Prom Ch. 10: Touch and Go Pt. 02


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But that all changed the moment Rachel let a wild implication slip out in her eerily calm and casual tone. The two girls had obviously been dancing dangerously around the line of what was too far all evening long. Rebecca had likely already crossed it when she had brought her fingers to Rachel and touched her so intimately. But that had been such a spur of the moment thing. She had been so wound up and she'd never been in such a situation. Watching Rachel work while they combined on a sexual experience together for the first time had simply overloaded her circuits. She hadn't even been in control when she'd reached out and touched her friend.

But what Rachel was doing (or implying) now was deliberate. It was premeditated. She was staring lustfully into Rebecca's eyes as she had just calmly explained her intentions. It wasn't rushed or forced. And it didn't really seem like Rachel was asking for permission. She saw her friend in need and she was going to take care of that. But what exactly was she planning to do?

Did she want to touch Rebecca the way she had been touched? Or maybe she was she going to-? Rebecca's entire body shook at the thought. No. She wouldn't. Not that. There was no way. Rebecca wouldn't even entertain the-.

She pulsed again and her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Rachel's hands begin to slide up her thighs, towards her hips. Rebecca looked down, frozen in terror and excitement as she watched Rachel's steady face. It was warm, but serious. She felt Rachel's fingers slide further and hook around the waistband of her tan thong.

Rebecca felt the dull ringing start to grow again in her ears. She couldn't speak. She tried weakly to mumble in confused protest, but no sound came out. She felt physically paralyzed and it was all she could do to somehow force her head into a slight shake as she tried to signal for Rachel to stop. But did she want her to stop? She had to, right? Right?

Rachel brushed off her weak gesture and simply returned it with a gentle nod. "Yes, Becca. It's your turn."

She kept her eyes locked on her friend's and began to tug gently on the waistband. She could feel Rebecca's body shaking and heaving up and down with her quickening breath. She smiled as she let her gaze pass over her glistening chest, across her stomach and bright belly-button jewel, before finally settling on the piece of tan fabric in front of her. She began to peel it down further and sucked in her breath as inch by inch of skin began to come into view.

Rebecca was smooth and cleanly shaven, probably this afternoon, Rachel smirked, as she remembered her friend's wild proclamations that she was going to get some tonight. She began to feel her own heartbeat quicken as the fabric crept lower and lower. She'd seen Rebecca naked before but it wasn't like she'd closely inspected her. Especially not...this.

Rachel might have let her eyes glance down briefly a few times without really thinking about it, but she had never really had a desire to study this particular part of her friend's body. She felt a shock as she realized how close her face was. Of all the times she'd knelt in front of someone and slowly peeled their underwear down, this was the most excited she'd ever been.

She almost lost her nerve as she wondered exactly what in the hell she was doing. But she steadied herself and felt her resolve return as she heard Rebecca let out a slight whimper. She remembered her friend's frustration and her need. She remembered why she was doing it.

She peeled the front of Rebecca's thong down just to the very top of her opening and paused. While Rebecca was now obviously more naked, nothing had truly been revealed, save the smoothly shaven area inches below her waist. The fabric was now stretched and it was no longer sliding down easily. Rachel realized that Rebecca was still firmly slouched into the futon, her ass pressing deeply into the cushion below her. Like many boys that had been in this position in front of Rachel's kneeling body, there would need to be some cooperative efforts made by both parties to get the underwear off completely.

Rachel paused with excitement at the thought. Up until that moment, it was clear that Rebecca had been hesitant. Rachel had taken all the initiative and had even brushed away her friend's weak attempts to stop her. But if she wanted this to continue, Rebecca would now have to act. She was going to have to rise up a bit so that Rachel could fully slide her last piece of clothing off her. And that would let her know that she wanted it too.

Rebecca was still in a state of dizzy shock, but she could have been reading her friend's mind. She stared down at the scene in front of her, her chest heaving and quaking with terrified excitement. She saw her beautiful friend gripping the straps of her thong as she held them firmly by her thighs. She was almost fully revealed and the entire moment hung heavily in the balance.

As crazy as things had gone, nothing had been done yet and it could remain that way if Rebecca chose. It wasn't as if Rachel would (or even could) just rip her friend's thong off her body with force. The ball was now in her court. Her brain cramped and she shut her eyes as she struggled with the thought. This was so crazy! It was wrong! She couldn't possibly let-. What was Rachel even going to do?

An involuntarily whimper escaped her lips as she realized she knew. Would she let that happen? She didn't want that! Well, she did. She wanted it badly. But not from Rachel! Right? It was insane!! She was sure Rachel had never-. She knew Rachel knew her way around on her knees for a guy but this was completely different. Her eyes shot open and she gasped audibly as the vision of her friend enthusiastically working her tongue all over Joe just a few minutes earlier flooded her brain. Oh my God-. Rebecca didn't even think. Her butt came off the cushion and she brought a hand to cover her mouth.

Rachel's heart stopped as she watched Rebecca's body rise up a few inches and give her the space she needed. She swallowed hard and felt her face get hot as the reality hit her again. She was going to do this and it was again her move. She tightened her jaw and sucked in a breath as she adjusted her grip on the fabric between her fingers.

Trembling, she brought her friend's underwear towards her and slid it down past where it had just temporarily rested. She felt the material stick slightly before gently pulling free. She whimpered as she slid the thong around her friend's knees and down her lower legs. As Rebecca gently raised her feet to assist, she leaned over and fully removed the underwear from her body.

Like she was moving in slow motion, Rachel turned her head back towards her friend and stared into her eyes with her a shocked expression of her own. Rebecca was looking down at her, her breath fast and her eyes wide and almost glazed. She was quivering with fear and excitement and a clear sense of longing. She was showing that she wanted it. She needed it.

Rachel swallowed hard and finally let her gaze fall back to what she had just revealed in front of her. She gasped. Rebecca's legs were spread wider now and inches from her face was something she'd never thought she'd see in her lifetime. It was so explicit. Rebecca's pussy was glistening with dampness and her hips were rocking ever so slightly.

Rachel flinched at the very word. Boys were always talking about pussy this and pussy that. Calling each other pussies, talking about pussies. Rachel didn't care for the word. She was no prude (obviously) but she just simply found it to be a gross arrangement of letters. She scowled as she thought of the number of guys who had talked dirty to her while they were together or had tried to get her to say it as well. She had said the word many, many times in these situations while trying to get the guy in question hot. But it still just wasn't something she liked to say, or think about.

It was funny because she had no problem with saying penis or dick or even cock, when it came down to it. Guys seemed to love "cock." How many times had she been asked to tell a boy how much she "loved his cock" or "wanted his cock in her mouth"? Rachel almost giggled at the thought. But this seemed different. It was different.

It was also a completely unique view from anything she had seen before. Rachel was obviously familiar with the nuances of her own anatomy, but unlike guys who seemingly loved nothing more than to walk in front of a mirror and shake their dick around or jiggle their balls or whatever ridiculous thing it was that they did, girls (well Rachel at least) didn't spend a lot of time deeply inspecting themselves. Washing and grooming herself down there was about as far as she went in terms of getting up close and personal. So what she was looking at now was a completely foreign experience, on any number of levels.

Rachel finally grabbed ahold of her shock and remembered what she was doing. The arousal came pouring back in as the image in front of her made her intentions all the more real. She glanced up at Rebecca's full naked body, every inch of her buzzing with anticipation. She felt another jolt as she thought of how her friend would buck or moan the second she was touched. She was on fire thinking about the pleasure she'd deliver to her friend who so desperately needed it. She was getting off on the idea of giving a new kind of pleasure, a wild and taboo kind. She'd gone to some wild and dirty places but this was a whole new ballgame.

She suddenly couldn't wait. She felt like she'd felt so many times as she dropped down in front of a guy and sensed their palpable lust and desire. It was such an empowering feeling knowing that she was about to rock their world with her skill. Her skill! Rachel's stomach knotted and she momentarily lost her nerve. What skill? What was she doing here? She realized suddenly that it was not a boy sitting in front of her. Fuck, Rach! Do you have any idea what you're doing? Of course not!

And then, she heard it.

"Jeeeeeeeeeesus Christ..."

The words came out barely above a whisper, but they made Rachel's eyes widen with surprise. A guy's voice! Joe!

Rachel whipped her head around to face the naked boy slumped onto the futon not three feet away. Whoa! She had COMPLETELY forgotten he was even there! An initial sting of shame shot like needles through her face as she realized there was a witness to this crazy act that she had begun. She was confused enough as it was and having somebody else know? She wasn't sure if that was okay.

But her feelings switched immediately and her arousal again crested as she studied Joe's face. And his body. He was staring at the scene in front of him like a child seeing presents under the Christmas tree for the first time. His breath was sucked in and his body was shaking gently. Rachel glanced down over him and felt another tingle. He was also completely hard again.

Her earlier feelings of fear and inadequacy over realizing she had no idea how to proceed with Rebecca suddenly washed away like a receding tide. She knew what to do. She recalled what she had just been doing with Joe minutes earlier while Rebecca had been up working up on his dick. It was what she had done for more boys than she would probably admit. She'd even gone further. It wasn't the same thing obviously but she realized that it would come to her. She would find her way.

Plus as she looked back at Rebecca's quaking body and twisted face, it appeared possible that just a single touch might be all it took. Rachel brought her gaze back to what was in front of her and adjusted her position. She started to lower her head when she stopped and pulled up. She looked up at Rebecca's eyes, wider than they'd ever been. Rebecca was just nodding gently now. But Rachel smiled and started to lean up off her knees. No, she'd do this right.

Rebecca stared at her friend wildly as she watched Rachel push up off her knees and stand, only to lean over and lower herself down into her own body. Rebecca was on a different planet (and had been for some time). The last thing she remembered doing was gently raising her butt off the futon so that Rachel could continue to remove her underwear. She had seen sparks as she'd watched Rachel finish undressing her, causing her to become completely exposed in such an aroused state. From that moment, which had been maybe a minute earlier, to the present, time had simply skipped ahead.

The same dangerously arousing thoughts were playing through her head on loop. She couldn't believe what was happening. Half of her wanted to cry out and stop the whole thing but the other half wanted it more than she could imagine. And that was the half that was winning. She didn't dare stop anything and she'd never been more acutely turned on in her life. Her fear over crossing a line that neither girl could uncross was actually fueling her fire. It was such a unique form of arousal and it was pushing her body to react in ways she had never felt before.

Rebecca found herself nervously glancing around the room. Where was she? Some nondescript dorm room. There were text books over in a pile, a Spartan set of bunk beds against the far corner. Typical posters of various alcohol slogans and half-naked bikini models hung on the walls. Was this the place that she should be having this crazy, intimate, and taboo experience?

She almost smirked. Did it matter? Would at home on her soft bed make things better? She suddenly imagined the two naked girls transported to her bedroom in the same position. She shuddered with pleasure. It reminded her of the various times she'd hooked up with boy in her room and tried to keep it quiet while her parents or siblings were somewhere nearby. That fear always made the experience better. More exciting. And the thought of the stakes being even higher because it would be Rachel that she was with-. She gasped again. She was going to lose control before anything even happened if she kept those thoughts running.

Rebecca's gaze continued to wander and she again sucked in her breath as her eyes fell to her left and landed on Joe. She, too, had almost forgotten he was there. Seeing his transfixed stare directed between her legs made her realize how exposed she was. It wasn't so much her actual nakedness. It was that he was going to witness the whole thing and he'd see how she reacted.

Rebecca was scared to death of how her body would respond if Rachel touched her. She caught Joe's eyes flick to her own as he slowly nodded, mouth agape. She surged again and turned back forward, just in time to see Rachel coming in close. Rebecca gasped as her friend spoke, barely above a whisper.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm here now."

Rebecca could only give a gentle, open mouthed nod as she watched Rachel smile and lean in. Their lips touched once again and both girls sucked in an excited breath. The initial weirdness of kissing each other had somewhat worn off as compared to their first touch earlier that night, but in this new context, the shock was even more powerful. Rebecca started to kiss her friend back as she felt their tongues gently wind around one another. The thought of where both of their mouths had just been made the kiss even more arousing.

Her chest heaved as she felt Rachel's breasts touch and push into her own. She tried to raise her head to kiss into Rachel with more force, but in an instant, Rachel's lips were gone. She opened her eyes in confusion as she kissed at the air where her friend had just been. She inhaled deeply as she watched Rachel's head begin to dip below her chin. She shut her eyes once more and held her breath.

Rachel was pulsing with electricity as she broke away from the kiss. She was going to leave no stone unturned. She thought of her familiar blowjob mantra of "if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right." It brought a silly smile to her face as she fought to stay in control of the situation.

She began to kiss gently on Rebecca's neck, slowly working her way down over her collarbone and towards her upper chest. She could feel Rebecca tense and shiver with each touch and it threw more gas on her own fire. She felt the flesh of Rebecca's chest begin to soften as she slowly worked her lips down across her left breast. Supporting herself with her right arm on the futon, she brought her free hand to Rebecca's right breast and cupped it gently. It felt warm and so soft. Like her own.

Her lips continued lower and finally grazed against Rebecca's nipple. She gently swirled her tongue and she shivered pleasurably as she brought her mouth over it and sucked in delicately. Rebecca whimpered and she involuntarily brought a steadying hand to the back of Rachel's head. She wasn't trying to stop her or push her harder in either. It was just a reflex. She did notice that she was guiding her ever so gently lower. God, she couldn't believe she wanted this.

Rachel felt the ever so slight nudge from Rebecca's hand and pulled her lips from her friend's breast. She continued to kiss her way down and she slid her face more into the center of Rebecca's upper stomach. She then stuck her tongue out and began to trace a line down towards her belly button. These were all moves she'd done with guys before so it was familiar while being so wildly new at the same time. She felt her tongue flick up against Rebecca's piercing and she smiled as she slid her mouth around her belly button and gave another gentle kiss at her waist line. With a deep breath, she pulled her face up and slowly dropped back to her knees.

As she settled in squarely between Rebecca's legs, she pushed them apart ever so gently with her elbows. She leaned back over and began kissing her way down from the waistline, further towards where she ultimately couldn't believe she was going. Rebecca's hips were beginning to tense and shake as both girls knew how dangerously close Rachel was getting. Neither fully comprehended what was actually happening but they both shook with aroused excitement. Rachel again ran her tongue downward in a slow, sloping pattern until she felt that she was directly above where she needed to be.

With a hard swallow, she raised her eyes up one final time to look at her friend's desperate face. Rebecca was staring directly at her with wild eyes as she nervously chewed down on her lip. She had brought her hands to her hair and dug her fingers deep into her scalp. Her extended posture made her body look longer and more open. Every muscle was tensed, like she was waiting for the first drop on a roller coaster ride. Nobody moved.

And then, the drop came.

Rachel felt her head go dizzy as she lowered herself back on to her heels and leaned her face all the way in. She nervously extended her tongue, and feeling like her stomach might lurch into her lungs, she delicately made contact with Rebecca's pussy and pushed in gently as she traced upwards in a slow, smooth motion. A shockwave hit her hard and sparks sizzled in her head as the wild excitement of what she had actually just done crashed over her. The genie was out of the bottle and she had just gone to a place from which she could not return. She was going down on a girl. Her friend.

Rachel was performing the same act for Rebecca that had done many times for many boys, and for the same purpose. To get them off. This wasn't some silly experiment or accident. She had planned it and executed that plan. All kinds of emotions shot through her body, including an acute feeling of shame and fearful regret. What did this mean? What would they think tomorrow? Or an hour from now? Would this ruin everything?

Usually these kinds of feelings didn't hit Rachel until she was finished with whatever act she was performing. She was good at keeping her mind on her target while she was working. But this was so different. So raw. It sped everything up for her. Both pleasure and pain. Her stomach twisted as she tried to stay focused. She lowered her mouth down and extended her tongue again. She made contact once more and repeated her motion.