Now or Never: Escape to Freedom Ch. 02


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"Who's this?" Clare asked as she looked Austin up and down.

"Clare, this is Austin, my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend." She said as she glared at Austin.

"Yes, boyfriend. You would have known that if you stayed in contact with the family." Ryan snapped back.

"I always knew there was something wrong with you."

"At least I'm true to myself and not some stuck up bitch that deserts her family!"

"I didn't desert anyone. I wanted better than that stupid shit hole town! So don't try that....."

"That's enough! Now I asked you two to be civil. For once could you do that!" Shelly interrupted. "Now, if you two are goin' to do nothin' but fight the entire time then I suggest you don't go near each other."

Austin had never seen Shelly upset like that. Ever since the first day he met her, she had a smile on her face and a kind tone in her voice. Austin felt bad and he knew that it wasn't his fault but still felt the need to apologize to her.

"Shelly, I'm sorry for that." Austin said as he caught up to her.

"Oh Austin, it's not your fault. I'm sorry that you had to see that. I haven't raised my voice like that in years."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Just go and have a good time." She said with a smile, but it wasn't the same smile Austin knew. This smile was forced and full of sadness.

For the rest of the day Austin could see that Shelly and Ryan were on edge. So he did his best to keep Ryan busy. He played horseshoes, even though he had never played before but was surprisingly good at it. Later that night, when things started to wind down, Ryan and Austin, Josh, Stacy and her boyfriend, and a few others decided to take a dip in the pool. They played a few rounds of Marco polo before relaxing and having some drinks in the Jacuzzi.

It was about 9:30pm when everyone called it a day. Austin and Ryan stayed back and hung out a little longer in the Jacuzzi. The air had cooled down quite and bit and Austin snuggled closer to Ryan, he loved being held by him. The feel of real muscles, not 'muscles in a can' as Ryan called them, but muscles from hard labor. Austin ran his hand over Ryan's bicep and gave it a little squeeze; damn they were tight and firm. He could feel his cock start to harden but he didn't want to do anything risky out in the open. So he whispered in Ryan's ear that it was time for bed. Ryan knew exactly what he was after. They made their way to the room saying their goodnights as they pasted everyone. Ryan barely made it in the door before Austin pulled Ryan's trunks down and started massaging his cock. Austin planted a powerful kiss on Ryan as he continued to jerk his cock. Ryan reached down and freed Austin's cock from it confinements. It sprang up, rock hard and already leaking precum. He took his hand and started rubbing the precum around the head of Austin's cock causing Austin to moan with sheer pleasure. Austin had to stop Ryan though, it felt to good and he was already on the edge. Austin dropped to his knees and began to suck on Ryan's massive meat. This time he didn't take it slow and on the first downward plunge, he went all the way to the base. The feeling almost sent Ryan to his knees but Austin held him up with his hand. Ryan could feel the back of Austin throat, and it was wet and hot. Every time Austin deep throated Ryan, it brought both of them closer and closer to the edge. Austin choked a little but never stopped. Ryan could feel Austin gag a little but he couldn't warrant himself to speak, all he could do was moan. Finally, Ryan could not hold back anymore and warned Austin that he was going to cum. Austin took all of Ryan's cock as he felt it swell up, and unleash it load down the back of his throat. He vigorously jerked his own cock till it too shot its massive load. After his own orgasm, Austin slowly pulled Ryan's still rock hard cock from his mouth.

"Holy Fuck. That was fucking hot!" Ryan said as he pulled his trunks back up.

"Yeah it was. I don't know what came over me." Austin replied as he stood up.

"Well, anytime that feeling takes over again you just let me know." Ryan smiled.

"What is going on tomorrow?" Austin asked as he walked to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

"Tomorrow is pretty much a free day. This means we can do whatever we want."

"Do you have any idea on what you want to do?" Austin asked as he whipped the drying cum from his legs.

"I figured maybe we could do something with Josh and Justin. See if they have any idea."

"Sounds good to me." Austin said smiling.

"Oh, mom did say that some people are coming over for breakfast and that we could join if we wanted or just do our own thing." Ryan told Austin as he came up behind him and nuzzled his ear.

"That sounds like a nice idea." Austin said as he nuzzled back.

"I'm ready for bed. How about you?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, I'm beat." Austin laughed.

Early the next morning Ryan and Austin joined the rest of the family for a big breakfast. There was eggs anyway they wanted, scrapple, bacon, sausage, cream of wheat and the list just went on. Austin helped himself to a good helping of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon and sausage.

"You must be hungry Austin. I've never seen you eat this much before." Shelly pointed out.

"I'm sure after all the fun that was had yesterday." Josh said with a coy smile.

Austin just blushed. During the heat of the moment, he forgot that Josh and Justin's room was across the hall and they must have heard them.

He was surprised to see Clare sitting at the table, and of course, she was dressed to the hilt. He still felt a little uneasy around her after the spat between her and Ryan the day before. After everyone had finished eating Austin offered to help with the clean up. While he was in the kitchen washing the dishes, Shelly walked in and placed a Malia folder down next to him.

"What is that?" Austin asked as he rinsed off a plate.

"I'm not sure. It was left on the door step this mornin'." Shelly replied. "All it has is your name on the front of it."

"I wonder what it is?" Austin questioned as he dried his hands.

Once he took a closer look, he recognized the handwriting. It was from Eric. When he looked inside there was all of his legal documents along with a note:

Austin, I have enclosed all of your paper work that you asked for. I am keeping my word and not contacting you after this. I hope that you find happiness in your life.



Austin was taken back that Eric knew where he was at but also happy that Eric gave him his papers. Shelly could see that Austin was a little bothered but could also tell that he didn't want to talk about it. So she told him that if he needed to talk she would be more than will to listen. Austin thanked her and went back to cleaning the dishes. By the time he had finished Ryan and some ideas on what they could do for the day. After they discussed it they decided to head to the beach. He hadn't been to the beach in years and he missed it. Once they had gotten ready they all piled into Austin's car, they headed for Strathmere beach.

"Hey, how was the trip you guys took back in June?" Ryan asked Josh.

"Ugh. It was a nightmare. The first day was nice but then that hurricane hit and we ended up stranded." Josh replied as he relived the events in his head.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry to hear that." Ryan offered.

"Well, it wasn't a total loss. I found my true love on that trip." Josh said as he kissed Justin.

"Like mom always said 'every cloud has it's silver linin'. Ryan laughed.

"That's so true." Josh said as he gazed into Justin's eyes.

"How far is it to the beach?" Ryan asked.

And before Austin knew it, he blurted it out. "We are about 45 minutes away."

"How did you know that?" Josh asked.

"I used to live up this way." Austin wishing he hadn't said anything. He knew now that the questions where going to start.

"Oh that's cool." Josh replied.

That was it. Austin thought to himself. He was sure that Josh would have asked all kinds of questions, but he was also glad he didn't. The rest of the ride to the beach was mindless talking. When they arrived, Austin found a great parking spot, right by the entrance to the beach. Everyone grabbed something from the trunk and headed for the sand. They had gotten to the beach before most of the crowd, so they had a good pick of where to set up.

"Are you guys ready to hit the water?" Josh asked as giddy as a kid in a toy store.

"I'm just going to sit here for little." Justin responded.

"Do you mind if Ryan and I go in?" Josh asked.

"Go ahead and have fun. I'll come in a few minutes." Justin reassured him.

"I'm going to sit out for a while before I join you guys." Austin chimed in.

"Okay, you guys enjoy the sun." Ryan said as he turned and smiled. "Is Justin feeling okay?" Ryan asked as they headed toward the water.

"Yeah, he just has to be careful in direct sunlight. The treatments have weakened his defenses so he just has to be very cautious."

"Okay, whenever he needs to leave you just let me know and we will go." Ryan offered.

"He knows his limits, but thanks for the offer." Josh said as he shoved Ryan into a oncoming wave.

"I never get tired of coming to the beach." Justin said as he watched Josh and Ryan horse around in the water.

"Me too. It has always been a favorite summertime activity." Austin replied as he looked at the crashing waves.

"I know it's none of my business and you can tell me to shut up if I cross a line, but what made you move away from New Jersey?" Justin questioned.

"Well, in a nut shell I ran away from a very abusive boyfriend."

"Oh shit. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad you had the guts to run from him." Justin offered.

"Thanks, it was a very hard choice to make but I knew that if I had stayed with him I would have ended up really hurt."

"I know how that is. I mean, I didn't have an abusive boyfriend but my dad hated the fact that I was gay and would abuse me all the time. Josh was the one who broke that silence when he told his parents about what was going on. I was pissed at him at first but then I realized that he did it because he loved me." Justin said smiling towards Josh. "And now that I have this cancer to deal with I really see how much Josh loves me."

"What kind of cancer do you have, if I may ask?"

"Thyroid cancer. They caught it early on so my outlook is promising, but I have to go to treatment three times a week. I went yesterday and I have to go tomorrow and Friday." Justin had a look of despair.

"That's why when you guys came back yesterday you went to lie down. I was wondering if everything was okay but I didn't want to pry into your business."

"I just feel bad because Josh put off going to school till I get better. I told him not to but he is thick headed. I just don't want him to resent me for it later."

Justin's words jolted Austin's mind to how he felt about Eric. It was almost like looking into a mirror. "That is the same way I felt about Eric, but I can tell you this, Josh is no Eric. The way he looks at you and the way he talks about you, I and everyone else can see how much he loves you. Just from the two days I've been around you guys, I can see that he would do anything for you. Don't worry about him resenting you that would never happen."

"You can really see how much he loves me?"

"Everyone can." Austin said smiling. "I think I'm ready to hit the water. Do you want to come to?"

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Justin said as he got up.

They horsed around a little in the water, splashing and jumping through the waves, and just having a good time. Soon they were just floating around in the water enjoying talking with each other. Every once and a while a really good wave would come up and they would body serf half way to shore then just float back out. They spent a good two hours out in the water before they came in to eat. Ryan unpacked the famous picnic basket and handed out the leftovers from yesterday.

As Austin ate, he thought how perfect the day was. The weather wasn't too hot, the ocean water wasn't too cold and the company was perfect. Austin wanted every day to be as carefree as this one. After lunch, everyone went back in the water except Justin. He told Josh that he wanted to relax and read a little. Around 4:30pm, they figured that it was time to head back home, but agreed that they would be back before their time was done.

"I have a great idea. How about one night we come down to the boardwalk?" Josh suggested as he closed the trunk.

"That sounds like fun. I haven't been to the boardwalk since I was a little kid." Austin smiled.

"Great, maybe tomorrow night?" Josh asked.

"I don't see why not." Ryan agreed.

When they arrived home, Austin offered to put the beach chairs back in the garage. As he walked in, he didn't notice that Clare had followed him in.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice startled Austin causing him to drop the chairs.

"Shit, you scared me. I was putting the chairs back." Austin replied as he picked them up.

"That's not what I meant stupid! What are you doing here with my brother?" Clare said as she shut the door.

"He invited me to come." Austin answered as he eyed the closed door.

"Are you looking for a free ride or something? I asked mom how you ended up with them since I noticed your car has New Jersey license plates....."

"I was......." Austin started to say.

"I wasn't done speaking!" Clare snapped. "I will let you know if I want to hear anything from you. She told me that you where running away from a abusive boyfriend. Funny you don't seem like the type of person who was abused. You seem more like someone who is looking for a free easy ride. I bet that when you saw that my mom owned a bar and that Ryan and my dad worked with horses you put on this sad little story. My mother is gullible for a sad story and will try to help anyone out."

"You don't know anything! You don't know the fear I went through every day praying that my ex wasn't going to come home in a pissed off mood and beat my ass or rape me......"

"Shut up! Save your fucking performance for someone who will buy it." Clare backed Austin into a corner. "Now listen to me and listen to me good. When this whole family bullshit get together is done with I suggest you move on, head to Florida, and go mooch off your grandparents. That's if they even exist. For some odd reason my brother thinks he is in love with you but that's because he hasn't met the right girl. I will admit, you're a damn good actor to have my entire family believing your little sob story. I'll be watching you the rest of the time here and if I see anything funny going on I will put a stop to it." Clare mentioned as she headed for the door. "Oh and nice touch on the dead parents, even I wouldn't stoop that low."

And with that she shut the door and leaving Austin alone in the garage. He couldn't believe that Clare though that he had made everything up, how could she be so cruel and hateful. How could she honestly think that he would make all of that up and even go as far as to say his parents died. He sunk to the ground and started to cry and memories of his parents flooded his mind. Just when he thought that everything was going well in his life he was proven wrong...................................


Thanks for reading Chapter 2 of Now or Never: Austin's Decision. I hope that you have enjoyed reading it! Feedback is welcomed! Keep a look out for Chapter 3 of Now or Never: The Completed Journey.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Healing and lovely, great work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Anon 1 year ago and 4 years ago,

Stop ruining the comment section with your shitty takes. How do you even consider the story has "too much drama" when you compare it with your oh-so-perfect lives? Not everything has to be all happy and rainbows. The only problem here is both of you being so fragile that when dark stuff like this is addressed, you moan and whimper about it by dropping unconstructive criticism.

Especially anon 1 year ago, you are showing how ignorant you are on the mentality of those who are abused. With all the dread Austin is experiencing, how in the world do you think he can just "stand up for himself"? Before typing irrational comments like this, you should use your brain instead of thinking all characters should be "perfect" like you.

Yes, I don't agree about the anon saying Eric is better, (God, what is going on in their head to come up with that) but you know what's ironic though?

"That alone says a great deal of who you are." Yes, that concludes that the Eric anon is just messed up and should get the therapy, but your comment also says a lot about you. An ignorant, self-centered reader that can't stand really dark matters being addressed and thinks that everyone in the stories should be like you without even bothering their circumstances. Get lost with that cowardly attitude.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Agree that this story has too much drama. The cruel brutality that is the psychopath Eric and his ongoing belittling, beatings and rapes. The constant fear that Austin lives in yet he presses no charges after two vicious attacks thereby letting Eric continue his monstrous ways. Now Clare appears as such a hateful bitch there is no way she could be the offspring of Shelly and Tom. It’s just all too much. And fucking stand up for yourself Austin. You’re a grown man so don’t snivel around like a small child in distress. You can be a strong man and advocate for your own health and safety. To the anon who feels sorry for Eric and roots for him o er Ryan, whatever. That alone says a great deal about who you are.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Too Fucking Much Drama!!!

Every time you dare have some hope that things could actually be good for a minute its time for more intense fucking drama (beatings, RAPE, betrayal etc...) to unfold! This story is way over the TOP!!! No one could be as unlucky as Austin!!! I think I am leaving this roller coaster ride! I think I need serious therapy after reading just two chapters of this Shit!!!

PleasepleasePleasepleasealmost 8 years ago
Am I the only one sickened by hateful comments?

It never ceases to amaze me how hateful and emotionally violent some people have no problem in being. As for brijeon and anon that complained so vigorously, the rest of us no doubt bid your good riddance.

I was under the impression that this was a place that offered an escape from life through hopefully great stories. This happens to be one of those stories. 'Life' happens to all of us, even those of you who would jump to criticize so, kindly step back! Harsh judgments and nasty comments need to stop. One never knows what's going on in another person's life so chill out, it is after all a story and when an author has to take some extra time due to RL, the world as you know it will not come to an to end! Trust me, I know first hand having lost a loved one recently to numerous catastrophic illnesses after years of suffering.

Thanks to the author for another great chapter. Keep up the great work!

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