Play Testers Wanted Pt. 14


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"I got your message. I am confused." Toni snapped obviously irritated. "Shuri informed me that you are in possession of advanced alien technology," Toni said her voice cold and surprisingly exasperated.

"I brought you one too," I said thinking that Shuri might have left out that little detail.

"That lying little... princess." Toni cursed before smiling. "Can I see it?"

"Sure," I thought about unzipping my jeans and went with plan B. I took out the same holo-emitter I had used for Shuri and let Toni watch the battle herself. Just as Shuri had done Toni ran the footage backward and forward. Toni however had Friday, his latest A.I., do a literal impact study on how much force the Warhammer was putting out and the kind of damage I was shrugging off.

"We have been keeping secrets," Toni purred. "What are you?"

"A friend offering you a set of alien power armor to study," I replied. "Why the cold shoulder?"

"Sorry, things have been hectic, and I should not be snapping at friends." She apologized.

"I almost hate to ask," I began, and she gestured for me to continue. "There is a black-tie event at the Wakandan embassy, and I have no tie."

"Excellent!" Toni perked up and smiled. "It will be a perfect time to test my latest scanner. It should be able to get your measurements down to the micron."

"All of them?" May purred.

"Especially that one," Toni chuckled. "Let us eat and then you can follow me back to Stark Tower. Only a fool passes up May's home cooking."

"Tell her about the magic trick," May urged as she cut up a piece of ham set on its own saucer. "It rocked all our worlds, didn't it?"

"Yeah it did," Gwen agreed as she stepped into the kitchen. "I hope there is a bit left over for me." She moved to the stove and fixed a plate. I liked the bright blue t-shirt and spiderman panties she was sporting. I liked the writing on her shirt. I was smiling when she turned around and I got a chance to read the first part. The front read 'who needs big tits', while the back read 'when you have an ass like this' along with an arrow pointing down.

"I am glad you like my shirt," Gwen giggled as she sat with us. "I slept like a baby last night. Between being fu... making love so vigorously... and then catching the Vulture before he could rob one of Stark's warehouses, what a night!"

"Wait, you mean he shagged both of you?" Toni exclaimed.

"Yes... all eight of us in fact." May corrected Stark.

"Eight! How in the hell did he manage that?!" She asked glaring at me.

"He opened a portal to a shadowy place," May began.

"It knew our darkest desires," Gwen added.

"It was the Plane of Shadows." I finished.

"No, I don't care about that... how in the hell did you manage to satisfy eight women?! Did you fu... make love to all of them?" Toni asked biting her upper lip.

"Oh... OH!" May exclaimed. "It is only nine o'clock, you have all day to get it out of your system."

"It won't take him that long to fu... rock your world." Gwen promised.

"Eight... who was there?" Toni purred and placed her hand on my thigh. May and Gwen took turns listing off the guests from the night before.

I ate slowly which seemed to annoy Toni to no end. Her hand became bolder to try and inspire me to eat faster. I set down my utensils and thanked May for the fine meal. Toni let a noise that was somewhere between frustration and relief. Her power armor was parked in the back yard. She stepped into it and I watched it close around her firm round bottom. I picked my standard symbiote suit and watched her fly off towards Stark Tower. I turned to face that direction, tapped into my ability to fold space/time and stepped onto the roof of the building. I sat there with my feet hanging off the edge. I heard her curse over my earbud and laughed since I had beaten her by nearly two minutes.

Toni landed on the balcony below me. I watched as the mechanical disc and arms removed the suit and stored it for her. I dropped down and landed behind her. We entered her workshop and I took mental notes to improve my own. She touched her smart watch and the floor split open to reveal a full king sized four poster bed that rose from the space below.

"I am a goal orientated individual," Toni stated. "My goal is to get you from here to there." She pointed to the bed and got on her tippy toes and purred in my ear. "I want you balls deep inside of me before lunch." I gestured and using the Dancer's teleport device brought the armor from my inventory, to the ship, and then down in a column of scintillating light.

"Holy shit!" Toni cursed seeing the tactical dreadnaught armor up close. "Friday."

"Already on it." The A.I. replied gleefully. "He is a shapeshifter. Not a Skrull. Race identity is unknown."

"I should have expected that." I replied. "The Skrulls giving you issues?"

"Yes. I am asking nice. Who and what are you?" Toni asked. I did not hesitate. I went through my inventory to find something comfortable to wear. I settled on black silk boxers and a matching hooded robe. I swapped out my jeans and t-shirt for the silk. I pulled up the hood to hide my features before reverting to my natural form. I reached up slowly and pulled down the hood for dramatic effect. "You are a dark elf?!"


"Does Thor know?" She asked.

"He does now, but for obvious reasons I was less than open about it initially." I admitted.

"Please stand on the highlighted portion of the floor please," Friday stated as blue lasers painted a portion of the floor. I walked over and stood within the circle. I felt the vibration below me as the scanning ring rose, emitted multihued beams, and began scanning my body for measurements. "Please be a dear and disrobe. The beams are having issues."

"Sure." I said smiling broadly. "Do I get stripper music?" I joked and Friday played a classic tune which I danced to. I gently removed the robe. I let it pool at my feet and observed Toni's reaction. She was all smiles. I turned away from her, bent over, and leisurely tugged down my boxers. The music died and I caught movement in the corner of my eye. Pepper Potts strode into the room and she did not appear happy with Toni.

"Male strippers again... good god it is huge!" Pepper exclaimed.

"I am proud of it." I replied as my underwear joined the robe. I stood and Pepper's eyes locked onto my erection.

"That too," she whispered.

"Sweetie, I can explain." Toni stammered nervously but the grin never left her face. "He is Shuri's special friend." She said as I reverted to my Danny persona. Pepper's mouth fell open when she witnessed me shape shift.

"Special? What kind of special are we talking about?" Pepper snapped. I summoned the Double Dragon and she nearly fell over. "Oh, he is that special friend! Why didn't you say so earlier? You have been after him for years now."

"Do you blame me?" Toni asked chewing her lower lip after.

"Scan complete," Friday purred. "Please select a tuxedo that catches your attention." A holographic closet appeared. The first choice was a bit too traditional and I began swiping through each additional image until I found one that I liked. Friday extrapolated from that choice to give me twenty more of similar cut but with different features. I quickly settled on a suit that looked stylish yet comfortable. "Excellent choice! I will begin manufacturing. I am sure you can find something to do to pass the time pleasantly."

I reached for my robe when Pepper began negotiating. "Can you look like Thor?" The minute I heard those words I thought of Mystique and how she had been treated over her long life. She had admitted to how used she felt becoming the performing monkey for the rich and powerful. Her survival had even been established thanks to her ability to alter her appearance. I did not feel bitter, but I now had a deeper understanding of her history.

"I could, but I respect him too much to diminish him in that fashion." I replied and Pepper went pale on the spot. Score one for shapeshifters everywhere. "I would be willing to play surfer boy if that entices you." I added to try and smooth things over and reminiscence of Toni's nickname of Point Break for Thor. I hated seeing her upset. I could have easily taken on the shape of Thor and even channeled his over the top personality. But what I said had been true. I respected him too much to lessen his standing here on Midgard. "Or perhaps something more exotic. I know of several alien races you might like to explore."

The three of us spent a few hours discovering not just some interesting shapes for me to take on. I learned something about the deeper exploits of what Toni and Pepper called the lifestyle. I was handed the role of disciplinarian and that required the appropriate tools for the trade.

"I won't lie." I whispered in Pepper's ear as I thrust slowly. "I am enjoying myself." I told her as I grabbed a fistful of her strawberry blonde hair and pulled her head up for a kiss.

"Unnn..." She grunted as both erections drove deep. "My blindfold is slipping."

"MMMMMHHHMMMM!" Toni moaned through her ball gag while she watched me make love to Pepper. She blissfully knelt next to be with her arms caught up in binders just as her ankles were secured with leather and steel.

"She is always bitching when she isn't the center of attention." Pepper laughed and I swatted her ass cheek. "Thank you, may I have another?" By the time we called a halt Pepper Potts looked more like Cherry Cheeks.

"We must play again and soon," Toni declared. "My stress level is much improved."

My HUD chimed cheerily. Title Earned: Stark Contrast. Trophy Earned: Pepper Sprayed.

"Mine as well," I had to admit I stated after a quick glance at the message.

"Your suits are ready," Friday informed me.

"Suits as in plural?" I replied confused. "I only picked out one style."

"That is true, but I am programmed to be generous." The A.I. responded.

"Thank you, Friday. Thanks Toni!" I said and added the six tuxedos into my inventory for later. I would have thanked Pepper, but her mouth was full as she licked me clean hungrily.

Toni and I spent the next few hours diligently analyzing the design, workings, and composition of the dreadnaught armor. Pepper seemed happy to observe and when we asked for food or drink, she eagerly summoned whatever we wanted. I thanked her each time and Toni did not miss that. She took the redhead into her arms and kissed her.

"I know I get caught up in my work, but I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you do for me." Toni whispered in her ear as they held each other. I smiled and sipped some juice to help me recover lost fluids.

"Seven years," I exclaimed during one of our breaks. "I just don't get it. I thought FTL travel would not eat up time on this side of things."

"It should not. Something profound must have happened while you were out there." Toni casually commented.

"Genius! You are absolutely brilliant!" I cried out startling Pepper. "The two black holes! The lensing effect when they merged must have cost us that seven years!" I explained. "It was only seconds for us but here it was nearly a decade."

"That would do it," Toni muttered as her hands worked mathematical gestures in the air. Friday displayed the image of two black holes merging. The size changed several times until the masses and math matched the missing time.

"How in the hell did you survive?" Toni asked and I explained how I had set the shield harmonics to match the gravity pulse emitted by the singularities and how we surfed our way into the portal to the legendary planet.

"I am hardly the only genius in this room." Toni praised my tactics. We talked over the events that led to our arrival upon the surface of Dura'Durdana.

Two hours later:

"Clearly there is an interface between the user and the armor." Toni growled.

"Ma'am, I have scanned the interior of the armor. Besides the bits of dried blood, other biological matter, there are remains of a complex synthetic biological residue. It could be the interface you are looking for. Shall I grow more of the sample?" Friday offered.

"Be careful but yeah, let us see what we are working with." Toni replied. "Tell me about these warriors you fought."

I tossed up a hologram a second time. "This is a detailed scan of the marine's exterior and interior. They have not just redundant organs but also new organs that provide functions I have not yet been able to decipher. I am not a physician."

"Did someone call for a doctor?" Doctor Strange asked as she gated in. "Thanks for last night. I got a lot out of my system." She purred in my ear. "Shuri added me to her audio network. When someone mentions me by name or uses the term doc, doctor, or even physician. I just scry the source and see if it rates my attention. Ghost always rates such notice." I watched her eyes widen in surprise when she examined the hologram. "Dang! What happened to him?"

"Super soldiers? Mass production of genetically engineered warriors." I theorized. "I do not know for sure." Steph looked at the placement of every organ and attempted to extrapolate their function or purpose. She shrugged because of the overwhelming changes but she puzzled out a few but many eluded her.

"Without a corpse I can only guess." She admitted. "A few I am confident given their location, shape, and proximity to human norms. Some I could presume their function but just as many I have no idea."

Traci reminded me that the event at the embassy was a mere two hours from now. "Are you going to the Wakandan Embassy tonight?" I asked Steph and Toni. Neither had been invited but that was not out of the ordinary.

"Take a nice long shower and we'll get you ready." Toni urged. Friday summoned a drone which hovered into view.

"Follow me please." The droid stated using Friday's voice. "The facilities are not far. I have summoned others to aid in your proper appearance to so august an event."

"Others?" I asked but the drone fell silent. "I like surprises."

The bathroom was enormous. Standing near the bathtub was a curvaceous Japanese woman. I guessed her age between mid-twenties to maybe early thirties. She wore only a plain white loin cloth and a childish smile.

"Strip down Sir and I will wash that fine body of yours. You may either bathe or shower at your preference." She said in lightly accented English. "I hope my appearance is pleasing."

"I am not sure." I said and she gave me a puzzled expression. "What might be a fine ass is tragically covered by that annoying loin cloth." I said as I undressed and summoned the Double Dragon.

"Buddha be praised!" She exclaimed as she tore at the loin cloth. "There Sir, I pray my back side is pleasing!"

"Damn, that puts Helen's ass to shame. Where oh where did Toni find you?" I asked and she mentioned a human trafficker she had been rescued from. I apologized instantly. "I am so sorry... I never meant to..."

"I would not offer if you had offended." She replied as she slid her arms around my neck and pressed her breasts against my chest. "I hope my tits are equally impressive." I lowered my lips to neck and kissed her. I took in her scent, a blend of jasmine, sweat, and her musk. My fangs popped without me prompting. I nicked her but when I tried to pull back, she whispered her consent. "If a small amount of my blood be the price for being pierced doubly drink deep." I took only the bare minimum. "Sit and we'll get started."

I sat on a short stool. She knelt behind me and lathered up her sponge and breasts. She used both on my back first and then moved to my front. She greedily lathered up my front pressing her tits against me as her hands worked both erections. Even though I had licked the wound the scent of her blood remained. Thankfully Friday interrupted things as the girl used an extendable shower head to rinse off the soap.

"What temperature would you like sir?" The drone asked as it activated the shower.

"Hot-ish." I chuckled. I stuck my hand under the water and called out when it reached the perfect temperature.

"Saving setting for future use. Enter when ready." It intoned and settled on the nearby sink.

The girl joined me and once more slid her arms about my neck and kissed me. Her proximity was triggering my flaw. My fangs descended a second time and the foolish girl took a nail and cut her flesh near the carotid artery. Her name was Hitomi which meant benevolent ocean. I drank deep and there was a flash of crimson and I awoke to find her in my arms. Her coloring was noticeably changed. I had killed her and raised her as a vampire. I cursed but she pledged her undying loyalty to me and my cause. I contacted the Dancer and had her teleported up. I would have to explain to Toni why he was down one of his employees.

I stood under the hot water and performed a breathing exercise to remove the overwhelming stress. I had tried so hard not to create children after the clusterfuck which occurred before. I clenched my eyes closed and used the techniques Nightwind had taught me to control my emotions.

"It is all in the breath." He had said. I dove deep into the rhythms and to my surprise I felt better. One success built upon another until I felt human again. If this is what it took to stave off the hunger, then so be it. I had agreed to visit the embassy before I thought out dealing with the wealthy, the powerful, and there was no knowing who I might run into. Add to that a newborn vampire aboard my vessel and it was a tragedy in the making. I needed to relax.

I enjoyed the expensive exfoliant that left my skin with a healthy glow. Stark never settled for anything less than the best. I rinsed off and shut off the water and was greeted by a cute woman wearing a dark cloth kimono.

"Please do not take this the wrong way Sir, but you look stressed. Would you like a massage?" She asked with a sly grin on her full pouty lips.

"Yes. Yes, I would love a massage." I replied. She changed course and guided me to a small chamber dominated by a standard massage table and a single futon mat on the floor. She directed me to the futon and I stretched out on my stomach. The woman whistled and a petite young thing walked in and bowed. She removed the plain kimono she was wearing. I watched as she wiggled her toes before walking over and stepping on my bare back. A bottle of saki was brought and the older woman fed me booze while the cute tween dug her toes into key muscle groups. She spoke something in Japanese and the woman translated.

"She says that your back is the worst she has ever felt. Relax." She urged as I felt the stress evaporate one footstep at a time. I let out soft grunts and groans as the girl diligently worked my back like a master. I drank and thought I could do this in real life. I whimpered as she reached the finish line. The teen stepped off and once again she spoke in her native language. "Roll over, she wants to see if she has done a good job." I rolled over sporting twin erections and the masseuse cried out taken completely by surprise.

"Holy shit! He has two! One for each of us." She said in perfect English. "Let's get rid of the last of his stress."

They each took a cock and I was ordered to lay there and take it. My arms flopped out away from my body and let them have their way with me. I climaxed eventually. The masseuse and her friend were left exhausted. I washed up and followed the directions to a room with a barber's chair in it. Three ladies greeted me with a low bow. I sat and the went to work. One of the women shaved my face and cut my hair, a second worked on my fingernails, and the last shaped and sculpted my toenails. After having my face shaved a not towel was placed over my face while she cut and shaped my dark locks. To pass the time efficiently the ladies working on my extremities massaged my hands and feet. I felt properly pampered by the time they were done. They helped me dress and I regarded my holographic reflection thanks to my vampirism.