Playa Dust in the Bedouin


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"That so? Tempting, sis. You're too good of a kisser."

Leaning in, I was going to place a single kiss on the end of her nose, but she shifted her face and our lips met. I was about to pull back when her hands closed around my back and pulled me closer. For the second time this week, I found myself kissing my sister with an enjoyable level of passion. That I was once again also naked this time, as then, was also memorable. Also, being pressed up against her, bare skin to near-bare skin was making this moment even more intense.


My nose brushed her, and breathing in the breath that was my name I nodded. "I know. We can't."

She snuggled her face in by my ear. "But I want to. I want to, so badly."

"Me too."

Olivia gave a small sniffle. "Does that make us sick? For wanting to do that?"

I kissed the tip of her nose. "No, just human, drunk, and horny. Now ... if I'm not going to get laid tonight, I need to turn over. I'll never get to sleep with you pressed up against me like this." I grinned remembering something my Top once told me. "I can sleep on something hard far easier than I can sleep with a hard-on."

"Can you spoon against my back?" she asked me.

"Sure." I nodded even though I knew that if I was pressed against her ass I was just asking for at least an hour of denied desire and misery before I would be able to sleep.

My sister positioned herself and I felt my cock press against the soft cotton of her panties. The warm softness of her back pressed into my chest. Moving my arm around above her head, I snuggled her into the nested pocket of space under my arm. My eyes were feeling heavy, but the smell of her hair in my nose and she was warm and soft and I so badly wanted to feel every part of her.

Olivia took my hand from her belly and brought it up to place atop her bare breast. I couldn't help myself, I had to give it a comfortable squeeze. She gave a low moan, wiggled her butt back against the hardness of my cock, and then made a sound, kind of an appreciative purr.

"Love you, goodnight."

I hugged her tighter. "Goodnight, sis."

Holding her to me, I heard when her breathing changed. With her breast in my hand, hard nipple pushing against my palm, her warm bottom hard up against my cock it took me much much longer to drift away myself.

As sleep took me, my last thought was that I would happily have stayed this way forever.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

(Day 3)

Sobriety must have assaulted my sister upon waking up, given that she fled my bed quickly and without a word. For myself waking up in a bed smelling of a woman was a nice bit of novelty.

Sitting up, I sat on the edge of the bed and listened to the others moving around outside my cloth walls. They were making enough noise that I was honestly surprised that I had slept through it. The pretty bad hangover I was feeling notwithstanding, Honestly though, I didn't feel too bad for a day of hard work in the heat and a night of partying. Knowing we had more work to do today, I chose my clothes for that, and by the time I stepped out to join the others, I was almost what could be called awake.

Coffee helped the rest.

I caught everyone before they vanished. "I know we're working on the tower today, but at some point, we need to do a bit of housekeeping here. Keeping the dust out completely is a lost cause, but making an effort will make the week a lot more comfortable. From what I saw we're still running pretty good on our supplies. Any surprises I don't know about yet?"

Jim piped up. "Propane for this little stove?"

"There are plenty of extra bottles in the back of my van. I'll get them out." I looked around.

My sister piped up. "Batteries. We're using up a lot more of them for the lights at night than I thought we would. We can't be dark-tards simply because we're out of batteries."

Tim looked over at her, batting his eyelashes. "That's right, blame the lights for using up the batteries. Could have nothing to do with a certain vibrating sound I've heard."

Everyone but me laughed at Olivia's blush.

Kathrine spoke up. "I have a small solar panel I use to recharge the battery in my phone. If they are rechargeable batteries we can use it for that too. I'll look into it, but if there is a battery to spare in this whole camp it will surprise me."

"I'll ask around," I promised. With a grin, I pointed to a few outfits, and the skin showing. "Remember sunscreen today. Dealing with several bad sunburns would make for an incredibly long week for us all." I glanced around at the others. "Anything else? Is water consumption still good? No signs of dehydration?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, then. Kimberly is waiting for us." I got to my feet and brushed the wetness from my palms. "Let's get this done so we can simply enjoy the rest of the week."

Stepping outside, I decided to dig my bike out of the back of the trailer. I've done enough walking for the next few. Besides I wanted to carry a few odd tools I had with me. Standing by the truck, I was cutting and lighting an Olivia V Melanio cigar when I felt a touch on my elbow. Looking around I saw my sister looking at me a bit shamefaced.

"I'm sorry about last night. I was drunk."

Nodding, I gently torched the growing red cherry on the cigar. "Me too."

She looked down. "Let's just pretend it didn't happen, okay?"

"If you want." I gave a small shrug. "Other than a bit of touching and some kissing, nothing much did happen."

Olivia bit her bottom lip, then looked away. I heard her mutter. "It nearly did."

Smiling, I lifted her chin with a finger. "No. I wouldn't have gone that far. Not with us both drunk. Now, if you had crawled into my bed sober and I was sober... well, let's just say that we would be having a different conversation this morning."

My sister gave me a small grin. "Oh, really?" Then with a flirty look, she reached out and took my cigar away from me, and walked off smoking it.

With a grimace, I reached into my pocket and dug back out my cutter and a second cigar.

Following my sister and the trail of sweet smoke she was leaving behind out onto the playa I could already see the people gathering around our wooden copy of the Eiffel Tower. Some seemed to be just watching, but most seemed to be lending a hand. As I walked up I saw that, in the distance, a large yellow crane was making its slow ponderous way across the playa in our direction.

Kimberly was running around like a chicken with her head cut off directing a dozen people at once. She had somehow finished ninety percent of the assembly on the second section last night. She saw me, grabbed me by the arm, and put me in charge of getting the top section finished. Then she was off moving to put out another problem on the second section's rigging before the crane got here.

With a grin and a shrug to the others working on the top section, I got to work.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

The hands of the clock over the next four hours alternated between flying and crawling. The heat grew by the hour as the Sun rose higher and higher. As we got closer to completion more and more people began to funnel in to help. Soon it was hundreds working like ants. It was just past noon when the last bolt was tightened on the top section and we were done.

I signaled Kimberly from where I was standing by top of the tower that we were ready for the crane and she gave me a thumbs up.

The big boom swung around, the operator cabled down and I hooked the two yellow straps to the hook. As he slowly lifted the tower section from horizontal to vertical, I made sure to keep a good solid hand on the guide rope. There were four of us holding it steady as we slowly swung this section over and above the finished bottom and second story already assembled. As we eased it down there were a dozen workers up on the wooden structure guiding the large threaded bolts down into the guide holes and getting it to come to rest. At Kimberly's direction, wrenches went to work and the whole structure was locked together as one solid piece.

"John, you ready?" Kimberly asked me when I climbed up next to her.

Leaning outward, I looked up at the top of the tower. "Yep."

Reaching up, I caught a beam overhead and started the long climb up the tower. That I in my flat brim Stetson hat must look like a weird cowboy King Kong was an inner amusement as I neared the top. Hooking my legs around the top beams as best I could, I caught the cable in one hand and the hook in another. The headache ball was close to living up to its name. With everything steady, I met eyes with the crane operator and gave him a head nod and a "cable out" motion with one hand.

As the tension left the crane and the tower's full weight settled onto it's base, I felt the big tower rocking under me. A slow swaying back and forth.

The straps were wedged together tight on the hook and I had to beat at them to get them to turn loose, but after that it was easy to slide them up and out. Holding the strap loops clear of the tower, I waved the operator a "take it away" signal and he took the straps up and away from our construction.

Waiting as the sway died out before I climbed back down, I sat there a hundred feet up looking out over at all of Black Rock City laid out before me. I could see the top of the Temple and the Man. Wishing it was night, I knew I was going to have to come and climb back up here later tonight to see this view in the dark with everything lit up.

I suddenly felt a ton of vibrations and looking down I saw that dozens of the workers were all climbing up here towards where I was sitting perched. Grinning, I took off my hat and held on as the tower top swayed under their actions.

Kimberly reached me first with a big grin on her face. "Hey John, how is the view?"

"Awesome. Here, I'm in your seat." Swinging around, I found footholds and moved out of the way to allow her to climb up to the top perch. I stood there and looked around for a few minutes, then giving her bare leg a pat and started down through the cluster of people slowly climbing up here to the top.

I found Tim stopped at around the top of the second level, unable to move up or down. Frozen in fear. It took me several minutes talking to him calmly to manage to get him to climb down with me.

He gave me a quick hug when we got to the ground. "Oh, thank you, I've never been scared of heights before in my life! I don't know what happened."

I shrugged. "It happens. Don't sweat it."

"Thanks." He fanned his face with his fingers. "Oh, and speaking of sweat, I am so in need of a good bath. I must smell like a New Orleans streetwalker on dollar beer night."

Grinning, I looked up at the tall wooden tower. "By this weekend we will probably all wish we smelled as good as we do now."

He took a few quick steps over and brought me back a bottle of water. "If that ain't the truth. But, honey, you smell so masculine I'm about to faint. Leather, sweat, cigar smoke, and is that bay rum aftershave?"

I nodded. "I learned from a squad mate back in Afghanistan that it's strong enough to cover up the smell of several days without a wash. And I liked it, so."

"Um, hum. Well, I must say that if you could bottle... " He made a waving gesture with his hand. " ... all of that, I know a dozen bears that would give a testicle to smell like that." Tim licked his lips, then his eyes jerked up. "Oh, look out incoming."

Glancing up, I heard "Catch me" just in time to throw out my arms to catch my sister. The force of her hitting me tumbled the both of us down onto the playa. My back hit and amid the cloud of dust, I found her right in front of my face.


My right hand needed badly to be moved off her ass but my arm was pinned by my sister's arm. "Hi back. What's with the skydiving?"


Lifting my hand, I gave her butt a light pop. "Well, good thing I was here then. Now, do you plan to get up off of me?"

She squirmed a little. "Well, I'm comfortable."

"Um, huh."

Bringing my knees up, I freed my hands and then I went for the short ribs.

"NO! No, stop it. Quit it!"

Tim was about to laugh himself to death by the time Olivia got up off of me and tried to get away from my tickling fingers. Flipping off my back to my feet, I gave chase around the Eiffel Tower. Then we were dodging in and out of the big corner pillars.

I finally had to give up, resting my hand on one wooden corner as I tried to catch my breath. My sister had taken to hiding behind a few of the others and they were either protecting her or trying to get out of my way.


We all looked over at Kimberly as she climbed back down and touched playa.

"Thank you all for your help this burn. I've never managed to get my project finished faster." We all gave a cheer. "Next year I welcome any of you to come and join me again. Not sure what we will be building, but it will be at least as spectacular as this year's project was. Again, thank you all!" She held up her hand. "And remember, this bit of art will burn after The Man burns. I intend to carry fire from The Man to this tower and light it from that. So please, please I ask you all to make the time to be here with me ... to see all of our hard work ascend as sparks and smoke up to the stars!"

We all cheered.

As people began to drift away I stood there looking up at what we had built. Knowing that it was going to be set fire to at the end of the week tore at my heart a little. There was serious woodworking artistry here, and not a little bit of engineering skill had been used to pull this off. For it to be fed to the flames seemed almost a crime. But then I felt the same about The Temple I had visited. That structure was such an exquisitely crafted place it felt like an ancient church. It needed only to have been made of stone and it could have stood for centuries.

But then this whole mad city was temporary. Here one week, gone the next leaving nothing behind to say it was here but the odd bit of missed moop to be picked up by the last volunteers. I was suddenly hit by how much like life this place really was. Appear out of nowhere. Grow into something impressive and fun, then burned out and be nothing but ashes. Ashes on the wind.


Looking over at my sister, I gave her a small sad smile.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I held out my hand and took hers. "I guess."

My sister gave me an understanding look, then a small wistful look crossed her face only to vanish almost instantly. She let go of my fingers one by one. "Hungry?"

I nodded. "As a hunter."

She jerked her head back towards camp. "Let's go do something about that."

We walked over to where our bikes were parked. The ride back to camp was relatively short, but I felt my mood lighten as I followed her. No one could stay downhearted watching her butt cheeks, in those short shorts, squirm from side to side on that bike seat.

When we parked our bikes, I hooked her arm and we walked inside like that.

Tim and the others had beat us back to camp.

Tim was naked ... and painting himself blue.

While everyone else made sandwiches and fruit salad.

Walking out to my van, I dug out an old bottle of Bulleit Bourbon I had held back on just in case. I could already tell it was going to be a "just in case" kind of night.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Around all the theme camps and out at some of the bigger art cars the crowds began to gather as the sun vanished. Music thundered out. The dancing roving hoards of people had become gigantic as more and more "Burners" were still arriving by the thousands.

Dragged out of the tent by my sister and Gloria, I somehow found myself at what must have been the largest of them. Mayan Warrior and Robot Heart had come together out on the playa and

the powdery dust underfoot shook with the power of that many speakers and amplifiers. The raining sweat of a thousand dancers was the only thing that kept it damped down a bit.

With those two lovely ladies on either side of me, grinding their sexy young bodies against mine, I did my part to help keep the dust down.

Overhead as the last bit of sunlight died a green laser display began to appear. We all reached up and tried to grab those lines of light whenever they came close. The music was rhythmic, without real lyrics but with bits of odd vocals tossed in by the DJ's up there running the show.

As the cool of the desert night began to gather, the girls - all but naked in their costume choices tonight - danced closer to me for warmth. All around us strings of lights showed where people were in the darkness. Weird patterns of moving lights appeared and then morphed into other shapes.

Olivia who at that moment was dancing behind me, suddenly tugged my hip flask from my back pocket. She took a sip, her eyes flashed wide and she let out a breathy loud "wooo!" sound, then she passed it to Gloria who nearly went cross-eyed when she decided to sniff at it first. She took a smaller sip than my sister had, then a really tiny second one before handing it to me. Grinning, I tossed back a good shot's worth of the vanilla moonshine and put it back in my pocket.

Gloria leaned in right by my face and had to shout. "That will warm you up!"

I nodded, grinned, and then turned around as Olivia tugged at my arm. Gloria plastered herself against my back and did a bump and grind against my ass. My sister wrapped her arms around me and pulled Gloria closer with me hugged in the middle.

The music hit a low point lull.

"Hey, big brother. Up for a three-way?" my sister asked with a flirty grin. She leaned in and flashed Gloria a smile. "Think we could wear this handsome man out before morning?"

The music pulsed back up, but I heard Gloria scream "Definitely!" by my ear.

With a wink, my sister gave me a kiss, mostly a light peck, but still hot. Then she and Gloria turned me around and Gloria was kissing me. Not at all one to complain about this treatment, I gave as good a kiss as I could before my sister stole me back for her second, much longer kiss.

Just how serious she might be about a "Three way" began to play through my thoughts as I was turned back around one more time.

Gloria draped her arms around my neck and looked up into my eyes. She pulled back from my chest and bit and I saw her look over my shoulder to my sister and nod her head. Olivia's hands snaked under my arms and, for a moment, I feared a tickle attack, but then her hands appeared in front of me, caught the cloth of Gloria's silvery bikini top, and tugged it down till two small rosy pink nipples appeared. Rather resembling raspberries, they drew my eye with a hunger. When I looked back up she smiled at the lust in my eyes.

The music pulsed down.

"We thought you deserved a treat," Gloria said rubbing her bare breasts against my chest. She leaned in by my ear as the music rose again. "Figured we've all put you through so much trouble with us camping newbs." She grinned and leaned in till her breath was hot on my ear. "Tim wanted to be involved when he heard our plan, but Olivia shot that down."

I nodded and leaned in by her ear. "Right. No Blue Man group tonight."

She giggled and went back to dancing.

Olivia spun me around to her. I saw her mouth. "Want to see mine, too?"

Grinning, I nodded.

With that mischievous smile, my sister pulled her bikini top up, and her breasts, larger than Gloria's by a cup size at least, appeared with a drop bounce. Crowned as they were by larger and darker nipples, they looked magnificent. Behind me, Gloria shouted her approval.

The two topless women were now dancing with me as a human stripper pole they rotated around between them.

A second round from my hip flask was desired. Demanded really. I knew that the alcohol wasn't going to last long the way they now seemed to take gulps rather than sips. But then I also knew it was strong enough that neither would they. As that wicked vanilla-flavored corn juice began to take hold of them they slowed to a rhythm not quite with the music, but so sensual I was not at all unhappy to be involved.
