Open The Door!


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He too smiled, and admitted, "Ohhh, yes. I remember. I'll never forget! Poor Billy waiting in the living room too."

"Billy got his, Daddy. I told you that. He found it worth waiting for."

He slipped a hand up (down) her back and let its index finger settle on her sphincter. Her body jolted automatically.

"Why Daddy! You really don't want to leave tonight, do you?" She held his ass tighter, lovingly.

"No, Baby, I don't." He let his finger back away though, trying to exercise at least some control. "But I have to."

She let out a squeal of objection but knew he was right.

Max walked forward and let her down on a booth table. She let go of his ass reluctantly, and took him in her mouth one last time, right to his balls. Even Max inhaled deeply as his cock was released and he stood free.

"What am I going to do with you Baby? Damn!"

"Anything you want Daddy, anything."

Max was back on the road in ten minutes. His mind was not however, not fully. Each time he stopped to see his daughter like this, have dinner on the way out, he left with terribly mixed feelings. And oddly enough, it wasn't guilt. No, Max's dilemma was whether to let their love making go all the way. Whether to let his daughter's apparent desire to have him enter her and seal their intimacy with the final act, or to read her differently and keep their contact on an oral only level. He thought about this intensely as he rejoined Interstate Highway 44. Next stop, Lawton, just past Tulsa, OK.

Traveling at night had its advantages, and it had its problems. One problem was the loneliness. He saw nothing but head and tail lights unless he stopped, and he got nowhere if he wasn't doing 75 down the highway. At least in daylight hours, along with the traffic, there were faces, people with stories he could imagine. He had company. But at night, it was radio and music, and after so many years, both were less than fulfilling.

Now and then Max glanced over his shoulder at the very comfortable sleeper cab behind him. He had a curtain he could pull to separate him from the tempting bedroom quality accommodations, but chose to leave it open. It gave him a sense of space and comfort to leave it open, as if he were home, sitting in his living room and watching a video of highway travelogue. He pushed on through the lonely dark night.

Max needed no maps for this run. It was the same each week. His next stop was a truck stop in Lawton, Oklahoma, nearly six hundred miles into his trip, and coincidentally as close to half way as one could get. This run, from his daughter's diner to some restful sleep, would take him through to four-thirty or five in the morning. He'd stop, have some dinner, and then walk around a bit in a nearby park and town to stretch his legs. Then he'd get back to the big Freightliner and make use of that wonderful traveling bedroom. Seven hours later, he'd rise and shine and take another walk, pull some maintenance on his truck, and use the stop's showers to freshen up for the night's drive.

He never lacked for things to do, and even used the lonely drive time to contemplate new ideas, and places and things to do. In the end, his "to do" time was limited to when he took those two week vacations twice a year. With his daughter now married and unable to go with him, he had new concerns too, who to take along. He was thinking just about this when he slowed the big rig on the way onto the ramp at Lawton. A good night's rest would be signaled by the dawn.

The air was cool when he exited the cab, a still, dry air that felt like freedom. The place was quiet except for an early starter of a hauler down the line of parked monsters, their shapes ghostly. The stirrer was a Mack, an older truck but sounding smooth and strong as it idled, waiting for sufficient warmth to ensure good circulation in its oil and water cooling systems. As it began to pull away from the line, Max walked in the same direction until the big truck crossed in front of him and the driver tipped his forehead in recognition. They parted ways as fast as they'd met and the big rig left the lot to the quiet again.

Max walked up to the door and was about to pull the handle when he saw a woman just coming out, but looking the opposite way. She was saying something, but Max could not understand through the glass, only that her words were shouted. He pulled the door slightly open, not wanting to frighten her.

"Fuck you too!" She turned and ran right into Max's chest. Both hands had come up in a last attempt of defense and landed on his breasts as if they'd been directed there. The woman stopped dead, looked up into the face of a large and attractive man, and shivered.

"Max?" Her eyes searched the man's face for recognizable features. He was mustached now, the skin trailing his eyes a bit creased, very tanned and very mature.

"Judy?" His question was more one of surprise than a request for recognition. Of course it was Judy! They had gone to high school together. She had the biggest boobs in school! She was known as the class whore, but only because none of the guys got to first base with her, except Max, but even he had ONLY gotten to first. "Judy Mackenzie?"

She looked over her shoulder at the man she'd been yelling at, or arguing with, but made no move to pull back from Max. Then she looked back up at the brute of a man and said, "Once again, I'm afraid." She looked back again quickly then added determinedly, "And staying that way!" Then she turned back to Max and backed up a few inches to look him up and down. "Well! You sure filled out!"

"Thanks," He chuckled. "You..."

"Filled out too?" She too laughed. "You don't have to say it. I've been threatening since college to have these things reduced."

Max squinted in mock pain at the would-be loss to the male species. He then felt and looked a bit sheepish in his transparency.

"Oh, don't worry silly. I have lived with the cat calls and jokes all my life. But you know? In the end? I haven't found a man yet who really knew what to do with them!" She winked. "You came about the closest, there big fella." She popped him on the arm and planted her foot up against the door to keep the man inside from interrupting.

Max suddenly wanted to a second chance! "So. What are you..."

"Doing in a place like this?" She nodded back behind her. "My friend there, the big traveler. Drags me half way across the country to 'See the world.' And all we do is drive! Damn! You know, he's into the voyage? I'm into the destination? We've been driving and eating all night. First he can't think of sleeping, then he has to stop for coffee. Then we have to get to Missouri, or Tulsa, or whatever. Then we stop again. I'll tell you. I'm tired, dirty, and fed up. And he still won't pull into a motel. We had enough trouble already, but this is just too much. I was just on my way out the door to catch... THAT bus!" She pushed him out with her way. "Damn good to see you again, Max, but..."

"Wait!" He said. "Where are you goin?"

"Dallas!" She shouted over her shoulder as she began to run toward the Trailways that had just pulled into the parking lot.

"Wait, Judy! I'm headed that way! I can take you!"

She stopped dead in her tracks. Both of them stood there for a moment in time, as if some ray-gun had suddenly stopped the world. Slowly, she turned. Then she stopped, turned back toward the bus and began walking. "Oh, no," She said to herself. "Frying pan to the fire. I know that nightmare."

"Judy, don't be silly. I'll take you." She stopped but did not turn. "I have bucket seats. You'll be safe." He couldn't help but smile.

Judy turned back to him and stared. "Max, the way I remember you, you were as frisky, make that horny as any other guy in school. Tigers like you don't change their spots."



"Leopards. Leopards don't change their spots. Chameleons do though, so let me put on a gentlemanly face and carry you off home, safe and sound. Promise." He made the Boy Scout salute, feeling as foolish as he must have looked.



"Frogs," She said, "Frogs can change their spots too. But they croak if they don't get it right." She smiled.

Max laughed and said, "Ribbit!" He walked toward her. "Come on. I'll get you set up with that shower and join you when you are done."

She hesitated and looked him in the eye.

"For the trip, Judy. I'll join you AFTER your shower. Hey, I have to drive." He looked up in exasperation. This sure wasn't the outgoing, loose and easy woman he would have expected from her reputation in high school. This woman was in control, and yet defensive, untrusting, as if she'd been mistreated by everyone and valued by none. He had an idea. He reached down, took her by the hand and led her quickly back into the restaurant. The guy she'd been yelling at was no longer in the doorway. "Which one of these assholes was yours?"

The gruff voice and language surprised her. Judy looked up at him, feeling suddenly safe in his shadow. She pointed across the array of tables, mostly empty this early in the morning, and aimed at a man busy stuffing his face with eggs and bacon. Max pulled her over to the table with him.

"Hi. What's your name?" Max asked, towering over the table and man.

"What's it to you? Judy, sit the fuck down and eat. We've got a long way to go." He went back to his fork.

Max reached down and tipped the plate of eggs and hash browns into the guy's lap, prompting him to jump up and face off against the much bigger man.

"What the fuck you do that for?" He demanded.

"Just cleaning the table. You're through here. Get out." He stepped into the man until their noses were nearly touching. The shorter man's face was turned up to meet him.

The other diners, and the staff, had all been stopped to watch. The room was dead silent. Finally the man grabbed Judy's other hand and said, "Come on. It stinks in here."

Max moved so fast everyone had to replay the act in slow motion mentally to see what he did. His first chop was to the man's wrist, which didn't break, but let go of Judy instantly. His second move was to twist the wrist around behind the man and pull it up tight to his shoulder blade. He stepped behind him and pushed him toward the door.

The man had the presence of mind not to object further. Max led him out the door and stopped before descending the three steps. "Mister, Judy is done with you. You can go now." He released the man, who turned quickly back as if to say something. "And if I hear of you even mentioning her name again, let alone trying to contact her, I'm gonna break that wrist, and the arm, and your scrawny neck. Now give me twenty bucks for your breakfast and get out of here while you're still intact."

The man thought for a moment, then reached slowly into his pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. He peeled off a twenty and wanted to throw it on the ground, but knew from the big man's commanding presence he'd better not. The damage was done. He wouldn't be back here. He'd never see any of these people again, and therefore no one would ever know of this embarrassing confrontation. He handed Max the bill and turned and ran for his car.

"What did he say?" Judy asked as Max sat down with her at a new table. The waitress followed him back and past them to begin cleaning the previous mess.

Max held the waitress' arm gently and said, "Here. Our friend left this for you for the cleanup. Put the tab on mine and let's eat!" He handed her the twenty and rubbed his hands together in anticipation, as if nothing had just happened.

The waitress looked down and said, "Mister, that man was an asshole. Pardon me lady. But there's no way that guy gave you that bill willingly. The cleanup and eggs are on me. She smiled and began to move on, but felt compelled to add for the woman's benefit, "Lady, this guy has been here before. He's a gentleman. You're safe with him."

Judy smiled at Max and said, "You didn't have to do that."

"What? She deserved it."

The waitress turned and resumed her thoughts out loud, "And another thing! I want first dibbs."

She was looking at Judy so Judy responded, "What?"

"I want first dibbs. You dump this guy and I want him!" She smiled at Max and walked off.

Judy rolled her eyes and broke the contact. She looked back to Max. "No. I mean, yes. She deserved it. The waitress, the tip, I mean. I am the one who didn't deserve it. You didn't have to free me of that numb-wad. I was already on my way out." She looked around the restaurant to see that everyone in the place was still looking at them, a couple giving then the thumbs-up. "Do you... know all these people?"

Max said nothing. He propped an elbow on the table and smiled. "Menu?"

Judy smiled back and began to laugh, "You mean there's more?" Just then they heard tires screeching and looked out to see numb-wad leaving in a huff. Judy laughed some more.

They ate, talked, relaxed with coffee and talked some more. Finally, Max said, "Ok, time for that shower." He rose up and signaled the waitress for the check.

When Judy looked at him with suspicion, he laughed and said, "NO!" Loud enough for the entire population of the restaurant to hear. "I am not going to shower with you!"

He laughed so hard Judy couldn't help but join him. "You cocky SOB," She whispered.

The waitress brought the check and left it with a smile. Judy saw Max put not one, but two twenties on the table and walk with the check to the register near the door. Judy also saw the waitress pick up the twenties and point at the big man at the register and nod her head in approval. She winked at Judy.

Judy agreed. He's a keeper. "Oh wow," She said under her breath, "The troubles I get in."

After they'd both taken their showers and returned to the Freightliner, Judy asked, "And where we sleeping tonight?" Being a cynic, a woman who'd learned from her dealings with the less noble sex, she only half expected him to say a motel. The other half expected the "Men!" side of her knight in shining buckle to say the cab of his truck. Then again, he'd been true to his word till now.

"Right here," He said, indicating the plus sized twin bed in the sleeper.

Judy's heart sank, despite her cynic armor. Ironically, she wasn't revolted by the idea of sleeping with him. Had the circumstances been only slightly different, she might have even dropped the hint. The sadness came from his disappointing her with deception. It all appeared now to be an act to get her in bed. How very sad. Now she had to decide if she could get through that and reward him for... hell no. She turned to scream her objection when he put a finger to her lips and reached above her head.

The top bunk came down with a rush of air. Its lifting mechanism sounded like spaceship doors and the slightly smaller bunk dropped to a point three feet above the main bunk. Max smiled when he looked down at the very embarrassed Judy.

"Max, I'm sorry. I..."

"Don't sweat it. No offense taken. Can't you see I'm smiling?" He grinned excessively and ogled her breasts like a voyeur gone mad.

She laughed and smacked him on the shoulder. He quickly had his shirt, socks and pants off and he flipped up over the bunk. Judy was still in shock when he appeared over the bunk and tipped his head down to kiss her. He held her head up to his and made that innocent kiss one she would not forget soon.

Before she could open her eyes again, he was gone, disappeared over the top and out of sight. "Sleep tight," Was all she heard and the cab went silent for some time. After a moment, she heard a curtain close, a window slide, and some rustling in the upper bunk. The upper bunk and the whole truck cab moved slightly as big Max turned over. Then stillness all together.

Judy sat down on the larger, lower bunk and slumped. She sat there for several minutes, her mind reeling in two directions at once. "What the hell am I doing? I am strongly attracted to Max. It's not as if I don't know the guy. We went to school together! He just saved my butt from that asshole! Christ! It was like a fairy tale! He's in the freaking bunk two feet from my head!" She looked toward the windshield, the light of dawn brightening a new day. "Damn! If I just walked by this guy on the street, I'd be conniving ways to meet him. Now he's..."

She quickly removed her blouse and jeans, and stood up on the sleeper's floor, facing the sleeping driver. This put her breasts just over the top bunk where she let them rest invitingly just inches from where Max's mouth would be if and when he turned over. "Max?"

"Yes." The word was mumbled, as if from sleep. He didn't move.

"Max! Damnit! I don't remember you being all this chivalrous! Turn over!" She slapped the mattress, then all was a blur. One second she was standing in her bra and panties, and the next she was flying through the air like a feather, and then sitting on Max's stomach.

Max looked up at her for some time, as if trying to decide whether to proceed. Slowly, he reached up with both hands and pulled her down to him by her shoulders. Their eyes remained locked in contact as she leaned forward and down, then onto the big man's chest. Neither missed the intoxicating effect of her melon sized breasts between them.

The moment her lips touched his, instant sensations of relief and sexual stimulation overtook her. She pushed down hard on his mouth, her tongue pushing through and beginning to search for his. She felt her legs spread over his and along side, her knees now in the mattress. Her body was on automatic consumptive mode. Her legs closed on his and held him tightly.

They kissed like two old friends who'd always wanted to, but had never had the opportunity. They explored each other's mouth while allowing their other senses to feel each other, comparing their sensations with their fantasies from the past.

She was lighter than Max remembered, or perhaps he was just that much stronger. Her breasts had swelled, that was for sure. They were pushed delightfully into his chest right now and the feeling was hot, their nipples so stiff he could feel them poking him. Her hair smelled like jasmine, and another aromatic stimulation was beginning to arise. Her legs squeezed him from below and pressure from her hips sent signals he could not ignore. His boxers did little to hide his erection and he was sure she could feel him in the "V" of her thighs.

Judy wanted to suck the man into every hole and pour in her body. He was huge in all respects. His arms had swooped her up as if she were a feather, yet as gently as if she were an egg. She had no idea how he had lifted her four feet off the lower bunk, swung her through the air and brought her gently down on his form with hardly an effort. She lay there now, knowing full well that he was her muscular match several times over, and yet he seemed gentle as a child might be holding a flower.

She did feel his huge pole between her thighs and before long she felt the need to increase the contact. She brought her knees out and up and back in again, next to his hips. This lifted her ass slightly, though not enough to cease her contact with his loins. It did however, rotate her hips forward and this brought her panty clad pussy in full contact with his shaft. The first sensations were electric.

The feeling was not lost on Max either. His tongue reached out instinctively and curled around Judy's. He could not remember being this hot in a long time, except of course with his step daughter. She had heretofore been the only woman able to turn him on this much this fast, and surprisingly there was a second who could accomplish this too. He instinctively smiled in their kiss and brought his arms down her back and hugged her ass to his groin lovingly, yet promisingly.

Judy felt the strange curl of his tongue on hers and without trying, she responded likewise. To her surprise, and for the first time in her all too many love makings with all too many unsatisfying men, she it hooked his tongue in an entirely new erotic sensation. They both reveled in the sudden recognition, tugging and pushing on each other for some time, while their hips began to gyrate by themselves. It was as if there were two couples in the truck.