to let this weirdness pass and look forward, and I hope you see me there." I felt another drop hit my shoulder. "But I will understand if you can't and if you don't."

I rolled her onto her back and kissed her. "Yes." I kissed her again. "I'm only slightly emasculated by the fact that you asked me first." I said with a little laugh and she chuckled as our lips met again. "I only ask one thing. This... this, it has to be between us. We can talk about anything and everything but there needs to be something that's just between us Jo. We need to start building what will become us. If he asks for a rundown of everything that happened I can't stop you from talking to him about it, but we need to start our own foundation. This is real and not just some story to amuse him. Whether or not we consummate this here and now, or somewhere else later it needs to be between you and I. I can't believe I'm saying this but, there's only room for two people in a relationship. Unfortunately for you, you're in the middle balancing both for now, and I refuse to put you on the spot. Talk to him, tell him whatever you want to disclose, but for me I feel that it's time to start building us. Do you understand?"

She nodded. "I feel the same way. It sort of creeps me out when he asks if we've had sex yet as if he's waiting for it for some reason."

"Maybe he's hoping there will be video." That earned me a half-hearted punch.

"Are you going to make me wait until the wedding night?" A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

"I should. It would serve you right." I kissed her and rolled off her and tossed the tangled robe aside. I reached for the box that had found its way to the nightstand. "Only three? I guess he doesn't have faith in my abilities."

"Those are just for tonight, I'll get more in the morning."

I tore open the box and took them out unfolding the foil packets. I must have paused too long. Jo had sat up and crawled over to me. She hung over me, arms around my shoulders.

"I can't wait to feel you open me up." She whispered into my ear giving me a kiss on the temple. "Go slow, I want to feel every delicious inch of you." She gave my ear lobe a little lick and kissed my neck just below it. "I want to feel your balls pressed hard against my ass, your hands on my hips, my back, your mouth on my chest."

I tore one of the packets off and put the corner to my teeth and she cooed in my ear. I had no problem placing it over my raging hard cock. When I turned I took Jo by the waist and tossed her back like a rag doll. The smile on her face glowed in the dim light, her legs stretched wide as I mounted her. I had to concentrate to keep from driving into her with a single powerful thrust. Her eyes were half closed as I felt the head penetrate her. I felt my cock push through and open her up. Her mouth puckered into a little 'O' as I inched into her slowly.

"Fuck, that feels good." She gasped.

"That's an understatement." She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a deep kiss. Her legs came around me pulling me into her and I flexed my hips and she gasped.


"Trust me when I'm allowed to move you're going to find out just how much of a tease I am."

"Not yet, I've been craving this for weeks. Since that first night when you unzipped my dress at the kitchen table."

"Really? I've been dreaming about this for years." I admitted.

"Ohh?" She smiled and pulled me down for another kiss. She rocked her hips encouraging me to begin my assault on her nether regions. I kissed down her neck. "Careful not to leave any marks we'll need to edit out of the pictures." She said with a soft laugh that tickled my ear. I kissed my way down to her chest and flicked her hard nipple with my tongue causing her to arch her back. "Ungh!" She was gasping for breath.

"Jo I need to..."

She gasped as I pulled back and started taking slow deep strokes. She writhed and moaned as I plunged into her increasingly faster. "Oh God yes." She lifted her hips with each stroke and I drove forward harder with each. She began to moan and I could tell she was getting close.

Her nails dug into my back and I drove forward again causing her to throw her head back and moan again. I took her mouth again and kissed her deeply. I couldn't take it any longer and picked up the pace, slowly at first driving into her like a piston. She responded instantly her hips lifting to meet each thrust. She tugged her lips free of mine.

"Faster!" She cried out and I obliged. I felt the end was close, my muscles tensed and with with one last thrust I erupted. The sound I made didn't sound human as I descended on her lips with my own, both of us gasping for breath between kisses. It felt like my heart was going to beat it's way through my ribs to reach her.

"I"m glad we got that out of the way, now we can get down to some serious sex."

Jo laughed. "Don't you have to work in the morning?"

"A little but I don't need to go to the office until ten. André has a breakfast meeting, monthly reports or something."

"Mmm... how long does it take to buy a jet? I have a little lingerie shopping to do, then I was hoping you'd ask me to put on that little black dress and take me out on the town." She purred in my ear.

"Well it's a matter of giving him the final specifications I want to order and you choosing the carpet and woodwork. I sign the purchase agreement then it goes off to finance and we are done." I kissed her neck up to her ear. "It's about as easy as buying a car, maybe easier. The only thing is that it's not like they have them sitting on the lot. They build it after the contracts are all nailed down and at least some money has changed hands. It probably won't be ready to fly for ten or twelve months."

"That long?" She said surprised.

"That's just the test flights, it won't be finished until it's been through what I hope is a rigorous test run. Like I said yesterday, it's not as if you can just pull over if you hear a rattling under the hood." I rolled to the side, Jo rolled to lay on my chest. "Just taking ownership is going to take several days as we go over the plane with their inspectors, our inspectors, pilot training on the updated equipment. We have even brought flight attendant trainers with us to learn the rest of the plane. There's nothing worse than not knowing how everything works when you're on your maiden voyage."

"Sounds like picking it up is more than just a couple of days work."

"It is. A lot of the work buying it was done by conference calls, studying the technical specs and determining the needs of the company making the purchase. I didn't just pick up a catalog and point at the nicest looking one." I chuckled.

Jo affected a nasally high-pitched voice. "I'd like a number forty-two with options three and seven, fried rice, and an order of egg rolls for delivery."

"I wonder if you get free egg rolls with two options." I pondered.

Jo snickered as she nuzzled my chest. "Go clean up, I'm beat and ready for some sleep."

"Sleep?" I sounded dejected.

She laughed. "For a little bit. I'm sure I'll be woken by a tall, dark, handsome hunk who will take me in manly fashion, or at least I hope so. Then there is the before breakfast nookie." She looked up and tapped her chin in concentration. "If we haven't put him through his paces the before work kiss." She traced her tongue slowly down my chest and stomach. She stopped and my navel and gave it a little kiss then shoved me out of bed.

True to her word at some point deep in the night I woke to her taking my hand and slipping it between her legs where she began massaging herself with my fingertips pressed beneath hers. It didn't take long before I was performing the task without assistance as she squirmed against my cock waking it to the occasion. She turned to face me rolling me onto my back and we took our time and made love.

* * * * *

The next morning she suggested we get out of the room for breakfast. "If we don't, we're going to be late because I'm going to haul you back to bed." Jo said with an impish grin.

After spending the morning going over the information we had put together the day before, and Jo going through the choices for the interior the forms were signed and stacked in two neat piles. André sent a set of digital forms to my email to save me from scanning the for company record, and we were done. When the deal was done he remarked on an earlier comment that I had hoped Jo might try flying lessons one day, to which André took an opportunity to gift her with a flight bag filled with gear. He then took us to lunch to celebrate.

We finally made our way back to the hotel by two.

"I'm kind of curious to know what's inside. I figure it would be rude to go pawing through it on his desk." Jo said. She was excited as a kid on Christmas morning.

"I got one the first time I bought a plane from him about seven years ago. He has them put together for the pilots he deals with, which surprisingly enough isn't very often. Most engineers are at least trainees since it's not a field you're likely to get into if you haven't been bit by the flying bug. I can assure you it's a very generous gift, which is nice considering we just authorized the purchasing department in Houston to buy a plane for nearly fourteen million dollars."

She pawed through the contents asking about a few of them before she nudged me and winked. "Want to come lingerie shopping with me? I need to find a cute purple number to tease Matt. Who knows what else I might find."

"Shopping?" I groaned.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun." Her grin was infectious and I took off my tie and unbuttoned the top button of my shirt and we made our way into the city by cab.

"I'm going to guess you found this place online?"

"I did." Jo had an impish grin on her face as we entered the posh boutique. There were several mannequins dressed in fine lingerie and accessories and I felt my face get warm. One of them was dressed in a leather harness with fine chains across the chest, there were triangular cuts where the breasts would be and the panties were a leather waistband with chains going between the legs.

"We have an appointment." Jo was speaking with a sharply dressed woman about my age. She had the barest hint of a smile and took Jo's information and checked some sort of ledger.

"My name is Yvette and I will be assisting you today. Right this way madame, monsieur and we can begin." She led us to a short hallway with doors on either side, she entered the one on the right and held the door for us. The room was lavishly furnished with high back chairs on either side of a small table, a few full length mirrors stood at angles to one another, there was an old world style privacy screen with flowers on it blocking a corner of the room and a clothing rack stood against the wall with long table next to it which already sported a few items laid out on it.

"You may wish to remove your coats as we keep the dressing rooms warm for your comfort." She said with a smile. "I took the liberty of preparing some of the things you had showed interest in on the website. The first thing I would like to do is get your measurements. Many of our items are imported from Europe and the sizing does not always translate directly to sizes here. If you would step behind the screen and disrobe we can begin."

They mumbled genially behind the curtain, Jo answered questions about her tastes and color preferences. She noted that the purple was a request and not something she would have chosen herself.

" I think, with your hair you will like the effect when paired with a smokey eye shadow and a deeper blush. It is one of my favorite colors for women with striking gold hair. I have something else that would go nicely with your eyes if you would like to see it. A lovely set in mint green."

"Of course."

The woman was definitely in sales. I could hear her buttering Jo up with compliments, none of which were undeserved in the least. This would likely be an expensive afternoon.

Yvette stepped out from behind the screen and went to the table and picked up a few items and brought them around back and there was more shuffling.

"This side needs a little slack." Jo said. "Ooh that's nice, he's going to love it." Yvette came around the screen and Jo followed her into the center of the room. She wore a purple bra and panty set in a mix of lace and satin and heels.

"Nice huh?" She grinned at me. Nice wasn't the word I was thinking of but it fit. She walked towards where the mirrors were and turned and looked over her shoulder then noticed they were angled towards each other so she could see front and back at the same time. She reached around and noticed the lower cheek of her ass peeking out from the lace hem. "Now you see why they call them cheeky. It's not too much is it?" She looked at me in the mirror and smiled and came over and turned slowly on her heel and showed the back to me up close. A giggle escaped her lips as her hands came around and gave a little bounce to the exposed cheeks of her ass.

"I, uh..." I swallowed hard and nodded. "You look terrific."

After nearly an hour of various wardrobe changes Jo had agreed on everything she had tried on and signed the slip.

Yvette was happy with her sale and she should be as I saw the total out of the corner of my eye. Jo had just spent a lot of money on the least amount of fabric possible.

We grabbed a cab back to the hotel so we could relax a bit and get ready for dinner. When I opened the door to the room there was a tripod and two reflectors set against the closet door. Matthew had come through for us.

"I made reservations for us at a nice little bistro in the city for dinner." Jo said as we got into the room.