Now or Never: Escape to Freedom Ch. 02


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"You are welcome. I was thinking, I remember you had offered to help me out around here, and if that offer still stands, would you mind helping me with cleaning this place up. Like I said before this place was packed and I sure could use the help."

"I would be more than happy to help you."

"Okay then. I'll just take these dishes in and we can get started. I'll bring the pitcher of tea in the room with us in case you get thirsty."

Austin finished up his sandwich and made his way back to the room. He didn't wait for Mrs. Miller to get back, he started vacuuming the rugs and stripping the beds down. By the time she got back he had the room completely vacuumed and the bedding in a pile by the door. When Mrs. Miller walked in she told him that she was going to throw the bedding in the wash and that if he wanted to start on the next room he could. As she left she handed him the key. Austin didn't realize what room he was about to go in till he opened the door and it hit him. He hadn't been back there since the night Eric first attacked him. Everything was back to normal and the room looked as if nothing had ever happened, he just stood there and that night replayed in his mind. He was lost in thought till he felt a hand rest on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I forgot that this was the room you where attacked in. If you want you can skip this one and I can get it later." She could see the tears forming in his eyes.

"No, I can't go through life living in fear of my past." Austin said as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"That's a very mature thing to say and believe. I'm glad you decided to stay here and not go back to that monster."

Austin spent the rest of the day helping out around the motel. Mrs. Miller was amazed at how quickly and efficiently Austin worked. All the rooms had been cleaned from top to bottom by 4 o'clock. She told him that if it hadn't been for his help it would have taken her days to complete the task. She asked him that if she could call him from time to time to help out, he told her that he would be more than happy to help out.

Surprisingly when Austin got home no one else was there. He just figured that everyone was still busy with their daily work. He thought to himself that the Davenports had been so nice to him that he was going to return part of it by making dinner. He rummaged around the fridge and found the makings for beef stew. He figured it should just be getting done by the time Ryan and his came back. Just as he figured when Ryan and his dad came in the stew was just about ready.

"What is that wonderful smell?" Tom asked as he came in the kitchen.

"It's 'Mrs. Montgomery's Homemade Beef Stew'. Austin said with a smile.

"I can't wait to have some." Tom said as he inhaled the heavenly aroma.

"Well, it's just about done. I'm just letting the flavors mate a little more." Austin said as he saw Shelly enter the kitchen.

"Well, what's this?" She said as she sat her keys down. "I think this is the first time dinner was ready for me when I got home."

"By the time everyone gets cleaned up it will be ready to eat." Austin said as he slowly stirred the pot.

Austin never saw people go get cleaned up as fast as they did. Just as Ryan and his dad where coming down the stairs, Austin was placing the stew on the table with a basket full homemade biscuits. Everyone took big helpings and started to dine. At first no one spoke, it was too good to stop and talk. Finally, Shelly told Austin that this was the best beef stew she had ever tasted and that anytime he wanted to make it feel free too.

"So your Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jeff are goin' to have us stay at their place. It's a huge house so there is plenty of space. I figured we would leave around four in the mornin' that should put us at their place around five or so in the evenin'." Shelly said as she sat back in her chair.

"Are we going to take the station wagon up?" Ryan asked.

"Well, your father and I were talkin' and we were wonderin' if Austin wouldn't mind drivin' us up in his car? It's newer than our car and we would pay for the gas." Shelly asked.

"That would be fine with me. Where in New Jersey is it?" Austin asked.

"Buena Vista Township." Shelly answered.

Austin's heart sank. He knew right where that was at. Buena Regional high school was his old school's rival. There were many times he would go over there when his school was playing there.

Ryan saw the look of concern on Austin's face. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I know right where that's at. It's actually not that far from where I used to live."

"You going to be okay going back to that area?" Tom questioned.

"I'll be just fine." Austin muttered.

The rest of the night Austin was on the quite side. He wasn't too worried about going back to his old stomping grounds; the Eric situation was taking care of. It was still that fact that he was heading back to a place that held a lot of painful memories.

The rest of the time leading up to them leaving was normal. Austin would go out and help Mrs. Miller at the motel, Shelly was training a new manager for the bar, and Ryan and his dad where busy getting everything ready with the horses. The day before they left Austin had the car checked out and all the fluids flushed. He wanted to make sure there wasn't going to be any problems on the ride up. That night Austin had a hard time sleeping. He was excited to be going back to New Jersey, even if it was for only a visit.

Early the next morning everyone was busy packing up the car, making sure they had everything, and getting any last minute items together. Shelly had a travel mug with coffee ready for everyone by the time they were walking out the door. It was easy going all the way to the highway.

"I think I could get used to this." Shelly chuckled.

"Get used to what?" Ryan asked.

"Bein' driven around like this. It nice to be a passenger."

Then Shelly and Tom started with the famous kid lines: Are we there yet, I have to pee, he's hitting me, she touching me, he looked at me funny. Austin couldn't help but laugh at their antics. Half way through North Carolina they decided to stop off at Cracker Barrel and have breakfast. They all had a hearty breakfast, but Austin commented that its nothing like Shelly's cooking. Shelly said that's cause she cooks with love. After they ate Austin went outside and had a smoke before they got back on the road. Even though it is his car he didn't want to smoke around Shelly and Tom since they didn't smoke.

"Does the reunion start tonight?" Austin asked as he pulled back on I-95.

"Most people are arrivin' tonight but it really starts tomorrow. I can't wait to get there; it's been to long since I have seen everyone." Shelly said

"Is the bitch going to be there?" Ryan snorted.

"Ryan, you know I don't like that kinda language, and yes your sister will be there." Shelly replied.

"Sorry mom."

"It's okay, just try and refrain from that."

It was almost noon when they got to Richman Virginia. They were making great time due to Austin's heavy foot. They decided to just make a quick pit stop for lunch since they were less than five hours from Buena. Shelly called Cindy and told her that they would be there in five hours. When Shelly came back to the car she told Austin that Cindy couldn't wait to meet him, she told her all about him before they left. Ryan asked Austin if he wanted a break from driving but Austin told him that he didn't mind driving, it was relaxing for him.

By the time they made it to the Walt Whitman Bridge Austin heart skipped a beat. He was finally going to cross back into his home state. Even with everything that had happened between him and Eric he still loved his state, no matter what it was his home.

When Austin pulled up to the address, he was greeted by a long winding driveway. As he drove up he took notice of the lush fields that surrounded the house. When he pulled up towards the house, Cindy came out the front door to great them. As Austin stepped out the car, he was greeted with a big hug and a kiss.

"You must be Austin. Shelly has told me so much about you." Cindy said with a huge smile.

"I hope it was all good things." Austin said with a nervous smile.

"Of course! How was the drive? I hope there wasn't to much traffic on the way up."

"It was smooth sailing the whole way here. Well aside from the two in the back acting up." Austin chuckled.

"What. Shelly and Tom, no never." Cindy laughed.

Cindy walked to the back of the car and gave Shelly and Tom a huge hug. She hadn't seen them since the last reunion, five years ago. She told them that it had been to long but she understood that it was hard for them to get away.

"Has anyone else arrived?" Tom asked as he grabbed some of the suitcases from the truck.

"Yeah, but they are staying at the local hotel. You guys are the only ones staying here." She said with a smile. "Hold on I'll get Josh to come out and help with the bags.

Cindy emerged from the house with Josh and a young man that neither of the Davenports recognized.

"This is Justin. Justin this is Shelly, Tom, Ryan, and Austin."

"It's nice to meet you." Justin said as he greeted everyone.

"Josh would you help them with their things. You know what room to put them in." Cindy instructed.

Once Josh showed everyone to their rooms, Cindy suggested that the boys get acquainted with each other. Jeff and Tom went out back to start getting the grill ready for dinner.

"I'm so glad you guys made it up here with no problems." Cindy said as she poured Shelly a glass of wine.

"Yeah, it was smooth sailing all the way up, it didn't help that Austin kinda has a lead foot." Shelly chuckled.

"I noticed when he pulled up that he had New Jersey license plates. I didn't know he was from here." Cindy questioned.

"Yeah, it's kinda a long story. In a nut shell he ran away from his abusive ex."

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"He is doing better now. The dealing with the ex is hopefully taken care of."

"Hopefully? That doesn't sound to promising."

"I don't trust a word his ex says. He is a very vindictive person and I'd feel a lot better knowin' that he is stayin' away for good. He really put Austin through hell the fast few years. So if you see Austin kinda shy away from people that's why." Shelly said as she took a sip of wine.

"I completely understand. What part of New Jersey is he from?"

"I think he said Upper Deerfield."

"That's not too far from here."

"Justin seems like a nice boy." Shelly offered.

"Oh he is. He is such a sweet heart. But he has been through some hell and back." Cindy replied dearly.

"He seems a little reserved. At least that's from what I saw."

"No, you're absolutely right. We found out that his father had been physically abusing him since he was about 16. It was to the point that Justin was terrified of his father."

"What the hell is wrong with people now a days? I just don't get why people have to hurt other people in that way." Shelly snorted.

"Also Justin is sick. Before they boys went away on a camping trip, he found out that he has thyroid cancer. He's been going for treatment three times a week and its taking a toll on him. After the treatments he comes home and just sleeps for hours on end. And would you believe that his so-called father was threatening to not pay for the treatments, but we took care of that."

"What a sick bastard."

Meanwhile upstairs the boys where getting to know each other.

"I never would have thought that you where gay." Josh laughed as he bumped Ryan.

"Well, that's what you get for thinking." Ryan roared. "And congrats on the graduation, sorry I couldn't make it up but things where busy back home."

"I totally understand. I'm just thrilled that you guys made it for the reunion. So how did you and Austin meet?" It was obvious that neither Justin nor Josh knew Austin's story.

"We met by chance." Ryan said with a smile.

"Okay I get it. Don't want to go into the mushy details." Josh laughed. "I'm such a bad host. Would you or Austin like anything to drink?"

"I'm good for now, Austin do you want anything?" Ryan asked. Austin politely denied.

The rest of the night was a whirl of reminiscing about the good old days and stories that pretty much bored the boys. It was almost eleven when everyone decided that it was time to head off to bed because the next day was the beginning of the reunion.

Austin had trouble falling asleep that night, most likely cause he was in a strange house and a strange bed. Ryan must have known he was having trouble cause he rolled over, wrapped his arm around Austin and pulled him close to his body. Soon after that Austin drifted off to sleep. When Austin awoke the next morning, he was still wrapped up in Ryan's arms and he didn't want to get out of bed. So he nuzzled closer to Ryan, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the feeling. He must have fallen back to sleep cause he didn't even feel Ryan slip out of the bed. The smell of a hot breakfast woke him from his sleep. When he sat up he saw Ryan setting food out on the balcony table.

"I figured that after all that driving yesterday you needed your sleep and a nice breakfast." Ryan said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"How did you know what I needed." Austin said as he kissed Ryan. "Were is everyone else at?" Austin asked as he sat at the table.

"Mom and Aunt Cindy went out to get some last minute things and Dad and Uncle Jeff are making sure everything else is ready for when people come. And to tell you the truth I have no idea where Josh and Justin went too. They were gone by the time I went downstairs."

"When is your brother and sister getting here?"

"Michael flew in this morning and my sister I could care less."

After breakfast, Ryan and Austin went to go see if there was anything they could help with. Jeff asked them if they could set up the horseshoes and the volleyball net. As they were setting up the horseshoes, they saw Justin's black mustang coming up the driveway. When Justin and Josh got out of the car Ryan noticed that something didn't seem right, he couldn't figure what was wrong.

"Once you guy are done setting this up you can go inside. We have everything else taken care of." Jeff suggested.

"Sure thing Uncle Jeff. You sure you don't need anything else done?" Ryan asked.

"No we are good. Besides your suppose to be on vacation." Jeff reminded him.

Once they got inside Ryan made his way upstairs just in time to see Josh coming out of his bedroom, and he could tell by the look on his face that something was defiantly wrong.

"Josh, what's wrong?" Ryan asked with concern.

"I didn't want anyone to know, but you see Justin has thyroid cancer and we just came from a treatment session." Josh said as a tear escaped his eye.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Are his chances of survival good?" Ryan asked consoling his cousin.

"Thankfully they caught it in time. It's just going to be a struggle getting there. I try not to let him see how stressed out I get, but sometimes it's overwhelming. I don't want Justin to think that its him causing me stress, cause it's not. But when you're sitting there, looking at your partner hooked up to machines pumping him full of radioactive fluid, then seeing how tired and sick he gets afterwards just rips my heart out. There are many nights, after he falls asleep, I just sit in the dark and cry. Ryan you know me and you know I don't cry easily. I wish that I could take away his pain. Sometimes I wish that I had the cancer and not him, he has been through enough shit in his life."

"Isn't it amazing how someone can come into your life and completely change you. I know you don't cry easily, but that shows me that you love him and would do anything for him. I know he is lucky to have you for his boyfriend. Anytime you need to talk I'm here for you. Even after we head back home you can call me day or night. I know it helps to have someone to talk to when it seems like things are getting to much."

"Thanks cuz." Josh said as he hugged Ryan.

As they walked down the stairs, they saw Cindy and Shelly putting together a cold cut platter. Soon the family would start to arrive and the reunion would be underway. Michael was the first one to arrive, then some distant cousins and other great aunts and uncles. Ryan was busy introducing Austin to all of his family, which to Austin's surprise received him very well. Austin didn't know any of these people and felt a little uneasy, but anytime someone spoke to him he never showed it.

"Hey, my dad needs my help over at the grill for a bit. Are you going to be okay here?" Ryan asked as he handed Austin a beer.

"Yeah, I'll sit here and talk with your cousin Stacy." Austin and Stacy had been chatting since Ryan introduced them.

"Okay, if you need anything you know where to find me." Ryan said as he swatted Austin on the ass.

"You two are just the cutest couple I've ever seen!" Stacy exclaimed in a Texas accent. "I just couldn't be happier for you guys."

"Thanks. You don't think anyone is going to say anything about it?"

"Awe hell no, and if they do I'll be more than happy to take care of them." Stacy said as she cracked her knuckles playfully.

"I don't think I've ever seen a family reunion this big."

"We are a big family, and each time we get a little bigger. I'm glad that your apart of it now. I could always tell that something was missing in Ryan's life, something to complete him, and you're it. I've never seen him this happy before. There is a glow that follows him around. I just hope you know how special you are and what you really mean to him." Stacy offered. "Now let's go find our guys, I'm hungry and I'm sure you are to."

Austin couldn't help but smile at that last statement. They walked over to the grill and Austin was in awe of everything that was on there. He didn't know what to go for so Stacy helped him out. By the time they had reached the end of the last table, Austin had two big plates full of food. He told Stacy he didn't know how he was going to eat all of it. She laughed and told him that she did go a little crazy but the food is so good that he shouldn't have a problem finishing it off.

While they were eating a sleek black, Mercedes-Benz S65 AMG came rolling up the driveway. Austin wondered who it was. Then it dawned on him, he hadn't seen Ryan's sister. He remembered how much Ryan disliked his sister and wondered how he was going to react now that she's here.

"Oh joy. The Beverly Hills princess is here." Stacy said sarcastically "I don't know why she even bothered to come. The only reason she comes is to show off her money and rub it in that she left the simple country life for the lavish life of Beverly Hills."

When his sister stepped out of the car, she was wearing a beautiful pearl white dress that stopped right above her knees, with little pearls accents and matching stilettos. Her shoulder length blonde hair flowed out from an over sized sun hat, and her eyes hidden behind over sized sunglasses.

Austin looked around at everyone else, who was wearing t-shirts and shorts, and no one really noticed or cared that she had arrived. He saw Ryan look over and go back to what he was doing. He didn't even make an attempt to go over and see her. Finally, he saw Shelly walk over and give her a hug. Then he saw Ryan make his way over to him.

"Come on, let's get this over with." Ryan was not his normal happy self.

Austin could feel the tension rising as they walked up to his sister.

"Hey Clare, you look....."

"Sensational." Clare said smugly.

"Well, the word I was going to use did start with an 'S' but it wasn't that one."

"What would you know about fashion anyways." She snorted.

"Guys, please try and be civil. You haven't seen each other in a long time." Shelly asked as she shot them both a look.