Now or Never: Escape to Freedom Ch. 02


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That was the first night that Austin did not have any nightmares. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the fact that his mind knew that his life was finally changing for the better. The next morning Austin woke refreshed and ready to start the day. When he walked out to the kitchen, he found Shelly sitting at the table going over some papers.

"Mornin Austin how did you sleep?" Shelly asked.

"Honestly, really well. I didn't have any nightmares last night." He said cheerfully.

"That's great to hear. Would you like some coffee?" Shelly asked.

"That would be wonderful." Austin said as he took a seat at the table.

"I don't know why I do this to myself every year." Shelly said as she placed a cup down for Austin.

"Do what?" Austin asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"The 4th of July county fair. I'm head of the committee so I have to make sure that everything goes as planned."

"Is there anything I can do to help? I am cleared to drive now." Austin asked.

"Well, if you really want to I could use an extra body to help out."

"Yes please. It would make me feel like I'm helping out around here."

"Okay then. Here is a list of the stores I need you to go and put flyers in the windows. They already know that someone is coming so just ask where they want them. Then I need you to run to the 4-H office and pick up their list of vendors and meet me at the fairgrounds." Shelly said as she handed him the list of stores and flyers.

"Okay. What time would you like me to meet you at the fairgrounds?" Austin asked as he finished his coffee.

"Meet me there around noon." Shelly suggested.

"Okay sounds good. Let me go get ready and I'll be on my way." Austin said as he put his cup in the sink.

He could tell it was going to be a hot one out today so he dressed in a light tank top and grey basketball shorts. It felt so good to be back behind the wheel of his baby. It had seemed like ages since he had driven her and she still gave him a jolt when he turned that key. It wasn't too hot out yet so he dropped the windows, cranked the radio up, and took off down the driveway. While he was driving to town, it dawned on him that he never paid for the repairs to his car or the insurance for that matter. That meant only one thing, the Davenports paid for it. He was more than grateful that he had met them and that they had taken care of him, so he was going to make sure that he didn't not do anything to disappoint them. Once he arrived in town, he parked at the bar and started his rounds. He decided to stop off at Mike's garage first.

"Morning Mike." Austin said as he entered the shop.

"Well, good morning Austin. Glad to see you're up and about." Mike said as he emptied the oil on a car.

"I'm helping Shelly with the preparations for the fair and I wanted to know where to put the flyer." Austin asked.

"If you want you can just tape it to the door." Mike replied as he wiped his hands on his coveralls.

"I never did get a bill for the repairs on my car." Austin said even though he knew who paid.

"Oh, some anonymous person came in and paid it in full." Mike said with a grin.

"Well, if you ever see her, er...them, tell them thank you and I'd like to pay them back." Austin said as he exited the garage.

Once he went to all the places on the list, he wanted to stop over and see Mrs. Miller. He stopped off at his car, grabbed a cigarette, and headed toward the motel. As he entered the office, Mrs. Miller came from the back and when she saw Austin, a smile came across her face.

"Austin, dear I'm so glad to see you are doing better." She said as she came around the front desk.

"Thanks. I just wanted to apologize for what happened that night, and I wanted to know if there was anything I can do to help with the cost? I'd offer to pay for any damages but what money I had is gone from paying for the meds."

"There wasn't any damage, besides the door frame. But Ryan came by the next day and fixed it for me."

"I'd still like to help out around here. I can't do too much heavy lifting but I can still help." Austin replied.

"Well, if you want you can stop by tomorrow and I'll find something for you."

"Thanks Mrs. Miller. Well I better get going I have some more running to do."

The rest of the afternoon was busy with all the preparations for the fair, but Austin liked it and made him feel useful again. They were busy setting up tables, spreading hay on the floor, testing the lights, and making sure everything was ready for the opening in two days. Around three o'clock Ryan and his dad stopped by for lunch.

"We figured you guys could use something to eat." Tom said as he walked into the building.

"Hey Austin, mom's not workin you too hard." Ryan said with a laugh.

"Not at all. It feels good to be out and about." Austin said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Austin go and take a break, get something to eat. It's the heat of the day and a good cool down break will do you good." Shelly said.

"Okay, sounds good to me." Austin replied. He was starting to feel a little sore so the break was welcomed.

Austin and Ryan walked down to the riverbank and found shade under a giant magnolia. They ate and talked under the tree for a while before Austin caught Ryan looking at him.

"Do I have something in my teeth?" Austin asked as he tried to clean his teeth.

"You look so sexy." Ryan remarked.

"I look gross. I'm covered in sweat and hay."

"It looks fucking sexy to me." Ryan said as he leaned over and kissed Austin.

As he kissed Austin he slid his hand up the leg of his shorts and started to massage his hardening cock. It wasn't long before he had Austin at full salute. Ryan knew he had no time to waste so he got right to the point. He gripped the waistband of Austin's shorts and in one swift motion he pulled them down to his knees.

"Ryan, don't I'm all sweaty and gross down there." Austin said as he tried to pull his shorts back up.

"Austin, it's okay. You have me so turned on right now." Ryan said as he gazed into Austin's eyes.

"Okay then." Austin said giving him permission to continue.

Ryan had Austin get up and lean his back against the tree so he could get a better angle. In one downward motion Ryan took all of Austin's cock in his wet warm waiting mouth. This time wasn't as passionate, this was pure wanted lust. With every downward stroke, Austin's cock would slide down Ryan's throat and send shock waves through him. Ryan pulled his own hard member from the confinement of his pants and started wildly jerking off. Austin was so turned on by Ryan's lust for him that he knew he was not going to hold out for long. Austin could feel it building up within him until it got to the point he could not hold back any more. He told Ryan that he was about to cum and just at the moment before he shot, Ryan shoved all of Austin's cock down his throat. The sensation sent Austin over the edge causing him to cry out in pleasure and he shot his seed down Ryan's throat. Ryan feeling the hot creamy juices shot his own load landing in a huge puddle in the grass. Both boys spent from the organism collapsed on the ground trying to catch their breath.

"Wow, that....that was something I have never had happen before. I've never had anyone just come at me like that before." Austin said as he laid in the warmth of the southern sun.

"I hope I wasn't too forceful. You just looked so sexy I just had to taste you." Ryan said with a huge grin.

"It was nice, really nice. I mean, wow." Austin liked this new feeling, this feeling of being someone's lustful desires. "I better get back to helping your mom. I'm sure she is wondering what happen to me." Austin said as he pulled his shorts back up.

"Okay. I'll see you when you get home." Ryan said as he stood up.

It was almost 5 o'clock when they decided to call it quits for the day.

"Austin I can't thank you enough for helpin' me out today." Shelly said as she took a seat.

"Thanks for letting me help. I really enjoyed myself." Austin said as he lit a smoke. "So what time tomorrow do you want me here?"

"I'm not sure yet but we can talk about that in the mornin'. We'll I'm going to stop by the bar and see how everythin' is going'. You goin' to be okay going home?" Shelly asked.

"Yeah I should be good." Austin said as he got up.

As he was walking towards his car, he didn't notice that he was being approached from behind until a familiar voice froze him in his tracks.


"Oh my god, Eric....." he said as he slowly turned around.

"You're a hard little fucker to track now that you had the tracer removed. I must give theses dimwitted towns people some credit for finding it." Eric said as he moved closer to Austin. "But like I told you before you can't get away from me no matter how hard you try. I must say you are looking good, maybe southern life fits you; I mean you are as dumb as a haystack."

"I'm not going back with you and if Ryan finds you here he is going to be pissed!" Austin said.

"You really think I'm scared of that meat sack? You forget I work in a prison around hardened criminals a simple mined country boy is nothing. Besides, I'm not here to take you back, yet. I just want you to know that I'm always watching you, and that you never know when I decide to take you back." Eric said as he grabbed Austin cock and pulled him close. "Remember faggot, your mine and you always will be. Now walk your ass into the woods." Eric demanded.

Austin was reluctant at first till he saw the handgun attached to Eric's hip. Austin's heart felt like it was going to pound right out of his chest with every step he took. Once they entered the woods Eric stopped Austin and turned him around.

"Now, you're going to be a good little bitch and do what I say. If you're lucky I won't kill you when I'm done. You make just one noise and I'll put a bullet through your skull." Eric said as he started to grope Austin's cock.

Austin knew what was coming and there wasn't anything he could do to stop it. Austin tried his best to stop his cock from hardening but it was to no a vale. Eric took this as a sign that Austin was enjoying what was happening. Eric unbuttoned his pants and placed Austin's hand on his hardened cock. Then Eric placed his hands on Austin's shoulders and brought him down to his precum leaking cock. However, Austin pulled back before Eric could shove his cock in his mouth. Eric grabbed a handful of hair and yanked his head back.

"You really going to fight me? The harder you fight the worse it's going to be for you. You think you would have leaned that after all these years not to test me! Now get the fuck down there and suck my dick till I tell you to stop!" Eric said has he forced Austin's head down.

Austin did what he was told, Eric had the upper hand. It was as if his nightmare had come true only he wasn't going to wake up and be in Ryan's arms. Ryan, how was he going to explain his to Ryan without breaking his heart. Guilt crashed over Austin like a tidal wave and he began to cry.

After what seemed like a lifetime Eric stopped him and pulled his head up.

"I forgot how good you are with that mouth of yours. You have me so close to cuming but I'm saving that for something else." Eric said with a devilish grin. "Now take your shorts off and lay on your back."

"Eric, please no. I'll suck you off, just please don't fuck me. It's been too long."

"That little county slut hasn't fucked you yet, I'm surprised." Eric said as he pulled him to his feet.

"He's not a slut! You are the slut! You don't think I know what you did when you would go out drinking with your friends!" Austin spat back at him. Something inside him snapped when Eric called Ryan a slut.

Without warning Eric backhanded Austin sending him to the ground. He got on top of him and placed his hand over his mouth.

"I can see you're going to be stubborn about this." Eric said as he pulled a rag from his back pocket. "I'm tired of hearing your fucking mouth." He said as he stuffed it into Austin's mouth.

Austin started to struggle, trying to break free but he was met with more resistance. Eric grew tired of Austin's actions and landed and hit right on his ribs. Pain shot through Austin's body causing him to cry out, but the cries where muffled by the rag. Finally Austin gave up to the inevitable. Eric removed Austin's shorts, tossing them to the side and placed Austin's legs on his shoulders. He spit into his hand and coated Austin's ass making it nice and wet. With one swift thrust Eric's cock entered Austin's tight hole. It had been a long time since Austin had been fucked so he was extra tight, but that also cause him more pain. With every thrust it felt as if he was getting split wider and wider. It didn't take Eric long to reach climax and soon he was filling Austin up with a massive load of cum.

"God, I can't remember the last time your ass felt so tight." Eric said as he pulled his cock out. "Now be a good little slut and keep your mouth shut. I really don't want to have to shut it for you, remember I'm watching you." Eric said as he left Austin shaking on the ground.

Austin just kept his eyes shut as he lay on the ground over taken by guilt. When he thought it was safe to move, he slowly sat up and searched for his shorts. It was starting to get dark out and he was having a little trouble finding them. Finally after a few minutes he located them. As he was walking toward his car, he could feel Eric's cum running down the back of his legs. He felt so used and dirty. Never in his life had he felt this dirty. By the time, he made it home Shelly had already been to bar and had beaten him home. The moment he walked in the door she knew that something horrible had happen.

"Austin! Oh my god what happen?" She asked as she ran over to him.

The moment he opened his mouth he began to sob. "Eric....he....he attacked me at the fairgrounds and he forced me into the woods."

"Austin, what happen in the woods?" Shelly asked fearing the obvious answer.

"H...he.....raped me." Austin said as he slunk to the floor racked with grief knowing that Eric still had control over him.

Shelly knelt down on the floor next to Austin and held him tightly. She sad there holding him trying to help calm him, but with every passing moment she was getting more and more furious. How could that son of a bitch do this to Austin. Wasn't it bad enough that Austin was scared to death of him and now he had done this. Shelly was afraid that Austin was going to sink back into his depression and she feared that Austin no longer felt safe here. when Austin's sobs turned into soft sniffles, she spoke up.

"Austin, you have to go to the hospital."

"No, I don't want to go." Austin scoffed.

"Austin, you have to get checked out. He forced himself on you and he could have really hurt you."

"I don't care and I don't want the police called. I just want to forget about this."

Just then the front door opened and Ryan and his dad walked in. Immediately Ryan knew something had happened and he rushed over to Austin's side.

"Austin, what happen?" Ryan asked as he took Austin's hand.

"Eric, he..."

"That son of a bitch!" Ryan said as fire burned in his eyes. "I told him never to come back here. What did he do?!"

"He attacked me at the fairgrounds and he forced me into the woods." Austin said not meeting Ryan's eyes.

"Did he rape you?"

All Austin could do was nod his head. He couldn't bring himself to speak the words to Ryan, he was to full of shame and embarrassment.

"We better get to the hospital." Ryan suggested.

"I don't want to go, I can't face those people and having them know what happen to me." Austin begged.

"Fine, but you are going to talk to the police and at least tell them that you were attacked. If you don't want to tell them that you where raped then that is your choice." Ryan said as he stood up.

Austin reluctantly agreed to talk to the police. Shelly called the police and they arrived fifteen minutes later, but this time the state police came. Ryan sat by Austin's side holding his hand the entire time he told the officer what had happen. The officer was very pleasant and sympathetic towards Austin, he didn't give any strange looks when Ryan held Austin's hand and it kind of put Austin at ease.

"Now you said you and your ex are from New Jersey, so I need to know the make and model of his car so we can keep a look out for him." Officer Sheppard said.

"It's a Red 1993 BMW 325i convertible."

"Okay, we will be on the lookout for it. Is there anything else you want to tell me before I leave?"

Austin thought for a second but decided not to tell the officer about the rape.

"No, that's all."

"Okay then I will be on my way. You can stop by tomorrow afternoon and pick up a copy of the report. And I suggest you keep an eye out for him or any suspicious activity until he is brought in." Officer Sheppard said as he stood to leave.

Everyone thanked him for coming out promptly. After he had left, Austin told Ryan that he was going to take a bath and get ready for bed. When Austin had left the room Ryan walked over to his dad, whispered something in his ear then went out the front door.

"Where is Ry going?" Shelly asked.

"He needs some time to cool off." Tom said dryly. "I'm going to head into town. I want to ask some of the guys if they have seen a red BMW convertible driving around."

"Okay, just be careful. I love you." Shelly said as she gave him a peck on the cheek.

It was well past midnight when Ryan came walking in the front door. He found his mother on the couch reading with Austin fast asleep on her lap. When Shelly heard her son come in she slowly moved Austin and made her way in the kitchen.

"Ry, I was startin to get worried about you." Shelly said as she sat at the counter. "Austin tried to stay up and wait for you but he finally feel asleep about an hour ago."

"Sorry mom, I didn't mean to worry you. I just needed sometime to cool off." Ryan said with and uncertainly in his voice.

Shelly knew that something was not quite right. "Ry, what's going on. You're hiding something from me and I don't like it."

"Mom, it's better if you don't know."

"Ryan Joshua Davenport, I want to know." Shelly said sternly.

"You really want to know? Fine I'll tell you. I went out looking for that son of a bitch. It took awhile but I finally spotted his car at the Red Barn, so I waited for him to leave. Once he left I started to follow him but he must have noticed me cause the next thing I know we are flying down the back roads. But he didn't know the roads like I do and he lost control of his car and ended up in a ditch. All I remember I was pulling him out of his car and I beat the shit out of him just like he used to do to Austin. It's funny, for someone who talks a big talk he sure can't fight."

"Please tell me that you didn't kill him." Shelly said with concern.

"Oh no, I left the fucker alive. They might have to pull his balls back down." Ryan said with a sarcastic smile.

"I know I'm supposed to be mad at you right now but I'm finding it very hard to be. Look go clean up and I'll wait with Austin till you come back, I don't want him to wake up alone." Shelly said as she went back to the living room.

She knew she should be mad at Ryan for what he did but she hated to admit it, she was a little proud of him standing up for Austin. Once Ryan had cleaned up he went back to the living room and took his mothers spot with Austin. He decided not to move Austin and just let him sleep on the couch; he knew that he needed his rest.

The next morning Austin woke up on Ryan's lap. He remembered falling asleep on Shelly's lap but now he woke up on Ryan's. Maybe it was just a horrible nightmare. He had nightmares that felt real before, maybe this was one of them. Until he sat up and the pain shot through his ass. Then it hit home that it wasn't a nightmare and the reality and guilt set in.