Porn Star Family: Bridgett’s Tale


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"You know about that?" Wendy sat up. "What do you know about Morgan?" she asked when Vikki nodded.

"Well, from my understanding, she was the Celtic goddess of magic," Vikki said, repeating the book's text when she asked her mother about it. "But I don't know how that would work with me being a succubus and it beimg something else I'm not quite sure on, so I've never tried to do the rite."

"Okay," Bridgett looked down when Kelly lightly touched her arm, "tell me, what exactly are you looking for in a wedding location? I'm going with some kind of sorrow that happened at this place," Kelly said, waving to their outfits. "But you might also want romantic too," she mused in thought. "I might know of some places that Samuel might not have thought about, too girly for him," waving off her brother's look, "but might be what you're looking for."

"Really?!" Bridgett and Vikki gasped in excitement. "We'd be so grateful, after this, of course."

"You got your cell on you?" Kelly asked, looking at Bridgett, who gave her a look of 'Duh!'

"You know, Vikki and I have been dying for a date night with another couple. You wouldn't happen to know where we might seek entertainment with a couple like yourselves," Bridgett stated in her best polite voice.

"I might. Is it weird seeing a demon polite?" Samuel whispered into his sister's ear.

"Would you mind showing my wife and me a night out on the town? Just a friendly get-together to get to know each other better," Bridgett offered in a sinful tone.

"Let us think about it, alright?" Kelly answered, slyly eyeing her brother. Pondering what else was going to come after her brother, they were waiting to hear from Nimue before they responded to the act. Looking down when Bridgett took hold of her arm.

"I meant it; I can help if you let me," Bridgett said in all seriousness.

"You really want to help?" Samuel asked with a pointed look.

"I do; I get why you don't ask Ira; him getting involved might cause trouble; they already think my side is helping you given what you are; I don't see a reason why I can't help a family friend," Bridgett said with a friendly smile.

"But you don't make a move without us, hear?" Kelly asked as she stared down her brother. Samuel thought to save a night of yelling, so he just nodded as he felt Ira's return.

"Sorry about that; Gabby was busy," Ira called out as he walked through the front door.

"So, can I open this thing?"

"Sure, go ahead." Ira nodded, noticing how Vikki was eyeing him. His mind pondered on what he was going to do as dread filled him. Watching Samuel finish his spell as he disabled the trap.

"Hmm, okay, this might take longer than I thought," Samuel hummed disappointedly as his magic lifted the tome off the table, coming to a hover about a foot before him. His finger magically turned the page as he studied the spellwork.

"What do you mean, Sam?" Ira asked, his eyes following Samuel as he walked around his family's library as he started taking books from the shelves.

"Seems you need a spell to even read the tome. So have to find the cipher of sorts, and given how old it is might take a bit," Samuel said, looking up from the book in his hand. His unholy eyes observed how Ira vanished from the side of the table, only to appear a foot in front of him.

"I have your word that the Key of Solomon will not leave this room until my return?"

"You have it," Samuel stated, clasping Ira's forearm.

"It was lovely meeting you all; call me," Bridgett whispered to Kelly, who nodded. She might not use her charms on his female family members that didn't mean she couldn't or wouldn't use what she was sensing from Kelly to worm her way into their orbit. "Next time you're in Portland, we'll show you around."

"Hit me up when you know something," Ira stated as he peered back into the room as he escorted them out.

Chapter Three

It had been two days since their trip to meet Samuel. Sighing, looking bored as Bridgett rested against her hand as she and Vikki ate their lunch. Vikki was teaching her how to read her prey, so if she got hungry, she would know how to lure them to a spot away from prying eyes.

"Love, I know you're bored, but what I'm telling you is important for you to learn," Vikki said as she dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin.

"Sorry, Vik, it's just after meeting him, tasting him; they just don't seem appealing to me anymore," Bridgett said with a wave of her hand.

"Yes, I have to agree with you on that; Samuel was a unique experience," Vikki said, looking disinterestedly out onto the crowd that ambled through the southwestern quad of their college.

"Hey, you two, these seats taken?" Sue asked, holding her tray of food in her left hand while her right pointed at the two vacant seats.

"No, sit, have a question I want to ask the two of you," Bridgett said, watching Rita taking her seat beside Sue.

"About?" Rita muttered, unwrapping her chicken sandwich.

"Samuel." A devilish smile spread across her lips when that name seemed to get their attention.

"What about him?" Sue asked, wondering what the two of them did yesterday; she was also a little annoyed that Ira didn't take her with him.

"How did you go back to this..." Waving towards the masses, "When you been near him?"

"Oh... you don't really," Rita said, with Sue nodding along. "At least not for a while anyway. I take it's hard to focus?"

"That's an understatement," Bridgett grumbled, blowing Vikki a kiss when she gently caressed her left forearm.

"We can understand that, that pure sexual energy surrounding him is like crack to us. Makes us want to do strange things, more so in one as young as you," Sue said before taking a bite of her green beans. "You'll get used to it after a while. It was the same with Ira when we taught him," she stated, shooting her sister a wicked look who scowled at that. "So, have you chosen your handmaidens yet?" Sue asked in all seriousness.

"Do what?" Bridgett perked up at that strange news.

"Really, Vikki, you didn't tell her?" Rita uttered in an exasperated sigh.

"Hey?! I was, she just has a big test tomorrow, and I was going to wait till after it to tell her, thank you," Vikki said, staring down her sisters.

"Vik, what are they talking about...?" Jumping in her seat when Anael just appeared beside her. "Hey, now, you just don't steal my fries, at least not without a hug first," Bridgett said, happy to see her Aunt as she was wearing a rather warm smile in return as she munched on her purloined fry.

"Azza, come out; it's okay," Anael spoke, calling out to her sister as she stood out of phase with the mortal world.

"Okay, what's going on here?" Bridgett perked up, her eyes seeing the confusion in Vikki's and her sister's eyes as they felt her power as Azza stepped out of the shadows. Azza, to her mind, was no more beautiful to her eyes on that day than she was when she first met her.

"Father was worried, so he asked mother if we could watch over you while on earth. Ardat Lili and Aswang will come if we need them," Anael explained.

"Ah, and the Sisters are that strong?" Bridgett asked, wondering what her brother had gotten her into.              

"They are fallen Gods, so yes, they are," Azza answered as she took up a guard position over Vikki and Bridgett.

"I take it that's something a Seraphim would know?" Bridgett asked, looking back and up at Azza.

"We do, my lady," Azza nodded, hoping to make her mother proud, also her father.

"Huh? Imagine that, anyway; what's this about handmaidens?" Bridgett inquired, turning her attention back to Vikki.

"I'm sorry, babe; I promise I was going to tell you after this test. But well, you are the Princess; you even got a room at the palace like Ira does," Bridgett saw Sue and Rita nodding along, "handmaidens are a given," Vikki said as if that was common knowledge.

"Okay, and what's so important about them?"

"They're like your advisers in a sense, also bodyguards if the need arises," Rita stated, nodding to Anael and Azza.

"Well, why can't you two fill that role? We've known each other ever since Vikki and I first ran into each other," Bridgett said, laying a hand on Vikki's forearm, seeing her blush hard at the gesture. "Plus, Hell, might already think that given where we're living now, so why not get the title out of it as well, hmm?"

"Vikki, what have you been teaching her?" Sue asked, feeling Bridgett's charm luring her.

"Oh, just everything," Vikki sighed warmly. "So, Anael, how have you been?"

"I'm good; I'm excited; Nanael will be awaking soon, isn't that lovely sister," Anael asked, peering back at Azza.

"Yes, it has been too long since Nanael went to sleep; I know Father will be happy to see her again," Azza said softly. "Have you heard the news about Allocen?" she asked, looking at her sister.

"Wait? Who's Nanael and Allocen?" Bridgett asked, feeling left out.

"Our youngest sister, she chose to serve Father; her mother is Gabriella," Anael said, arching an eyebrow when a strange look appeared in Bridgett's eyes. "Allocen is father's new Hell-wife; she's also with child."

"Ah, you'll have to introduce me to her later, okay?" Bridgett spoke, winking at Anael before turning her gaze back to Sue. Whispering from the corner of her mouth for Vikki to tell her more about this Allocen later, who nodded she would. "What do you say?"

"We'd be honored to serve as your handmaidens, Princess," Sue and Rita said as one.

"You must see sister, she was very beautiful last night," Anael said in a loving tone as she leaned against Bridgett.

"Which one?"

"You're mother," Anael clarified.

"What happened last night?"

"Can't you feel her?" Anael asked quizzically, watching how Bridgett closed her eyes. Following how her hand shot to the lip of the table the moment they were. Noting how her chest rolled and heaved before doubling over when Ira kicked her out.

"What the hell?! Ira!" Bridgett growled. "What's my brother doing in Hell in the first place?" she asked heatedly. Her succubus perked up at the little fidget and how Anael's cheeks heated.

"Father is in mother's company right now, as is sister," Anael said, looking away.

"Ah, well, we'll just let them do whatever it is they're doing, so we met his family, Samuel's, I mean. I really liked his wives," Bridgett said, steering the conversation back to their meet and greet.

"And Bridgett here wanted to eat them up, didn't you?" Vikki asked as a flash of her demon was highlighted along her face.

"True, but they were so mmm... yummy; I do hope they say yes," Bridgett sighed in longing. "Now it's getting him to drink from us is the next step. Wonder what's it like."

"Kelly might be willing to tell us if we ask," Vikki replied, eager to spend more time out there. Also to see if Kelly would mind showing off those locations.

"She did give you her phone number, didn't she?" Rita mumbled, pointing her chip at her.

"Hold on, I'll text her," Bridgett uttered, mentally slapping herself for not thinking about it before. Reading her message as she set her phone down on the table, hoping Kelly would text her back. Listening to Vikki chatting with her sisters as the minutes wore on. Her eyes widened at the text as it vibrated her phone. "So glad to hear from you," she sent back. "Hey, Vikki and I were wondering if you wouldn't mind showing us those places you talked about."

"If you don't mind, if Sammy and my mother tag along?"

"Sure, that's fine with us," Bridgett replied once she had shown it to Vikki.

"Will five o'clock, my time, be alright with you?" A sinful grin spread along her lips at what awaited her that night. "Oh, and wear something for a club; Nimue and Pandora wish to meet you."

"We'll be ready, but would you mind if we changed at your place? Doubt heeled boots are made to wander the streets."

"We don't mind; there's a guest room you can use if you need it."

"Well, we best head home; her five o'clock is our two," Bridgett said, referencing the time difference as she peered at Vikki.

"Now, you're just rubbing it in," Sue huffed, crossing her arms.

"You know the early demon and all that," Bridgett joked as she smiled at Sue as she rose from her seat. "We so need to go pick out our outfits for tonight?!" Anael waved goodbye to Sue and Rita as the four of them faded from view.


"Sis, why are they coming here?" Samuel asked, watching his sister get ready in their bedroom.

"Because I like them, and I need..." Her voice stilled as she felt his hand on her shoulder. Her lips softly brushed along the back of his fingers.

"Ah, I understand, sis, so where are we going again?" Samuel asked, seeing that smile of hers as he lifted their mother out of her crib. "Yeah, go figure you'd choose those," he teased as he strapped Wendy into the stroller, as she listed out the places.

"Hush," Kelly playfully slapped Samuel's arm. "They're romantic for the most part," she swayed. "Plus, we haven't been out on a date for some time; you shouldn't keep your wife wanting for so long," she said, grinning madly when Samuel looked up at her.

"Why didn't you say something?" Samuel asked, holding the door open and willing the stroller out the door getting a giggle from his mother.

"With all those powers and mind reading, isn't one of them?" Kelly teased; her fingertips skimmed along her brother's jaw as she sauntered past him. A sensuous smirk formed on her lips as she noted how his eyes lingered on her swaying hips. The ticking of the seconds echoed as the clock inched forward. The sounds of laughter, of footsteps on the old wooden boards thundered through time and space as the world seemed to slow. Only to break the molasses by the startling knocking on their front door. "Oh, hi?!" Kelly greeted cheerfully as she opened the door, and there stood Vikki and Bridgett eagerly awaiting entrance since, oddly enough, they couldn't slip inside or teleport inside, "We were just about to leave to meet you at the beach; come in," she said, inviting them in as she opened the door wider.

"Samuel, I'm your mother, not a child," Wendy grumbled.

"Yeah, says the one with drool on their chin," Samuel retorted as he wiped it off, seeing his mother's cheeks heat in embarrassment. "Hello," he greeted, noting how their eyes were on him.

"Must have been weird for you, learning about your mother," Bridgett said in a friendly tone.

"Not going to lie, but yeah, it was, but she's still with me, just not in body," Samuel said, running the tip of his finger down his mother's nose, who was looking at him with quivering eyes.

"Sammy, I'm showing them to the guest room, then we'll head out, okay?" Kelly stated, keeping her loving sigh to herself as she watched the two of them.

"Sure, sis," Samuel nodded, smiling at his mother.

"So where is the other one? I'm sorry, her name just slips my mind at the moment," Vikki said, referring to Charlotte.

"Charlotte's teaching at the moment, but she'll be done before we go see Nimue and Pandora," Kelly said as she led them to the guest room on the other side of the second floor.

"And may I ask who are these two women?" Vikki inquired with a roll of her hand. She wouldn't dare dream of besmirching Ira's trust or testing her limits with Samuel in using her powers on Kelly. However, there wasn't anything wrong with using them to earn their trust.

"Samuel's vampiric wives," Kelly said factually as she opened and waved the two of them in once they reached the guest room.

"We can't wait to meet them. If Samuel's tastes are like I've seen," Bridgett watched Kelly's cheeks heat at her flirt, "then I know I'm going to be in trouble tonight," she said coyly.

"Thanks," Kelly said bashfully as Bridgett and Vikki entered the room.


"Wow, now this place, now this place... can you feel that, Vik?" Bridgett asked, looking around what was now a deserted warehouse. The occupants had long since abandoned the site due to the cursed ground it was built on.

"See, I told you, you should've brought them here," Kelly gloated, bumping her hip into Samuel's, who rolled his eyes.

"I do," Vikki said, her ruby eyes studying the darkness, feeling the lingering evil watching them. "And it has the space we need for a wedding," she said, waving her arms around the space.

"What do you think, your family over there," pointing to the left side of the building, "and mine here?" Bridgett asked, really getting a feel for the place.

"You said you wanted to experience Samhain; why not integrate the two? It will make the experience more... memorable," Wendy offered, tilting her head, wondering if demons were supposed to act like the two of them as they bounced on their feet in glee.

"Wait?! Is that possible?" Vikki asked excitedly as she peered at Samuel and Wendy.

"Yeah, shouldn't be hard; Mom's more of a master on the subject than I am," Samuel mused, looking down when he felt a light pat on his leg.

"If you had joined me when I asked, you'd know more about it. I would have thought her Herald would know about all souls day," Wendy said in a pouty voice. "To caught up in your books to go out with your mother," she uttered, guilting him.

"Are you just wanting the ceremony or a reception too?" Kelly asked as Bridgett and Vikki whispered amongst themselves. "If you are, I know some caterers around town, not a word out of you," she said, looking pointedly at Samuel when he started to speak.

"It'll be really small, I mean really small, so if there is one, best if we hold it at our place or..."

"I'll be happy to host it..."

"Kelly?" Samuel warned.

"We all can't live like hermits, Sammy; I need this, okay?" Kelly muttered, batting her eyes at him.

"Alright, but they stay out of my coffin; we clear?"

"That's for us only," Kelly whispered in want, recounting the times she had slipped into it when Nimue or Pandora wasn't around. That's the only reason he had one, so they could spend the day with him.

"You so have to meet our friends; I just know they'll love you," lightly touching Kelly's wrist while Bridgett's eyes were on Samuel, "both of you," she said, smiling sweetly at the two of them. Noticing how his eyes were studying her as she and Kelly chatted with one another.

"You would be okay with hosting our reception?" Vikki asked, pondering how her sisters would take this news.

"Mmmhmm," Kelly hummed as she nodded. If her brother was in trouble and if Bridgett said it was true, then she would gladly make a pack with them to see if her brother was safe.


"Give us a few to get ready," Kelly stated as she held the door open for her two guests as they filed into her home.

"Of course, we ladies have to look hot," Bridgett said, her succubus charm laced with that one word directed at Samuel as he unhooked Wendy from her stroller. She's, and she knew Vikki has been, been flirting on and off with the two of them that the act was normal for them. Waving down at the two of them as she and Vikki climbed towards the guest room.

"Can't even let you out of my sight?!" Charlotte's voice filled the air as she was not pleased with what she had seen. "Kelly, Mom, said she'll be happy to watch Wendy for the night," she said, stopping in front of Kelly. "Hmpf?!" Charlotte huffed, turning her nose up, and walked right past him.

"What?!" Samuel called out in confusion; he hadn't done anything to piss her off, at least he didn't think he had.

"This is where you chase the girl," Charlotte said, peering down at her nephew. Giggling like mad as she raced to their bedroom. Kelly just shook her head as Samuel took off after her.

"Come, let's get you over to Nana's," Kelly said in a motherly tone as she held Wendy to her side.