Pool Boy Ch. 24


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Olivia crawled to the foot of the bed and looked down at Sophia and Alexis and said, "Hey ladies we still haven't got him. He's still standing and I mean standing strong. We can't let him get away with this. It's a matter of female pride." Alexis raised her head off the carpet and looked up at Olivia. Sophia just opened her eyes and Olivia was staring down at her.

They both groaned and sat up and slowly got to their feet. Alexis walked to my side of the bed and pushed me off my knees onto my back. My cock flipped back and slapped on my stomach and then lifted to point at the ceiling. Sophia climbed up on the bed beside Olivia and grabbed my cock and started jerking me off. Olivia crawled up on my thigh and lowered her mega-tits on my hip as she pushed her lips to my glans. She lowered her mouth over the head and started lashing it with her tongue while Sophia continued stroking my shaft from glans to balls. Alexis stood beside the bed and watched. She smiled down at me and said, "Are you enjoying yourself?" I nodded vigorously. "Go easy on yourself. Give it up. We can do this all day." I smiled as I thought, 'That's not much incentive."

Regardless, I was close to blowing my wad as I groaned hard and involuntarily drove my hips upward. Olivia rode up with them as she started dragging her teeth lightly over the ridge. Alexis reached in and cupped my balls in one of her hands and pushed them around in my scrotum.

I had been watching them as I propped my torso up on my elbows but now I dropped to my back and drove my head into the bed and arched my back and exploded cum into Olivia's mouth. She was caught by surprise and the first shot went into her throat. She gagged and pulled off coughing. All the subsequent shots flew into the air with great force. Some ropes of cum surged three feet in the air and landed on Sophia's and Alexis' faces and tits. Some cum streams had less force and spurted a few inches and landed in Sophia's lap. None of them even tried to get out of the way and they laughed as the shower of cum went on for twenty seconds. My cock throbbed against Sophia's cum covered hand and then started to soften. Sophia looked at Olivia and said, "Big man down." They all laughed. I chuckled as I laid there gasping for air in near delirium. I was done and my balls ached again. I was hoping they were done too.

Other than the urgency they displayed as they crawled all over each other collecting cum from faces and tits and wherever else they could find it, they were done. We all cuddled up in a heap of flesh in the middle of the bed. Olivia cuddled up on my left side with her head on my shoulder. Sophia did the same on my right shoulder. Alexis was between my legs with her face resting on my spent rod. My balls were in her hand.

Olivia and Sophia kept pushing their hands down to my crotch trying to get a grip on my flaccid cock but Alexis rolled her face one way or the other warding them off. I smiled to myself. Alexis was protecting her property, which she did on occasion. I doubted that she even realized she was doing it. Alexis was more than generous when it came to sharing me with others. She enjoyed it as much as me and maybe even more. She reacted this way when she felt that her generosity was being abused. I could tell she was feeling vulnerable and I would pay particular attention to her needs for a while.

After several attempts, Olivia and Sophia got the message and placed their roving hands on my pectorals and settled for tweaking my nipples. A half-hour later bodies started to move. Sophia rolled away from me and pushed herself to stand on the floor. Olivia was the next to move as she got to her feet. She leaned in and kissed my hard nipple and then kissed me on the cheek. Alexis didn't move away. She crawled up on top of my body and laid herself down on me. Her full weight was not a problem for me. She kissed me and laid her head down on my right collar-bone. Her legs straddle me from my hips and down my thighs. She didn't start anything. I wasn't sure I could get it up if she wanted but I would give it all I had if she did.

Olivia and Sophia both bent over the bed and kissed each of Alexis' ass-cheeks. Alexis giggled and wiggled her ass. They giggled too and then left the room gathering up Sophia's clothes as they went. We were alone. I lightly dragged my fingers of my right hand across her face and around her ear-lobe. She moaned and wiggled her body. The message was 'Stop that', so I left her ear-lobe and proceeded slowly down her neck and along her shoulder and down her arm. She moaned again. This message was 'Don't stop'. I traced my fingers back up to her shoulder and then down over her shoulder blade to the small of her back. She gently rocked her hips into me. I continued up the slope to her ass and then down between her ass-cheeks. She moaned again and rocked her hips harder into me. Alexis lifted her head to look up at me and whispered, "Can you go again?"

I looked down at her beautiful face and said, "I don't know. My balls ache a little but you know I will do my best." She laid her head back on my chest and lifted her hips and reached between us to find my flaccid cock lying unmoving on my left hip. She moved it to lie on my stomach and then dropped her hips to trap it there between us. She stretched her lips out to kiss my nipple and it hardened as she dragged her tongue around it.

My fingers on both hands were tracing along the slope from her hips to her waist. She trembled and said, "Stop tickling me." My fingers ran up to her ribcage and then started across her shoulder blades and down her spine again. She trembled again like she was trying to shake me off. She giggled and said, "That tickles too."

I said, "I love you babe. We're days away from having all the time in the world to ourselves like this."

Alexis lifted her head and set her chin on my chest looking at me. She said, "I love you too. I can't wait. I need you to myself for awhile." She pursed her lips and blew me an air-kiss. I had been certain that she was going to try to get me up again but she didn't. She seemed to be soothed by our closeness and anything more sexual than this would break the mood. I wrapped my arms across her back and pulled her down hard to me. Air expelled from her lungs and she muttered, "OOOOOFFFF." I released her.

Nothing more was said and neither of us moved a muscle. We drifted off to sleep like that.

I woke with a start, sensing that someone else was there. Alexis was drooling on my chest and 'puffing' air in and out like she was purring. I didn't want to wake her. I scanned my eyes around the room to see what had woken me. I had no clue how long we had been out so I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 'Holy Shit,' I thought. It was late afternoon and we had been asleep for nearly two hours. It seemed like just minutes.

Alexis started to come to as she realized that she had been drooling. She reached up and wiped her mouth and then my chest. Without looking up at me she said, "Sorry baby. I'm drooling on you." I put my finger on her lips to shush her. I lifted my head to look over the top of Alexis' head to see the rest of the room.

Standing at the foot of the bed staring down at Alexis' naked body was a stranger. It was a man with shaggy blonde hair and sunglasses on. He was short and stocky and he had a gun in one hand and his cock in the other jerking himself off. When he saw my head lift up to see him he raised the gun and pointed it at us. His hand slid off the end of his cock and moved to his face. He raised an index finger to his lips in the universal sign to keep quiet. I stayed still. The guys' hand went back to his cock and continued jerking on his cock.

I must have stopped breathing and Alexis noticed the change. I could feel blood rushing through my ears with a roar. She lifted her head and looked up at me. She said, "You okay babe. Your heart is pounding and you stopped breathing." I took a breath when she commented on it. She saw that my gaze was out over the top of her head and she turned to look at what I was looking at.

When she saw the guy and the gun she screamed and in a flash flew off my body to the bed beside me. The guy spoke, "The pool boy. How cliché is that?" He looked at Alexis who was covering her breasts with her arm. She noticed then that he was jerking himself off. He said, "Emma's daughter. Alexis isn't it? I knew you had a body but holy shit. I knew I should have taken you at the party."

Holy Shit, it was Olivia's husband Ron. The wig and the sunglasses were a great disguise but his voice was unmistakable. Alexis couldn't bear to even look at him and she buried her face in my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her. He leveled the gun on me the moment I moved to protect Alexis. Ron said, "I would suggest that neither of you move a muscle. I have to retrieve something from a safe over there and then we'll see what other interesting things we can do. He dropped his now flaccid cock and backed across the room as it dangled in front of him. He shifted the gun to his left hand and pulled a picture on the wall. It swung out from the wall on a hinge and a wall safe was behind it. He spun the dial to a number and then checked on us. He spun the dial in the opposite direction to a number and glanced back at us. He spun the dial again to a number and then turned the T-handle. He reached inside and pulled out a metal box with a handle. It was obviously heavy. He didn't look inside and carried it over to the bed. He set it down and the bed sagged under it.

He walked around the side of the bed where Alexis was pressed tightly up against me. He reached out with the non-gun hand and traced his fingers up Alexis' thigh to her hip and down the slope to her waist. He sat down beside her. She burst out crying the moment he touched her. I wanted so bad to kill this guy right here. He put his hand on her ass and squeezed. He shook his head and said, "That's just about the finest ass I have ever seen. She pushed harder against me trying to get away from him.

Ron said, "I must be getting jaded. When I came in here and saw your bare ass, my cock went instant hard. Now I guess I need some additional stimulation to get off." Alexis wailed into my shoulder as the myriad visions of where he was going flooded through our minds. "Jim's businesses that Paul and I were stupid enough to invest in provided all kinds of sexual stimulation. I could show you some, but unfortunately I don't have the time."

Ron stuck the barrel of his gun under my flaccid cock and lifted it until it slid off. "That is some impressive hardware you have there, Hunter. It is Hunter isn't it?" I just nodded. "Can Alexis here deep throat that thing? I know Olivia couldn't. She couldn't even deep-throat mine." He lifted his limp dick in his free hand. I didn't move a muscle. Alexis was trembling now and I held her tighter to me.

Ron spoke to Alexis but she didn't respond or even look at him. He reached down and yanked Alexis onto her back. She quickly laid her arm across her breasts and Ron yanked it away. He pushed the end of the gun barrel to her pussy and said, "I'm going to tell you what to do. You are going to do it without hesitation. When we are done, I'm going to leave and you two can go on with your lives. Okay?" Alexis was shaking like a leaf but she nodded quickly. He pulled the gun out of Alexis' crotch and said, "I want to see how much of your boyfriends cock you can swallow. If that doesn't get me hard, we'll just have to try something else, so do your best." He pointed the gun back at me as Alexis moved down my body and rested her tits on my hip and wrapped her fingers around my cock and started stroking in from tip to balls.

To say the least the environment was not conducive to getting an erection right away. Alexis stroked for two minutes and then looked back at me and said, "Common baby. Concentrate. I need your help." I closed my eyes and mentally put myself somewhere else. It was working as my cock started to grow.

When my cock was at full dimensions Ron said, "Holy Shit. Is that a cock or a beer can? I guess I can't blame Olivia for strapping that on." He motioned for Alexis to proceed. She stretched her lips from side to side to fit my glans into her mouth. Ron said, "Give him your best blowjob. I want him to cum in your mouth and you're going to swallow all of it." Alexis closed her eyes and mentally put herself somewhere else too and her tenuous movements on my cock turned into a fantastic blowjob. I opened my eyes to watch her head bobbing up and down on my cock. I avoided looking at the gun. I noticed that Ron's cock had hardened and he was jerking himself off again. That was encouraging. I didn't even want to contemplate what "something else" meant.

I was willing myself to get off because Ron wasn't going away until I did. Alexis worked my cock into her throat and held it there for a few moments before pulling back to get a breath. Ron said,"Fuckin' A. That's hot girl. I wish I had this on video." His hand flew up and down his hard cock. He motioned for Alexis to continue and she pushed back down until my cock was in her throat again before she pulled back and worked a nob-job with both hands working the shaft.

I could feel cum boiling in my balls and I groaned hard on each blast of cum into Alexis' mouth. She started swallowing immediately and she still almost got behind. When I shot my last salvo, Alexis swallowed and pulled off the head. She opened her mouth to show Ron that she had followed his directions. He said, "You're an incredible cocksucker aren't you. Jim told us you were." He kept right on stroking his cock. I could almost read Ron's mind and then there it was. Ron got on the bed on his knees and pushed his cock into Alexis' face. She pulled back away from him, but he grabbed her hair and pulled her face onto his cock. She wouldn't open her mouth until Ron lowered the gun to my balls. Alexis was whimpering but she opened her mouth and accepted his cock. He leaned down and said, "If you're thinking you will bite my cock off, your boyfriend here will lose his too." She shook her head and pushed her mouth down his cock. Tears streamed down her face.

I never felt so emasculated in my life. I was useless. Alexis closed her eyes to mentally put herself somewhere else again and she sucked her way down to his balls. His cock wasn't long enough to make it into her throat. He groaned hard and pulled her head down to hold her there. After several moments she began struggling to get oxygen and he finally released her. She pulled up his shaft and saliva poured out of her mouth and blew out her nose. She slurped the saliva into her mouth and pushed back down his shaft. She could tell he was about to cum. She knew he would cum in her mouth and she got nauseous at the thought. It was but a few more moments and Ron was blowing his wad. Alexis tried to pull off but Ron forced her back on it again. Ron groaned with each of his cumshots. Alexis gagged and pulled back. Ron held her there until he was done. Alexis had collected his cum in her mouth and her cheeks bulged from the load.

Ron said, "Well, what do you know? Jim was right." Alexis lifted her head to look at Ron. I recognized the look. She was pissed. She forcefully blew his cum in her mouth straight into Ron's face and then puked my cum in his lap. Ron saw it all coming but he couldn't get out of the way fast enough. When Alexis looked up at him with venom in her eyes he backhanded her and knocked her off the bed to the floor. I started to move toward him but he anticipated that and he shoved the gun hard into my balls. I stopped. Alexis sprang up off the floor almost as quickly as she went down and yelled, "You got what you came for and you've had your fun. Now get out of here."

Ron smiled at her and said, "You've got some moxie in you, girl." He moved off the bed and zipped his spent cock into his puke stained pants. He pushed the gun into his waistband and grabbed up my tee shirt from the floor and wiped his face and then his crotch. He threw the tee shirt at me and used both hands to carry the box through the door and down the stairs. We heard the rear Foyer door slam shut. I leapt out of the bed and grabbed Alexis to me. She was sobbing and trembling. The adrenaline had come and gone.

Alexis suddenly looked at me with alarm in her eyes and said, "Olivia and Sophia!" I got her meaning instantly and we raced down the stairs, still nude. We flew across the Foyer into the kitchen. Olivia was sitting in a kitchen chair with her hands tied to the chair arms with the terrycloth tie of her robe. She was completely naked. A kitchen towel was stuffed in her mouth. Sophia wasn't there. Other than a few bruises and a black eye she wasn't seriously hurt.

She looked up at us as we thundered into the kitchen and she started crying. I went to my knees in front of her and removed the towel. She cried hard as she lean into my shoulder as Alexis untied her. She cried out, "Oh thank you God." When her hands were free, she threw her arms around my neck and began sobbing. I held her close for a long time before her sobs turned into sulks.

Olivia pulled my face back and looked into my eyes and said, "Are you guys okay. I was terrified for you two. Why did he come here?"

I said, "There was a safe in your bedroom wall behind a picture. He took a metal box that was pretty heavy. He molested Alexis and then left."

Olivia said, "I didn't even know there was a safe up there. The cops turned his office upside down and found a safe in the wall. They took whatever was in it."

Alexis said, "What about Sophia is she okay?"

Olivia nodded and said, "Sophia left shortly after we came downstairs." She paused a moment before continuing, "I actually let him in. I had changed all the locks when he ran off to Brazil. He posed as a delivery man. He had a box and everything. I didn't recognize him in his disguise until he was inside. I was sure he was here to kill me. When he went upstairs I just prayed he wouldn't find you two." She looked at Alexis and continued, "I'm so sorry Alexis. He hit you. Are you certain you're okay?"

Alexis took Olivia's hands and smiled. "I'm fine." She chuckled and continued, "I paid him back a little." Olivia looked confused and wanted more details but Alexis offered none. We knowingly smiled at each other.

Olivia caught our conspiratorial smiles and said, "I'd give my right tit to know how you paid him back."

I chuckled and said, "To break up that magnificent set would be a crime against humanity." Olivia giggled and covered her breasts with her hands. "Besides, it's too fresh to discuss right now. Maybe later. Okay?" She nodded and nothing more was said about it.

Alexis and I went upstairs to collect our clothes. I quickly washed my tee shirt in the bathroom sink and wrung it out. We came back down dressed. I handed the phone to Olivia and said, "Call the Police. We're leaving and we weren't here. Okay? You saw Ron walk out the door with the heavy metal box, you finally got yourself free from the chair and immediately call the Police." Olivia took the phone and nodded. We got in the van and left. Ten minutes later, three cruisers flew past us in the opposite direction with lights flashing. One of them was Erin and Samantha and they waved as they flew past. We waved back.

I drove Alexis to the town pool to get her mother's car. I kissed her hard as she stood in the open car door. We held each other and Alexis said, "Well this was a day I don't want to relive again. I hope they get the bastard before he gets out of the country." She drove out of the parking lot and I drove home. In two more days I would be at our apartment preparing for football practice. The big name college football programs started practice sessions weeks ago. I was glad I didn't go to one of those colleges. In less than two weeks Alexis and I would be playing house and football wasn't as important to me.

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shyspudshyspudover 3 years ago

guess you twits have never had a gun pointed at you. I have and you do what you are told...

goldenhands55goldenhands55over 5 years ago
To Anony 1-19...

I take it you've never had a gun pushed against your body by an idiot that has nothing to lose if he pulls the trigger. It tends to make you consider all options in a flash.

Let's think for a second of this scenario.

Hunter is furious that Alexis is forced to suck Ron. Hunter swats at Ron's arm to dislodge the gun. Alexis flinches and bites Ron's cock. Ron's reflexes kick in from being bitten and pulls the trigger. Hunter spends the rest of his life pissing into a bag. Ron dies from blood loss from his dickectomy. Alexis and the rest of the harem search for the rest of their lives to find another 'twice the size of a Mich Ultra' dick with no success. Hunter lives a lonely life and dies even lonelier.

One swat of an arm would deprive us of the rest of the story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not Good

Hero emasculated primary love interest raped in his face bad guy got away!?!?! I hope it gets better

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I did not like the fact that you let the story stud not do anything to defend Alexis from the mouth rape. Made him look weak.

Clancy31015Clancy31015almost 7 years ago
Keep it up,

This series will certainly go places, just please don't let it die like many other stories and series have died with cliffhangers and this one needs to keep going.

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