Playa Dust in the Bedouin


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More kisses ensued, then a groping of my crotch from each of them that left me more than a little hard. They seemed to think that was funny as hell and did their best to keep me in such a state for the rest of the time we danced. With almost every movement they or I made I would feel a woman's hand pass over my crotch. Hell, even some of the ladies around us seemed to get in on the act, judging by the number of times it happened and the grins I saw on their faces.

In one of the times when the music dipped low Olivia leaned in close to me. I was expecting another kiss, but she brushed her lips past my cheek and mouthed by my ear. "I need to go to the port-o-let. Grab Gloria and let's drift that way." She gave her head a jerk towards the edge of the crowd.

Turning, I saw that between the music, exhaustion and the alcohol Gloria was in a kind of dancing trance-like state. To be honest if not for all the attention a part of my anatomy had been receiving I might be in a similar state myself. Catching her arm, she looked at me and grinned, and tried to give me another kiss. Letting it be a quick one, I leaned in to by her ear and said, "Follow me."

She nodded.

Wading through the sea of humanity, we made our way to the edge of the throng of people. It wasn't an easy passage as many wanted us to stay and dance with them. But smiles and denials got us out of those invitations. Gathered around this massive group was a small sea of lights as dozens of smaller art cars had clustered in to join the raging party.

A guy in a striped shirt, standing on what looked like a genuine, if brightly lit, Venetian gondola gestured to us.

"Need to go somewhere?" he asked.

"Port-o-lets!" My sister was all but doing a pee-pee dance by now. "Please."

"Hope aboard!" Hand on the tiller pole at the back, he had the boat turning on a dime and we headed across the open playa.

Leaning over, I tried to look under the boat but it was too dark. When I looked back at him he was grinning. When he answered it was clearly a silent question he had been asked many times.

"It's built on the frame of two old electric golf carts. Eight tires, each with an electric motor, all running off the batteries in the box here behind me. I steer by the wheel on the end of this pole." He pushed the long pole and we swerved wide.

"And the throttle?" I asked.

"Under my foot." He shifted his stance and the boat slowed a bit. "Brakes by resistance. Takes a bit of getting used to, but the playa is large enough to give me plenty of room to practice."

Gloria was looking around as we almost seemed to float past other art cars. "This is magical."

Ahead of us the Temple, aglow in lights, appeared. He turned us and I saw off to the side of it was a dark wall capped with blue lights which - as we drew nearer - we saw was a line of blue bathrooms. When we stopped Olivia all but sprinted off the boat and to the line of blue huts. She went from one to the other then, for a couple of seconds hunting for toilet paper, then dove inside one.

Next to me, Gloria curled up tight to my side. She gave a small shiver.

Seeing this, the gondolier gestured to the seat across from us. "There is a blanket there behind the bench."

Reaching across, I picked up the soft wool cloth, shook the dust from it, or tried to, and draped it around Gloria's shoulders. As I sat back down she pulled it around and laid it across our legs. Again the little redhead snuggled into my side.

She whispered by my ear. "I want to go back to camp, get naked, and screw like weasels."

Then she gave a mighty yawn and I chuckled. "By the time we get back to camp, you will probably want PJs and sleep."

She paused for a second, then Gloria gave a sad nod and yawned again. "Probably so." Another yawn nearly cracked her head. "Damn it." She looked off into the darkness. "I wish Olivia would hurry up. I wonder if she fell asleep in there?"

"There she comes."

My sister climbed up into the boat, saw the blanket, and plopped down next to us huddling under it. "You would not believe what was in that bathroom!"

The gondolier interrupted. "Where to now?"

Turning in my seat, I looked back over my shoulder at him. "Back to our camp, if you please. We're at 7:00 and H."

"Sure thing." All but silently the boat began to move across the deep playa. He swung the pole and the wheel turned us in a big loop and he headed us back towards the many lights of Black Rock City.

"So what was in the port-o-let?" I asked when I looked back at my sister.

"Someone had taken the time to write down the lyrics to Nations of the World. The whole song!" At my odd look, she made a rolling motion with her hands. "Yakko! The Animaniacs! United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru..."

Gloria giggled and began to sing along. "Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean, Greenland, El Salvador too."

Behind us, the gondolier let out a belly laugh and joined in. "Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still ... ."

With the three of them singing the names of all the countries of the world we wove our way across the dark playa, the gondolier swerving from side to side, slaloming around each bundle of light appearing before us. Be it a bike, art car, or wandering hippie lost in the dark with a flashlight.

Him we circled, stopped beside, and gave a ride.

Of course, he joined in with the singing.

Passing it around, we also finished off the last of the moonshine in my hip flask.

Which is when I broke out the bourbon flask from my inner coat pocket.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

As the boat left us to vanish into the darkness, Olivia and I took each of Gloria's elbows and guided her into the Bedouin. She was smiling at us, and stumbling. Taking her to the area of the tent she had walled off, I left my sister helping the young woman get into her PJs and poured into her bed.

Sitting on the side of my bed, I pulled off my boots with a moan of relief. Setting them aside, I was in the process of pulling off my vest when Olivia opened the curtain and stepped inside.

"She asleep?" I asked.

My sister nodded. "Out like a light before her head hit the pillow. Can't say I'm far behind her. The stuff in your flasks is evil."

Chuckling, I tossed my vest onto the bag with my dirty clothes. "Sleeping here tonight, again? I don't mind, just asking."

My sister gave a nod. Then she seemed a bit shy. "Um, I had planned a bit more than that, but we .. Gloria and I ... well, we had a plan for some fun."

Lifting an eyebrow, I gave my head a tilt. "The threesome you mentioned?"

She shrugged. "Well, maybe not that far but we figured a two-girl group snuggle fest in your bed would have been fun. She and I ... well, she and I have had a bit of fun in the past. It was fun, and we're mostly just friends now, but well ... Gloria ... Gloria doesn't always know when too much is too much. Since we got here she really started wanting ... well, us ... you, me, and her ... to do a bit more than just snuggle." Olivia tugged at her hair. "I mean, I am your sister."

I gave a lifted eyebrow. "Yes ...."

"Well, she has this unfulfilled fantasy ..." Olivia made a kind of side-to-side rocking that was cute. " ...and she wants me to help, and we figured this festival was the perfect place for it." My sister blushed. "We talked about it a couple of times before, and we both said if we met a cool guy we both like we might give it a try. And, well she likes ... you."

My eyebrows climbed up a good half inch. "Yes?"

"She wants to kiss me" Olivia was almost scarlet with blushing embarrassment now. "With a guy's .. um, cock, between our mouths."

It took me a half moment to visualize that, then a slow smile began to grace my lips. "That would be fun."

My sister looked down, biting at her bottom lip. "I don't know that I could do that. I mean kissing you is one thing, that's just for fun, right?"

I gave a small shrug. "Sure. Or it could be more if we wanted it to be."

Her pretty eyes were suddenly boring holes in my face. "Would you want to ... you know ... with me I mean? Really?"

Chuckling, I reached over to my open trunk and took out a pack of large wet wipes. Taking one I began to try and get rid of some of the playa dust. "You are a beautiful young woman. I have to really strain my brain to find a genuine reason not to want to ... you know ... with you. That you're my sister, well, that certainly makes the list, true, but ... to be honest, it's not the strongest argument I've got against it."

While she stood there looking flustered I finished cleaning myself up, as best I could. I was getting that strong urge to get a real shower. I could remember those urges from back when I was in the Army, deployed when we would be out on patrol for days away from our firebase. Sweaty, grungy, sticky, and just wanting to wash all that away.

"I used to think about it."

Looking back at my sister in mild surprise, I felt a grin creep up. "Really?"

Olivia nodded. She held out her hand towards the packet of towels. "Please?"


Handling her the wipes, I sat back on my bed and with unembarrassed interest watched my sister clean herself up. I saw that despite the use of sunscreen, she was developing a reddish hue to her skin. Odd tan lines from the various costumes she had worn this week crossed her skin like a road map to some strange and exotic land. A place of curvy roads, and hidden cul-de-sac valleys where forbidden secrets were kept hidden from the world at large. She turned her back to me and my eyes took in the curves of her hips, the soft line of her spine from nape to the twin dimples. The silvery curves of her ass in that bikini were a delight to the eye.

My sister looked back and caught me looking at her. For a second Olivia looked surprised to see the lust in my eyes, then she chuckled.

"So?" I asked.

Olivia looked puzzled. "What?"

I tossed the wipes package back into my trunk. "You thought about us? Me? Us having sex?"

Ignoring my question, she gestured to the bed. "Move over, I want to lay down."

Tossing aside my blankets, I scooted over to the other side and Olivia sat down beside me. I saw her pause for a moment then she reached behind her and started fumble-tugging at the silvery strings to her top.

"Want me to help?" I asked.

My sister looked back over her shoulder at me. Then, after a moment, gave me a small nod. "Sure."

The simple bow knot tugged free with little effort. My fingers lingered against her skin as the strings fell away. I let my hand follow that path of her spine. I diverged at her dimple and let my touch linger and ride the crest to her hip. I then gave a questioning tug on the knot of her bikini bottom.

"And this one?" I asked, giving it another mild tug.

There was a hesitant almost panicky edge to her voice. "Um, nothing else, right? Just naked. Sleeping."

"Sure." I tucked my pinkie finger under the knot and took it between my thumb and forefinger. Giving the silver string a slow pull, I eased out the knot and watched her bare hip appear inch by inch before my eyes.

"John... ."

"Yeah, sis?"

"Um, I'm a bit scared."

She moved just enough for the small bit of cloth to fall away. Then my sister lifted her hip to allow me to pull it out from under her. I tossed it toward my clothes bag.

"Why?" I asked.

Naked beside me, she leaned over and turned down the dial on the battery lamp. My eyes could not help but look at her bare ass the whole time till darkness hid it from my sight. I took the opportunity to slip my boxers off and send them flying after her bikini.

As the silence grew I asked again. "Why?"

"I'm buzzed. I'm horny." She moved her ass back against me till my cock pushed against the warm valley between her ass cheeks. "Badly horny. And, if I'm honest, I've kind of wanted to do something like this with you. You know, as a fantasy." My sister moved her ass just a bit, the pressure against me causing a stirring that had already been trying to grow. "So, yeah, I'm scared. Scared that I will wake up tomorrow and feel like I did what I think is not right or wrong ... but that I was just living the moment."


She nodded. I felt her soft hair brush across my nose, the scent of perfume and sweat filling my senses. "Yeah. That I will have regrets."

"Turn over."

She paused, then turned around to face me, her warm breasts pressed against my chest. I breathed in her breath. My eyes had adjusted enough by now that I could make out the curves of her face. Reaching up I pushed the hair back from her eyes. They shone in the darkness like jewels.

"No regrets." Leaning in, I kissed her. A passion-driven desire to taste her lips. Our bodies pressed together, a shared enjoyment of the closeness of naked skin. My sister moaned under me as I gave an instinctive thrust that drove my bare thigh across her crotch.

Keeping it to kissing while naked like this was possibly one of the hardest things I've done in years. I wanted to be inside her in the worst way. To do all of the things that society tells us that a brother shouldn't want to do to his sister.

Her nails raked my back and then she dug in her palms massaging away the ache of days.

Voices outside my curtain and the appearance of light brought us to a pause before we went too far. Laying there looking into each other's eyes - our mouths quivering with smiles trying to become laughter - we listened to Jim and Tim have a conversation about a party they had just come from. They were discussing going back out or going to bed. It sounded like Tim was winning the "Let's go party" argument when Linda and Bill came walking in, giggling. It wasn't too hard to tell that they were at least as drunk as myself and Olivia.

And apparently, they were hungry.

Looking down at Olivia she grinned and reached down between us. I had to keep a moan silent as her hand curled around me. She had been giving me teased gropes through my clothes for half the night but bare skin on bare ski was such a delightfully change.

I mouthed "Quit."

My sister grinned and gave me one last tug. She whispered by my ear. "I'm hungry. I'm either eating you or whatever it is that they are fixing." I had to grimace as she bit my shoulder. "Food?"

"Fine, fine. Cannibal."

Sitting up, I reached over to my bag and pulled out what I thought was a pair of my shorts till I felt the wool of the tartan.

"You have a kilt?" my sister asked, softly.

I nodded. "It was a gift years ago. I stuffed it in my bag when I saw they wear costumes here."

"Put it on."

Standing up, I wrapped the thick tartan cloth around my hips. Shivering a bit, I grabbed my vest and tossed it back on.

"Wow ..." My sister looked up at me and grinned. She flipped the sheet aside showing me her legs and a hint of hip. I watched her dip a hand between her legs. "You look hot, big brother."

Outside there was group laughter about something Tim said. I watched my sister caressing herself, my breathing growing passion fast.

"Food?" she said again.

Pushing back the curtain, I stepped out into the tent.

"John! Didn't know you were back." Tim gave me a friendly smile. "Oh, I love the kilt. Huba Huba."

Grinning back at him, I walked over to our kitchen area and dove in to help Jim throw together what was either an incredibly late dinner or an equally early breakfast. Turning on the gas grill, we threw on a couple of packs of hot dogs. Feeling more like breakfast myself, I added a few sausage links.

"Damn, that smells good."

Looking over at the door I saw Robert the bartender pirate had paused in passing. He held up a bottle of rum in each hand. "I am the bringer of libations. I am, however ... starving."

I gestured him inside. "Please, there is plenty."

Walking in, he placed the two bottles on the long table. I saw that one was a coconut rum and the other a dark spiced rum. Tim motioned towards them holding up a bottle of soda. Robert nodded, as he grabbed a plate and began to prepare a hot dog bun.

Olivia, dressed in washed-out gray sweatpants and a t-shirt, from my bag, joined us as the first hot dogs were coming off the grill.

Tim threw an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, little one. You looking a little tipsy. Hungry?"

My sister snapped her teeth at him. "I could eat a cow."

He gave her a look. "Well, I'm not sure there is any cow in these wieners. Mostly mystery meat, and MSG, but don't worry, hun. The one thing I've noticed about this little festival is an abundance of ... beef." He gave me a look.

Olivia looked around. "Has anyone seen Kat?"

"I saw her," said Linda, putting together her plate. "She was over by the hospital. Apparently, even on vacation she can't help but volunteer."

Tim gave a great roll of his eyes. "Oh, I am simply going to have to go over there and drag her back here before she works herself sick." He huffed. "It's the middle of the damn night, for lord's sake!"

From behind us came a grumpy voice. "You people have no respect for the dead."

Looking back, I saw Gloria. The poor girl had a blanket wrapped around her and looked incredibly pathetic. Leaving the grill, I moved over to her and tucked her under my arm, and brought her closer to the warmth of the grill. "Hungry?" I asked.

She gave a small pathetic nod.

Olivia had already made herself a plate with two hot dogs and some chips, but she handed this to Robert the Pirate and then moved over to help her inebriated friend to a chair. Olivia moved to a blue cooler and brought out what looked like a vegetable plate. My sister also got Gloria a Coke from the ice chest next to it before going back to make herself a second plate.

Looking around, I saw that Tim had vanished into his curtained-off area, and when he came out he was in a long robe over the blue body paint he had been wearing.

"Where are you going," asked Jim.

He picked up his goggles and a string of light. "To get Kat, and bring her back to camp."

Picking up my hot dog, I took the last bite. "I'll do it, Tim." I waved away Tim's argument. "I've already eaten and I need to walk off a few things. Eat, drink, and make merry. I'll be back in a bit."

Stopping by Olivia, I gave her a small kiss. "Be back, don't wait up."

"I'll keep the bed warm." She tugged on my vest as I moved away. "Hey, love you."

I leaned back in by her ear. "Love you too."

Stepping back out into the cold night, I looked back toward The Man. The whole city was alive with colored lights, like neon bright. There was still a huge party going on in that direction. Judging from the sound, like a multi-tonal thunder, there was more than just that one party still going strong. Walking over to the van, I grabbed out a heavier jacket to keep the shivers away as I walked my way over to the Rampart urgent care clinic.

Even in the dark, I could see it, that large red cross blazing like two huge crossed band-aids.

Stepping up, I saw people sitting in the chairs outside talking. One lady was slightly swaying with the distant music and she would have no doubt gotten up to dance if not for her towel-wrapped foot.

"There is a small wait," a guy in a red shirt told me as I headed for the door. He gestured to an empty chair.

I nodded that I understood, but jerked my thumb towards the door. "I've got to give a message to one of the people working inside."

He stood up from the bloody knee he was cleaning. "I can do it -"

I waved him off. "No, you're busy. I'll just poke my head in."

He gave a reluctant nod. Opening the yellow door, I leaned in just enough to catch the eye of a lady with a clipboard. She gave me a puzzled look.

"Nurse Kathrine Gillian, please?" I asked. "If she's not too busy?"

The lady gave me a tired smile. "She's in one of the tents behind us talking to a patient. Ask Tod out there to go run her down for you. And tell Kat I said to go get some sleep."
