One Prince Summer Daze


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"Not at all," I told her, scooting back to make room on the edge of the bed. She sat down and rested her hand on my thigh, through the sheet.

"So what's going on with you and my silly daughters?" she asked, kind of conversationally.

"Did they talk to you?" I asked. I didn't want to make presumptions.

"No," she told me. "I heard you and the boys come in, then heard you come in here. As opposed to going into the girls' room, where I figured you'd go. So my feminine intuition jumped to the conclusion that there's something, not necessarily pleasant, going on between you three. I thought I'd come ask you first."

"I don't want to put words in their mouths or presume what they're thinking," I told her, rolling up on my side a little so I could talk with her easier. "Earlier today they got kind of free-spirited and I called them on my being uncomfortable with it. That probably set the mood. Then after dinner they, along with my cousin Suzy, kind of blindsided me with a bunch of know...and I didn't react to it too well. So we're kind of in the ‘stony silence' realm at the moment. I figured it would be better if I slept alone."

"So is that why sleep is eluding you?" she asked and leaned forward a little. Her tits were falling out of her robe and I was starting to chub up. "Worried about what's going on in their heads?"

"Not really," I sighed. "The relationship will work out however it's supposed to. It's an exercise in patience. I just have to keep my cool."

"Then what?" she asked. I took a deep breath and then let it out while I tried to figure out if I wanted to tell her the truth. In the end, I decided to chance it.

"Truth?" I asked, then went right on. "I'm horny. Earlier today Marsha, Kate, Jeannie, Sarah and Suzy all had their tops off. The images are burned into my retinas. They're all very sexy and the images keep bouncing around in my head. And now you're sitting on the edge of my bed, touching me and leaning forward and displaying some of your assets, and it isn't making it any easier. I still remember the blowjob."

"Are you saying I'm making it harder?" she asked, stroking up my thigh and over onto my now fairly well up erection.

"Very funny," I moaned and lay back. "I'm probably going to regret asking this, all you guys figure it's okay to take liberties without asking?" That gave her pause. She sat up and took her hand off me.

"Is that what happened?" she asked, suddenly serious. "Mark, I am very sorry. I don't ever intend to take liberties with you that you don't want. I'm used to a certain level of teasing and if that isn't okay with you, let me know. I will adjust to whatever you want. The girls should, too. I will catch them at breakfast and get straight with them. And I won't bother you more. I'll let you try to capture that elusive sleep. Will you want a hand towel?"

"A what?" I was a little slow on the uptake.

"A hand towel," she iterated. "For taking care of your, um...problem? I have some in the linen closet in the hall, if you'd like me to get you one."

"Um, no, that's okay," I told her. Jerking off right then didn't seem like the right solution. "And please don't say anything to them. We'll work it out." Natalie looked at me for several moments before she stood up.

"Whatever you wish, Mark," she told me. "I'll see you at breakfast." Then she leaned down to kiss my forehead and clobbered my face with her tits. "Oops!..." she smiled as she stood up. "Goodnight."

She closed the door behind her on the way out, and I tried to get comfortable, aching hard-on and all.

* * * * *

[Sunday 7/11]

"Mark, your mom's on the phone!" Steve called in to me. I groaned, sat up, blinked and looked at the clock. Seven-thirty in the bloody morning!

"I'll be there in a minute," I told him as I bailed out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom, sitting there trying to lose my morning wood so I could piss and wondering what the hell my mom was calling about. I'd forgotten it was Sunday.

"Your Dad and I, Mary and Luke, Aunt Barbara and Robert are going to the Little White Church for services this morning. Mike and Suzy are choosing to stay home. I was wondering if you were going to be joining us?" Mom asked when I got to the phone.

Mom knew I didn't like going to church, but at home I would occasionally join them, mostly to get her off my back. This morning, I didn't really feel like going, so I begged off.

"I'm pretty tired, Mom," I told her. "And this morning is starting with a headache. I think I'll take a pass. What time are services anyway?"

"Nine o'clock," she informed me. "Maybe you shouldn't party so hard next time. In any case, we'll see you later today. Get rid of the headache." Nobody said Mom was the master of subtle.

We hung up and I went in search of breakfast. I found it, along with Don, Natalie and Tom. Pancakes, sausage, OJ and coffee went a long way to easing the headache.

"So where is everybody else?" I asked.

"Steve, Marsha and Kate are tending to the horses," Don told me. "The girls are thinking of riding over at Peninsula State Park and Steve said he'd help them. They'll need to be trailered over and picked up."

"You only have the two horses, right?" I asked. It sounded like the girls were going to try to spend the day away from me.

"Mark," Natalie interjected. "You remember our conversation last night? The girls are trying to sort through some feelings, mostly about you but also some Ghosts of Incidents Past, and they'd rather do it on their own. It is nothing against you."

I just shrugged my shoulders and sipped my coffee. I didn't see how it wasn't something against me, since it was my reluctance to go along with their Free Spirits that caused the problem in the first place.

"Look, I'll be a little more blunt," Don took over. "Letting their Free Spirits loose outside of familial boundaries contributed to problems in the past that you know about. You just rubbed their faces in it that they're doing it again. This time before any damage was done and in an honorable and respectful way. They're trying to sort that out. Give ‘em some time. They'll come around."

"Yes, sir," I told him. "I sure hope you're right. In which case, I think I'll spend the day down at my folks'. I'll call before I come back, to make sure the coast is clear."

"The coast will always be clear, Mark," he told me. "My guest room is at your disposal. Diplomacy and tact may be the order of the day, but you are flat-out welcome here. Tell your folks that Nat and I said ‘Hi!'. We'll see you tonight."

"Thanks, Mr. uh...Don. Will do." I finished breakfast, grabbed my wallet, keys and sunglasses and headed for the Jeep. I saw Steve on the way, but not the girls.

"Hey, Steve, let the girls know I'm spending the day down at my folks', okay?"

"Not a problem," he smiled. "Have fun."

I drove on down to our place to find that everybody but Mike and Suzy were still at church.

"They probably won't be back until noon," Mike told me, while Suzy did an admirable job of avoiding me, which included not looking at me. "Mom said she and Aunt Janice intended to stay for the Fellowship Hour after services. So what are you doing here?"

"Bach'ing it," I told him. "Fallout from last night's discussion with Marsha, Kate and Suzy. I won't be in your way. I'm going to do some puttering until Mom and Dad and horde get back."

"Anything you need my help with?" he asked.

"I'm just gonna tune up the outboard," I told him. "I noticed it's running kind of rough and the way everybody likes bombing around in it, it probably needs some looking at."

"Well, I can help you with that," he told me. "And it gets me away from Grouchy over there." I didn't need to be told who Grouchy was...I could feel it.

So together we used the Jeep to bring the engine up to the shop, where my grandfather had set up a 55-gallon drum with water and a board across it so it could be run indoors. We took our time taking it apart and cleaning the plugs, adjusting the timing on the magneto and some other stuff until we had it purring like a kitten. That was about the time everybody got back from church.

"Mark! You down there?" I heard my Dad yell from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah!" I called back. "Mike and I are tuning up the Evinrude..." I heard Dad walk on down and moments later he joined us.

"Excellent," he commented, nodding at the motor. "It sounded like it needed it. So...Mark...what's going on?"

"Marsha and Kate are spending the day over at Peninsula State Park, riding," I told him. "Steve's helping them, and Tom's helping Mr. and Mrs. Terney with some house chores. I decided to come down here and spend the day being useful. And to get Mom off my back for missing church." I could be blunt with Dad...he knew what I was talking about. I think he suspected there was more to the story, but he let it go.

"Okay, then, Suzy's got lunch laid out upstairs when you're ready," he told me. "When you're done with the motor, we can put it back on the boat and try it out. By the way, I took a good look at the maintenance you did...I'm impressed. Nice job on the gutters and excellent job on the porch. And I think we're set for wood for at least this year and probably next. So, well done!"

"Thanks," I told him. "I had help. Very good help. Mike and I will finish up here, get cleaned up and we'll be up for lunch."

Dad left and Mike and I did just that. Finished putting the motor back together and the tools away, got cleaned up and went upstairs to Suzy's lunch buffet. Mostly sandwich fixings, chips and veggies for dipping, sodas and lemonade...the usual. Mike and I went down the line, piling up plates, and Suzy did her damndest to avoid me. That was starting to get annoying.

But we ate and got the motor back on the boat, and Mary, Luke and Bob's enthusiasm kind of placated Mom's irritation at me for missing church. That afternoon was spent swimming, sunning, boating and just generally messing around. Until Suzy decided we needed to talk.

She caught me by surprise, coming up behind me while I was watching Mary splashing around in a bikini I never thought Mom would let her wear. Okay, she's my sister, but she's also attractive and in that nubile stage that's irresistible to a horndog like me. I was only watching, okay? Anyway, Suzy came up behind me.

"See something you like?" she asked, startling the hell out of me. I turned to look at her and I'm sure the word "guilty" was emblazoned across my forehead.

"Maybe," I answered cautiously, making sure to look her up and down as a diversion. "Why?"

"We need to talk, and privately," she told me. "Want to help me start dinner?"

It would definitely put us in the kitchen and away from everybody else.

"Okay," I told her. "What are we doing?"

"That's two separate questions," she told me. "Dinner, per Aunt Janice and Mom, is Sunday Roast. I think they picked up a beef roast. What are we doing is the subject of ‘we need to talk'. Okay?"

"Okay," I shrugged. To me, this was all part of the wait and see how it works out routine.

"Aunt Janice!" Suzy called over to Mom. "I'm stealing Mark to help me get dinner started. If you need us, we'll be up in the house!"

"Okay, dear," Mom called back. "Do you know where everything is?"

"If I don't, I'm sure Mark does," Suzy told her and then dragged me off to the stairs to the house.

We did really spend time getting dinner set up. Peeling and cutting carrots, potatoes and onions to go with the roast, setting up the buns that would go in at the last minute, all the usual stuff. Once it was in the oven, Suzy went to the cabinets and pulled out two tumblers, half-filled them with ice, poured in a healthy amount of Seagram's and 7-up and handed me one.

"Sit," she told me, nodding to the kitchen table. I sat.

"Look, this is really uncomfortable for me," she started in, "so don't go all righteous on me." I held my hands up as if in surrender. She took a pretty healthy pull off her Seven ‘n' Seven. "You and I have been dancing around a physical relationship ever since the first time we slept together when we were camping out. That was like, age four or something. So it can't be a surprise to you that I want sex with you. And I think, if you're honest, you'll admit you want me, too. This whole thing about your relationship with Marsha and Kate makes me jealous. Especially since talking with them, I found out they don't have a problem with incest. But you, apparently, do.

"Not with other people doing it. Just, you not doing it. And apparently you're a lot more conservative than I thought you were. But whatever you did at the lighthouse really changed their attitudes, and from my point of view, for the worse. It really went south when you came down on them after dinner. You may not want to have any kind of relationship with me, but you don't get to treat them like that. That was about as in-your-face rude as I can imagine ever coming out of your mouth. So I think you owe them an apology."

There were so many things wrong with what she was saying, I didn't know where to start. So I decided to really fuck it up royal. I stood up, set down my glass, stood in front of her, leaned down and kissed her. Hard. And long. She responded quickly and we were Frenching very soon. She was panting and looking feral when I let up.

"What was that for?" she asked, licking her lips lightly where I'd basically crushed them.

"I didn't want to just say you're wrong," I told her as I sat back down and picked up my drink. "I didn't know where to start."

"Well, that was one hell of a beginning," she told me. "Fuck! You kiss good..."

"Thanks," I told her. "I think there's a bunch of stuff you don't know. I love Marsha and Kate. Both of them. I would do anything for them...except let them hurt themselves. At least, not if I can help it. I'm sure you've noticed they're pretty much free spirits. It's probably why you're attracted to're kind of that way, too. I'm not getting into details, but you should know that their free spiritedness has contributed to problems in their past. Problems that got them hurt and I don't want to see that happen again. Which is why I explained to Marsha at the lighthouse that I was going to stay away from the public nudity. I wasn't going to try to stop them, but I wasn't going to participate, either.

"After dinner, when all the Free Love and incest stuff came up, I was just plain not comfortable with it and I said so. I consider my relationship with Marsha and Kate private. I consider my relationship with you private. So even if you and I were going to fuck our brains out, I don't think anybody but us should know about it. I told turn me on like crazy. Always have. But I have self-control and I have limits. And that's what you three ran into.

"And for what it's worth, I've already talked to Mike and given him the okay to get it on with Marsha if that's what they both want to do."

Suzy stared at me. She didn't say anything. She just stared.

"What?" I asked.

"You are confusing the shit out of me," she told me.

"How so?" I thought I'd been pretty straightforward.

"You told Mike it was okay to have sex with Marsha."

"Well, yeah...he and I had an agreement that he wouldn't. So I had to tell him it was okay. I meant to okay both of them. I almost had to have the same agreement with Matt, but Jeannie came along and by all accounts, she could light up the city of Chicago. So, no problem."

"You said if we were going to fuck our brains out, and that I turn you on. So you want to have sex with me."

"Want to and going to are two different things," I pointed out. "Want to...absolutely. Going to...I'll have to get back to you on that. Regardless, though, it would only be between you and me."

"And Marsha and Kate, if they're still your lovers." That stopped me cold. She was right. If Suzy and I did anything, Marsha and Kate would have to know about it. Another reason to tread carefully.

"And you're okay with the whole clothing optional thing, even with me around, as long as it isn't public," she pushed on. I sighed. Then I left the kitchen, walked to the front room and looked down at the beach. There were three adults and four kids visible. I walked back to the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Suzy asked as I came back and stood by the table. I dropped my shorts. I happened to be running commando at the time.

"This," I told her, holding out my cock. "This is what I look like. Except when I get hard, which was the embarrassing part until the Terneys broke me of it. So there's no mystery. I'm just a guy, like any other guy. Nude isn't a problem unless I can get arrested for it or offend somebody." She'd been staring at my cock like she'd been staring at me earlier.

"Um...can I?" she asked. I sort of knew that was coming. I shrugged and let go of my cock. She eased off the chair, kneeling in front of me and took my cock in her hand, which of course, started to engorge immediately. Like I figured it would.

"Jesus, you've got a nice cock," she told my cock. She definitely wasn't looking up at my face. She started playing with him a little, until I grew to about full up. I'd wanted her for so long and so much, there was no way I was not going to react. I started leaking precum. With one more look -- up at me, maybe asking for permission -- she took me in her mouth. Her moan as she did echoed mine.

"God, you taste good," was her simple comment when she let up. "Thank you." She let go and sat back on the chair. "Let's take this up again, later."

"We'll see," I told her. "There has to be a discussion with Marsha and Kate, first."

"Fair enough," she told me. "I know what images I'll be jilling off to, tonight. The trick is not alerting Mom." I nodded my agreement, then pulled my shorts up.

"The dinner's in," I pointed out. "Do you want to go back down to the beach until it's ready?"

"Sure," she smiled. "Although I'd rather it was up at the Terneys'."

We headed on back down and spent some time messing around with the others before we all trooped back up to the house for dinner.

* * * * *

After dinner, I helped Dad build a bonfire so we could do the traditional S'mores thing. He surprised me by rummaging around in his "junk closet" and coming up with an old 1950's popcorn popper that could be used over a fire. A square metal basket with a sliding screen top, a long twisted handle with a wooden end to hold on to, it was kind of cool. Oil and popcorn in, put it in the fire and swish it around until it stopped popping, and voila! Popcorn. Dump in a big bowl, drench in butter and pass around. Really nice. I was going to have to remember we had that.

We got into talking about Waterskiing Day, the first of which was going to be tomorrow, and what all we wanted to bring. Bob, Mary and Luke hadn't ever been waterskiing, so I started thinking about how Steve, Tom and I could set things up so everybody got a chance. I hadn't counted on their resourcefulness, but that's later. Anyway, plans made, it got late and Dad called a halt to the festivities. I went in to call the Terneys and make sure it was okay to return when Suzy grabbed me and pulled me into the front bedroom.

"What's going on?" I asked in a low voice. I didn't relish Aunt Barbara finding me holed up in the dark with Suzy.

"I just want to make sure you are absolutely clear where I'm at," she told me.

"Okay..." I told her. "Where are you at?" She pulled me into a kiss to rival the Terney girls. I should have known it was coming. I should have seen all kinds of signs, warning me.

Nope. Didn't see it coming until she had her tongue down my throat. Well, not exactly down, but she was definitely being, um...energetic. And the thing was? She was damned good at it. She took my hand and slipped it into her shorts and she was soaking wet. She was encouraging me to feel around, so I did. She didn't shave, but she kept her bush tightly trimmed. She moaned into my mouth when I ran my finger around her clit and pushed her pussy harder into me, making my hand slide in between her sopping lips. I did what she seemed to want me to do and fingered her a bit as we kissed.
