Original Story about Two Lesbians


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"Oh Ari yes!" Erin moaned as her body bristled with pleasure.

Her whole body was feeling it, inside and out. Pleasure crawled through her chest as Ari pulled at her hard nipples and it poured forth from her pussy as Ari fingered her. She moaned and sighed happily, stretching her arms above her on the soft bed. She could feel Ari's fingers twiddling around inside her and Ari pushed her thumb against her clit. Pleasure popped like bright fireworks through her body, a moan escaping her lips while Ari sat up. She adjusted herself to get a better position in front of Erin's crotch.

"How's this?" Ari asked as she curled two fingers up inside her.

"Oh that's lovely! I love it when it feels like you're pushing on my clit from both sides!" Erin cooed as she looked down at Ari.

Ari pushed he fingers up more, trying to push her fingers and thumb together against Erin's clit. She moved her fingers in small circles, rubbing the hard little nub around. Erin moaned happily and arched her back at the burst of pleasure. Curling up her legs, she pulled back from Ari.

"Come on, let me do you." Erin said, scooting forward.

"Okay." Ari giggled, "But first..."

She held up her wet fingers and started to lick them. Sucking all of Erin's juices from her fingers, she smiled. Erin licked her lips and got up on her knees. She put her arms around Ari quickly, wasting no time in kissing her. She drove her tongue forcefully into Ari's mouth and Ari gave a muffled moan. She felt powerless at Erin's sudden attack, her arms just lying limp at her sides as Erin seemingly tried to devour her mouth first. Their tongues twined around another as the Erin pulled back for a breath. She pushed Ari sideways and onto the bed. Reaching up, she closed the sheer veil along this side of the bed and then crawled to the other side of the bed to do the same. Ari scooted back against the pillows and the headboard.

"Let me at that cunt." Erin said lustfully as she grabbed Ari's feet.

Ari squeaked loudly as Erin tugged her down and then pulled her panties off in one pull. She spread Ari's legs and pretty much dove head-first in her crotch. Ari moaned loudly as Erin's tongue pushed hungrily into her wet lips. She sucked on Ari's labia and pulled back on it. Ari moaned loudly and hugged a pillow tightly to her chest. Her entire body exploded with pleasure and she screamed loudly. Erin's teeth pressed against Ari's clit, making her entire pelvis go numb. She couldn't feel her legs and the pleasure was so amazingly overwhelming as Erin continued to voraciously devour her pussy and rub her nose against her clit.

"Oh god Erin!" Ari cried loudly as Erin sucked on her clit.

Ari almost couldn't handle it. The pleasure was so amazing. Erin lapped at her clit as she shoved two fingers into her wet hole. Ari cried with joy and arched her back, her eyes starting to roll back in her head. Her breath was short and shallow. Erin drove her fingers deep inside Ari and bit down on her clit at the same time, making her cum rather explosively. Her body clenched and her pelvis convulsed, sending shock waves of ecstasy through her entire body. Erin felt Ari's pussy splatter girl-cum down her neck as she looked up at her. She loved the look of Ari's orgasm face, how she looked as though something shocked her.

Erin sat back and Ari took a deep breath. Her body shuddered as she let that breath out and she stretched her arms above her head.

"Was that good cutie?" Erin chuckled and sighed, "So what now?"

Erin waited patiently for Ari to catch her breath. After a minute, she got suspicious and crawled over to Ari. Erin huffed when she found her sleeping soundly.

"Oh that's nice. You give up again. Great." Erin grunted, "I need to stop making you cum."

She sighed and slipped off the bed. Pushing the veil aside, she walked into the bathroom and closed the door. She sighed and leaned back against it.

"I'll get her to endure yet." Erin smirked, setting her head back against the door gently.

Erin looked around the bathroom and her eyes fell on the bathtub. She shrugged and stepped over to it. The water splashed hot and steamy out of the tap. The large square bath took a few minutes to fill up. In the mean time she found a bottle of flowery bath bubbles. She poured it in and the bathtub filled with sweet smelling suds. She turned the water off and sank down in the foamy water, giggling as the bubbles popped around her.

"God what has that woman done to me. I'm enjoying a bubble bath." Erin groaned as she sat back in the hot water, "Taken all the cynical out of me."

Reaching down on herself, she pushed a finger into her soft pussy. She moaned and realized that this was she she ended up one of the last times they had sex. Her sleeping in bed while Erin masturbated in a bathtub. She gasped and sighed as another finger pushed into her pussy. Her body was buzzing with pleasure and she rubbed her thumb against her clit. It wasn't that it wasn't good, but it seemed so much less to masturbate after Ari had played with her so vigorously. She sighed and let her arms fall by her sides listlessly.

"Jerk." Erin mumbled, resting her head against the back of the tub.

She just couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to masturbate alone after Ari had made her feel so good. At least the hot water was soothing and lovely all around her. She laid still for a few minutes more before the door opened on quiet hinges. She didn't hear anything as Ari stepped in the bathroom.

"Ooooh. A bubble bath." Ari said as she crouched by the big tub.

"Yea..." Erin sighed.

"I'm gonna come in too!" Ari said, stepping over the edge of the tub.

The water sloshed around gently as she settled down into the water next to Erin.

"Sorry...I suppose I fell asleep again. I don't know why I do that." Ari said with a giggle.

"Shut up and play with my body." Erin grumbled, scooting over to sit between Ari's legs.

"Umm...okay." Ari said with a shrug as Erin settled back against her, "I can't see much with all these bubbles."

"Just do it. I'm horny and you fell asleep again." Erin mumbled in annoyance.

"Alright, alright." Ari said, wrapping her arms around Erin under the water.

She felt Erin's breasts and pushed one hand down against her stomach. She pushed her hand down between Erin's legs and rubbed against her clit with her palm.

"You left me alone again after making me feel so good...I couldn't even masturbate because of you." Erin mumbled as Ari started to play with her.

"Why not?" Ari asked as her finger slipped gently into Erin.

"Because you made me feel...ohhh...so good. My own fingers just won't do it anymore." Erin moaned softly.

"Sorry." Ari mumbled.

"Just don't leave me like that again." Erin said.

"I won't. Just don't make me cum first." Ari giggled.

Erin moaned happily as Ari pushed another finger into her pussy. She remembered what Erin had said earlier. Pressing her thumb to Erin's clitorous, she rubbed her vigorously under the water.

"Ohhh Ari! That's so good!" Erin moaned, squirming in Ari's lap as the pleasure blossomed inside her like a fire.

It grew and poured forth unconfined as Ari kissed down her warm neck and pulled on her nipple playfully. Erin moaned and her small hands grabbed at Ari's soft thighs. She pressed her head back against Ari's shoulder as she moaned louder. Ari was really starting to get turned on by this exciting reaction from Erin. For some reason the thought that she was giving Erin enough pleasure that she had to moan and squirm was incredibly sexy. Her hand worked faster, pushing as hard as it could underwater.

"Ari! Oh god! Ari!" Erin moaned loudly, "I'm gonna cum! Oh don't stop! Don't stop!"

Her body was hanging on the precipice of an orgasm, as if she were standing on a diving board. It felt amazing and she couldn't wait to cum. Ari's fingers were working madly on her pussy, but she was staying right at that edge. She needed something to shove her over the edge. The soothing hot water around her seemed to hold back the orgasm. She moaned and reached her hand over Ari's. Rubbing a finger gently against her ass, she moaned again. Pushing her middle finger deep into her ass, Erin cried out with her orgasm. Something about pushing a finger deep in her ass was wonderful and it made her pussy shudder with ecstasy.

"Yes!" Erin cried with joy.

Her muscles shook as they were overloaded from the wild signals bursting through her. The orgasm made her arch her back and push her head against Ari. Her toes clenched and her feet pushed against the bottom of the tub. Gasping loudly, she fell back against Ari. Water splashed everywhere and it flowed over the side of the tub. Ari wrapped her arms worriedly around Erin as Erin laid limp against her. She breathed heavily as her orgasm ravaged body tried to recuperate itself.

"Better?" Ari asked, holding Erin's small body to her.

"M...much..." Erin slurred quietly.

They laid in the tub together for another few minutes before Erin stirred.

"Come on, I want more. Let's go to bed." Erin said as she stood up.

Ari looked up at Erin's dripping wet butt. She reached out and put her hands on it, rubbing around gently.

"God you're sexy when you're all wet like this." Ari sighed.

"Well I'm not getting into bed wet." Erin said as she stepped out of the tub.

Ari giggled and stood up, following her out of the tub. She took a towel from the shelf and wrapped it around Erin playfully.

"Thanks." Erin said as Ari hugged her from behind.

Ari leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thanks for a wonderful night." Ari whispered.

She grabbed a towel for herself and started to dry her body. Ari turned the lights off in the bathroom and they headed back into the bedroom.

"So do you want to keep going?" Ari asked as they crawled into bed together.

"No...I think I wanna sleep." Erin sighed, "Do you?"

"Nah." Ari said.


Ari mumbled and groaned as she rolled over. There was an annoying sound assaulting her ears. She opened her eyes and looked at the back of Erin's head. She had a glow around her and Ari sighed.

"Really Erin? What happened to wanting to sleep?" Ari mumbled.

"I did sleep. Time for some video games." Erin said, continuing to play on her handheld.

"Oh put it away will you? Let's just sleep soundly through the night together." Ari sighed.

"Okay fine." Erin grunted, turning her game off.

She adjusted her pillow and slipped back off to sleep. A sleep that only continued for another hour at most. Ari was awaken again, this time by the sound of aliens and laser guns. She grumbled tiredly and propped herself up on one elbow to see over Erin.

"Again? What happened to sleep?" Ari muttered.

"I did sleep. Now I'm watching some Doctor Who. I'm not playing games." Erin said, "See? It's the Doctor and he's fighting the Daleks."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Ari mumbled.

"It's a british television show. It's difficult to explain." Erin sighed.

"Just turn it off." Ari grunted, throwing her arm over Erin in an attempt to grab the handheld.

"You said through the night! It's three am! That's morning!" Erin said, "I'm watching Doctor Who!"

"You're rediculous." Ari grumbled, rolling over to face the other way.

Erin heard the annoyance in her voice and sighed. She turned the handheld off again and set it aside. Turning over, she wrapped an arm around Ari and cuddled close to her. Ari turned her head in surprise.

"Only because we're here. If we were at home I'd still be watching it." Erin said defensively.

Ari couldn't help but giggle and grin.

"Shut...shut up." Erin mumbled, "It's not like I did it for you or anything. I'm just tired. I don't like sleeping in a strange bed."

"Riiiiight." Ari grinned widely and she pulled the blankets up over their shoulders, "You'll never change will you?"

"Not a chance." Erin said.

"Don't know why I love you..." Ari sighed.

"Because I love you." Erin said, kissing her on the back of the neck.

"I love you too Erin." Ari mumbled, "Now sleep!"

Erin stuck her tongue out playfully and then bit Ari on the shoulder.

"Eeek! Erin!" Ari squealed.

"Hehehe." Erin laughed darkly.

"You jerk!" Ari squeaked, smacking Erin as best she could behind her.



Erin nuzzled Ari's neck and rubbed their naked bodies together tighter. The bed was comfortable and warm with their soft forms pressed against one another. It had been a number of months since Ari had moved in with Erin, and it had been quite a wild time.

A typical shut-in, Erin was twenty-one and had lived alone since she left her parents. She was a hardcore gamer and worked as an online critic. She was very abrasive in nature and a total cynic at heart. Needless to say, she didn't enjoy having a roommate at first. She hated a great many things, including humanity, society and clothing, mostly in that order. Physically, she was short and thin, almost completely without breasts or hips. Her only defining feature being her fluffy red hair that reached past her waist and her many freckles.

Ari on the other hand, was three years younger than Erin and a complete sweetheart. She was open with love and easily embarrassed. It had been hard for her when she moved in with Erin because she had lost her parents and had lived, up until recently, in an orphanage. She was naive and innocent, scared of just how big the world was. Life with Erin had been a sudden and shocking dose of the real world. Her body was almost the total opposite of Erin. She was tall and gorgeous with luscious blonde hair that bounced around her shoulders. She had rich, milky skin and gorgeous, full breasts. Her hips were round and her ass was squeezable. She was a beauty to behold.

And yet, even with all that was different between these two, Ari came to love Erin in only a week after meeting her, even though Erin was often cold and cruel with her. Through that cold personality, Ari often saw little glimmers of warmth and, after threatening to leave, Erin completely opened up to her. They fell in love and passion blossomed in their relationship. Although most of the day to day love was shown entirely by Ari, Erin did reveal her lust and desire when they laid together.

In her sleep, Ari rolled over and pushed Erin closer to the edge of the bed.

"Oh come on... Ari!" Erin grumbled, pushing on Ari's breasts.

"Nooo... stop that..." Ari mumbled in her sleep, her hands pushing against Erin weakly.

"Ari, scoot over!" Erin squeaked, pushing harder.

Nooo!" Ari cried out, jerking in her sleep. Erin cried out as she was shoved off the bed. Her head cracked against the nightstand and she slumped on the floor.

"Ahhhh..." Erin groaned, holding her head in pain as she laid on the floor.

"Erin?" Ari mumbled sleepily, "Erin, are you okay?"

"Ugh... no... you shoved me off the bed... and you cracked my head on the stand." Erin groaned, managing to push herself to her feet.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" Ari squealed, sitting up. She scooted over to the edge of the bed and put a hand on Erin's head, "Are you alright?"

"No... my head is throbbing... I'm going to go step in the shower." Erin grumbled, pushing herself to her feet.

Completely naked, Erin walked across the bedroom and into their small bathroom. Ari couldn't help but watch her naked bottom as she slumped away. A twinge of guilt burned in her heart and she got out of bed, worried about how her lover was feeling. However, Ari actually had modesty, even around Erin. She stopped to slip on panties and pull her nightgown over her head before she left the bedroom.

"Erin, are you okay?" Ari asked, knocking on the bathroom door. She could hear the shower and Erin didn't respond, "Alright, well I'm gonna start making breakfast."

She was halfway through cooking eggs and bacon when the shower turned off and Erin came out. She walked through the living room, towel wrapped tightly around her long mane of hair.

"Erin, are you doing okay? I'm sorry about this morning." Ari said, turning to look at her.

"Ari? Ari!" Erin exclaimed, walking towards her.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I am!" Ari squealed fearfully as Erin walked straight towards her.

"Merry Christmas!" Erin cried, throwing her arms around Ari, "I love you!"

She stood on her toes and tried to kiss Ari, but she was just too short to do it without Ari leaning down. In her frustration, she leapt on Ari, wrapping legs around her waist. She pressed her lips to Ari's as she squealed in surprise, slipping her tongue into her mouth. Ari was shocked at this sudden romance and she had to throw her hands under Erin's butt to keep her from falling over. There was such heat and love in Erin's long kiss that it nearly made Ari faint. It was both a relief and a disappointment when she stopped kissing and slipped out of her arms.

"E... Erin... what... was that?" Ari stammered, her face red. It always shocked her whenever Erin initiated a kiss, mainly because she almost never did.

"I just wanted to show you how much I loved you silly!" Erin bounced on her heals joyously, "I love you!"

She wrapped her arms around Ari again and put her head against her breasts, squeezing her tightly. Their difference in height always made such shows of caring a little more intimate or erotic.

"This isn't like you!" Ari giggled, ruffling her red hair, "You're adorable!"

She kissed Erin on the forehead and smiled as she stepped back.

"I know! I like this better! I feel so much happier. I don't know why, but I just love the world today!" Erin exclaimed as she danced away across the living room. She threw the blinds open and stepped out the slider, "I love the world!"

"Erin!" Ari squeaked, scrambling across the room to grab her, "Erin, you're naked!"

She dragged her back inside and closed the door.

"I know! I don't care! Let the world see my cute boobies!" Erin giggled, rubbing her hands over her almost-flat chest.

"Erin what is wrong with you?!" Ari squealed, clenching her fists, "You're not you!"

"Yes I am. Of course I'm me! Who else would I be?" Erin laughed, "You're acting really funny today Ari!"

"Where is the dark little cynic that I love!" Ari cried, grabbing Erin's shoulders, "You're too happy and bright, I want to see that cruel little jerk that I fell in love with! Come on! Tell me I'm dumb! Laugh at me! Call my butt big! Something!"

"Why would I want to do that? That's mean!" Erin said, reaching up to feel Ari's forehead, "Are you sure you're feeling okay? Maybe you should lay down. I can finish breakfast."

"Gaaaaahhh~!" Ari cried, throwing her arms up as she stomped down the hall.

"I love you honey!" Erin called after her before going to tend to the sizzling bacon and eggs.

"Shut up!" Ari screamed and she slammed the door.


Ari bristled with annoyance. She was sitting on their fluffy red couch watching a movie with Erin. The problem was that Erin was cuddled close to her with her arms around her and her head on her shoulder. At first it had been nice, but after about ten minutes, she began to find it annoying. Erin was acting so crazy today, being so loving and caring that it was sickening. Yes, it was Christmas eve and yes Ari had asked Erin to be nicer for Christmas, but this was ridiculous. There wasn't that malicious gleam in her eye or that sly smirk on her face. She was entirely cute, adorable and naked all day long and Ari found it sickening.

"Is this how I am to you? Are you doing this to be evil and cruel, to get back at me for this morning?" Ari finally snapped, pushing Erin away, "Look, I get it! I'm sorry I shoved you out of bed, but this is getting so annoying!"

"I'm not trying to be cruel... I just want you to know how much I love you." Erin mumbled, looking at her knees, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm not acting mean! I'll try, I really will! You... You... Meanie!"