Our Femdom Valentine


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"You think I'm complicated, Anna?"

His wisp of a smile tells me what's on his mind. "You want to know more about us. That's normal, Craig."

"I do, but it's none of my business. I can wait until Friday. I want you to know that I appreciate that you trust me enough to invite me. Hey, looks like our lunch is on the way."

After getting our lunch spread out to eat, the conversation dies down. I'm feeling self-doubt about the wisdom if this. He seems too reserved, too old fashioned, too much of a gentleman. He's probably too vanilla for Sandi and me. But, on the other hand, he wants to go. If he thinks its all about Shades of Grey — I just hope he does some research like he said he would.

A bit let down on our walk back, I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. Sandi was pretty excited about this. Maybe we'll keep our eyes open, there's bound to be a guy out there who'd like two women to own him. Craig startles me out of my musings...

"Okay, I wasn't totally honest Anna. I was just uncomfortable talking about sexual stuff with you. I guess I know as much about that stuff as the average guy. I've never done it, or even seen it in person — but it's interesting to me."

"I kinda figured that, Craig. Just wanted to give you some space. It's not every day someone brings this up over lunch." I know it's a lie, but it beats telling him my real thoughts. "I know I can be a little forward sometimes. I like you, and think Sandi will like you too. We didn't know if you'd be interested or not, just wanted to invite you along and see. There's no pressure Craig. If it's too much for you, that's fine. We sure don't want you to go if you doubt it's something you would enjoy."

"Well, that's just it. I think I will enjoy it. I've just never been able to see me beating a woman like that."

"That's what frustrates so many folks. It's not at all about a man beating a woman. It's so much deeper Craig. It's so much more on an emotional level. And just so you know, there are both male and female submissive personalities. And the same is true of dominant personalities. The path to understanding is in unlocking one's own secrets — one's own personal traits, be they submissive or dominant. But this is a big conversation, more than we can cover over lunch. Give it some thought Craig, the invite is open if you're interested, and we'll totally understand if you decide it's not for you. Take my phone number."

We exchange numbers, then split up and get back to the grind of work. Well, the ball is in his court now. I probably fucked it up, but I offered. I can't do more than that.


Sitting with Sandi, her reading her book and me trying to write some in my own book in progress, my phone interrupts. "It's Craig," I tell Sandi and pick it up.

"Hi Craig, this is a surprise. How's things?"

"I've been thinking about your offer Anna. I'd like to reassure you that I want to go with you and Sandi."

"Great, I hope you enjoy it. I think I mentioned doing some research too, did you get a chance to do that Craig? I think it will help to better understand."

"I did. That's what convinced me. I've done both reading and watching. I found this website called Literotica. They have an entire category set aside for things related to BDSM. Some of those people seem to really know their stuff. To be honest, I'm feeling pretty stupid now. I really didn't have the big picture at all before. It's deeper than I fully understand, but I am interested in learning more."

"Bravo for you, Craig. I know it's kinda weird talking about this stuff to a woman you don't know that well — I'm glad you swallowed the embarrassment and called. Give me your address so we can pick you up on Friday. I'm sure we'll talk again before then, but let me jot it down anyway. And Craig, if you decide it's not the right time for you to get your toes wet, we'll totally understand. But we both hope you'll take a chance. And this thing is usually pretty mild, I wouldn't count on a lot of whips and chains."

His chuckle is reassuring, "No. I don't expect it to be like the movie. Pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy that."

I laugh with him, "No. I wouldn't either. At the end of the day, every one of us lands somewhere on this spectrum from submissive to dominant. Sandi and I have both found it quite ... what's the word ... quiet enlightening to a better understanding of ourselves. It also helps in understanding other people. I think that's what we'll see on Friday. Just folks digging deeper into themselves and hoping for someone special to understand them, and maybe even love them. Anyway, hope this turns out to be like that, and of interest to you too."

"It's very interesting, Anna. I've already learned a few things about myself just in the reading. This kind of human nature stuff is always of interest to me. So, my address is 187 Abby Road out in Coburg. If that's too far out of the way, I can meet you somewhere closer in town."

"What do you think about just following me home from work on Friday? You can leave your car here and then we can all go down together. Or, you could go home first and meet us here. We live on High Street. It's not far from the office."

"That's a great idea, Anna, I'll just follow you home. What would you suggest I wear to the event?"

"I'd say dark pants and jacket. No one wears a tie usually. Think maybe sharp but casual. But I expect to see a mix at the club. It's not a big deal. Does that help?"

"Sounds good Anna. Now I better get back to my research."

"Well, don't get too drained doing research Craig, save some energy for Friday."

"I think I'm going to have to keep an eye on you, Anna. But I'll try to not get, as you put it, too drained. See you at work tomorrow — I'll buy lunch if you're interested."

"Okay, see you tomorrow Craig. And I'm impressed that you did the research, a keen mind is more sexy than most guys imagine. You too, have a good night and don't research too hard."

I glance up to finding Sandy looking at me like; 'What?'

I give her the look back, until she spits it out, "You were flirting with him Anna."

"I know. I'm just trying to make him feel more comfortable with me. And don't forget, I think it was you who first said you wanted a guy-friend to do stuff to. I'm just trying to get you what you wanted sweetie."

"Okay, I'm just teasing. It was super hot just listening to you flirt with him ... drawing him out of his shell. And I still want to do stuff to a guy. So we're in this together, I guess. Do you think you'd ever want him to fuck us Anna? I mean really doing it, more than just making him sit still with his cock in me so you can lick my clit? You know, him on top of me with my legs spread open for him?"

"It's too early to say Sandi. I'm open for whatever feels right. No drama, no getting weird. And we already said we don't want him all the time. But we should probably both think about it more, now that it's getting more real. Then we need to sit down and talk before we go out with him. I see that you remember when we were talking that first time — I think we both know it would be fun to lick each other while a guy's inside us. But, we should have a plan, so we're in control — not him. With him coming by here after work to drop off his car and get dressed, that means he'll be coming back here after the club. We need to have a plan before that, Sandi. We don't want to get so carried up in the lust and excitement of the evening that we do something rash. I'm not opposed to us finding a man and doing whatever we want, we just need to have a plan and be sure of him, before we do anything too wild."

"I agree one hundred percent. I'm perfectly satisfied with just you and me. I don't really have to have a guy to do stuff to. I'm following your lead Anna."

"And you know that I want what's good for both of us, so don't make me try to be a mind reader baby — just talk and tell it like it is. That's the only way this works."

"I know and I will. I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed, I'm exhausted."


—The Test

Sitting together at a small wooden table at the Roundtable, it seems almost unreal what we are doing. What began as a joke, grew into a fantasy, and now Anna and I are here with him. I think I'm more nervous than I was on prom night in high-school. Duh, why wouldn't I be? This sure ain't no gymnasium dance.

"Sandi, hello? Craig just asked you a question."

Anna's voice chimes into my thoughts. "Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. I was day dreaming. What did I miss?"

"Nothing important Sandi, I just asked how you guys discovered this place. It is pretty cool with the regular lounge out front, but a private section back here."

"That's an easy one for me, I just sort of lucked into coming in here one night looking for something to do. As it turned out, I sat next to Anna at the bar out front. She took the initiative to talk to me for some reason. I was really adrift at the time, sort of depressed actually. But, she pulled me into her life and I think she saved me somehow. I'm not sure she's ever told me the truth about how she learned about it — right Anna?"

She can be such a brat sometimes. "The details are boring, but like most things, it was just through friends. Actually, I think it was friends of friends who got us in. I never found out much about them, the ones I came with the first time sort of faded away after a while. That first night it was just curiosity and a night out. But it really touched me in a strangely profound way. I think it woke me up to a part of my true self. Anyway, I liked it and kept coming back. Then I tried to learn more about the whole scene. One night there was a pretty girl sitting all alone out in the public lounge area. I was captured by her silky red hair — I bought her a drink and, the rest is history."

The look in Craig's eyes tell me he knows I left out a lot of details. Talking about this cuts deep — it opens up my insides. It's hard for me to talk about my time of turmoil. Especially with someone new — especially with a man.

My second look at him, I see he knows. There is empathy and kindness in his eyes now. This frightens me even more than talking about the more kinky stuff. The waitress comes by at the perfect time, shifting the attention off of me. We all decide on just some wine. None of us intend to get wild tonight. Craig takes care of the order, and thankfully the club's owners come onto the platform breaking the tension for me.

"As always, Mindi and I are pleased to welcome you, and thank you for coming tonight. I recognize you all, so I'll skip the usual disclaimers and rules. Probably many of you know our first couple. Jason, Carla come on out so I can introduce you."

There's warm polite applause as the couple slips through the curtain to stand by the host. "Jason, I know you wanted to say a few words."

Taking a step forward, "First off, I want to thank our host and hostess for making The Roundtable a safe and comfortable place for this special group of friends. And it is friends, that my wife and I consider you all to be. Many of you have done what we want to do tonight — show ourselves in this intimate way, to not only make this night special for us, but also memorable to us all. Some might say we are all misfits. But I'll tell them; If that's true, then we're a family of misfits. And a pretty damn big family to boot. So, since I'm no speaker, I'll just say thank-you again to every one of you who has helped us be more true to ourselves and to our marriage."

It was a thoughtful sentiment, and the applause is more enthusiastic this time. I look over to Craig, the look on his face pleases me. He wasn't expecting this.

"Okay folks, while Jason and Carla finish getting ready, I'd like to remind you to get any drinks or snacks taken care of so you can appreciate the gift these two are sharing without any distractions."

"Well?" I ask Craig.

"Not what I expected Anna. That was pretty sweet. So this is you guys family away from home?"

"In a way, I guess you could say that. But only in broad terms. We don't know everyone. Some people come and go, then come back again. I'd just say it's a safe place. A person has to leave their prejudices on the sidewalk to belong here. Sandi and I feel safe here."

"I can understand that Anna. I'm going to run over and grab another bottle of wine before it's too late."

Just as Craig gets back to the table, the room lights dim and the voices in the room die off. When the curtain opens, Carla is kneeling before her man, dressed in a full length lightweight cotton dress composed of a burst of floral patterns in bright colors. I glance at Craig — his fingers are pressed together forming a triangle with the apex lightly resting on his nose. The look is of a man who is fully engaged and paying full attention. It seems like he belongs in this dimly lit dungeon of a lounge — it all reminds me of an old style movie in black and white — maybe he's the private investigator sniffing out a clue?

Looking back to the scene; Jason offers his hand to his wife, she rises so gracefully to her feet — she must be a dancer? He draws her to his body and they embrace each other for several moments. They kiss one time, and separate.

"Please turn now to face our guests Carla, and tell them why we're here."

"We're here. I'm here, to — as Jason said before — try to pay back some of what many of you have done for us. While this is the first time we've ever shared publicly, it's not our first time in reaching deep into ourselves, seeking to discover what has been pushed out of sight over the years. I want to just say to any of you out there who are afraid, don't be. Just keep digging until you find the true You. I'm proud to display myself for you, but most of all I'm proud to give myself to my husband in this way. I think that's the main thing I wanted to say."

The room is as silent as a tomb as Carla walks closer to her husband. Jason hugs her, kisses her cheek, then with both hands on her shoulders, he holds her in front of himself. Their eyes so clearly reflect their connection and love. Jason slowly begins unbuttoning the beautiful covering from his wife. It reminds me of something from Hawaii, or some Pacific Island. The floral motif is bright and alive under the focused light they stand under, contrasting sharply with all the darkness that is around them. When her dress is opened, a slight movement of his hand sends it to the floor where it now resembles trampled flowers in a looted garden at her feet.

They appear to be older, maybe in their mid-forties. Jason remains dressed, his build average. The trimmed beard and short ponytail tell a part of his story. His tenderness toward Carla tells even more, as he leads her to the bed.

It's a big bed with four varnished logs for corner posts. The four posts and cross beams that make up the head and foot are facing to either side of the platform stage, leaving the open side facing us who watch. With Jason's slight hand gesture, Carla crawls up onto the bed. The bed covering appears to be a handmade quilt of scraps of cloth — it looks old, a family treasure maybe. The low platform and bright lighting just over the bed offer a dramatic and clear view for all in the room. As Carla crawls onto the bed, it is all done in a way that exposes her feminine secrets fully. Her knees are spread apart, she's open for us all to see. Seeing her triggers a pleasant wave of appreciation between my own legs. I glance at Sandi, then at Craig, and they're both watching the scene closely.

Jason retrieves his lightweight ropes from behind the bed, and he to gets up on the backside of the bed. He moves near Carla, gently guiding her farther into the center of the colorful top. Jason has her turn and sit on the bed facing us, her face is stoic, her eyes look into those watching her. Tenderly, he ties each of her wrists, first one and then the other is pulled away from her body and secured to the top rails midway between the corner posts at both the head and foot of the bed. She is very pretty. Her breasts are full, her tummy is neither flat nor large, her nipples are dark and aroused, contrasting beautifully with her skin — skin that is not very familiar with the sun. How brave of her to expose herself like this, she's not a young perfect woman and yet I find her beautiful. Her beauty come in part from this offering for Jason and for us who watch enraptured. Seeing her makes me want to know every thought playing in her head at this moment — that's where the true eroticism is hidden.

Jason pulls my attention back to him, as he walks back around to the side of the bed facing out from the stage. He briefly looks out to us, then turns back to his wife. Two more ropes, four more knots, and Carla's legs are pulled out wide, one at a time, and tied to the lower cross rails between the bed's corner posts. The cross rails are just at the level of the mattress, and it opens her up completely. She must do gymnastics or maybe yoga — her legs are literally ninety degrees on both sides of her body! She rests back, the ropes on her outstretched arms all that holds her upright. This exposes her even more, every eye in the room can, not only see her fine points, but also her every flaw. She is spread so wide, her opening too is gaped wide. She is flushed with arousal and every one of us can see into the dark cavern of her open vagina. It is feminine vulnerability of the highest order. No doubt, only another woman could fully understand just how vulnerable she is in this moment.

Jason is again on the bed, on his knees behind of his wife. He nestles up to her back, supporting her weight. He kisses her, they whisper. She nods yes.

From under the colorful covering, he brings out a large dildo and lays it on the bed in front of her spread legs. It lays waiting ... pointing at her open body like a missile. Her expression is magical, if there was any doubt about her enjoyment in this, her look blows it away like leaves in the wind. As he supports her, Carla closes her eyes and drifts away into herself as Jason once again nestles her close, supporting her back. He softly pulls her hair back, and kisses her on the side of her face just above her eye. His hands take their place on her nipples, already full in their arousal. With just a few pinches, we see she has more waiting to be coaxed out. Then, it is only one hand that remains, the other slides downward to her vulnerability — she gasps when he takes her clitoris between thumb and finger and begins to jerk it like a small cock. She wants to move — needs to move in a better rhythm with him — but her bindings hold her. Every person in the room can see her need to be free to enjoy this, but his bindings hold her to his will. When it seems she can take no more, her man eases off, to once again gently cradle her breasts. He again kisses the side of her face, the light reflecting the sheen of sweat on her skin.

Finally, after fifteen minutes of tortuous and teasing foreplay, Jason once again takes the silicone cock to hand and slowly works it into her body. Now, one hand works the dildo, the other her clit as she rests back against him. The tension in the room eases into this moment of shared intimacy, the silence paying homage to both Jason and Carla. She struggles against the ropes to fuck back onto the cock invading her body, her growing excitement revealed by her heaving breaths and more beads of sweat. It can't take her long — I find myself wanting her orgasm as much as she mist — and finally, it does. Her orgasm is hard and fast, we who watch can see her urgent desire to be free of her bonds now — of needing to close her legs and clamp down on her pleasure! But Jason pushes on until the last of her sexual strength is surrendered and she relaxes back onto him and the ropes. He and the ropes all that hold her up. He quickly sets her free, and lays with her, side by side. They cuddle as if alone in their own bedroom.