Pam is Stan Ch. 01 - Pawn takes Queen


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"Which means I can't use it with Pam, or her with me." Stan again trails off into the sad or glum tone of voice.

"So in short, you want me to dominate you and Pam." I offer hopefully.

"Yes. In shorthand form, I want you to cuckold me. You do this by taking Pam from me sexually. We can then pair bond, as we serve you and her future bulls. If I read her correctly, and I am rarely wrong where she is concerned, those women she wanted to help her use me would also become your playmates. Pam is fully bi, and truly misses poon when she doesn't get some on a regular basis. You are the missing key to her lock, she will crave you beyond anything she can imagine at this point of her life. Perhaps the same will be true of me, to the limits you will allow yourself to love me." Stan explains what he thinks our future holds, confirming information I suspected. It also had devolved into a tone that made me want to post a suicide watch on bridges nearby.

So I reacted, did something I've never done before. I kissed another man. Not a quick buzz of the lips, but a deep tongue kiss. It had the benefit of Stan never seeing it coming. Women get away with this stuff all the time. When young, they 'train' themselves with each other, sometimes having intense makeout sessions with each other to 'prepare' for proms and other events. Later, in college, that can turn into the advanced lesbian forms that Pam had enjoyed so much - and even promised to share with me. But the male to male version is 'always' gay in our society.

So I pulled his long hair, lacing my fingers through his hair, 'claiming him' as mine. He finally responded, passionately, his soft full feminine style lips caressing mine with obvious affection. My tongue probed and played with his, as they rolled like snakes writhing around each other in our mouths. I could sense his cock was fully erect even though it wasn't pressed against me. My own cock was responding, and I knew the male/male contact I had despised throughout my life was as certain as putting on my shoes tomorrow. So I kiss him, forcing my tongue over his, like I am fucking his throat with it, stabbing in and out, as we pant like cats in heat together.

"Get a room!" said a passer-by.

Stan and I broke apart, laughing. Then our eyes met, shining. I loved this man, not in the way I loved Pam, or anywhere as deeply, but more than I'd loved any man in my whole life. I used my hand in his hair to force him back onto my mouth, as I took him again. We kissed for quite a while, at least several minutes, as my free hand moved down to crush his balls, just to the point where it was almost but not quite painful.

"Mine." I said as I held him tightly in our embrace for several minutes as we made out.

"Yours. Always." Stan was finally able to say when I relaxed my hold on him.

"You belong to me now. Don't forget it." I kissed him softly on the lips as I moved to leave.

"What about Pam?" He said cautiously.

"Tell her nothing. Her time will come. We will all three be together. I believe in more love, not less. But she and I must be together on our own terms. She offered herself to me. I will accept, at my own time, in my own way. Then you will join us. Until then, remember the promise of our first kiss, and tell her nothing of it. Let her sense it but neither confirm or deny it. Just share the passion of it with her." I instruct Stan.

"I don't know if I can do that. Even now I'm sure she can feel it like a Jedi feels the ripple of a planet being killed by the Death Star in the Force." Stan objects as he laughs at the scale of his simile.

"Yes, well go on the offense. Kiss her and lick her questions away. Distract her by paying deep intense attention to her. I command it. For gawd sakes, don't let her get her strap-on in your ass where she can interrogate you." I tell Stan he better obey.

"I think that could work. Full court press, as it were. I shall obey you." Stan says gleefully, all in.

"You don't want to find out what happens to you if you don't." I threaten darkly, but with a smile.

We kiss, the light buzz of the lips kind, and I go home to pack my bags for my trip.


The next two weeks were pure hell. I'd been sent to a mandatory HIPAA training course on the other side of the country. All day soaked up with mind numbing sessions, night time social events designed to keep us well soaked in alcohol, everybody looking to connect up with out-of-town strange, while Pam is under the full court press of attention from Stan.

<< picture of wet pussy, full bush, lips spread >> sexting

"I thought you were hungry for this?" her text said.

<< picture of fully erect cock >> sexting back

"I'm ready, willing, and able whenever we end up in the same city" my text said.

<< picture of Cat Scratch Fever pointed tits >> sexting

"You're not even in town? WTF?" her text said.

<< picture of balls tight and full >> sexting back

"Mandatory training. Sentenced to nothing but strange for two weeks" my text said.

<< picture of wet pussy, with two vibrators inserted in pussy and ass >> sexting

"Calling in girlfriends. You do whoever is available and come back to me well used" her text said

<< picture of fully erect cock >> sexting background

"Oh, come on, Alan, it's out-of-town strange" my text said (quoting "Two and a Half Men").

<< video of wet pussy, being fucked with two vibrators inserted in pussy and ass >> sexting

"Remember, the more I get, the more I want." her text said

<< picture of my erect cock >> sexting background

"I have what I want, pictures of you sweet pussy and ass. >> my text said

<< video of wet pussy, clit being licked by redheaded woman while fucked with two vibrators inserted in pussy and ass >> sexting

"I could have fucked you to death as it was. I will be able to fuck an entire squad to death now." her text said

<< picture of my fully erect cock >> sexting back

"I will enjoy you trying. Better bring the strap-on for Stan." my text said.

One conquest turned into many conquests as word got around the conference that I am well hung and know how to make women climax several times. I was sleeping with two women per night, all just to prepare me to survive sleeping with one. I very quickly realized that Pam might let me have one night with her alone, maybe one night with her and Stan. But then she would fulfill her promise to share me with her friends. She truly intended to fuck me to death so I could die happy, so I needed this 'boot camp' to test the limits of my ability to satisfy two women at a time. I am, after all, 'nearly geriatric' (Pam's teasing).


I took a Lyft home from the airport, even though I'd told Pam I drove my own car and left it in the long term parking to keep her from picking me up. Pam was waiting, rattling around in their big four bedroom house. Stan was off at an all weekend marketing seminar, exiled from Pam's intended seduction of me.

The house is an amazing place, all ultra modern boxy two story ranch transported from the coast into the mountains, with trees all around it, on a big plot of land. The main two story 'L' shaped house is split off from the garage, which has a walled off sundeck for private nude bathing. Walking up to the house the garage is on the left, and the L is upside down and flipped, so the short end is on the back and the long end runs down the right side. In between the garage and the house is the courtyard, walled off from the outside world by an 8 foot metal screened fence with 4" reinforced posts. The pool, hot tub, and covered patio with deck are nestled into this box fortress, so that when you come up to the house, all you see is the garage, some white metal fence, and the door to the living room, with the big glass windows of the fourth bedroom above. The message is very much "Private - Keep Out", reinforced by signs around the perimeter. Full coverage of the exterior by video cameras on poles and motion activated lights gives a more "Biohazard Lab" than homey feel.

"PamIsStan Central" opens from the dual door entryway onto the living room, with floor to ceiling folding sliding glass doors, so you can completely open the left wall all along the patio facing the pool and hot tub. Another set of those panels with smoked glass divides (or doesn't) the living room and its two long sofas from the dining room. The stark black and white kitchen counter has seating along the dining room side, providing a wrap around counter with the dual door fridge inset into the back wall. A hallway runs along that back wall, providing access to the pantry, A/C, and downstairs bathroom. Fortunately, since that bathroom is the farthest it could be from the pool, there is one at the corner of the garage that is closest to the pool. The metal frame with inlaid mahogany stairway to the upper floor divides the kitchen back hallway from the theater room, with a screen fed by a hanging projector. The pool side of that room has both the folding sliding glass door panels and vertical blinds to shut out the light. Thirty double bean bag chairs provide seating, along with little marshmallow tables with built in cup holders. The back patio deck has sliding glass doors, underneath the overhang where the master bedroom sticks out on the second floor, supported by steel girders.

The stairs to the second floor exit onto the armpit of the L, in a sitting area with more black bean bag chairs. Above the theater, the master bedroom consumes all the space the theater does and more, since the master bath sticks out above the patio. The outside wall has the jet tub and shower, with a glass wall completely exposing the occupants to the back yard. Clear glass doors on the inside protect those inside the bathroom from the jet tub shower head (with six foot hose), or the shower proper. Next to it is the walk in closet which shares the stairway wall. The railway ties of the four poster king size bed obliterate the short wall of the room where the projector screen would be on the floor below. Painted dark black, the heavy black metal rings embedded every foot along the top, posts, and bottom frame made the purpose of the bed clear. It was used to punish Stan. Numerous wardrobes, chest of drawers, and chests lined the walls of the room. Directly across from the storage headboard of the bed along the stairway wall were two sitting chairs, two end tables, and a love seat between them, making clear Stan's punishment was exhibited to an audience.

The bedroom on the other side of the stairwell is used as a home office, with big picture windows (like in the master bedroom) giving tremendous views of the forest. Where their land ended, Forest Service land began - they would never have neighbors looking in on them. The original plans had the laundry room between the office and second bedroom, but they moved the laundry out to the garage, and put a bathroom there, so the order was office, bathroom, bedroom, bathroom, bedroom. Each of the bedrooms had a closet on the hallway/stairwell wall. The big glass folding doors facing the patio lined the second floor as well, but the ones in the bedroom hallway didn't open (unless you unpinned the fire latches). Only the doors from the master bedroom opening onto the deck above the patio worked. The beds in the last two bedrooms were queens, rather neutral compared to the rest of the house, in light tones. The middle hallway bedroom is the guest bedroom, the one overlooking the front door is Stan's. At least the long concrete driveway down the hill would provide him some notice of his tormentors arriving, if he wanted it, or even was allowed it.

Stan gave me a key to the house before I left. All I could say was thanks, but he wasn't sad, simply joyful to have an ally I suppose. The drive to the house can be treacherous in winter, but any other time of year is simply a beautiful scrub oak and pine display. In the dark, late at night, even seeing another car is rare. So I had plenty of time to sort out my thoughts, if such a thing were possible. It wasn't.

Taking a woman from another man is a hard thing. Even if you know she isn't going to leave him, knowing that she will belong to you in ways he can never match is a tough thing. To do that to a close friend, probably my closest friend, that is another level indeed. To have seduced him as well, with the unplanned kiss, left lots of choices and so many ways for it to all go wrong. I cross my fingers as I enter the base of the drive up the hill, as my thoughts turn to the prize I am here to collect.

My key in their lock, their code on the keypad, the slight 'ding' of the alarm system saying an un-alarmed door had been opened was the only sound that greeted my arrival. I could hear the buzzing of the big Hitachi Wand vibrator. I could also hear what is probably the higher pitched buzz of her 'Dick' sized vibrating dildo. Pam bought it the day she rubbed my cock with her stocking clad feet under the table in public right there at the restaurant, literally right in front of our peers. Bold. Erotic. Dangerous.

I slid in next to her on the very soft, very comfortable sleeper sofa, sliding one hand under her skirt, sliding my hand up her thigh in a caress that got more intimate even as my other hand slid into her hair, pulling her hair and turning her head to kiss me. I kiss her gently, persistently, fervently.

"Mmmmmph..." Pam said clearly. Her soft lips had the salty taste of her own dried saliva. I flipped her skirt up - her catholic school girl Halloween costume skirt far too short to be allowed at any real Catholic School - so I could twist the dial on the vibrator control box to maximum and slide that hand under her Metallica T-shirt to pinch, twist, and tweak her nipples.

"Whoooo.... I told you you were going to burn. Didn't figure out I would burn too." Pam spoke quickly as it seemed she awoke from her cum dream and increased both the pace and intensity of her kisses, yet unwilling to let go of her vibrators to use her hands to caress me. This left my hands free to do whatever they wanted to her.

So I pull - hard - on her hair, forcing her to bare her neck, where my mouth descends to nip and bite and suck, quickly covering her neck with hickeys. My left hand is darting from teat to teat, turning up the intensity and frequency of the pinching, twisting, tweaking onslaught.

"Noooooooooo....." Pam cries out as a gush of her cum drenched the sofa, her body writhing, hips shaking. Her nipples have reached Cat Scratch Fever stiffness, not really pinch-able anymore.

"I'm - I'm.... not a squirter! I don't squirt!" Pam objects, shaking her head. My hands move to strip her t-shirt and skirt from her. I shuck my own pants and underwear in a single motion, as I remove the vibrators.

"Bare. Spread. Commands you will accomplish on your own in the future." I instruct sternly. I slid my now hard cock between her slick labia, laying on top of her in the classic frottage position. I am having sex directly with her clit, rubbing my hard-on over her like the Titanic running over a man in a boat. My hands clasp her hair on both sides by the fist full, as I pull her mouth to me for a soul searing kiss. I slowly begin moving my hips, grinding my cock into her clit, what would prior to her squirting have been dry humping.

"Oww...Ommm...Ohhh,,," Pam moans into my mouth, as shudders run through her. I vary the pressure, harder to softer, softer to harder. Longer slower strokes, faster shorter strokes. The sheer unpredictability of it driving her passion to new heights. My balls are also getting tight.

Pulling away, Pam looks me right in the eyes with a thousand yard stare."I need to fuck you. I feel like if I don't fuck you right the fuck now, I'm going to die. I need you inside me like I need air to survive."

Rolling off of her, yet pulling her with me, on top of me, I say "Take it easy and slow. Despite all your toy practice, the real thing is different. Let yourself enjoy it. Take your time, we have all weekend."

"Fuck slow. Fuck easy. Fuck me hard and fast until I can't fuck anymore." Pam exclaims urgently, as she guides my thick plum to her tight channel. I am as hard as I have ever been in my life, and the steel grip she has on my shaft makes certain there is no room to go soft. Riding me cowboy style, face to face, she pushes back onto me and then lifts up, doing all the work of jamming an oversize cock into an undersized tight pussy. When she finally gets my shaft all the way into her down to the balls, I give her a moment to rest.

Then I grab her hips hard as I say "You may want to use your hands to diddle your clit. You're going to need the lube."

I slam my hips up into her, then push up with my hands while my hips piston back down. You can literally hear a "ooosh" sucking sound as my entire cock pistons back out of her. Then there is a squish sound as my hips drive my cock deeper inside her than any cock has ever been, while my hands yank her ass down to bounce on my lap.

"Ungh...." Pam grunts as her eyes go wide.

Her fingers now a blur on her clit, she is grunting and hip thrusting to meet every one of my thrusts. Lube is gushing out of her now, as her quim quakes make laying the pipe easier. The sofa is getting soaked in fuck juices, and the room is going to reek by the time Stan gets back on Sunday. I am bathing in her fluids and loving every second of it.

Finally, after what I guess is about fifty climaxes, Pam passes out. Unwilling to give up a single millimeter of the hard won territory in her slick channel, I simply put my arms around her, hands on her ass, pussy still filled with my cock, and took her up to the landing in between the two floors, where inexplicably she woke up. So I balance her ass on the Bannister rail, and start fucking her again. After another dozen cums, she passes out again. My balls are up tight and ready to cum, but I refuse to fuck an unconscious woman. So I carry her the rest of the way up to the stairs to her bedroom, the torture chamber of the dark witch. I roll onto the bed so she is atop me, and not surprisingly, join her asleep in minutes.

I awake to sucking and rhythmic stroking of my cock. Pam has her mouth around the plum of my tip, scraping her lips across my glans to the very tip, where her tongue would diddle my pee slit, then spiral around the most sensitive part of my cock until the entire tip is back in her mouth. At the same time, both of her hands spiral up and down the shaft, changing to hand over hand, towel wringing down the shaft, then back to spiraling. It is damn good cock sucking, and if she never learns to deep throat me, I'm not sure I will ever care.

"Pussy. 69." I say softly. I'm not sure she heard me until she rotates to drop her wet muff right on my face. Wow, that's a lot of cunt scent, pungent and hot! Licking her clit slowly, I try to get a rhythm and some co-ordination between my fingers deeply probing her slick channel with my tongue and lips sucking and licking on her swollen clit.

I'm back to being fully hard, so I pull Pam off of me, position her at the foot of the bed, then bend her over, plunging the tip of my rebar hard cock into her wet pussy. Her arms fold and I realize she's trying to get her hands back to her clit, but I just keep thrusting into her. I feel the gush of the lube in her channel released by her diddling, and I grab her hips to bash her buns as hard as I can. Every thrust goes full length into her, every thrust produces a gush and a grunt. My balls are so tight I could bounce quarters off them, and I am right on the edge of climax when her legs give out as I am thrusting. We end up sprawled on the bed, my cock stuffed into her to the hilt, as her channel is spasming the full length of my shaft. I am coming in her as she is coming all over me, and she is squirting again. My balls hurt from being so completely drained, and I am deliriously happy.