Open The Door!


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Judy had felt the load boiling, rising up his cock. But she was unprepared for the gusher that followed. She had been taking a much needed breath at the time, and her mouth overflowed with the first rush of cum. Thinking fast, she took a deep breath and rammed her head back down on the shaft until the erupting cock was once again buried up her throat. This proved to be the one way to ensure she caught the rest of his load. She was amazed at how easily she took it down, and even had time to sense the taste of the batch she had caught. She liked his taste a lot, so much so that when his orgasm began to lessen in volume, she pulled her throat back off and let the rest of his load spurt into her mouth where she could savor it for more time.

Her own orgasm immediately after his. The two intense sensations going off in succession were nearly more than she could handle, and yet it seemed so natural she could not imagine how it could have been better. Max dropped another spurt of juice in her sucking mouth and she squirted another spurt of juice in his. The fluid exchange was perfect, long and intensely satisfying, at both ends of each person's body.

They finally collapsed on each other, Max's big arms wrapped over her ass on the small of her back, and Judy's entire weight slumped on Max. They both hummed their approval, unable to say anymore, The orgasms seemed lovingly to last forever, their bodies unwilling to give up such a satisfying state. They just lay there, feeling, smelling, and reveling in each other's sex.

They awoke six hours later and made love again. This time they were more relaxed, as if now experienced professionals at a competition to make each other hornier than themselves. Max picked Judy up off the bunk and held her facing him in his lap. They smiled warmly at each other and then he stood in the roomy sleeper cabin. He let her down on his shaft slowly, the two of them savoring each inch of penetration and connection. He held her there and raised and lowered her on his shaft, moving nothing but his arms to do so.

"You're so strong," She whispered softly in his ear.

"You're so light," He whispered back.

"You fill me up," She cooed.

"You're so tight," He smiled.

"You're too good to be true," She leaned her head back to see into his eyes.


She reared back and slapped his shoulder again.

"You don't know enough about me to say that," He said in a more serious voice.

The words shook her. They were too callous, too true yes, but too harsh. They finished their lovemaking in silence and finally headed for the showers and soon after, the highway.

Max was quiet as he drove through the night. She hoped she hadn't upset him with her sudden pull back. Regretting it now, she could do little about it. He was obviously a man of few words, and all she could think of was that he would be annoyed by discussing it further.

Max was too quiet, he thought. He should be opening up the conversation, talking about the wave of emotion that had washed over both of them that day. Somehow though, he couldn't find the words. Something was bothering him, or maybe her. He didn't know. Either way, the ride was awkward.

At about two in the morning, they arrived in Dallas. Judy gave him the directions to drop her at her apartment's closest spot to the highway she could think of. He followed her directions and brought the big rig to a halt where she asked. They looked at each other silently.

"Well," Judy said, reaching into her purse. "I want to at least put some money toward the gas."


She looked up at him in astonishment. Where had that teddy bear gone? What had she done? She had already lost him? Suddenly she was being torn up inside.

Max wanted to slap himself for being so abrupt. Why couldn't he open up to this woman any longer? Had they found something they didn't like in each other? Was she pissed at him for some reason? "Diesel. The engine runs on diesel." He tried to smile but knew he'd failed. And the darkness precluded her picking up any more subtle signals.

"Oh, well, here's some money for some DIESEL then." She threw the bills she had left in her wallet on the seat and was out of the cab before Max could react.

"Judy! Wait!"

"What's a matter? Not enough?" She said the words aloud, but to herself for she had already run much too far for him to hear. She started crying and cursing and forcing back the images of their unbelievable love making all at once. The mile back to her apartment didn't take her twelve minutes to cover, and she showered and cried herself to sleep.

Max got out of the truck but could not find Judy anywhere. He realized he had not even asked her for her number. "GotDAMN!" He swore and smacked the door with his hand. After several minutes of walking around the truck and several false starts at getting into the cab again, only to stop and make another round, he finally completed the act and got the rig back underway. Something very big in his life had happened tonight, and he'd just thrown any lasting good that could come from it away. How the hell had he let that happen!

Max arrived at the auto assembly plant at eight the next morning, only a half hour late and dropped off his load. He traveled across town to another plant and picked up a three-quarter trailer load of shelves and related parts, then filled the remaining space with pallets he was paid by the piece to deliver. Then he drove back to a truck stop on Interstate 35 where he fueled up and settled in for a night's rest at ten-thirty in the morning.

Sleep did not come easily. Despite his normal fatigue from driving all night, he was drained form the emotional, terrific sex with Judy. As he recalled the moments of sheer bliss with the beautiful woman he'd idolized even back in high school days, he began to nod off to sleep, only to be wide awake in the next heartbeat, berating himself for having let her slip through his fingers.

It wasn't until after noon that he finally fell asleep, and even then, only after finally resigning himself to somehow find Judy and apologize. From there, he would let nature take its course. But he knew one thing for sure, he hadn't felt this way about a woman but once before in his life. One way or another, he was going to give this a chance. Judy would just have to learn to live with his unusual relationship with his step daughter, for he was not about to let her go again.

Judy Lang felt more like she'd been run over by that big truck, than transported home by it. The walk/run from the highway had done her some good, but she was still a jumble of nerves and mixed emotions. As she began to sort through the maze of information she'd gathered along with such an exceptional attraction to a man in such a short time, things, answers mostly, finally began to fall into place in her mind.

Max was her kind of man. Of that, there was no doubt. He was in fact more than she'd ever hoped for in the looks department, tall, strong, rough-cut handsome and well groomed. But he was a man's man too, in the sensed me would like to define. He made up his own mind, stood up for his beliefs and wasn't afraid in the least to help someone else. In bed, well, she couldn't think of anyone, or anytime, she'd had better, more emotionally stimulating sex in her life. So what the hell was bothering her?

Katie. The issue was difficult to understand, let alone deal with. How does a guy jump into bed with his daughter! Well, step daughter. And what does that matter? She wasn't his blood. But he helped raise her. He bounced her on... no, she was eight when they met. He probably taught her how to drive, screened the boys that came to date her, helped her, oh hell. He, oh hell is right, she thought. It was all too confusing. There were no simple answers. There was no list to check for propriety. It was all too, too vague. What the hell was she to do?

Suddenly she rose from her bed and rushed to the phone. While she dialed "411" and waited for the recording, she fished in the table drawer and pulled out a pencil and sticky pad.

"What city and state, please?"

"Springfield. Uh Missouri, I think."

"What listing, please?"

"Uh, Oh. Damn," She couldn't remember the name of the diner. Had he even mentioned it?

"One moment please."

"One moment?" She asked aloud. For what?

"What listing please?" The voice was no longer recorded, but a live person.

"It's a diner, Mam. Outside Springfield, Missouri."

"I'm sorry, I'll need more than that." The woman was polite, but without sympathy.

Judy thought hard. "Katie!" She yelled into the phone. "Try Katie's Diner." The idea was absurd, but it gave her time to think.

There were a few clicks, then the recorded voice again, but this time with a number. Judy wrote it down and hung up. She stepped back a foot from the table, staring at the number on the pad on the table, as if it were too hot to handle. Could it have been that easy? It might just be, she thought.

She looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and saw it was nearly noon. Surely the diner would be open, and surely Max's daughter, no, Max's lover, no, Max's step daughter would be there, wouldn't she? She stepped forward again and dialed the number.

"Katie's," Came the greeting. It was not a woman.

"Is Katie there?" She still didn't know for sure this was the right place. The voice went silent after the receiver had been dropped on a table or countertop and remained that way for sometime. It must have been in the kitchen however, for she did hear sounds of dishes and exclamations of food being ordered or noted as ready.

"Katie," The voice was friendly enough, but obviously bothered by the intrusion too. "Hello?"

Judy finally answered, "Hello. Pardon me, but do you know a man named Max, a very large, nice man?" She thought she'd better add something characteristic, but disarming. What better word was there between women than "nice?"

After a moment, Katie answered, "Yes."

"Oh. Uh, Are you related?"

"Who is this?"

"I'm sorry. My name is Judy. Judy Lang. I went to high school with Max Wealdstone, and, well, I ran into him last night after all these years."

Katie wrinkled her eyebrow at the strange call. Her step dad was a trucker after all, and dealt with all kinds of people. She ran a small town diner and suffered her share of whacko's too, most of whom were passing through. One had to be careful and yet, this woman sounded like she was hurting. And Max was not the type to hurt people, not good people.

"Well, Judy, I'm glad you two met up again, but how? He's on the road."

"Yes, well, early this morning, no, yesterday morning, or..."

"Yes?" Something wasn't right for this woman. She was totally disoriented. "Is something wrong? Is Max all right?"

"Oh! Yes! He's fine. Hell, he's terrific!" She sucked in a lungful of air.

Katie smiled. The picture was clearing rapidly. Max was no slouch when it came to affecting women, just by being in their presence. He commanded any scene he found himself in. "So Max bumped into an old classmate. Well, it's about time. What can I do for you, Judy Lang?" She smiled.

Max drove through the night, back on schedule. When he stopped at Lawton for the night, he hesitated before going in for dinner, half expecting and half hoping to replay the events of his last stop there. But he was not to be so lucky. He had a steak, showered and went back to his sleeper for a much needed rest. When he awoke, he pulled some maintenance and resumed his run and spent the night thinking again about Judy, and Katie, and even Kathryn. In the end, he concluded just as he passed Tulsa he had done nothing wrong. He would probably never see Judy again, and he would just have to learn to live with that. He would also have another repetitive discussion with Katie on his next trip, and make sure she was still desirous of their relationship. And he would resolve once again that Kathryn was gone, and there would not be another in his life. Tough shit, that's life.

On the road that evening, he called the diner and asked for Katie. "Hi Honey."

"Hi! Where are you?" She seemed in great spirits, and her excitement was contagious. She also seemed as if she was expecting his call.

"I'm two hours out of Springfield, and I need a favor."

"Sure Baby, anything!"

Weird, he thought. "I want to see you tonight."

"Whoa! All RIGHT!"

"No, not that way, Katie. I need to talk. I have, well, a problem."

"Oh? Well sure, Daddy. What time are you coming by?"

"Well, if I can square it with my delivery, I'll be there in, let's see, four hours, maybe four and a half. I know it's late, but will that be ok? At the diner?"

There was silence for a moment then, "Sure Daddy. I'll be here. Uh, you sure there's nothing special you want me to wear?"

The offer was tempting. "No, Honey. I'm there to get some advice, some woman stuff. I need some help. Thanks."

They rung off and Max dialed the home of a dispatcher at his regular delivery point. With some reluctance, the man agreed to a late afternoon delivery. Max Wealdstone seldom asked for favors, maybe never he thought. The goods weren't needed until the following week anyway, so why not give the guy a break. He said, "Hell Max, bring it in the next morning. I'll have a full crew then to unload. No sweat."

"Man, thanks. I owe you. See you in... thirty-eight hours then." Everything on the road was choreographed, everything but love and lust.

Max pulled the massive Freightliner into the dark parking lot at two-fifteen in the morning. The diner was dark too, having closed some time before. He hoped his step daughter hadn't forgotten.

He shut down the rig after an engine cool-down and walked slowly over to the front door, stretching his legs and all the other muscles he could on the way. He also gathered his thoughts for the thousandth time since Judy had left him, and tried to organize them in preparation to giving Katie the story. He stepped up the three steps, pulled on the door and found it open, and stepped inside the pitch dark entryway. He pulled the next door too, and walked in as far as he felt comfortable doing so, and waited for his eyes to adjust. "Katie?"

Max felt two hands on his upper back and began to turn, "Katie? Why no lights?"

"It's customary, Daddy. I always turn out the lights when you come by, remember?" The voice was his step daughter's, but it was coming from in front of him, not behind.

"But! What..."

"Shut up you big lug," The whispery voice was familiar. Max held his breath. The hands slid up his back to his neck, then around to his face. They pulled at his head to force him through an about-face maneuver. Then two of the most delicious lips locked onto his and that unmistakable tongue reached in and hooked his own.

"But..." This was not Katie locked onto his mouth – this was Judy, and Judy all the way! The grip remained tight on his head, but the lips pulled away.

"I'm sorry, Max."

It was, it really was! "Judy?!"


"But how did you... I thought I heard..."

"You did." Came the voice of his daughter again, this time behind him. What the hell was going on?

First Katie, and then Judy began to laugh in the darkness. Max could still not see either woman, but he was suddenly feeling a lot better about life. "Judy, how did you find this place, I mean, why..."

"Why? You lug! And I thought you were smart. Fortunately, you have a brilliant daughter. I think she knows you better than you do. How am I here? How many diners are there in the State of Missouri named 'Katie's?' And why am I here? Well, you're just gonna have to wait and see." She pulled his head back to hers and sucked him in again.

When Max managed to pull free once more, he said, looking around in the dark, "But, Katie. You're here too?" He felt two more hands on his back. Then two lips tugging on his ear in a very familiar way.

"I'm here Daddy. We're both here." She nibbled a bit more then asked seductively, "Was there something you wanted to ask me about?"

Max was afraid to let himself believe what was apparently happening. His lover/step daughter was at his back, whispering into his ear, and a woman she'd never met but that Max had zeroed in on like a cruise missile crossing thousands of miles of enemy territory, was at his front. The two of them were encircling him with their arms, pressing their bodies against his, and all this seemed to be not only planned, but leading somewhere he was not privy too.

"I called your step daughter, Max," She said, alternately kissing his eyes and every other part of his face. "We had a long talk, and I came up here to see her. She's really something, lover, even more than you said."

"Judy is good, Daddy. She reminds me of Mommy, but she is different too. It's no wonder you were taken by her." She rubbed her body up against Max's ass.

"We talked about you, Max," Judy continued, "And I learned a lot. I know you were as smitten as I was last night. I also know now why you reacted the way you did, and why I did too. It was too good to be true. Neither one of us wanted to be hurt again." She too pushed her body up against Max, but she felt the added inducement of a hardening cock in his pants.

"But, I thought you were..." Max's mouth was filled again.

Then Judy pulled back once more and said, "Shut up you big lug. It's lady's night. Yes, I was worried about your relationship with your step daughter. I realized on my own that technically, you did nothing wrong. But socially, well, who's to say really? It was confusing. That's all."

"Then how did you...?" He felt a pair of hands grab his ass cheeks hard. That had to be Katie, behind him.

"Shush, Daddy, Judy's talking." A slight giggle escaped her throat.

"So I found your step daughter a girl I just had to meet. She was gracious enough to see me and I flew up here right away. And what do you know? I found her delightful! You have some nerve, Mister, keeping her to yourself all these years. You know that?"

Max was following along easily until Judy's last comment. What the hell was she talking about? He hadn't held her back at all. She was married!

"Katie is a beautiful woman, Max."

"I know. I..." Another squeeze on his ass, compounded now by a hand squeezing his cock.

"Shush, Max. You are not in charge here. The ladies have the baton now."

He stood still, and quiet, and felt a hand on his tool, as if making the point.

"As I was saying, Katie is a wonderful girl. You did a wonderful job, you and her mother, bringing her up. And your change of duties from a substitute father to a lover and best friend helped keep her going. She is grateful to you Max, did you know that?"

He started to respond. Katie had thanked him many times over the past couple years. What the hell was this all about?

"But you have only today begun to close the last two chapters of her education. And you needed help - mine. You were unaware of your short sightedness, so I suppose, that's ok. You can be forgiven based on the wonderful job you did in all other respects. Is that your opinion too, Katie?"

Max was totally confused now.

"Oh yes, Judy, darling. He can be forgiven, that is, if he completes his fatherly, lover-ly and manly duties." Katie's voice had a familiar devious tone, but Max was still confused.

"Well then, I suppose we should see to training the big lug to complete his duties then. Shall we?"

Judy's voice carried the same damn devious tone! "What the...?"

Before he could react in any way, a blindfold was slipped over his head and snugged up tight. Then his pants were unbuckled and dropped to the floor. His shorts were pulled down even faster and he was pushed a few feet to clear him of the garments. His shirt was being lifted over his head before he stopped moving and within seconds, he was standing naked in the middle of the diner's floor.