Our Femdom Valentine


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The curtains close, as the light over the bed dims. The room is silent, appreciative of what was just shared. Clapping seems inappropriate after such intimacy, but a 'Bravo' offered up encourages more. We all add our own verbal appreciation to Jason and Carla's contribution and gift to us all.

I look over to Craig as soon as the room lights come up. "Well, I hope that didn't freak you out too much."

"Oh, I'm freaked all right, but in a very positive way Anna. My gosh, I think I might have forgotten to breath there a few times. It was so raw and erotic, but I come away feeling the tenderness they share. I've never seen a live show like this. Damn! I'm so glad you two invited me. Such an eye opener, I definitely need to get out more, I think."

"I'm glad you liked it Craig. I'll admit we were a bit nervous to bring you here."

Sandi finally pipes in, "So now you see that for a lot of us, our games are a way to bond even closer. Anna and I don't even consider what we do as BDSM, she's never tied me up — yet. We just sorta fell into our natural dominant and submissive roles, and the things we do to bring this out for us. She's the one that opened my eyes. It's hard to describe, but it's a mix of thrill and embarrassment. I mean, it's embarrassing sometimes to be made to do things to another woman. I think most people remain ignorant about that part of their makeup — which seems stupid to me."

Craig's slight smile tells me that he enjoys Sandi like I do. I think she's part elf sometimes — a mischievous elf.

"Like I mentioned the other day Anna, once I started reading more about it, I realized it's much deeper than what I thought. I'm really interested."

Picking up the second bottle of wine, Craig says, "I've probably had enough. I have to drive out to Coburg. But do you girls want more?"

"No. I'm good Craig. I've gotta drive us home. Sandy, you can have the last glass if you want it."

"Oh I see what's happening now. You two stay sober, get me drunk, watch live sex shows, then take me home. Yep, fill 'er up Craig."

Taking up her joke, I look at Craig, who's already got a big grin on his face, "Looks like she saw right through our plan Craig."

Now he's actually laughing. I've never seen him laugh. It's a nice laugh. I glance over to Sandi, she's having a good time too. Just have to wait and see.

We all take our turn at the restrooms, then settle back at our table to wait for the next performance, or as it's called here, a bonding ceremony.

For the first time tonight, it's starting to feel like friends out on a Friday night together. I hang back and observe Craig and Sandy. Somehow, they have diverted into a conversation about the best places to camp in Oregon. I have my own ideas on that, but am enjoying just being a bystander. It's good for her to get to know him better.

The room settles down once again, as the lights slowly dim. This time, it's only the female half of the club's owners that walks onto the platform. Mindi waits a moment for everyone to get settled. "First, I want to say how moving Jason and Carla were tonight. I spoke to them before they went home, and they want me to thank all of you for the love and support. They both told me it was amazingly wonderful for them both. Our next couple is Chris and her partner Shawn. Chris leads their partnership and will give us a couple of words in a few minutes."

As before, the patrons are offered a last call if they want any food or drink. Fewer people go for supplies this time, and soon, Mindi is back on the platform waiting for everyone to settle in. "Thank you all again for being here. Now let's appreciate Chris and Shawn."

Chris parts the curtains and walks into the light. "Hi, nice to see so many friends here tonight. I'm under a lot of pressure to offer something as moving as Jason and Carla did. That was just amazing. As you either know or have guessed, our presentation and bonding is one where I am the more dominant partner, or as Mindi just said, I guess I lead in our relationship. But really, it's not even that. We share in everything, and that's what makes us work. My partner Shawn, well let's just say we've had some rough patches getting to this point. But we hung in there, and honestly this place and all of you, and the owners Mindi and Robert — I don't know what we would do without all of you. I hope you can see our love in our presentation tonight.

"As you can imagine, it's very vulnerable for both of us. We've been together for three and a half years. It was never supposed to be anything more than a date or two. I guess life had different plans for us. I've always been confident, all the way back to high-school. At that time, I had no idea what that really meant. I tried the typical boy on top, girl on bottom relationships. Sorry guys, it sucked. I met Shawn in a differential equations class at the University of Oregon, just down the street from here. If you don't know what differential equations are, don't ask me — ask Shawn. He saved my butt in that class. Well, it just never ended, and here we are tonight. All kidding aside though, it's harder for guys to embrace a submissive nature. Trust me, they'll pretty much kill themselves before they finally see it. I probably wasn't the best dominant for him. But, life is life and we get what we make of it. The important thing is; we came here, we saw, we learned. And now we are content and settled and very happy. Okay, that's my say. I want to thank all of you, and a special thanks to those who really took us in."

Mindi steps back onto the platform as Chris ducks behind the curtain to get ready. Mindi is saying something about some upcoming events, but I glance over to Craig, wondering what he'll make of this side of the story. I'm glad we did this. If he's really intrigued, I'm pretty sure he'll let me know somehow. This is what I really want him to see, I hope it's a moving one.

Once again, the curtain is opened and the room lights dim as the stage lights come up. This one opens up in a more dramatic way. Shawn is already stripped naked. He's on his knees in the middle of the stage, hands tied behind his back. He is facing Chris, who stands by a high stool to the right side of the stage. The whole presentation and lighting emphasizes the chrome chastity device Shawn is locked into. Chis is fully clothed in a black multi-layered dress. The layers of cloth are not the same length, some are jagged, some cut full length and even at the floor. She is barefoot, her nails a bright red, sparkling under the stage lights. Her breasts are barely covered by the dress' yoke of matching black cloth that tapers into a small string around her neck. Her hair is as black as the dress, the light shimmers off of the strands as she moves about the scene.

"Do you want to play Shawn? You have to come to me if you want to play."

Shawn gets his feet under himself, then walks to her. Again, the shining chastity device reflects the lights and is a focal point no matter where he is or what he's doing. He stops a step or two away from Chris. She points with one finger to the floor, and Shawn kneels once again. He looks down at the floor, but Chris tells him, "No. Look at me Shawn. Do you want something, you have to speak up."

"Yes. I want to lick you."

"Where Shawn? My feet again? Let's do that."

She offers him a dainty foot, which he kisses and lightly licks. Chris offers the other foot, and he does the same. I can see the shift in her, perhaps since I share her dominant spirit. She is softer now, he has shown that he knows his place in the game. With a slight gesture of her hand, she urges him to come closer — she spreads her legs to accommodate him. "You want more?" She asks, but also tenderly strokes his hair until he nods yes. "Stand up so I can untie your hands."

"Okay Shawn. Please feel free."

Shawn kneels before her again and gently parts some of the strips of black cloth that cover Chris' legs. He tenderly leans forward and kisses her inner thigh — then moves his lips higher, closer to that which is still hidden from us all. I glance quickly at Craig, his eyes are fixed on the scene, his lips slightly parted. He never notices me looking at him.

"Stop Shawn, I'll take it off so you can kiss me."

Shawn leans back on his legs, the cock shield shining bright for us all to see. It's a common tool for dominant women, but in this scene it works so well because of the dark background and the strong lighting. The lighting also brings out the beauty of Chris' flawless skin. Black hair and pale white skin go so well together. I'm not sure what, in all of this, is the cause of my own arousal. There's too much for me to like — but my arousal is very real and very pleasant. A quick glance at Sandi tells me she too is eating this up.

Chris returns to her stool completely naked, and gracefully spreads her legs. Now we can all see what the dress held hidden. Her treasure is of special interest to me. I would almost bet that she plays for both teams. But now it's Shawn who gets the prize, and his eagerness is no act, the thrill of his exhibition is clearly obvious. And even Chris appears to be getting deeper into the game now. She holds his face pressed tight into her glistening pink slit, using her hands and his hair to direct his attention where she wants it. Then she pushes him away, and stands up.

"Stand up Shawn."

As Shawn obeys, Chris is taking a loop from her neck. It's the key to Shawn's freedom. They stand close, looking deeply into each other. "Do you want me to set you free?"

"Yes, please."

"Will you do what I say, if I let you free?"


"That's all I wanted to hear." Chris takes a hold on his cup and quickly unlocks the small brass lock that keeps it in place. Setting it aside on the abandoned stool, we can all see now that Shawn must have been very uncomfortable all locked up. As his cock unfurls, he is filling out even more. The size of his chastity sleeve had already let us know he's not a teenie-weenie, but now it's clear that he is all man. All the while he's growing full, Chris is scratching his nut sack with her fingernails.

"Do you want to have sex Shawn?"

"Yes, please."

"Then go get on the bed."

I think most of the eyes follow Shawn. Seeing his cock seems more interesting now, after it's been in hiding. Then I notice the way Shawn gets on the bed. I glance back over to Chris, and yes! She's retrieved her harness from near the place she had been sitting. She's going to top him! I really hoped this would happen, and I glance again at Craig. His lips are parted and he is glued to what's happening on the stage. Oh goody!

Maybe it's just me, but the energy in the room just went up several notches as every eye follows Chris across the stage, her pink cock wagging back and forth with each step. I notice the small bottle in her hand ... this should be hot!

Shawn is in his submissive position, on hands and knees. He spreads his legs wider to let her in. His feet hang over the edge of the mattress, but Chris puts her hands on his hips and pulls him back closer to her, and the weapon she has attached to her crotch. It's a little hard to see everything from our position, but do see her fingering him and know she's lubing him up. I glance at Craig — he hasn't run out screaming yet — that has to be a good sign. Once Shawn is opened enough for three of her fingers to squeeze in, Chris pulls him even closer and begins to penetrate his cunt with her cock! I'm so fucking wet, I want to be her right now. Fuck!

Everyone can hear Shawn moan. It's clearly a moan of pleasure. He's doing his part too, his muscular ass is so cute the way he's rotating it and pushing back into his woman.

Again, I feel her shift in energy. She's no longer trying to play the evil dominatrix, I can feel her love from where I sit. I think everyone can. She's good. They went from power games to making love so seamlessly. It's beautiful. I look over to Sandi, our tight smiles say it all. We want! I hope we can find it.

I think both of them, both Chris and Shawn, have forgotten about all of us out here watching. We are allowed to see their deeper connection, the love and tenderness we all need. She's on top of him now, kissing the side of his face. He's now collapsed face down further up onto the bed, on his belly with his legs spread wide. She's got a beautiful ass, one I wouldn't mind getting closer to in another life. I'm mesmerized, watching as she pumps up and down into the man under her. He's clearly surrendered now and lays passive as she fucks him. Oh, this may have been a bad idea, I have to have this after seeing it.

My selfish thoughts fly away when I hear Shawn moan through his orgasm! She fucked the cum out of him! My own breath is coming in short gasps. I had no idea our fantasy could be this intense. Looking back at the lovers, I'm just in time to see her tense up and I know she too has been satisfied from this way of making love.

Again, the room is silent. I glance around and see I'm not the only one who is blown away with their presentation. What a beautiful bonding. My, I hate to choose which of the two ceremonies was more moving. But I know I have to choose this one, it's exactly what Sandi and I have been talking about — it's just right in line with everything we've been fantasizing. I'm pretty sure there'll be even more discussion with her about finding a man-toy now. And I'm convinced. I hope Craig liked all of this, but if not — Sandi and I need to keep searching for the right guy.

As before, the lights slowly fade on stage, and the house lights come up. The room is even more silent at the end of this second presentation. But first one and then more Bravos let Chris and Shawn know they are appreciated. Mindi walks onto the platform and says; "I think we can all say that was a wonderful gift to us."

Now the courteous applause and more Bravos are offered up. Mindi gets our attention again, "Chris is going to be out in just a minute to offer some of her thoughts."

Right on cue, Chris slips out from behind the curtain, once again wearing her black dress, and walks over to where Mindi is waiting to give her a hug, "Chris, that was so wonderful. Thank you again for being willing to share with us. And a huge thanks to Shawn too. As we all know, this dynamic of female led relationships is often harder for our men to accept. That you and Shawn have come so far together says a lot about how well you must get along and communicate. You have something you'd like to say."

"First, a big thanks to Mindi for being here for us all."

A number of loud hoots and applause shows support for that. I notice that even Craig is clapping again.

When it settles back down, Chris says, "As every person who has ever been on this stage has said in one way or another: This is harder than you think. I want to tell the world that I love Shawn with all my heart. He's my man, he's my rock of support. I doubt I need to say this, but it's harder for men to accept their submissive nature. It confuses them. Or maybe I should say, society confuses them. Every little girl is sugar and spice, and every little boy is tough and strong. We know that is bullshit, but all of us were raised with this. It takes a strong man to be a submissive. Trust me, I may get on top of him in the bedroom sometimes, but I wouldn't recommend any of you guys teasing him about it. Not that I'd even worry about such a thing from any of you. It's not who we fuck, or who fucks us, that defines us as humans. I know I don't speak in polite ways about this, but I hope you hear my message. Life — all life, is so diverse. Lets just give it a chance to be what it's supposed to be. Let's all just try doing that for a while. And thank you all again — you're part of our family."

The room doesn't seem to share the idea that Chris can't speak well, the standing ovation makes her cover her eyes to hide her tears. She hugs Mindi one last time, and goes behind the curtain.

"Well, my beloved family of friends, that's why we keep our doors open. Thank you all for your support over the years. I want everyone to make sure your ride is a safe one. If you suspect the driver might have had a bit too much, you come tell me and we'll get you home safe. Thank-you for coming out tonight, we'll keep you posted on any news."


We all get up and move toward the exit. I glance up to Craig and say, "Hope that wasn't too over the top."

We maneuver our way through the crowd and he takes my hand while leaning closer, "Anna, I'm absolutely floored. I've been to Broadway plays that didn't impact me like this. It probably moved all of us out there watching more than it did those who were being watched. I can only imagine the shaking nerves and doubts they all had. But, it was certainly a gift to us who watched. I think I told you, the human psyche enthralls me. It's not my profession, obviously, but I have collected quite a number of books on the subject. I've never come across anything that touches so pointedly on this topic as what I've seen tonight. So, too much? No way. Absolutely stunning."

"I'm really happy you enjoyed it. What about you Sandi, you're pretty quiet?"

"I loved both of them. I got right into the head of Carla, I could almost pretend to be her and all that would be going through my head if I really was up there stretched open. Of course, in my mind, it was you instead of her husband who was pulling the ropes and having your way with my body. If we were at home, you could just check between my legs and know if I liked it."

I chuckle at Sandi's bluntness, especially considering Craig is here.

Her words must have inspired him, only a few steps later, "Well, I didn't think to mention it, but you both could have also checked between my legs and seen that I was enjoying our outing."

I chuckle again for Craig's benefit, but my mind is not chuckling. Instead it is screaming, yes! Our gamble paid off. Instead of admitting all of that, "I'm so relieved to hear you say that Craig. As you can imagine, we had no idea how you would take our idea of a fun night out ... and finally, here's our car. Hop in and we'll go home."

The ride home is quiet after all the excitement. I think we're all still in awe of what we saw and heard. I'm also trying to process all that Craig said — it looks really positive. I'm glad were both of the couples gave really nice bonding ceremonies, I've seen some duds. But, it turned out to be a good idea, Craig is obviously thinking about it now. I just hope he digs deeper and finds his own truth. We opened the door, but he's the one that has to walk through it.

The short ride doesn't take long. "And here we are. Wanna come up and visit awhile Craig? It's Friday night, after all."

"Thanks Anna, I'd love to relax a bit."

"I can put on some hot tea Anna, does that sound okay?"

"That sounds perfect Sandi, thanks. I'll be back in a sec, keep Craig company. I need to pee."

As I fuss around in the kitchen getting the tea going, I feel Craig's eyes on my back — I think. It was Anna who wanted me to wear this gauzy see through dress ... and forbade me wearing a bra tonight. I wonder when she'll want us to do a boding ceremony? I'd do it now, I think. She's opened my eyes to our life and how amazing it can be. It must be so weird to be up on that stage ... naked for the world to see. The thought sends shivers of chills over my skin, my nipples harden which only sends the tingles lower. Craig's question startles me, pulling my thoughts back to now.

"I'm sorry Craig, I was daydreaming. What did you say?"

"I just asked if I could help Sandi."

"No thanks. I got it all going, just need to wait for it to boil." Turning away from the stove, with my arousal piqued I walk to where Craig is sitting. I try to nonchalantly stand in front of him, knowing he can see my body through this dress. He's been sneaking glances all night, and it's turning me on to tease him. "That was pretty wild tonight, eh?"
