Play Testers Wanted Pt. 14


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"You did not hear?" Helen interjected rather stoically. "Viktor Von Doom is dead."

"What?! How did he die?" I asked thinking it was clearly a trick of some kind.

"He killed himself. The walls and floor of his cell were covered with arcane designs. They brought in Doctor Strange and she confirmed his soul is burning in hell." May said with a grim smile. "Good riddance."

"Well if Steph confirmed it," I replied shaken by May's reaction. Sure, he was a villain but jeez that smile of hers was chilling.

"Let us celebrate... no not that... I know I missed the hell out of you." May declared.

"I second that, we'll have a bar b que and just relax." Helen added with a wink. "Seven long years you have been gone."

"Seven... that does not feel right." I exclaimed. Travelling at FTL speeds there is still a payment of time to be collected. While it may have only been a few weeks or months for me, on Earth time passed swiftly. In that time the powers that be passed laws for citizens not just farmers to grow food instead of flowers. The whole of the country never went hungry and nutritious food was available for all. Viktor was dead and burning in Hell. I was about to spend time with gorgeous women. So, why did I feel like the shit was about to hit the fan? I refused to dwell on it until the threat manifested itself.

The word went out. I was back on Earth and they flocked to May's place. They arrived within five minutes of each other. Steph used portals to bring those that would have to fight traffic to facilitate things along. I had never seen that many gorgeous women in one place. Everyone was dressed casually and that added to the eye candy.

"Is it your birthday?" Ynariel asked after changing into a short skirt and t-shirt. "Does this garb make me fit in?"

"You look amazing." I told her and she kissed my cheek.

The smell of cooking meat filled the air, alcohol flowed freely, and I spent time catching up with everyone either individually or in small groups. I learned that Reed Richards had left and relocated in London. I learned more details on the death of Viktor. Gwen had started her own crew of powered individuals since the Avengers disbanded. I noticed a portal opening and lawn tables were brought in for us to sit upon. I helped carry them and put on tablecloths while others placed utensils, cups, and plates. I was doing a count to make sure there was enough for everyone when I spotted the two figurines. They looked just like the Raven and Coyote I had received on Paradise Prime. These two were a stylized Spider and Monkey.

I picked them up and examined them. I brought out the other two figures and compared them. "They must be part of a set." I declared seeing the materials and craftsmanship were indeed the same.

"What do you have there?" Stephanie Strange asked. I handed her the pieces. She held each up and the Eye of Agamotto reacted to them subtlety. I felt its power even though she did not have it openly displayed. "The Totems of the Trickster unless I am mistaken." Steph announced after a careful examination. A flash of light above our heads heralded the appearance of a fluttering piece of paper. Steph snatched it out of the air, opened it, and laughed after reading the message written on it.

"What does it say?" I asked as others gathered close after witnessing the magical appearance of the note.

"It says, I have nothing to do with what is going to happen. It is signed Loki." Steph said loud enough for all to hear. "Like hell she isn't."

"The first two figures I received were off world and Loki made an appearance when one of my companions commented that the Raven and the Coyote were trickster gods." I informed them. "I hate to say it, but I believe her. She likes to take credit for her dirty work."

Several of those present disagreed with me. I kept the note and returned the figurines to my inventory. I checked the slots they occupied to see if I had all of them or if more were out there. The boxes color coded themselves and were listed as the Totems of the Trickster and that I had four of question mark. I checked my quests next to see if there was one attached or if they were just items to collect. There was a quest buried at the bottom of my list. It was entitled Change is on the Wind. I needed more clues and if this was a Disney princess then she had not showed her face yet. This one was not being loud and blatant about her plans. I could be patient.

"Moansday... Twosday... Bendsday... Fursday... Tryday... Satyrday... and Funday." A tipsy Gwen listed off. "So, Danny boy what day is it?" She giggled as she slipped her arms around my neck.

"You are flexible, so I guess it must be Bendsday." I replied humoring her. Gwen leaned back and in one fluid motion placed her left foot on my shoulder. "Proof that... are you kidding me?" I exclaimed as everyone within ear shot displayed various forms of flexibility. Jenny Storm blew me away when she called out.

"Hold my beer... watch this!" She called out as she got onto her hands and knees. She rested her weight on her elbows. Next, she went into a pose with her body extended vertically with her feet skyward. We all watched as she brought her feet forward and rested them on either side of her head. I walked around to see the details of the pose she was performing. Her hips were nearly in line with her shoulders and it was an impressive feat of strength, patience, and flexibility.

"This is a modified version of the 'scorpion with a broken tail'." Jenny explained. "Do I win?" Helen approached Jenny, laid flat on the ground opposite her with arms at her side. She proceeded to bring her legs up and over until her feet rested in front of her head. "Lotus Scorpion... nice!"

"Should I reward a prize or..." I began when May called out that food was ready. "We'll put it off for now."

We grabbed food, sat at the tables, and shared stories while we ate. I wonder how this would all end. I missed all of them but there were eight of them in all. That kind of puppy pile would be legend even in Asgard. A thought took form but to use such forces for selfish reasons would be frowned upon I was sure.

"Hey Steph," I addressed her my voice unsure.

"What is it?" She asked her curiosity peaked.

"Have you ever used your powers for selfish reasons?" I asked and she smiled.

"What kind of things are you pondering?" She queried me biting her lower lip lewdly.

"Well... using the mystic arts to make love to more than one woman at the same time." I blurted out and all eyes were on me. Steph did a quick body count.

"Eight... there are eight women here. There is no way you could possibly... oh really! When did 'that' happen?!" She asked and I explained. All eight of them were listening intently showing various levels of arousal.

"Remember when Thor gave me those runic gloves? They can improve my strength, or speed, or even my stamina." I stated and her eyes were smoldering with hunger. "The gloves triple my already impressive fortitude." I continued and they were no longer eating but staring at me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Helen asked. "It has been seven long years! What are you waiting for?" She cried out and the others joined her chorus.

"I guess that answers my question." I declared. I stood, wiped my mouth, and washed down the last of the food I had eaten. I gestured and a gate to the Plane of Shadow appeared. I was surprised when the shape of the gate mirrored those, I had seen on Dura'Durdana. "If anyone is interested in... don't push!" I watched the rush of female bodies into the portal.

There are things that most people do not know or understand about the Plane of Shadows. First, it is one of the oldest of the non-Earthly realms. It was spawned just after the Big Bang. The universe of Dark Matter and Energy that was home to the Svartalfar had remained unchanged for eons. When the first star came into existence its perfect light cast the first shadows across the entirety of the universe at that time. The powers that be were so enamored they collected them and shaped the Plane of Shadows. Eternity breathed life into it and the Shadow Spawn came into existence.

Because of its age and special relationship with Light and Darkness the realm took on a timeless quality. The third and last important quality tied to this realm is its connection to mirrors. Have you ever spied something at the edge of your vision while regarding your reflection? You may have spied a denizen of this realm spying on you. One last warning is that mirrors can, if the alignment is right, act as portals and allow access from one realm to another. The image of a gorgeous young thing standing naked in front of a large full-length mirror. She is regarding her reflection, cupping her generous breasts while her lover prepares for a night of passion. One moment later she has her back to the mirror when shadowy arms reached out from the rippling surface and snatch her off her feet and into another dimension. The lover steps into the bedroom to find it empty even as the woman screams from the other side of the mirror. Just another mysterious and unsolved disappearance.

The space I had created separated the women, all but the twins. Their strongest desire was to play together. Susan and Jennifer Storm were a team. I let the realm decide which of the eight I would encounter, and, in this case, May Parker was in my sights. Her personal realm fed off her kinks and manifested a surprisingly unusual fantasy. She was sloshing around in a partially flooded cave. May was just leaving one chamber and crawling through a short narrow tunnel. The water thickened and became a sticky syrupy substance. She struggled now and fell forward barely managing to keep from face planting. She cursed and pulled her limbs. The fluid stuck to her clothing and as she fought, she slowly lost patches of skirt or shirt or underwear. By the time she reached the next chamber she was half naked with her right breast exposed and a long tear in her panties revealing her ass cheek.

"Aw god," May panted as she stood and examined her condition. "This is just like that dream after I fucked Ghost the first time. I am soaked. I just hope no one finds me like this." She moved forward and mirrors slid from the floor of the cavern. She could now see her body from all angles. The soft voices began from the darkness.

"Is that May Parker? Look at her, she looks like she's been fucked rotten!" A snobby female voice declared. "What a slut. She does it in her garden you know." Another voice whispered.

I watched as her hand snaked between her legs and she began masturbating. She dropped to her knees and rubbed harder now. "I am a slut! Where is he? Damn it Ghost..."

Thwip! I sent out a single strand of webbing that struck between her breasts. With a quick tug her bra was torn from her. May pressed her tits downward and shoved her ass up as high as she could get it. Thwip! The next strand struck her panties and I ripped them from her body. I could see how her pussy glistened. I came at her from behind. She was rubbing her pussy like she was possessed. I knelt behind her and cupped her breasts.

"I can feel it rubbing against me!" May whimpered. I moved us into a kneeling position, I cupped her chin, turned her face to mine, and kissed her. So much hunger. "I missed you so much!" She gasped as she broke the kiss. "Please make love to me!" My hands went to her hips, lifted her up, she took aim, and she sat down slowly driving me deep into her. I kissed her again. As our tongues dueled, she moved up and down. I lifted her hips higher still, summoned the Double Dragon, and violated her ass. May howled as she climaxed. "Round one!" She yowled as I took over.

Gwen strolled down a shadowy street. Her heart was hammering in her chest. Like May her lust drove her surroundings. She sprang to the top of the nearest streetlight. She hung upside down and examined the street, nearby buildings, and parked vehicles. Her 'spidey sense' warned her of the attack but its area of effect was larger than she was able to escape from. The electrical charge left her stunned and twitching on the street. I strode up in my new incarnation. I sent out the four robotic tentacles and snagged her wrists and ankles. I lifted her from the ground and held her before me.

"I will never submit to you... Doc Cock!" Gwen declared heroically.

"You say that now," I replied in my best villain voice. "But you haven't faced my latest invention yet. The Orgasmitron will break down your will and you will beg me to violate you completely."

"No! Not the Orgasmitron!" Gwen cried out as the pink beam enveloped her from above. Her body shook, her nipples pressed against her uniform, and her juices stained the groin of her costume. "You fiend you!" She wailed as I pinched her nipples lightly through the material. "UNNNN... never... must resist!"

"Let us see how you handle power level three." I said and laughed maniacally as the beam darkened. "That was just level one."

Gwen's body convulsed as she climaxed repeatedly. I tore her costume revealing her sensitive bits. I reached between her legs and gently stroked her labia and clit. She struggled in my grasp but failed since the ray had robbed her of her strength.

"Now... damn it! Do it now!" Gwen shouted above the whine of the Orgasmitron.

"Do it... do what?" I asked and she locked her gaze with mine.

"Fuck me damn it!" She hissed. I revealed my erections and she licked her lips. The mechanical appendages positioned her so that she was bent over facing away and I plunged into her. She climaxed so hard she nearly passed out. "My poor ass! Feels so good!"

I moved her and buried my cocks in her each thrust of my hips and the swaying motion of the gleaming metal tentacles. Gwen bucked repeatedly as I took my pleasure from her.

I lost track of time. I visited each of them in their most erotic moments. I witnessed their desires made manifest. Some were surprisingly simple while others were deep dark and kinky as hell. I never revealed what transpired as they departed the shadow realm in various stages of undress. I had fed from a few to restore my blood capacity. I still had my own darker nature to deal with.

" tore my clothes off until I was half naked..." May bragged. "My poor pussy was drenched by then."

"I knew I should not be doing it," Violet Parr stated. "I've never taken a cock in my ass before, but it was so enticing..."

" violated my daughter's ass?" Helen asked her protective instinct kicking in.

"She is twenty. She has the finest ass in your family." I stated seeing how she would react. "She begged for it."

"Best ass! Best ass?!" Helen's eyes narrowed as she thrust her backside in my face. "Read 'em and weep Danny boy!"

"Are you begging to have your ass fucked again Helen?" I asked and she looked all around seeing all the others giving her the stink eye. I buried my face between her ass cheeks and breathed out sending my hot breath through the spandex shorts she was wearing.

"UNNNN... don't do that! You know what that does to meeeeee!" She squealed as I repeated the process.

"Master is being wicked again." Ynariel purred as she nodded that I should continue.

"Orgasmitron... a pink beam that... better than any toy." Gwen explained clueless to what was going on behind her. "What?" She looked over her shoulder. "He did that to me when I was on patrol once. I caved like a melting glacier. I was so damn wet. How does he even have any gas left in his tank? I mean he pounded me to oblivion."

"God, I needed that," the chorus rose from all of them.

I withdrew my face and conjured three bottles of dark elven wine from my ship. The wine flowed and so did the stories of their experiences. Ynariel sat in my lap leaning against me.

"I am so proud of you." She told me as she stroked the side of my face. "To make so many females happy, that is a gift. You are grinning, share."

"Mother and daughter in one night, add to that twin sisters, and I feel so lucky." I said. "Next time I run into Thor I am going to have to thank him for the gloves."

"Ding!" My HUD rang and dropped down revealing the latest messages.

Trophy Earned: Magic Eight Ball. Trophy Earned: I Hold All the Runes. New Spell Added: Love Shack.

One hour is all it took. Gwen was the first one called away. Her and Violet suited up and went to deal with an emergency. Ten minutes later Steph, Jennifer, and Susan left via portal. Helen and May looked at each other and then at me.

"No rest for the wicked Master," Ynariel giggled.

I woke in May's bed. I looked to either side and believed I was alone. I was in fact being stalked. I began to sit up when someone or something pounced. While I could not see who it was a quick movement by me proved that my visitor was female.

"Hey, that is my ass!" She giggled just before dropping her new and improved stealth field.

"Princess Shuri, my humblest apologies," I fibbed. "Had I known it was you."

"Yes, had you known it was me what would you have done?" She purred in my ear as she lay atop me. I whispered a few delightful suggestions in her ear. While she decided where we were going to begin, she reminded me. "There is a rumor that you found something interesting while you were off world."

"Found footage speaks louder than anything," I said and displayed my fight with the marines in the dreadnaught armor. Shuri's eyes widened as she backed up, slowed down, and examined the video diligently. "He broke your rib maybe two on that strike. It is a bit bulky for your average villain, but for a hard-hitting apex villain this could fit a certain niche. I hear you acquired three of them."

"You hear correctly. One for you, one for Toni, and one for me thanks to your patience and tutelage." I informed her. That earned me a kiss.

"There is a little get together at the embassy this evening." She offered and I touched Ynariel's mind to see if she were interested.

'Thank you, but uh, I have a dance partner for tonight and I would hate to disappoint her.' The she elf informed me.

"Looks like I am available, how shall I dress?" I asked.

"Go visit Stark, have her whip you up one of her tuxedos for the night." Shuri suggested. "Besides, I snuck out to see you and my brother will be looking for me any moment now." She activated her stealth field and kissed me before sneaking back to the embassy.

"She really is cute," Violet declared as she made herself visible.

"What is it with gorgeous women sneaking into my bed today?" I asked. Violet smiled as she climbed on top of me.

"You think I am gorgeous?" She asked as she let my morning wood slide just beneath her naughty bits.

"I think we have time for a..." I began when May called up that I had a visitor.

"Danny, Toni Stark is here." She hollered. "I'll make breakfast while you shower."

"I can wash your back," Violet offered.

"If you do the whole house will hear your screams." I said and promised to make it up to her.

"I'll take a raincheck." She agreed and left me growling to myself. That was the second time the game did that to me in short order. It was as I stood beneath the falling water in the shower that I began to wonder if my newly reacquired vampirism was powering my sexual hunger. I pulled down my HUD and looked at my negative characteristics or what most gamers called flaws. Vampirism was clearly a curse with benefits. My already improved physical stats were raised to a new level. I was not sure I had yet reached Snow White's blistering speed, but I was well on my way.

I showered, shaved, and dressed in my best casuals. Toni and May were chatting when I entered the kitchen. Toni was dressed in low hip hugging jeans, a bright red t-shirt that sported the Stark Industry logo and beneath it glowed the micro ark reactor. She was all business now.