No Risk, No Reward


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David was soon on his knees, and I could feel his talented tongue working on her as if he were doing me. I soon had three fingers plunging deep into my pussy. Emily was throwing her head back as David brought her to orgasm after orgasm.

I was right on the edge of my orgasm when I sensed them watching me, and I lost it, coming with a shudder, then pulling my fingers out of my pussy. I then grinned seductively as I licked and sucked each finger slowly, feeling my own orgasm building again as Emily stretched out on the bed and David got on top of her, kissing and rubbing her breasts before plunging his cock into her in one smooth stroke.

David was driving his cock into her with a tireless energy while sucking on her turgid nipples, his tongue toying with her piercings. Her hips rose up to meet his every stroke when she wrapped her legs around him, digging her heels into his ass, urging him to fuck her ever harder.

I soon was lost in my own pleasure as I went back to fingering my pussy. I quickly had my three fingers back inside me as my other hand toyed with my clit, then added a fourth finger. I felt like such a slut, but I was loving it! I began to wonder if I could fit any more of my hand up there when I came with a crash.

I thought that I must have been pretty loud as David and Emily had stopped fucking, but they had actually already come and had been watching me as I came.

I blushed, then ran into the shower. I heard someone come into the bathroom and peeked around the curtain to see Emily perched on the toilet.

"I hope you don't mind," she said, "but I really had to pee!"

"No, no, go right ahead, just please don't flush," I said with a grin.

I went back to my shower, and was shocked when Emily stepped into the shower with me.

"I thought you said that you weren't into chicks?"

"I'm not, I just needed a shower, and you know the old saying, 'Save water, shower with a friend,' and I think we can safely say that we're friends now!"

I could only nod, and we finished our showers dong nothing more than washing each other's back.

We dried off, put on fluffy robes and returned to the bedroom. David had completed his shower in the main bathroom and was lying naked in the middle of the bed with his cock still semi-erect.

Emily tossed her robe aside and climbed onto the bed on David's left. I definitely wasn't going to leave her alone with David in our bed, so I dropped my robe and climbed in on David's right side.

Just as I turned off the bedside lamp, out of the corner of my eye I could see Emily take David's cock in her left hand. I don't know why I didn't say anything, just rolled onto my left side, pulled David's head over for a good-night kiss and went to sleep with my arm over David's chest.

After a restless night's sleep I awoke to an unmistakable sound, but I forced my eyelids apart a crack to confirm my suspicions. Sure enough, there was Emily getting her morning protein shake straight from David's cock.

Somehow it wasn't as exciting in the cold light of day as it was the previous night, so I rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom. They barely seemed to notice. When I came out Emily was riding David cowgirl, so I went to the kitchen to put on the coffee.

I made some toast, scrambled a couple of eggs and was trying to enjoy my breakfast when Emily ambled in, sniffing the air.

"Mmm, that smells good," she said, "can I have some?"

"The refrigerator is right there," I said, motioning with my head.

She looked at me quizzically, shrugged her shoulders and went to get the fixings to make some more scrambled eggs. I wondered if she would make enough for David, as well.

David came into the kitchen in his boxers and a T-shirt and Emily put a plate of eggs in front of him as he sat down with his coffee.

We ate in an uncomfortable silence until I finished, put my dishes in the sink and headed out.

"Where you going, Babe?" David asked.

"Just gonna take a bath and relax," I said.

"Okay," he said, "I'll be up in a bit."

I just shrugged my shoulders and walked out.

I thought I heard some whispered conversation, but couldn't make out what they were saying, and frankly didn't really care at that moment.

I filled the tub and threw in some bubble bath. I got in, put my head back, closed my eyes, wondering just what the fuck had I gotten myself into.

I heard the front door close, and what must have been David climbing up the stairs. I could feel the change in the air as the door opened and David came in and kissed me on my forehead.

"You okay, Babe?" he said. As I peeked through my slitted eyelids I could see the worried look on his face, and shrugged.

"I guess," I said, not sounding convincing even to myself.

"What's the matter? Isn't this what you wanted, isn't it fun?"

"It was, at first, although I didn't care for the way she bossed me around."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"I didn't want to be a party-pooper," I said with a sad smile. "I'm the one that pushed for this, I felt that I couldn't back out.

"Then she didn't leave, and I woke up to you two going at it, and I had to get out of there."

"I'm sorry, Honey, I didn't know that you were upset, or else I would have stopped."

"It's not your fault, David, I could have, I should have, said something..."

"Maybe we should just forget the whole thing," David said.

"Maybe, let's get things back to normal, see how we feel in a few days," I said as I closed my eyes and slipped back into the bubble bath,

David kissed me gently on the lips and left the bathroom quietly, closing the door softly behind him.

When I got out of the tub I dried off, put on a plush robe and joined David in the living room. I just wanted to be held, and David must have sensed my mood as he just put his arm around me and pulled me close.

We ordered in a pizza and watched the Patriots game, then went for a walk. As we were heading home my cell buzzed. It was Emily. I hit ignore. She called once more before we ate dinner, and once just before we went to bed, I ignored them all, and I was curious that she didn't leave any messages.

That night we made sweet love, David brought me to several orgasms, and I fell asleep to sweet dreams, feeling that all was right with the world.

Monday was a routine day until David came home from work, looking troubled.

"What's the matter, Honey?" I asked.

"I think we may have a problem with Emily," he said.

I just raised my eyebrows.

"She stopped by my office and insisted that I have lunch with her."

"She 'insisted'?"

"Well, I didn't want to make a scene in the office, so I agreed to go."

I could feel my anger rising, but I forced it down.

"So, what did she want that was so important?"

"Well, she was upset that she couldn't reach you, that you weren't returning her calls. She was anxious to 'play' with us again."

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her the truth. That you, that WE, weren't comfortable with the way she acted, and thought that it was best that we end it."

"I take it that that wasn't the end of the conversation?"

"No, not at all. First, she tried to get me to change my mind. I was adamant that our decision was final."

"You say, 'first.' I assume there was a 'second'?"

David shifted in his seat nervously.

"Come on, David, spit it out. It's not going to get better with age!"

He took a deep breath, then looked me in the eyes.

"Um, she suggested that we might get together on our own..."

"She fucking said WHAT? You had better have told her no fucking way!"

"Of course I did. I told her that there was no way that would ever happen, and to never contact us again, and walked out. I left her with the bill," he finished with a small smile.

I was seething, I wanted to go to her place and scratch her eyes out, but David took me in this warm embrace, stroked my hair while he kissed me on the forehead.

"Julia," he said, "these past several months have definitely been interesting, even hot at times, and we've had our fun, but maybe it's time to get back to normal, whatever that is.

"We've always been good together; I don't think that anything we've done has really improved on that, and as we've seen with Emily, has brought some danger into our relationship.

"I want to end this thing, maybe find something exciting that we can do just the two of us. Maybe bungee jumping," he said with a goofy grin.

I just turned in his arms, pressed my lips to his and our passion just came pouring out. We were soon peeling off our clothes, and David scooped me up and carried me to our bed.

Our love-making that night was both the most intense, yet most gentle, that I can remember; it was as if we were reclaiming each other.

I woke up David's arms, greeted by the warm sun shining through the blinds and snuggled a little closer to him. As I felt him stirring, I rolled on my side to face him and gently stroked his cheek.

His eyes fluttered open and he gave me a big smile as he leaned in to give me a gentle kiss, neither of us caring about morning breath.

"David, I was thinking that maybe there is still something missing from our marriage..."

David sat bolt upright.

"Are you out of your mind? Didn't you learn anything from your last attempt to 'spice up our marriage'?"

"Calm down, David, I'm not thinking of anything nearly so dramatic."

"Just what are you talking about then?"

"I was thinking that maybe we should have a baby."

David did a double-take.

"Wh... Where did that come from?"

"You shouldn't be so shocked. We've been talking about the possibility for a while."

"You mean dancing around the issue don't you? Every time I mentioned it you had a different reason not to talk about it. Now that I think about it, the last time you used the excuse that we needed to let our hair down more, to experience more things before we were tied down to kids.

"Is this what this has all been about? Our 'final fling' before settling down?"

"No... Yes... Maybe... I don't know!" I cried. "I mean, I really was curious about watching you with other women, but maybe the thought of 'settling down' pushed it forward. One thing I do know is that yes, if you're willing I'd like to start trying."

David held me tight, gave me a deep kiss, then got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. After I heard him flush, I heard him rummaging in the medicine cabinet.

"What are you doing, Honey?" I asked.

David came out holding my container of birth-control pills.

"You're sure about this?"

I nodded eagerly.

He turned back into the bathroom and I heard the pills splash, the toilet flushed again and I heard the container hit the waste basket.

David crawled back into bed and said, "Now what?"

"Now, I think we should start practicing our baby-making techniques!"

With a big grin he rolled on top of me and started descending toward my pussy.

"I don't think you need to do that, David; I'm as ready as I'm going to be."

"I may not need to do it, but I want to." He began licking my dripping pussy with his talented tongue. He soon had my pussy spread wide open and his tongue teased my clit out of its hood as his fingers sought out my G-spot. After my third orgasm, I could take no more.

"Please, David, enough, just fuck me; please fuck me."

He started moving up my body, teasing me by pausing at my breasts and sucking on my nipples, but was soon plunging his cock into my needy pussy as I eagerly licked my juices off of his face.

Our desire to have a child seemed to reinvigorate our sex life, ironically, more than our efforts to have more exotic sexual experiences.

We found ourselves bonding more closely, even closer than when we first fell in love.

When we estimated that my birth control had worn off, we booked a long weekend at a remote luxury cabin on a lake, complete with a hot-tub.

We didn't wear a stitch of clothes all weekend, making love whenever, wherever and however we wanted, which was often. I don't know where David got his stamina, but most times I was worn out before he was.

Our only "rule" was that David came only in my pussy; we were trying to make a baby, after all.

We were pleasantly surprised when I missed my first period after we started trying to get pregnant, and were thrilled when it was confirmed that I was indeed pregnant.

I was one of the lucky women whose libido was increased by pregnancy, and David and I enjoyed a reinvigorated sex life.

I was a little concerned that I was putting on a little extra weight, so I made an appointment with my OB/GYN.

David held my hand as the doctor did a sonogram and I was trying to read her expression, but she kept her face neutral.

When she was done she sat down opposite us with her face still blank, and I was on pins and needles.

She took my right hand and David's left hand in hers, and I wanted to scream at her to spit it out already.

"Julia, David, I'm pleased to tell you that your pregnancy is perfectly normal for a woman pregnant with twins," she said, breaking out in a big grin.

It took a moment to register, then David and I hugged each other crying tears of joy, jumping up to hug Anne.

"I should slap you for keeping us in suspense," I said, "but I'm too happy to be mad!"

David was still in shock, but he found his voice to ask if she could tell the sex.

"Yes, you're going to have twin girls," Anne said.

David was once again speechless. I think he was wondering how he was going to survive being surrounded by three females.

That was five years ago, and David just dotes on Sara and Susan, patiently sitting through countless tea parties and letting them dress him up.

When I think back to how I might have messed this up with my foolish sex fantasies, I shudder. We still find ways to spice up our sex life, when caring for five-year-old twins permits, but we make sure that there are only two people involved!

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ImshakenImshaken29 days ago

The story earned 5 stars because the writing was good. Since inside sbrooks story is his universe to create a wife CAN be excited to watch her man have another woman.

That said, It's hard to imagine a wife actually wanting to watch her husband have sex with another woman. It seems on a risk reward basis there's no real upside for the wife but the downside could be catastrophic. (Assuming it's a happy marriage to begin with). I wonder if this was a common thing in society (wive's encouraging their husbands to have sex with another woman in front of her) what % of those marriages would devolve and end in divorce?

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundown9 months ago

It's always entertaining reading the hypocrisy from the cucky boy crowd.

First we have the so called "sexyblondewifeFL" with her response and clearly showing her hypocrisy. She obviously thinks because her husband willingly eats cream pies he's a real man. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But she is right about one thing, men and women are different. Which is why experts have studied and shown that wives who have cucks don't really respect (or love) them. Oh they'll be deceptive AF in proclaiming love and respect, but deep down in their psyche, they want to ridicule and disrespect the wimp.

And then we have Reed Richards, where if you look up pathetic simp in a dictionary, his pic is displayed. Trying to explain this to him is about as efficient as trying to tell Ruttwieler that wearing a cock cage 24/7 isn't "normal".

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

Of course, in real life it does not work like this. Cuckolds are on a steep rise, and outnumber cuck queens maybe 20, 30, or 50,000 to me. There are literally hundreds or thousands of cuckold web sites, try and find one cuck queen. There are over a million members of the subreddit for cucking, and it is very active, the sub for cuck queen has less than half that number and is very quiet.. add in the many thousands of wife sharing blogs and web sites and you be gin to think there is some larger societal trend going on. Why are there more submissive men born every day? Why are there so many narcissistic sadistic women ? Males are being raised in a way that causes a problem, women raised without such issues. It is not true that such activity between consenting folks does no harm, in the big wide view tremendous harm is being done, and the effects are becoming very common. The next generations will be very different.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitover 2 years ago

4.6 Score! Slightly unusual story-board, -and that's a good thing, even if the ending was sugar-coated saccharine!

I rather liked the loving tenderness throughout, a few more such stories would only add to the counterweight against all those with the abusive, evil wife, brutally & callously humiliating her faithful, loving and loyal hubby, she so spitefully & cruelly cuckolded, that are all too pervasive these days! Sex should be Fun, and upstanding,


Regguy69Regguy69over 2 years ago

Well written. The storyline is basically a cuckold fetish without the humiliation the sick little cuck boys crave. She could have easily fucked up their relationship had David been just a tad more bent. You portrayed him as a devoted spouse who was indulging his wife’s fetish, but not really committed to it. They were lucky to have survived it. Bringing outsiders into your marital bed is very risky. “Sharing is caring” is a complete falsehood. “Sharing is NOT caring” is correct. When both spouses no longer care about the sanctity of their marriage, then share away, who cares? At that point you’re just fuck buddies with a license.

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