Passing The Laws


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"Girl, this was the best that we could get. It is in the best interest of the client. How long would that family survive without an income! This case is on a contingency basis and we have many others of which to take care..."

We took all afternoon in order to convince the client to accept the offer, since our firm was going to get one third of the money, a quarter million, and before sundown, they settled on that amount of money. I no longer admired Charles, but I still loved him a lot, especially his attribute, and upon leaving the office, I commented to him:

"Come, let's rest" (meaning: let's have sex again).

"I'm sorry, I'll take a rain check. Neither do I feel good about myself and I want to be alone."

I understood that I also needed time in order to digest my rude awakening into the real world and I let him go. But little by little, our encounters were more sporadic, since the mutual fascination for our almost perfect bodies had disappeared.

A few weeks passed of this compromise, and upon meeting to discuss our current cases, Charles announced to us:

"I have received a better job offer and I'm leaving...!"

I asked concerned:

"But, to where?"

When they informed me that it would be the big firm was that represented that corporation, I was horrified, especially because I noticed that the boss, although he was annoyed, was not surprised at all. He explained, struggling to keep an even tone of voice:

"Sandy, this was the only way in which we could save our client; we bent so that they wouldn't break us. Also, they recognized the great talent and integrity that Charles has."

I murmured grumpily:

"Integrity? Talent to sell out..."

Charles looked at me embarrassed and the boss made me react, saying:


I prefer to be called Sandra or Sandy and not Alexandra, much less, Alex, because that sounds as masculine. He continued:


I began to preach to them:

"Raymond, my father would have never surrendered so easily...!"

It would be the first time that I referred to my sponsor by his first name, whom I considered like an uncle while my parents lived, because he was always kind to me when I was a little girl and a teen, and now he almost adopted me as his daughter.

"Your father is no longer with us, my child! Wake up to reality. Look, I have not wanted to mention this before, because you have been through a lot, but if you have fought admirably against all that happened to you before, now it is time to give in a little. Besides, your father did know how to do it without betraying his principles."

I wanted to counter all of this, perhaps, even slap them for dishonoring the memory of my father, but I am aware of the fact that he was not a perfect man. Now he was passing the proverbial torch to me, and I stood down. Later, I found out that my former boyfriend got engaged with the daughter of one of the senior partners of that firm, and I felt like dying from jealousy and envy. But I had to get over it quickly, knowing that Charles made it clear that our relationship was over before leaving our firm. In silence, I forced myself to wish them happiness.

Exhibit C:

Charles' resignation disrupted a little the order of our small law firm, so it was necessary to work harder in order to solve the big cases, and get on to paper work, although the court delays didn't help us much. I had that I was going to occupy the office that he left, but I was surprised by the fact that Raymond gave it to Sheila, the secretary! For that reason, I found her to be so strangely familiar. Raymond announced that he promoted her because her true profession is attorney, feminist and expert in lost causes, like the one which we took and the one that motivated Charles to abandon us in search of greener pastures. But she was temporarily disbarred for pursuing a case which exasperated somebody very important, and my boss brought her in so she wouldn't stay unemployed or take other colleagues' mockery. One of us commented to her ironically:

"At least you didn't have to practice during that terrible case, or else you would risk being disbarred forever."

At first, she put an annoyed face, but she then took it with good humor. I imagine that they could not have subdued her like they did to me. I didn't feel the contempt that others would have toward a subordinate who gets promoted out of the blue, but the admiration toward a valiant woman, a role model with whom to build my character.

The lack of a secretary didn't affect us so much, because the lawyers wrote a lot with our own hands, either on notepads or on computers. But being I the junior employee, they tended to treat me as one, although subtly, like requesting my help in order to edit business letters.

In fact, I was taking dictation for my boss, while he paced around his private office in order to get inspired while I typed his letter in his computer. He passed near me, as if checking that I got it right, without mistakes and with the meaning that he wanted to give to it. Through the reflection on the screen, I realized that he really tried to peek at my firm breasts, and I asked him, in a joking tone:

"Boss, when will you do the sexual harassment thing to me?"

He stayed silent and he was even petrified, but after a while, he put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him nonchalantly and his face was between pale and red, and their look was as if hypnotized. He withdrew his hand abruptly, but without me feeling it and he mumbled me an apology. I sighed, letting him know that it was all right and that I welcomed that caress. His body suppressed a tremor, due to the temptation with which he fought. But I stood up, and hugging him seductively, I told him:

"Daddy, it's all right. Be my guest."

He tried to say so many things, but I asked him provocatively:

"Since when haven't you had a woman this close to you?"

"As pretty as you, never."

He either lied to avoid offending me, or perhaps, all the women previously in his life were ugly. I drew closer to him, pricking him with one of my nipples and looking for the heat that his groin produced, his heat-seeking missile. He murmured trembling:

"We shouldn't..."

I turned off the computer remotely with the mouse and I stated to him:

"Nonsense: we should and we will do it!"

We dismissed the personnel early and he closed the office hastily, while I clung to his back in order to kiss the nape of his neck, as if I were the male and he were the girl whom I was about to rape. Then I gave him a ride in my sports car and we traveled to my apartment. There I took him by the arm and I lay him upon the bed, and I undressed him as quickly as possible. My clothes disappeared almost by magic, while I kissed him so to bring on an erection soon and I could sheathe it. I sat down on his hips, I lined up his penis and I impaled myself on it. I could not do this with Charles, since his penis and my vagina could result seriously hurt, but a penis somewhat smaller, like six or eight inches, or between 15 or 20 cms., feels heavenly in the female superior position. My globes bounced in his face, compelling him to grab them and suck my nipples, that exacerbated my pleasure. My orgasms were multiple in short time, and upon contracting my vaginal wall, the mutual pleasure was explosive. The potent spurt that flooded the condom would have been able to propel me through the roof and I would have died happily, because it seems that my boss had not had woman for a long time, only had time for work.

I began to descend from the cloud in which I floated in order to lie beside my new love, somebody whom I felt like an impossible crush in my childhood. I caressed him and I kissed him tenderly, and he reciprocated me, as he used to do before, but overcome by remorse, he wanted to get off the bed to get dressed and leave, and I held him next to me, soothing him with these words:

"Don't worry, my great Raymond, because I always wanted you. We don't have anything for which to be sorry."

He sighed amazed:

"Since you were a little girl, I never imagined that I would have you like this, like a full-grown woman! You even have them big!"

"Now, they are for you, I am all yours. It is not mere gratitude, it's that I love you!"

"And I love you too!"

He gave me a big soap-opera kiss, with more lips than tongue, and he fell asleep. If that had happened to me with any other guy, that would have bothered me, but I watched over him with fondness, I caressed him a little and I also fell asleep, at his side.

With Raymond, I could share cultural activities, like going to museums or theater plays and operas. One day, he took the liberty of moving into my own house for some time, and he even kept some of his belongings in a shed of my mansion, in order to have his own house remodeled, which is old and he didn't have time before to make improvements to it; and I, pleased with having his penis for myself, old but good, and also, with being able to converse about exciting philosophical topics or exchange anecdotes of the family. We would have been able to reduce the rush at the office, if it weren't for Sheila, who wanted to ride her Quixotic defender steed again, and I visualized myself like her trusty sidekick. It was good for a while, since she gave us prestige within the community and I learned a lot from her. I even realized that the best arguments that were used in our ill-fated case were secretly written by her, so that we could use them before the court as our own, and I then recognized the same quiet strength that my own mother showed upon facing her demise. But it was not as if I fell in love with her, because I am not lesbian, although she is. Besides, I already had a mate.

But one night, no matter how much we caressed and we kissed each other, he didn't achieve an erection. I went down on him and suckled his penis, but to no avail. However, sucking a limp penis is pleasant enough. I almost made him ejaculate, but I soon got tired of trying, and he went down on my vulva and gave me the relief that I desired. I didn't recriminate him, but I rather hugged him and I comforted him a little, whispering to his ear:

"It's all right, my dear Ray. I still love you."

I smack-kissed his cheek and we washed in order to go to sleep, because tomorrow would be a working day, so I attributed his erectile dysfunction to the stress to which we were subjected by the daily routine.

Then there were days in which the boss was absent, or he was late to come to work, but he didn't arrive home late. But his impotence didn't improve, although he did achieved faint oral orgasms and his kisses to my teats, my vagina and even to my anus kept me satisfied. One day, I suggested to him:

"Why don't we try Viagra?"

"Because I can't."

"But why? Have you seen a doctor?"

"I have a heart condition, for which I am already on medication. Either Viagra or Cialis, or any another drug, would cause me a heart attack or a stroke. I'm sorry."

Then, I tied the loose ends and I deducted that was why my father died. I replied him:

"So am I. But don't you worry, we could continue like this, and eve if there is no sex, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that we are together."

"Not any more. I am tired."

"Then, rest, my love."

"That's not what I mean. Don't you understand? It's over between us. I can't be by your side anymore. You need a real man..."

"But if I already have one...!"

"No, girl. In the long run, you will really want a hard penis, and I could give in to the temptation and buy one of those pills without a prescription, and that would be the end of me..."

I protested like a spoiled brat:


But he was right; the "chemistry" between us was no longer there. During the weekend, he got his house back, already fixed, and he hired a moving truck in order to take everything he had and to stay definitively there, and thus begin a life of celibacy. He was only my boss once again, a little my foster parent and maybe my friend, but nothing else.

Exhibit D:

Back to my daily life. My sexual life ceased completely, because I was not going to go out with any man out there, taking the risk of contracting AIDS or finding a pervert or an abusive man. Also, the candidates that remained in my firm didn't look good: the other youth, whom Charles outshone with his handsomeness, and the former secretary, a lesbian. How gross! Besides, she is also overweight. I tried with dildos, but I got tired of driving them inside me for so long, and I preferred small vibrators that I could wear under my panties, but I fell into the self-pity of not having a live body giving me those orgasms. So I buried my urges in my work, and I worked overtime or I took much work to my residences, because really, we are now fewer at the office. I even noticed the difference in performance and I was filled with satisfaction for not wasting my time in frivolous adventures in which there is no true love. Yet so, the physical and emotional dissatisfaction persisted, and the extra work made it worse. But upon feeling like a wage earner, I empathized with the people who depend on a meager job in order to live, and that gave me more mixed feelings, hopeful of getting another glorious case with which to redeem myself as a human being.

The boss already showed signs of physical exhaustion, like all of us, but at his age, his problem was the worst. We recommended to him that he should retire to his home, and from there, he would serve us as an advisor, and at first, due to his pride and sense of duty, he insisted on coming to the office, although with a reduced schedule, but then it was very clear that he needed a prolonged leave. Upon retiring definitively, he made us the honor of rechristening the firm, first with my last name, in honor of my father, then that of our brave colleague and finally, with that of the younger guy. The boss didn't want to leave his name in the firm, because he didn't want to look back and so he could rest in peace. At the end of the ceremony, I ran my fingers over the letters of my own surname on the plaque at the main entrance and exclaimed:

"Edwin, look at this: the firm also has your name!"

And I began to weep. There wasn't a dry eye in this meeting, since all my partners knew that I was thinking about my tormented brother. It was so beautiful! Sad but intimate.

With less personnel, the workload increased. Not much money came to the firm, so we could not hire somebody else. It was a vicious circle. The former clerk soon assumed control, but she took me under her wing, as if to endow me with leadership, although she had to pay some attention to the "ugly duckling" attorney in order to be fair. He is not unpleasant, in fact, he has some childish charm. But we are passionate, and he is docile, although I know that he can fight the good fight if it is a matter of doing the job well. He is also very polite toward us, and Sheila resents that a little. Perhaps, her lesbic feelings biased her in my favor, and I, upon treating her like my second mother, fell into her "trap."

The day, which I desired and feared so much, arrived: a case of much significance. A covert discrimination against some handicapped students, and armed with brave testimonies, medical reports and even statistics found by my male colleague, by the way, his name it is Milton, we faced a cynic court like the previous one, to argue against another daunting law firm.

The case went well, but the other part achieved objections in key moments that slowed our pace upon proving our cause. The defense is accustomed to coming very well prepared, since it has more employees and technical resources. But I didn't rely on a settlement, however juicy it might be, and I resorted to the weapons with which a professional woman should always count: her good presence, this is, her power of seduction. I went shopping for nicer suits and beauty treatments for my workmates, with my own money, in order to strut our stuff in the courtroom, and to be noted by the jury and the judge, when the time came to object and to make final arguments. We kept the other firm at bay, with objections, such as "irrelevant," "speculative," "the counsel is leading the witness," and things like that, fair is fair. But we thought of a brilliant idea: we had Milton deliver the closing argument. He was nervous and he stuttered, but he said the right words and his vulnerable attitude moved the jury to compassion, and we won! Even our former boss was among the audience in our moment of triumph. He showed much satisfaction and pride, because I finally learned the fine art of making concessions without giving up my principles, like my father did. Not only we became a well-oiled machine of arguing lawsuits and win money, but we also proved ourselves that we could work in harmony, like a close-knit family.

We went to the finest restaurant to celebrate, there we tasted the most exquisite dishes, although Milton found this too exotic, and Sheila, too extravagant. She protested ironically:

"This is already too much, as much as wearing these clothes and have undergone so many mud baths and aerobic sessions. I almost feel like some expensive escort!"

"These clothes are the classiest that money can by, without losing the elegance or the good taste."

Milton cut in:

"Speaking about taste, what is the name of this? It tastes odd."

We began to laugh, overcome by euphoria, and although he felt a little out of place, he cheered up to share merrily. He began to like what they served us, especially the desserts.

By the time of the toast, we were very restrained. Neither Milton nor I drank any alcohol and Raymond took a little sip of wine, because in his condition, it is recommended. Sheila drank more, but with moderation. After paying the check myself, my last extravagant act for a long time, I took them all in an enormous sport-utility vehicle, because taking out the limousine would be too much, and I would look silly as their chauffeur. I left Raymond and Milton in their homes first, because they were not in the mood to party. That left me Sheila for last.

I took her to her apartment and she invited me inside, and she even offered me a nightcap. I reminded her:

"I can't, I still must go home and this monster is somewhat difficult to handle."

"Take it, please. Today I feel so happy."

I stood firm. She no longer wanted to drink her wine and she sat down by my side. Putting her arm around me, still plump, she praised me:

"I am very proud of you. We beat the system!"

Trying to distract her attention from me with a little tact, I replied to her:

"Milton was also magnificent."

"He is a diamond-in-the-rough, very good. Perhaps, over the years, he will be as good as Raymond or like Andrew, your father. But you are special. In such short time, you are a professional. And very cunning. You didn't borrow this virtue from anyone, because you shine with own light."

She was teaching me, with an impressive fondness, about how to leave the past behind and live for the moment in order to look forward to the future with clarity. I dropped my defenses and I put my arm on her shoulder. She hugged me close, I thought innocently, and I met her hug. She began to kiss my cheeks, and maybe I missed the affection of my mother, for I allowed her to kiss me. But I began feeling a little hot in my crotch, and I was in danger, especially after a long period without a man.

"You are so beautiful, Alexandra. Mmmmm...."

A peculiar current coursed through my body, and I mingled with her, caressing her body, unable to help it. I felt compelled to remove her clothes in order to touch that wrinkled skin by the years, but soft and feverish, and I did it! She also undressed me, whispering:

"You dressed like this so for me, knowing the effect that your body has on mine!"