One Prince Summer Daze


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She'd warned Mom they had a pool and to bring suits if people wanted to use it before and/or after dinner. Mom and Aunt Barbara arrived late afternoon, with kids, suitably equipped. We all stayed suited and Steve and Tom took on Matt, Luke, Mike and Bob in an adulterated game of water polo. For some reason, Suzy and Mary wanted to hang around with Marsha and Kate, which left mostly me and Don hanging out together, with Mom and Aunt Barbara helping Natalie with the domestic stuff.

The meal that night was inside-out burgers, a couple of different salads, chips, pop and ice cream for dessert. Some of us were out in the screen porch and others in the living room, but mostly we all rotated around, chatting and teasing and so forth. We pinned the waterskiing down to the next Monday and Wednesday, since Dad would be up tomorrow, Saturday, and Steve had to head back to work on Thursday. Don and Tom didn't have to leave until the following Sunday.

By the end of the night, around 10pm or so, we eleven kids were hanging around the pool while Mom and Aunt Barbara chatted inside with Don and Natalie. Marsha and Kate started it...I didn't. They sidled over by me, one on each side, and started teasing. Nothing overt, just rubbing up against me and petting and smiling and joking around, making sure they were well up against me. Steve, Tom and Matt were kind of joking around, too, and catcalling and such. The others weren't at all sure what to think of it, although I'm pretty sure Mike and Suzy were catching on quickly.

The tricky part was Mary, Luke and Bob being there. Not that necking or petting would surprise any of them, since I'd had some Big Brother confidante time with my brother and sister over their dating experiences and I just sort of figured that Bob, at 15 and living on the Left Coast, would probably have similar or better experience. It was the fact that two girls...sisters... were playing up to me at the same time, and no apparent jealousy.

"Easy on the teasing, ladies," I told them. Probably not the brightest thing to say.

"Who's teasing?" Marsha asked seductively, turning my face to her and planting an I-own-your-soul kiss on me.

"Yeah...who?" Kate added, moving in tight behind me to kiss my neck and run her hands down my chest to my lap. Although you couldn't see anything explicit through the water, it was fairly obvious what she was doing, and coupled with Marsha's awesome kiss...well, I pretty much melted. Except for the part that got harder.

"Looks like you've got a girlfriend, Mark," Luke piped up, in a semi-derisive way, although there may have been some envy in there.

"Looks like he's got himself two girlfriends," Mary decided to note, although I couldn't tell what she was thinking behind the words.

"Yuck it up, you two," I told them when Marsha let me come up for air. "Wait'll you meet Jeannie."

"Who's Jeannie?" from both of them drowned out Matt's "oh, maannn..."

"The girl Matt's dating," I told them, getting very surprised looks. "From over by Egg Harbor. Voracious comes to mind." That was enough, thank God, to get their attention on Matt instead of me. Just in time, too, because Marsha and Kate switched places with the kissing.

"You've got a voracious girlfriend?" Mary asked Matt in a sort of disbelieving, accusatory tone.

"He's exaggerating," Matt virtually whined. "She isn't really voracious..."

I wanted to say wanna bet? but Kate's tongue was in the way. Mary, however, looked over for confirmation and froze. I didn't get a chance to find out what Mary was thinking, or Luke for that matter, because with perfect timing, Don, Natalie, Mom and Aunt Barbara came out of the house to tell us the evening was over and Kate broke off the make-out session with an amazing transformation to pure innocence.

She did reach down to pet my hard-on through my trunks, though, and she smiled with that Knowing Smile that she'd gotten to me, as had Marsha. Mary kept giving me the I know what you're doing stare as she and Luke did a quick change into shorts and t-shirts before heading off with Mom. Mike and Bob did the same routine, following Aunt Barbara, but Suzy stayed back a moment and pulled me aside.

"Is there something going on I should know about?" she asked quietly.

"I don't know if you should know about it," I answered, also quietly and a bit flip. "We can discuss rumors some other time?"

"If you're doing what I think you're doing, and getting away with it," she told me, "you are one of the luckiest sons of bitches on the planet. You'd better not be screwing those girls over."

"Over? No," I told her and a second later she got my meaning. "But I agree...I am the luckiest guy on the planet."

"Both of them?" she asked incredulously. "And they know about it?"

"Do me a favor and keep your suspicions to yourself, okay?" I asked. "Mom, so far, is oblivious."

"Sure..." she half-smiled as she stepped away. "You're gonna owe me one." Before I could answer, she turned away and headed after her siblings. I watched her leave, wondering if she was going to throw some kind of monkey wrench into the works.

"I told you, I don't tease..." Marsha murmured into my ear as she stepped in next to me. Automatically, I put my arm around her.

"Me, either," Kate murmured on my other side. I put an arm around her, too.

"You've got an interesting family," Marsha told me, watching Aunt Barbara's car pull away. "Especially Mike." I nodded my head in agreement. I could afford to...he'd already been warned off.

"And Suzy," Kate added. I almost got whiplash on that one.

"You're into girls?" I asked in astonishment. She just sort of smiled that half-smile of hers.

"How old is she, again?" she asked, about as demurely and innocently as possible.

"Eighteen," I answered. "Just." Kate just kept looking at me with that smile. "You're not seriously thinking about..." I ventured.

"Why?" she asked, still all innocent. "Want to watch?"

I was trying to wrap my head around that one when Marsha asked, "you two ever do anything together?"

"What?" I was caught flat-footed. "No. No, of course not. Never. She's my cousin." I wasn't about to admit to some of the more outrageous fapping fantasies I'd had about Suzy. Or anything that might have really happened, either.

"Mm-hmm," Marsha nodded, with that yeah, sure... skeptical tone of voice.

"As fun as it could be to speculate," Kate put in, "you are seriously overdue for paying some attention to these two sex- and love-starved female bodies. Get thee to the nunnery."

"You mean your bedroom?" I parried. "Because you know what a nunnery was in Shakespeare's time, right?"

"I'd say you have the general idea," Marsha told me, starting to push me along with the leverage of her arm around me. Kate started doing the same thing on the other side. I didn't bother to resist.

We passed Don and Natalie relaxing with a nightcap in front of the fireplace and neither Steve nor Tom were around. We exchanged pleasantries and the girls' parents got a chuckle over them dragging me off to bed. I just shrugged apologetically and got more of a laugh.

"My turn," Marsha told me as we reached their room and stripped off. I flashed on the arrangement she and Kate had made on alternating sex with me, and that Kate had gotten the first night and we hadn't done anything since.

"Yes, ma'am, it is," I smiled. "If you would care to give your personal accompagnateur sexuel a bit of guidance, I will attempt to fulfill your every desire."

"How many years of French did it take for you to come up with that one?" Kate chided.

"Shut up, sis," Marsha told her. "I'm still working on fulfill your every desire." Marsha crawled into her bed and spread her legs. "I think some creative oral, to start, good sir."

Lucky me, by now I knew exactly what she liked in that department.

I absolutely loved the way she would begin to squirm as I sucked and licked her labia and clit. I'd learned, though, that about the time she started lifting her hips was the right time to switch to tongue fucking her pussy. A little creative anilingus didn't hurt things either.

"Oh, fuck yeah, Mark!", "Oh yeah, baby...right there, right there, right - oh, fuck!" and "Oh, God, yes! Yes! Oh, fuck yes, I'm gonna cum!!!" were precisely the kinds of feedback that had my ego swelling up like a weather balloon. As soon as she started to go over, I replaced my tongue with two fingers. Having something in her pussy to clamp down on when she came seemed to make the orgasm more intense, and cumming her brains out was exactly what I wanted from her.

Her long moan as she rode out her climax was music to my ears and I kept diddling her, trying to get her back up and over a second time. With Marsha, there was no problem. Once she got off the first time, she could keep rolling them over. I had my own little cum-puppet. An orgasmic marionette without the strings. We kept it up until she finally grabbed my head and pushed me away, telling me it was too much. I'm not stupid. I let up.

"Jesus, Mark..." she panted as she came down from the last rush, "don't you think it's time you stuck that Wonder Stick of yours where it belongs? Or would you rather I blow you first?"

"Fore or aft?" I asked with a grin as I moved up between her legs to cover her luscious body with mine.

"Fore," she told me, "and don't sweat the condom."

I followed directions. I eased up until my throbbing cock was pressing against her very wet pussy. She reached down between us and guided me in, and they probably heard our mutual sighs all the way over in Michigan as I bottomed out in her. She felt amazing. They both did.

"Gentle, lover," she told me. "My ‘every desire' right now is long and slow and loving..." I had absolutely no problem with that.

I have no idea how long we fucked like that, but it was long enough that Kate decided to go settle into her bed, to sleep. Marsha and I were just rocking together, totally blissed out, until the inevitable finally took over. I felt her building up to a major cum and that just did it for me. She realized I was going to explode and sped up to match. We finished off in a ‘blaze of glory' pair of mutual orgasms worthy of a small tactical nuke. Most of the bedding was on the floor and in need of laundering by the time we were done.

When we got our breath back, we eased over and joined Kate in her bed, falling asleep in short order.

* * * * *

[Saturday 7/10]

Dad showed up as expected, around noon on Saturday. We gathered everybody together, much like we had for Mom coming up, and met him when he rolled in. He wasn't surprised at the crowd, so I think Mom had talked to him already. I was going to start introductions as he got out of his car, but Mom beat me to it.

"Honey, I'd like you to meet Don and Natalie Terney," she told him as he moved to give her a hug. "They're our new neighbors to the north, like I told you." Don stepped forward and put out his hand as Mom went on, "Don, Natalie...this is my husband Henry."

"It's good to finally meet you," Don started in as Dad took his hand.

"Likewise," Dad told him as they shook hands. "I've been hearing very good things about your family."

"That's always nice to hear," Don smiled. "This is my wife, Natalie."

"Pleased to meet you," she smiled as she stepped forward to take Dad's hand. "You've got quite the fun extended family, and Mark and Matt have been incredibly helpful as we try to get settled home syndrome and all that." I think Dad might have been a bit smitten with her, but under the watchful gaze of my Mom, he wasn't going to let it show.

"I'd hope they'd make a good impression," Dad nodded. "I presume the four I don't recognize are yours also?"

"Yes," Don took over again. "Henry, I'd like you to meet the rest of my oldest is Steve..." Steve nodded as he was named, as did the others in their turn. "And my next oldest, Tom. And my girls, Marsha and Kate."

"It's good to meet you," Dad told all of them. "I've heard there's been a bit of inter-family bonding going on."

My heart, balls, and everything in-between, leapt to my throat. I was literally holding my breath as I wondered what Dad had heard, and who from? If the girls were bothered, though, they didn't show it.

"You got quite a family, Mr. Engle," Marsha spoke up. "We met Mark first, and then Matt, but they're all a lot of fun and believe me, we were very happy to find out moving to this side of the peninsula wasn't going to end up being an incredibly boring summer."

"I've also heard that between a boat, horses, a Jeep and an Indian, you've managed to turn quite a few heads!" Dad chuckled. "One question, though...what's a guy got to do around here to get a beer?"

Don laughed and told him, "Come on with me! Lunch was waiting on you..."

In fact, it was. We'd done a buffet-style in the screen house and Dad's beer was there, on ice. He joined Mom, Aunt Barbara, Don and Natalie in the Adults Group...or maybe Parents Group would be better...and the rest of us just hung around, ate and talked about what we wanted to do. Mary, Luke and Bob wanted to spend their time swimming and boating, which only figured. Mike and Suzy, though, seemed to prefer spending their time with me, Matt and the Terney "kids" instead, regardless of what we decided we wanted to do. Steve and Tom had plans with Teri and Julie later in the afternoon and Matt was just pining away for the lost time with Jeannie.

"Look," I suggested, "why don't you call Jim and have him and Sarah and Jeannie meet us at Cana Island lighthouse? The causeway is probably underwater, but that won't stop the Jeep and we can just bum around undisturbed." For some reason, Matt really liked that idea, especially the "and Jeannie" part.

I told Dad that Matt wanted to meet up with Jim and that we all wanted to go up to Cana Island, and could I take the Jeep? His response was that I appeared to have absconded with it anyway, so why not? Just be back by dark, and they weren't going to wait supper on us. I reminded him that I was staying up at the Terneys' and Matt was staying with Jim, but we'd try to connect back up before we dispersed for the night. He seemed happy with that, so I took Marsha and Kate with me in the Jeep, figuring Mike and Suzy would go with Matt in his car. I wasn't figuring on Suzy finagling a ride with me in the Jeep.

"Hey, there's plenty of room!" she told me as she climbed in back with Kate. "What better way to get to know your new friends?" The Knowing Smiles of Feminine Intuition I got from Marsha and Kate let me know they knew exactly what Suzy was doing. So the six of us headed out, going north to the island. We stopped off in Bailey's Harbor to pick up some drinks and snacks, then drove to the causeway where we found Jim, Sarah and Jeannie just parking off to the side. Matt pulled in and parked next to them.

He was greeted rather enthusiastically by Jeannie and I realized just how much voracious really did apply. I'd have groused lucky bastard - but compared to my own situation...I just wished him well.

Anyway, with everybody either piled on top of each other or hanging off the back, I drove across the now submerged causeway to the island. Technically, the island wasn't open to the public. The light had been automated in 1945 and there wasn't a live-in keeper anymore. By my estimate, there was a little less than 18" of cold Lake Michigan water covering the rocky path across and the Jeep could handle that, no problem. Those getting wet from the water splashing up were a bit vocal about their displeasure, though.

Somebody from the government had done a decent job of keeping the place up, though the buildings were all locked. They even mowed the grass around the old living quarters and privy and stuff, a couple of times a year. In the future, they would turn it into a museum, part of the Wisconsin Maritime Trail and really fix the place up. For now, it made a nice place to picnic. The shoreline was rocky, with scrub brush and although scenic, it wasn't very good for swimming or even wading. What is was, was secluded and you could see anyone coming a long way off.

We got into talking about lighthouses and the wrecks and the reputation of Porte des Morts, the killer channel between the peninsula and Washington Island while we ate. I got in some bragging when I told them about diving the Frank O'Connor - a steam screw collier that went down in 1919, a couple of miles northeast of the lighthouse in about 60 feet of water. At 300 feet long, it was probably the largest wooden hulled ship on the Great Lakes. It used to be that if you were lucky, the Coast Guard guys would get careless and not lock the lighthouse tower, which was still operational, and you could sneak up to the top and look out. Unfortunately, no such luck this time. It was locked up tighter than a drum.

I figure that was about the point where we headed towards Trouble In Paradise. I think it was Kate that started it, this time, with Sarah her unexpected accomplice.

"Man, it's nice and warm and sunny here," Kate commented as she spread out the second of two big blankets we'd brought along for picnicking. The first was already out because that's where we had the food laid out. "I think I'm going to catch some sun."

As soon as I heard that, I got that balls-in-throat sinking feeling. I had a pretty good idea what "catch some sun" meant, and I was fairly certain Mike and Suzy didn't. And I didn't remember Jeannie being with us for any of our nude shenanigans. Sure enough, Kate took off her top, laid down on her back and draped her top over her eyes. Marsha beat me to it.

"Uh, Kate?" she asked her sister. "You know we have guests?" And that's when Sarah blew me away.

"Hey, she's right!" she told Marsha. "It's a beautiful day for sunning!" She pulled her top off on her way to the blanket and lay down next to Kate, also putting her top over her eyes. The rest of us were staring.

"Fuck..." Jim muttered. "Here we go again..." And that's when Jeannie of all people decided topless sunbathing was a great idea. She walked over to the blanket and grabbed the last available space on it, taking off her top and covering her eyes with it, like the others. She didn't bother saying anything. She just lay down with the other two girls. I was getting hard. Fast.

This was the first time I'd seen Jeannie sans clothes and I felt a brief pang of envy towards my brother. She was stacked! I don't know what's bigger than two handfuls...a double-D maybe? Whatever it is, that's what she was. I got an elbow in the side from Marsha.

"Staring is impolite," she told me.

"Hey!" I protested. "You're staring, too!" She did have the decency to look chagrined. Right before she walked over to the other blanket and started clearing away food. I knew exactly what was coming next. And she did.

The four of us guys were just standing there - I think astounded would be a good description - as four lovely ladies got topless in front of us.

"So..." Suzy asked me, walking up next to me and watching the girls. "Is this de rigueur?"

"Umm..." I hesitated. "Well, when the folks aren't around, yeah...sorta...usually not when we're anywhere public, or around other family, unless we're at the Terneys' where it's clothing optional..." She could tell I was fumbling. And I really hadn't meant to let slip about the Terneys'.

"Okay," she told me and headed over to Marsha's blanket, stripping off her top as she went.

I damn near came. One, she was a lot more beautiful than I remembered. Two, I'd had fantasies about her since before puberty. Three, I knew she had an outrageous side that she kept carefully camouflaged. And four, we'd been dancing around being inappropriate with each other for a very long time. In teenage years, anyway.