Office Wife Gets Caught Ch. 06


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Carmen's eyes grew large and wide, waiting on the answer.

"Carmen, how was your sex life before all this happened?" asked Alandra.

Carmen thought very carefully and replied, "Before this happened. I was a lousy roommate in which he got no benefit of being with me."

Alandra then asked, "Did you do things together and have fun?" Carmen replied. "I'm not sure anymore. I guess. Now that I look back on it, I just went through the motions."

Alandra spoke in a deliberate voice, "Be! His! Friend! Time heals all wounds. Your daughter is not going to let you go. Poor Diego is trying to hold everything together.

Make it easy on him. Be there for him when he needs you. Do not instigate sex. He might do it, but he will be disgusted with himself later and hate you more."

"Whatever works the best at family outings, do it. Go on vacations. Go out just like before but treat him nice. Don't dress sexy. Act like a friend. Make his life easy. A lot of marriages come out of friendships."

Two and half weeks later, Pedro Died.

Ninety days later, Crystal's and Beth's divorces were final. After that, everybody got into a pattern, and life went on. Carmen's only worry was the time that Shannon was spending with Diego.

November came around, and it was time for the annual financial convention. Carmen answered the FaceTime call, "Hey, Doris. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, go ahead," replied Doris. Ten minutes later, Carmen and Jake had finished. Doris said, "See you later, guys."

"Wait," said Carmen, "What's going on? Where is the party? Are you and Diego on a cruise?"

"No, Carmen,' replied Doris. "We're all at Diego's new restaurant. The Grand Opening is tonight."

Carmen was shocked. "A restaurant. Where is it?" She asked.

"It's across the street from Dempsey's," replied Doris. "It's called Champagne and Hor d' oeuvres." Doris could see the pain in Carmen's eyes, "I'll let you go. Danielle will call tomorrow night." Carmen cried herself to sleep lying next to Jake that night.


Diego ran around the club, waiting on tables and helping out in the back. Finally, he heard, "Diego!" Diego turned to see all his wives and Shannon sitting at their reserved table.

He put up his hand, displayed his index finger, and mouthed, "1 minute." Then, he walked over to the bartender and waitress and gave them instructions.

Diego walked back over, hugged them all, and sat down to talk. He smiled and asked, "Ladies, what do you think of my humble establishment?"

"I love it," said Maria.

"Me too," replied both Doris and Danielle simultaneously.

Maria yelled shotgun. Everyone at the table looked miffed by her statement. Finally, Maria laughed, "I got the first dance with Diego."

"Oh no, you don't; I do," replied Shannon sternly. "As part owner of this establishment, and I am your boss, rank has its privileges."

Maria pouted. Just then, the Champagne and the Hors d'oeuvres sampler tray arrived. "Excuse me, Mr. Perez," said the waitress. "Your order and the Margaritas you requested." The waitress sat down the four large glasses, the two pitchers filled with margaritas, and poured champagne.

Diego lifted his glass, "A toast. To four of the most beautiful women I know and my friends. Thank you for supporting me." They touched glasses and drank.

Diego gave his fatherlike speech, "All right, ladies. No one drives home or leaves tonight without my permission. I do not want to bail your asses out of jail for a DWI, and if you go with someone, you also have to have my permission.

"I want to make sure you are not drunk to the point you cannot make rational decisions."

All three women looked at each other and then replied together, "Yes, Daddy."

Shannon grabbed onto Diego's hand and said, "Let's Dance."

After the dance, Diego heard his name again. Turning, he saw an attractive young man waving to him.

Diego smiled and reached out his hand. "Yeah, Jesus', how are you doing, my man?"

"Great Diego, I heard about the grand opening," hugging Diego. "This is a wonderful place. But unfortunately, the best-looking women are at your table. How in the hell do you rate that?"

"It's my unbelievable charm and good looks," Diego chuckled. "And yes, they are the best-looking women in the place."

"Diego, who is the tall brunette?" asked Jesus'. "Damn, she has legs that go up to heaven."

"That's Danielle," replied Diego. "The three young ones work with Carman, and the fourth is their boss and my partner in this establishment."

Jesus' looked at Diego with apprehension. Finally, Diego chuckled and responded to the accusation, "Only in my wildest dreams. Do you want to meet her?"

"Well, hell yeah." grinned Jesus', with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy shop. "Will you do that for me? I am a little clumsy when it comes to women. By the way, how are you and Carmen?"

Diego replied, "She's not here tonight; she's at a conference in New York. She'll be home Friday night." Jesus' gave him a suspicious look.

Finally, Diego shocked Jesus' with his reply, "I trust her completely. Come on, and I'll introduce you."

Upon arriving at the table, Diego started his introductions, "This is a good friend of mine. Dr. Jesus' Aguilera. Oh, by the way, he's a single medical doctor.

"So that's Shannon, Doris, Maria, and Danielle's last young lady you asked me about." Danielle and Jesus' both blushed as Diego smirked.

Jesus' shook each lady's hands and stopped at Danielle's. He took it. He raised it to his lips as he stared into her eyes, then he asked, "May I have this dance?"

Danielle looked at Diego, and he grinned, "Don't look at me. I'm not your dad." She hurried out, and that was the last he saw of her for hours.

Diego felt a tap on his shoulder. Diego turned and smiled when he heard, "Daddy," and then Natalia hugged him. Diego turned and saw Micah standing at her side, looking nervous.

He looked back at Natalia with a twisted smile. "Yes, Daddy, I'm pregnant again," she announced. "This one was planned. Can we dance?"

Doris piped up, "He can sit between Maria and me! We'll protect him," snickering. Natalia moved him over next to Shannon, "Do you mind if Micah sits next to you?"

Shannon replied, "Who's going to protect him from me." the table laughed. She then asked, "Micah will you dance with me?"

"Waiter!" yelled Diego, "Bring us a pitcher of non-alcoholic margaritas." He turned and escorted Natalia to the dance floor.

"Wow, Dad, great opening night. Where is you know who?"

"She is in New York; she'll be back Friday night. I decided to have the Grand Opening when she was out of town. I wanted to make sure you would show up. It might have caused a scene if both of you were here."

"Thanks, Dad. I see you have your harem here."

Diego smiled, "I really wish it could have been here with you know who instead."

"Dad, I know," she replied, "But I ended up with the Golden Ticket, Micah, a beautiful child and one in the oven." Then, laughing and rolling her eyes, "Look behind you, dad."

Diego turned around to see the whole table full of redheads waving at him. It was Micah's family. Diego had to admit the Irish could party.

Around 1 in the morning, Diego felt a tap on the shoulder. "Can we have a dance, please?" asked Danielle. They walked to the floor. Diego took her in his arms and twirled her around.

He looked into her eyes as they watered up. "All right, what is it, Danielle?" he asked, smiling. Knowing precisely what the conversation was going to be about.

"I really like him, Diego," she replied. "I am scared for the first time in my life about my past. You know, you and me. And the money."

Diego grinned, "Jesus', huh?"

Danielle nodded her head, sobbing, "I really like him, and he has asked me out. What do I do?"

Diego spun her around, brought her back into his arms, and said, "As of now, you are no longer my housewife forever. So our secret is safe with me. What you tell him about our relationship is up to you. I'll back your story in any way I can. But I won't lie for you."

"But if he ever does ask, tell him the truth no matter the consequences. How many times have the lies been worse than the actual act itself?

"That way, he will always know you told him the truth. My recommendation is never to talk about previous boyfriends or lovers. Nothing good ever comes from it."

"Thank you, Diego," she replied. "Carmen was a fool."

He smiled, "Danielle, there is always plenty of blame when a marriage fails. Good luck: he is a great guy."

"Dammit, Diego, you did nothing wrong," she quipped. "It's ok not to take all the responsibility and guilt. I hope my husband turns out to be half the husband you are." She kissed him on the cheek and walked back over to Jesu's.


Carmen took an early flight home Friday. She skipped the last part of the meeting. That night she walked into Diego's new restaurant.

"May I help you?" asked the waitress. Carmen smiled, "Yes, may I speak with the owner."

"No, Ma'am, he's swamped. If you will call tomor..."

Carmen interrupted, "Tell him his wife is here," she replied.

"Oh, you're Mrs. Perez. Sorry, I've never seen you before," she replied. "I'll get him right away."

Diego walked out to see Carmen smiling and waving at him. "He called over a waitress and walked over to meet Carmen. He reached in and kissed her on her lips. And said, "Hi." Carmen was shocked. She wasn't expecting that. "Come," Diego replied, "I talked to the manager and got us a seat in the VIP section."

She laughed, "Next to the kitchen, huh." Carmen grabbed Diego's arm as he escorted her to the table. "I have to save the good tables for paying customers. My principal investor wants to see a return on her money."

He waived to the waitress, "Yes, Mr. Perez. What can I get for you?"

"Please bring each of us champagne and a sampler tray." Then, he turned to Carmen, "I wasn't expecting you until later tonight."

Carmen noticed no digs from Diego this time. Instead, she asked, "How long have you been working on this?"

"Shannon and I have been working on this for about a year. I talked to her last December and asked her to be my partner. I laid out my business plan. I think she did it because we were good friends and because of everything we went through."

Carmen had a severe look on her face but didn't ask. "No, Carmen, we are not seeing each other outside the house," said Diego.

"You know the rules." Then, finally, she looked at Diego with a sad smile and said, "I understand if you were," touching his hand. About that time, the food and champagne showed up.

She raised her glass to Diego, "To fulfilling your dreams."

He raised his back at her, "May you get what you want in life. Cheers", as they tapped their glasses together.

"Diego, why didn't you tell me you were doing this?" asked Carmen.

"Carmen, the day I found out about you, there was no longer you and me," replied Diego. "I gave into you all those years. So now it is just my needs I worry about.

"Also, I chose Natalia over you. Just as you decided Jake over me, that's just how it will be."

He saw Carmen's eyes tear up. Then, smiling, he asked, "Would you like to dance?"

She smiled and replied, "Yes, I would love to."

Diego escorted Carmen to the floor and stuck his hands out. She took them and followed his lead. He leaned into her and whispered into her ear, "Carmen, I thought we agreed not to embarrass each other."

She gave Diego a not understanding what you do you mean look.

Diego explained, "Don't you think that you standing that far away from me would make everyone think there is something wrong with our relationship."

She moved in closer and placed her head on his shoulder. She noticed his bulked-up chest and arms. And his back seems broader. She leaned back and asked, "How much weight have you lost. You feel great."

He replied, "I am five pounds over my fighting weight. I have a four-pack but just can't seem to get the others. I wish I had all the supplements I had when I fought. I would have been able to spend more time chasing you around the house than I did training." Both laughed.

"It feels like you have lost some weight also. Are you dieting again?" asked Diego. "No," replied Carmen, "I'm just not eating as much as I used to. We used to go out and eat a lot more than I do now."

"Well," chuckled Diego. "I know the owner of this place. You are always welcome. And since you know him, your money is no good here."

They finished dancing, and then Diego escorted Carmen back to the table. Carmen looked up at him. "Diego, I was wondering." Carmen hesitated.

"What is it?" asked Diego, "go ahead."

Carmen took a deep breath," I remembered what you said about when we went on a cruise and how I treated you. I just got my yearly bonus. So I would like to treat you this time.

I haven't been on vacation since that time. I would really appreciate you coming with me. I know you are essential to this place, and I can wait for you to get settled in here before you could go," smiling longingly at Diego.

"Carmen, I would love to go with you," replied Diego. "But remember, this won't change anything. I also think I'll let you cover half the cost of a king-size room.

"And I'll pay the difference for a two-bedroom suite. So go ahead and pick out what cruise you want to go on and let me know the cost. I will pay for the cruise, and you can reimburse me."

Six weeks later

It was the last night of the cruise. Diego and Carmen danced in each other's arms. "Well, Diego, I hope you had a better time this time." smiled Carmen. "I can't believe we went parasailing off those ski boats. It scared me to death."

Diego laughed, "I had an exciting time. And yes, I know you were scared. I have the scars in my arms to prove it." Both laughed.

"Diego, I am tired. I need to go back to the room. You can stay and party."

"Nah, I am ready to head back. We have to get up early to pack up." He escorted her back to their suite. As they walked back into the room, she turned and kissed him deeply.

Then, she pulled back quickly with saucer eyes, "I am sorry, Diego, I wasn't thinking. It won't happen again."

He smiled and replied, "No harm, no foul." Then, he turned and walked away to his room. Carmen turned and smiled to herself.


Time passed. Carmen still has to have sex with Jake. Diego's girls were rotating through his life. Shannon would stop by for her quarterly review.

However, Carmen and Diego became friends again. She helped out at the restaurant, and they traveled together. As a result, they were spending more time together.

At family functions, the group noticed the way they were carrying on. It seems both were more relaxed around each other. Their friendship no longer seemed forced.

D-Day plus three years.

"Carman, what are you doing home this afternoon?" asked Diego.

"I wasn't feeling well; I thought I might just layout in the sun. But, God, I love this space," she replied.

As Diego walked closer, he went into shock. "Carmen, what are you doing? Where's your swimsuit?"

She giggled, "It seems that everyone else around here enjoys it laying around in the nude. I thought I might like feeling the sun hitting off my body.

I can understand why the girls like it so much. I feel free! It's so exhilarating that someone might catch me. If your wives are coming over, let me know, and I will go to my room."

"No, Maria is not coming today," he replied. "I have other things I need to do today."

Diego looked at Carmen with concern, "Carmen, you need to watch your weight. You are looking a little thin. Are you ok?"

"Yes, I am. Just a little tired. Just with working at the restaurant and working all day, I haven't had much time to sit around getting fat."

Carmen saw Diego eyeing her. She didn't do anything to make herself look more suggestive, but she didn't try to cover up either. She could see him staring at her from behind the frosted lenses of his sunglasses.

Unlike these modern girls, she didn't shave her bush anymore. She had only done that for Jake. She knew that Diego loved the untrimmed bush. But her being Spanish, it went back to her ass.

Diego turned his back to her as he started to get hard. He didn't want her to see him getting excited. He yelled back over his shoulder. "See you later? Carmen smiled to herself.

Six weeks later

Diego was at Luis' gym for one of his weekly afternoon workouts. He had just started pounding away on the speed bags when he heard a voice that pissed him off. Without even turning to see who it was, he knew it belonged to an asshole.

Diego turned and asked, "What do you want, Jake?"

"I am here to take you up on your offer," Jake replied.

"Jake, go home," snarled Diego. "This is my world. I don't come down to tell you how to invest money. I am a better boxer than you are a financial guru. You don't have a chance. Go home. I promised Carmen I wouldn't fight you."

"You're a coward, Diego," snarled Jake. "You are supposedly a man of your word. I expect you to keep it. I've been training for the last six months. I have you by 40 pounds and 25 years. I am going to kick your ass and get this over with."

"Fuck off!" snorted Diego. "Go home. This place is where real men sweat and bleed. You won't see a married woman running around here for you to hit on."

"No wonder Carmen wanted a man to fuck her like she needed, Cuck." laughed Jake. Diego turned his back on Jake and went back to hitting the speed bag harder.

Jake screamed out, "Everyone give, please give me your attention." The gym went dead quiet. Jake looked at Diego and smirked, "I've been fucking his wife for years.

I've made him the biggest Cuck in Knoxville. Hell, she even gave me her ass. It's mine. She never let Diego have it."

Luis and a couple of fighters started towards Jake. Diego stepped between them. He turned to Luis and said, "Go get the release forms and put the paramedics on speed dial."


Carmen came flying into the house the next day screaming, "You bastard! You just had to do it, didn't you? You goaded Jake into it, didn't you? He is in the hospital.

You promised me you wouldn't fight him, remember?" Diego looked up from the book he was reading. He looked up over the top of his glasses as his face tightened, and he turned red with anger and started to speak.

Carmen yelled, "Shut the fuck up! Speaking of promises, you remember that night you had the little party you said you would never make love to me again. So why can't you break that promise, Mr. God-All-Mighty himself?"

He stood up and got in Carmen's face, "So you want to fuck, huh?"

"Yes," she sneered back, "I do. I am your wife in the eyes of your God. What would he say about denying your wife?"

"Wait here," he snarled at her as he headed towards his bedroom. He returned with his phone and a box in his hands a minute.

"Here, I want you to give me permission," said Diego. "I will record you permitting me to have sex with you. I don't want you accusing me of rape."

She screamed, grabbed his hand, and stuck the phone up to her face, "I give Diego permission to fuck me or do anything he wants to do with me." She drew her face back and stared in defiance of Diego, "Go ahead, do it."

Diego turned red with hatred. He threw his phone over onto the chair and grabbed her thick black mane on the top of her head.

Diego pulled her forward until she went down on her knees. Then, he started pulling her down the hallway.

Not able to crawl fast enough, Carmen flipped over on her butt. She was grabbing at Diego's hands, trying to pull upon them to take the pressure off her scalp. Carmen was screaming that he was hurting her.

As he dragged her across the carpet, the pressure of the floor pulled down her slacks and panties. And now her ass felt like it was on fire from the friction from the carpet. Finally, he slammed through Carmen's bedroom door and threw the box he held onto the bed.