Porn Star Family: Bridgett’s Tale


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"Be careful, Kelly, remember what they are," Wendy warned as Kelly neared the doorway that connected the two houses. "I don't begrudge you for looking for a friend; I, too, went through this phase when I married your father. After my job, taking care of our family, and doing whichever ritual I needed to do, I never seemed to leave time for myself. If they treat you well and are nice to you, that's fine, and I'm happy for you. Just remember they are demons, or whatever she called herself."

"I know, Mom, like I could forget," Kelly said as she stepped through the gate.


"So this the place?" Bridgett asked, peering out the window of the car that was waiting for them once they had crossed that strange boundary, only to find themselves in New Orleans. "Doesn't look like a vamp... oops, sorry," she apologized for her slip of the tongue. Slyly eyeing Kelly's and Charlotte's asses as Samuel helped them out of the back of the car. "I take it none of the people that come here know what this place is?" Bridgett asked softly as her hand fell into his. Fighting back her groan of lust as that same pulled washed over her, she really didn't need his smirk when her legs wobbled as she tried to stand.

"Most of them don't," Samuel agreed, backing away so Bridgett could help Vikki out. Waving to their driver, silently telling him his services wouldn't be needed any longer. He knew when they were ready to leave, his normal driver would be there to shuttle him home.

"I can see why you'd be overrun with vampire fans or those that want to kill you," Vikki mused, studying the building's face. "We won't be getting you into trouble, will we?" she asked, peering over at Samuel as he walked arm in arm towards the entrance.

"No, not as long as you keep what you are hidden. I doubt most of them would be able to sense it unless you're my wife," Samuel said, holding the door open for Kelly and Charlotte, who offered their thanks in light caresses along his chest as they passed. Giving them the signal to wait there before walking up to one of the bouncers, asking if their table was ready, also to inform Nimue they had arrived if she didn't already know. Noticing how Bridgett and Vikki were whispering to one another as they slyly pointed around the club. "This way, our table is ready." His thumbs brushed along the back of Kelly's and Charlotte's hands as they took hold of his outstretched hands. However, his nostrils flared as he sensed her. Bridgett and Vikki looked around nervously at his reaction, while Kelly and Charlotte wore knowing smiles at what the sign meant. Turning his head as the sound of two hard claps filled the air, and white artificial light beamed down, bathing Nimue's form as the crowd parted. Her white hair was held up in an elegant bun, and two strands of her hair hung down along the side of her face. Her silver eyes glinted in the light. Her crimson satin dress moved effortlessly along her body as her hips swayed alluringly as she crossed the dancefloor.

"Did you think you could walk in here and I wouldn't have this ass in my hand?" Pandora whispered heatedly into Samuel's ear when she appeared behind him. Her blue eyes studied the two that didn't belong. If she hadn't known what they were in the first place, she wouldn't have a clue they were what they were.

"Now, now, sister, I am supposed to greet my husband first," Nimue said, narrowing her eyes at the tongue Pandora shot her. "Hello, Samuel, we have missed you," she said lovingly as she held out her hands to him.

"Hello, Nimue, looking fine as ever," Samuel spoke; his hot breath flowed over Nimue's exposed neck. Listening to the light shuffle of her breath as the tips of his fangs skimmed along it. Holding her close as they shared a kiss. Unaware of the look, Nimue shot her sister as their tongues rolled around each other's mouths. Pandora heard the greeting Nimue gave to Kelly and Charlotte as she, too, got her first kiss in for the night.

"Come, our table is waiting, and we can discuss this in private," Nimue said, taking charge while not letting on she was eyeing the two strangers.

"Samuel, just how many hot women do you need?!" Bridgett joked as they walked into the curtained-off area that oddly once served as the meeting spot where Samuel and Nimue first met.

"A lot, apparently," Samuel said, holding out the seats for Kelly and Charlotte, then for Nimue and Pandora, while Bridgett and Vikki sat across from them as he took the middle seat between the four ladies. "And yes, they are," he said abruptly, answering Vikki's unspoken question.

"But I didn't say anything," Vikki stated, hoping she didn't give herself away.

"Didn't have to; it's been on your faces since you met me," Samuel said in a friendly tone.

"Can you blame me, Sam? Are you sure you aren't a demon?" Vikki responded with a good-natured jest.

"Ah, okay, now I understand," Nimue spoke aloud when Samuel whispered to her when she and her sister were confused by her statement.

"Nimue, Pandora, you remember Ira?" Samuel asked, seeing them nod. "Well, this is his sister, Bridgett, and her fiancée Vikki," he said, introducing the four of them.

"Nice to meet the two of you; when Ira talked about you two, he did not do you two justice," Bridgett greeted, hoping to put her best foot forward for the night of bliss she was longing for.

"We have heard of your request to our husband," Nimue said, sitting regally in her chair. Her eyes flickered over to the flap as it was pulled back and entered the blood-infused wine she had ordered for them, revealing the hand, along with the body of one of the servers that worked in the club that served only vampires so the orders wouldn't get mixed up. "Thank you, Heather, your timing is impeccable," she said in a warm tone as the woman placed the decanter on the center of the table; her silver eyes watched how Bridgett and Vikki eyed the sloshing liquid. "You need to eat, Samuel; this is no time to stand on morals. You could have handled what happened in Greece easily if you didn't starve yourself."

"What... isn't that like a bad thing for you?" Bridgett spoke, looking between the two.

"For most newborns, it is," Pandora supplied.

"What, fasting for a day boost my powers," Samuel said, watching that tantalizing, tempting, satisfying liquid flowed into the wine glass he felt his fangs descending in his hunger.

"Yes, at the expense of your stamina," Nimue instructed. "Yet if you had been fed, your magic would have held out without the need for Ira's intervention."

"Hold on, are you Samuel's maker?" Vikki asked, knowing what was happening as they watched a master teaching their fledgling. She was in heaven!

"I am," Nimue said, her vampire seduction flashing along her eyes. The candle light played along the tips of her fangs as she smiled proudly at that fact as she gracefully crossed her legs. "Samuel's still dealing with those old human traits regarding feeding. Oddly, just not on those two," Nimue said, looking interestingly at Kelly and Charlotte. The heat that flooded their faces was not hard to miss to undead eyes.

"Samuel, do you know how lucky you are?!" Bridgett asked, staring at her wet dream come true.

"Yes, how does that go again?" Samuel mused sarcastically, reaching for his glass.

"Really?!" Bridgett stated, gesturing to Nimue and Pandora.

"And what exactly are you gesturing at, the fact they're hot," seeing their fiery looks, they glanced at him, "women or they're nosferatu?" Samuel asked, starting to see she was nothing like her brother.

"All the above, duh," Bridgett teased. "I've always wondered what meeting a vampire would be like from everything and have watched about them. Now, I'm happy that I have a brother for once," she joked, seeing the smirk on Samuel's lips. "So, is it true?" Bridgett asked, scooting to the edge of her seat once the waitress took their order. She saw the surprise in their eyes, minus Samuel when they ordered a beer.

"Is what true?" Samuel retorted as he brought his glass up to his lips.

"That at the mall back home, you took on their foot soldiers and used their blood as weapons?" Bridgett asked, wondering what she would have done during it if she had known.

"I did; your sisters are something, though?" Samuel stated, turning his attention to Vikki.

"Oh? Why's that?" Vikki inquired, thinking he was going to demean them in some way.

"Didn't think two women as attractive as they are could lay the hurt to someone like I saw them do, got to say, kind of impressed," Samuel praised.

"Well, mother has trained us since we were little on how to defend ourselves. I heard it was a mad house that night," Vikki spoke, flashing the woman a smile as she placed her beer before her.

"It was until my family arrived," Samuel answered with a wave to the four beside him. "Didn't get much better, but we held out. Ira was struggling with it like you are during that battle," he stated, his eyes boring into Bridgett's body. "It's okay; I didn't read your mind or anything like that. No, Ira had that same look in his eyes when he wondered if he would be strong enough during that fight. Oh, tell him we have to go harass the Nords again; Hekatê found it amusing. But as I said to Ira, you have to ask yourself, is what you want to protect worth the cost? Is it worth the pain? The sorrow? All to ensure whatever or whomever it was, was safe? If it is, don't see this as saving the world; think of it as protecting 'you'..." Bridgett sat up straighter in her seat as his voice rang in her head. "From what waited for us on that night, the night the old gods, the new gods, and the neutral." Pointing right up at the ceiling where Anael and Azza were hovering, telling the two of them he's known they were there. "Stood together to put back something so old, so ancient, so... hungry to sleep, that was something," Samuel said; the flashes of that night played out along the surface of his wine as he stared down at it. "Then Ira went and became a Throne; I think that's what he called it," he uttered, thinking back to that conversation.

"Seems like you struck up a friendship with my brother," Bridgett stated as she leaned back while lifting her bottle off the table.

"So, Sam, what did you want to do before this became your life?" Vikki asked before taking another sip of her beer.

"Microbiologist," Samuel stated factually, noting how the two of them were staring at him.

"Huh? Well, after what you said about your mother, I can see that" Bridgett mused after a few seconds.

"That life wasn't meant for you, Sammy; you were meant to be with us," Kelly said sweetly as she slipped her hand into his lap. "Now, come dance with me," she cooed, her love burning in her eyes as the candle light played within their depths.

"Mmm, yes, dancing is a must; you can't take us out and not dance with us," Charlotte stated, nodding along with her niece.

"I was hoping we would," Bridgett said, eager to see the ladies on the dancefloor. "I hope you wouldn't mind if I cut in, would you?" she asked coyly as she peered at Samuel as they ambled out of their private area.

Bridgett and Vikki were in heaven as they danced, feeling the eyes of the undead on them as they danced provocatively against one another. After they were sure all four had a dance with Samuel, they weren't after to break them up, just to experience them, or so they hoped. Bridgett's eyes flashed alluringly at Samuel as she rubbed her ass against him while Vikki was dancing with Charlotte, then switched off until Samuel was the only one left. Only when the four of them said it was fine, then the two of them proceed to sandwich Samuel all to entice him and his wives into a night neither would soon forget. They talked some more, and Kelly found she could really like the two women that had just appeared in their lives. Although she didn't like how Bridgett was coming on to her, well, everyone at the table, especially the way she was eyeing her brother.

"So, why exactly did you make this offer to my husband?" Kelly glanced over to Pandora, glad she was the one that did it. While she knew Samuel would protect them if the need arose since she doubted she could fend off the both of them at once. "We aren't in the habit of sharing our husband with strangers," Pandora intoned as she leaned back in her chair, seeing Nimue's nod of support.

"We so get that?!" Bridgett said instantly, only to be stopped when Vikki placed her hand over hers.

"Please, forgive Bridgett's eagerness, this life is new for her, and we both have been in love with the macabre since we both were little. I understand your annoyance, us just barging into your lives like we have. I will admit I have let my lust lead me a few times this night. Yet, what do you expect when you put four hot, tasty women in front of a lesbian succubus? Especially when two of them are vampires, you had to know something like this would happen," Vikki said, looking at Samuel, who shrugged that he might have. "We aren't saying it has to be tonight, or tomorrow for that matter, just whenever you all feel comfortable with us. Just know that both of us are willing to do whatever it is to make this happen. It just doesn't have to be just Samuel and us; we're more than willing to offer you our bodies in exchange."

"Okay, why are the two of you so hellbent on getting my Sammy between your legs?" Charlotte asked with a pointed look.

"He smells like sex," Bridgett muttered, nearly drooling on herself as she gazed wantonly at Samuel, who had a slightly perplexed look.

"Please, explain what you mean my husband smells like sex?" Nimue asked with a wave of her hand as she sat stalwartly in her seat.

"We're succubi, well, Bridgett is more angel than a demon, anyway, we live off of sex, as I'm sure you know something about that," looking at Kelly and Charlotte when she said that, "even for me, it's very hard to control my urges around him. To us," gesturing to Bridgett and herself, "Samuel's like to us... how do I say this without sounding like a slut," Vikki mused aloud, getting a giggle out of Kelly and a sly smirk from Charlotte. "He's like something I want to wrap myself around and drink in everything he is. To writhe in bliss as the sexual energies surrounding him touches every part of me," she purred, moving her body seductively in her seat as the thought played along her mind.

"But didn't you just say you were lesbians?" Charlotte asked, confused.

"We are, well, Bridgett more so than me, but Ira altered her demon, so she didn't have to sleep with men to feed like normal succubi do," Vikki explained.

"But I am willing, if or when you all are," Bridgett said, wondering why she wasn't revolted at the thought like she was when some man tried to take her home with them a few times since she awakened. Looking inwardly, feeling her demon just writhing being this close to Samuel after what she felt in that kiss they shared.

"But have you ever slept with a man before?" Pandora asked, cocking an attituded at the two who she thought were interlopers.

"One man, but that's a private matter; like your hair, by the way, frames your face rather nicely," Bridgett stated, noting how Pandora looked over to Samuel, who agreed with her. "Cute too; I knew I would be in trouble tonight," she shyly flirted when she saw how Pandora's cheeks heated at Samuel's words. She knew even from the short period of time, even if she wanted to, which she didn't, she wouldn't be able to pull anyone of them away from Samuel since their eyes usually found their way to him.

"Be careful there, dear," putting on her best creole accent, "you might get more than you bargained for," Pandora said, countering Bridgett's lure with her own vampiric seduction.

"What if I agree to let you tie me up, then will you do lewd, lewd things to this sweet, tight body of mine? What of Vikki? I promise you; you haven't felt a tongue like my woman's," Bridgett purred wantonly as she draped her body along Vikki's right side, hoping to tempt her into their little bargain.

"Huh, so that's what you look like," Samuel said, studying Bridgett's true self. It had taken him some time to discern what his eyes were showing him.

"What?!" Bridgett stammered, looking at Vikki, making sure she hadn't lost control, who shook her head that she hadn't.

"Sorry, meant that as the quiet part," Samuel said with an apologetic smile.

"Are you saying you can see the real me?" Bridgett asked, noting the perplexed looks levied at him from his wives, so she knew they couldn't see her true self.

"Yeah." Bridgett felt a chill run down her spine at the coldness of that one word. The look that was held in his cobalt eyes wasn't the one she's been fighting to keep from giving in to the temptation; no, the gaze she was now faced with was a look of a predator stalking its prey. "No offense, but you are what you are; I know firsthand what your side can do and know that night was only a temporary truce. Plus, having seen your brother in his demon state or whatever Ira calls it and his angel side often enough. I have to be on the lookout for angels about," he said indifferently.

"Nope, I get it, you have to protect your family, and I would never do anything to bring any harm to them. I know Ira would be royally pissed if I did. I'd rather not experience that again," Bridgett spoke, her mind flashing back to when she woke up in a crater with a broken body.

"Do you mean those words?" Samuel asked, setting his glass aside. He has noted how Nimue had been eyeing him ever since Bridgett brought up the blood daggers. He was pondering if she was thinking about who taught him blood magic since all masters were meant to teach that skill to their fledglings.

"We do," Vikki spoke, answering for the both of them.

"If you wish to hang out around here, my only restriction I have is a binding spell," raising his hand when they started to speak, "it's just to keep you to your word, that's all. If you agree to that, then you two are welcome to come by the house any time."

"What about here?" Bridgett inquired, not eager to lose her new night spot to go to on dates with Vikki.

"Well, seeing how I have no control over this place, the House does. You can, I would assume," looking over to Nimue and Pandora, who were deep in thought, "let's circle back to that later. I come here about every night since I don't sleep mostly. So if you can't show up on your own, you can always join me until the House makes a decision; sound fair?"

"We understand precautions, so what's this binding spell?" Bridgett asked, pondering how lewd it was. She remembered Missy telling her how Samuel wrote something in her own nectar, and the feeling afterwards was beyond comparison to any sexual encounter she's ever had. Wondering if she could keep herself in check if he had to get her aroused enough, although, at the moment, that wasn't a hard thing to do.

"Hold out your hands," Samuel ordered, getting up from his seat.

"Husband? Since when and who has taught you blood magic?" Nimue asked in an accusatory tone, watching Bridgett hiss as Samuel's sharp fingernail stabbed the palm of her hand. Leaning forward, watching how he used the tip of his nail to drawl out the sigil on her palm. Seeing no errors in the sigil, he had inscribed onto Vikki's right palm

"Don't fold your hand or make a fist," Samuel directed, seeing their nods of understanding as he lowered himself back into his seat. "Nimue, would you mind?" he asked, offering out his hands to her.

"Answer my question, Samuel," Nimue spoke in a hard tone as she gazed angrily at her husband.

"Hekatê." Was the only word Samuel spoke as flashes of guilt and piety played across Nimue's face. Watching how her two freed strands of hair swayed before her as she bowed her head. Her touch was light on the back of his hands as she took his right hand into her left.