Quarantine Madness Ch. 09-11


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"I am so sorry Heather. I don't know what came over me."

"There's no harm done Shane but you understand why I put a stop to this don't you?"

"Yes. I am so sorry."

I felt sorry for him in some ways. I could see he was genuinely remorseful for what he had done but that didn't mean I would ever trust him again. I had seen the brief look of furious anger at having been denied, regardless of how quickly it vanished.

"Shane, I'm going to go have a shower right now and I would like to be alone for a bit so I can think about this, but you and I are going to have a discussion about this later okay?"


He hung his head as he sat there. I patted him on the shoulder and got him moving again.

"Go get dressed okay."


He walked out of the room looking like a puppy that had just been told off for crapping on the carpet. I wasn't about to back down though; this could have, and still could, go a lot worse. It wasn't lost on me that if Shane decided to escalate, then there would be very little I could do about stopping him. Also if he got nasty after this was all over he certainly had enough to make some accusations that would tarnish my name. I don't think anything had been recorded so far but if it had I could be in real trouble.

I guess I had to just take my chances now that all would be okay but I also knew in my heart that I would have to stop this madness now before it got out of hand. That meant stopping things with Bill too. It broke my heart but for all of our benefit, this quarantine madness needed to stop.

Chapter Ten.

I spent a lot of time thinking through the morning. I had a shower and dressed, quite conservatively this time. I went out and made myself a coffee and sat out in the sunshine. The house was very quiet, which was unusual as usually some music or television was going but it was peaceful so I enjoyed the peace and quiet. I didn't put too much thought into why it would be quiet, or maybe I just didn't want to think about the damage that I may have done.

I had just finished my coffee and was walking inside to rinse my cup when Bill came out of his room looking confused.

"What's up?"

"Oh nothing I guess...it's just. Have you seen Shane anywhere?"

"I thought he was in his room."

"No. I was studying in my room and I came across something that I don't really get so I thought I would ask Shane but he wasn't answering his door. When I opened it he wasn't in there. I just thought that maybe he was out there with you."

The studying explained the quiet but I now had a disquieting feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. I went straight to the room Shane had been staying in and opened the door. The bed was made and everything was neat and tidy. Nothing looked out of place which was as disturbing as anything. Anyone who has had teenage boys will know exactly what I am talking about. I opened the cupboard but there was nothing but empty hangers and shelves. Shit, he's done a runner.

I turned to Bill, who had by now come to the same conclusion.

"Did he say anything to you? Did you hear him going? Has he sent any messages?"

"Whoa! Slow down, Mum. No, he hasn't said anything and no messages either."

"Check your phone, please."

Bill took his phone out of his pocket and almost immediately stated that there were no new messages. He then began typing one out.

"Hey Shane, what's happening? Where did you go?"

He looked at his phone for a while, expecting a response immediately and giving a disgusted growl at it when it didn't.

"I haven't seen him much this morning. Did he say anything to you Mum."

I suddenly felt guilty. I know I didn't do anything wrong by standing up for myself but I felt responsible for him having left.

"I had to say something this morning about him being too rough with me and I think he may be a bit embarrassed but I didn't ask or tell him to leave at all."

Bill eyed me suspiciously. He knew I wasn't giving him all the information.

"Did he hurt you, mum?"

I could hear anger beginning to frost his words.

"Not intentionally Bill, he just got...well he got a bit carried away and was a little rougher than I like."

The look on Bill's face darkened and I could see he had already jumped to several conclusions.

"Look, Bill, I genuinely don't believe he meant to hurt me, okay, so please, until you know the whole story from Shane I don't want you to get all worked up okay?"

He looked at me hard and for a moment I saw the protective man he had become but then he began to soften.

"I'm sorry, mum, but I just can't stand men who hurt women. It just really makes me so angry."

I smiled at his slightly awkward macho behaviour and conceded that it really was sweet of him to feel so protective of me.

We spent some time going back and forth between us about what we should do. We didn't want to get him in trouble for breaking curfew by involving the police. We could go out and look for him in the car and if we got pulled up we would have to say we were going to get shopping but the truth was, we had no idea even where to look. We didn't know how long he had been gone or where he had gone to. Bill tried calling several times and sent him messages but got no reply at all.

By the time we were getting dinner ready I was so concerned I wasn't hungry. Bill seemed to be in the same state. We sat down and went through the motions but the spaghetti had no flavour and we both just pushed it around our plates with our forks. Then Bill broke the silence with the same thought that had been floating around my head.

"What if he tells someone?"

He didn't need to elaborate any further, I knew exactly what he meant.

"I don't know. I guess all we could do is deny it. Bill, he wouldn't have recorded anything would he? I mean, I didn't see him with his phone out while anything was going on but I can't be one hundred per cent certain of the whole time."

There was a long pause as Bill looked physically sick. He seemed to think about it quite seriously for a while before shaking his head.

"I don't think he would have. I can't be absolutely certain but he never has before with any of the girls he has brought home. I guess that's as sure as I can be."

We returned to thoughtful silence again for a while. It was beginning to get dark out now then suddenly we both jumped as Bill's phone began to ring. I looked at the phone before Bill snatched it up off the table and I noticed Shane's name on the screen. Bill answered it and put it on speaker so I could hear too.

"Shane! What the hell man? Are you okay? Where are you?"

Even down the phone line, I could hear Shane's embarrassment.

"Yeah look I'm sorry man, I fucked up."

"What are you talking about?"

"Bill is your mum there with you?"

"Yeah, she's right here."

I spoke up so he could hear me properly.

"I'm here Shane."

"I'm so sorry for what happened, Heather."

I could see from Bill's face that he suspected there was more to the story than what I had told him because of the way Shane was reacting.

"Shane, seriously, it's not that big of a deal. I told you at the time how I felt about it and that was as far as it needed to go. You didn't need to leave at all."

"I just didn't want to make everyone uncomfortable."

"So making us all worry about you isn't making us uncomfortable."

"Yeah well, I didn't really think about it from that perspective. I'm sorry."

Bill shook his head.

"Bloody hell Shane, why didn't you talk to me? Or at least leave a note so we would know where you are going?"

"I just planned on calling you and letting you know."

"So where are you, Shane?"

"I'm going back to uni. If I can get back there without getting busted I'll be able to talk to the admin and explain about my family situation I should be able to quarantine there."

Part of me was relieved that he wasn't coming back. It's not that I didn't care about him, and I loved having his big cock inside me, but in some ways he was right. It was going to be uncomfortable if he stayed. Bill seemed to be on the same page as well. I half expected him to tell Shane to come back but he didn't.

"So how are you getting there?"

"I'm already there. I got to the supermarket and waited for the delivery truck to arrive. I then asked the driver if he could give me a ride back to the city. He was cool about it and right now I'm just waiting for it to get darker so I can blend in with the other kids that stayed at uni and get back in."

"Okay, well, be careful and let me know once you're back in and everything's okay."

"No worries. Listen, I don't know if either of you is thinking it or not but I just want you to know that what has happened there stays between us. I won't ever say anything. It was just too amazing to spoil it and I hope we can continue living together on campus Bill."

I breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that Shane was good to his word. Somehow I felt he was.

"Yeah, of course, it's all good mate."

"Okay well I'm going to have to go, I can see some student's coming back now."

"Okay. Send me a text when once you're in."

"No worries mate."

I could hear the relief in both of their voices and felt really pleased for them both. Bill hung up the phone and breathed a huge sigh of relief. I walked over and hugged him. Initially, it was a mum hug but things began to change. Bill's hand slid down my back and as he squeezed I felt his cock begin to grow beneath his jeans. I felt like one of Pavlov's dogs. Almost instantly I was getting wet and my pussy and nipples were tingling. Bill began kissing my ear and my neck and I all but melted in his arms. I heard a guttural groan come from my own mouth but it was stolen on its way out as Bills mouth closed over mine. It was one of the hungriest, most passionate kisses of my life and by the time it stopped, I wanted him inside me. I could feel my pussy pulsing as though reaching out for him.

"Oh God yes Bill, Fuck me now, take me here in the kitchen."


I was dumbfounded. No? What did he mean by no? I pulled away from him and I could see he had a sly grin on his face. What on earth was he up to? He took my hand and led me into the lounge room. He stood me in front of the front window where the blinds were open to the whole neighbourhood. I looked around but couldn't see anyone out there. He held me from behind and I could feel his cock rubbing against my ass as he kissed my neck some more. Soon his hands were on my breasts, squeezing gently and teasing as he ground against me. My pussy was soaked and all I could do was hope that no one decided to go for an evening stroll. With the light on it was like we were putting a show on for the whole neighbourhood. The thought both terrified and turned me on more than I would have believed.

I was moaning and when bill lifted my shirt up over my head I didn't hesitate. He removed my bra and revealed my tits for everyone in the street to see and the thought caused a fresh gush of creamy, pussy juice. One of his hands was undoing my pants while the other played with my nipples and I was powerless to stop him while he nibbled on my ear. Not that I wanted him to stop, I never wanted him to stop again. He kissed his way down my back as he slid my pants down my legs. My panties slid down with my pants and before I really knew what was happening I was completely naked while Bill was kissing and biting my ass. One hand slid up between my legs and I instinctively parted my legs for him. He began playing with my wet lips and his other hand pushed on my back. I bent forward, supporting myself on the back of the couch. My tits hanging freely right in front of the window while my son made an assault on my pussy and ass with his tongue and lips. Mere seconds was all it took before I felt that first orgasm coming on. His tongue was doing things to me that I wouldn't have believed possible.

My legs were quivering but I was worked up like never before. I adored the feel of his tongue on my clit and slithering in and out of my pussy. I was creaming so hard that his face must have been coated but he didn't slow down at all. He slid two fingers into my pussy and immediately went to work on my G-spot while his tongue flickered around my asshole. Any form of coherent speech was gone now. All I could do was grunt and moan while my body seemed possessed. It was doing things without any of say so. I was grinding my ass and pussy into his face and I came again as I felt the tip of his tongue penetrate my ass.

My arms couldn't support me anymore as I collapsed forward, headfirst into the back of the couch. Completely undaunted, Bill followed me down. He now had a third finger in my pussy and I was feeling delightfully stretched. He pulled his face out and I felt a finger from his other hand begin probing my back door. My body was no longer mine to control and the slutty demon that had possessed me had taken over. I reached back and lewdly pulled my cheeks apart to allow him better access. His finger slowly sunk into my ass and I moaned but it sounded more like a snarl. He began pumping his finger in and out of me as though fucking my ass with a skinny cock. Even though I was feeling stretched and full I wanted more. There was no way I could hold a conversation right now but I only needed one word. I turned my head back towards him and growled.


Bill began applying pressure with a second finger against my ass and the slut demon knew exactly what to do. My ass relaxed and stretched wider as his second finger slid in beside the first. I moaned again and when he started to fuck me with both hands it was like my head exploded. I was squealing in ecstasy as cum squirted from my pussy and ran down my thighs. My asshole was gripping and pulling at Bill's fingers like it was trying to suck them further in. There were all kinds of wet squelching sounds mixed in with my moans and then everything went blank.

I had felt ecstasy before. I had reached what I thought was the dizzying heights of sexual satisfaction before, but this...this was something else. Never before had I been fucked senseless. Never had I cum so hard that I lost consciousness before. I didn't even think it was a possibility. The French call an orgasm "La petite mort" which translates to "The little death". This was the first time I truly understood what they meant by that.

I was a quivering, leaking, gaping mess, draped like a cloth over the seat of the couch. I felt empty where Bill's fingers had been. I was also a bit tender but not in a bad way. I had that well fucked, ridden hard and put away wet feeling. I loved that feeling because it meant I had been the absolute centre of somebodies attention.

With great difficulty, I moved my head so I could see where Bill was and found him sitting next to me with a proud grin on his face.

"Are you okay?"

The only response I could manage was a gurgling purring sound. Bill chuckled at my response.

"That good was it?"

"Mmm oh yeah."

I managed to respond without drooling.

"Ready for some more?"

"I'll try but I am very tender now."

I could see the look of resignation on his face. He would never hurt me and I knew he was going to forgo his own pleasure so as not to hurt me.

"It's okay, I'll wait until next time."

I wasn't having any of it. I wanted him to get off and I wanted to be the one to get him off. I summoned the strength to get up and sit on the couch. And got him to stand up. I could see his cock straining against his jeans and a small wet patch where his pre-cum had seeped through the material. There was no way I was finishing this night without tasting his cum.

"You have made my other two fuck holes happy, time to fill the third."

I felt so slutty saying that but fuck it turned me on being his dirty slut. He unzipped his pants and when his cock sprung free there was a long dribble of pre-cum hanging from it. I scooped it up with my fingers and used it to start fisting his cock as I took the head into my mouth. The taste was divine and I was salivating thinking about his cum in my mouth. I used every skill I had in my arsenal and he was moaning and thrusting as he fucked my face. I felt certain he would cum quickly but he held off until my jaw was aching.

He pulled out for a moment to give me a rest and I looked down at myself. Pre-cum and spit had leaked out of my mouth and off Bills balls and was coating my chest. That gave me a new idea. I sat up a bit further, took Bill's cock in my hand and placed it between my tits. I then squeezed them together and looked up into his face.

"I want you to fuck my tits and coat me with your cum. Make a filthy cum-covered slut out of me."

He didn't need to be told twice and began fucking my tits. I leaned forward and licked his cock as it appeared at the top of my cleavage. I added some spit to help lubricate things and he moaned that he was getting closer. He reached down and began squeezing them together tighter which had the added benefit of freeing my hands.

I reached between his legs and cupped his balls gently as he thrust away and that made him moan some more. My fingers were all wet and slippery with a mixture of our juices and when I discovered his puckered asshole I simply applied a little pressure. My finger slid in deep and the animalistic moan he gave told me he liked it. Seconds later I felt his ass squeezing around my finger rhythmically as he grunted and coated my face and tits with his cum. He cried out and shot again as I massaged his prostate. He grabbed my head and I immediately opened my mouth for him as he pushed his still squirting cock in deep. I couldn't believe how much cum he was producing but I loved every second of it as it shot down my throat, coated my tongue, face and chest.

Finally, it was all over and I gently slid my finger back out of him. I watched as his cock twitched again and one last dribble of cum oozed out the end. I immediately licked it up and swallowed it down. Bill was smiling down at me.

"You are such a beautiful mess right now. I wish you could see how sexy you are from my perspective right at this moment."

I looked down at myself and could see cum all over me. I could feel it on my face too and I knew I looked like I had just blown three or four men. Hmm, there's a fun thought. Bill helped me to stand up and I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The person standing there though was not who I expected to see. I always saw myself as a little frumpy and well, middle-aged. The person staring back at me from the mirror was a smug, satisfied sex goddess. The kitty who got the cream. I liked who I saw there. I liked her a lot.

Chapter Eleven.

The next month went on pretty much the same way. I would wake up in the morning with Bill in my bed and more often than not we would start the day making love. I don't think Bill had been back to his own bed since the night Shane left.

Shane had called a couple of times and was the person who broke the news to us that the university had devised a way to have the students back on campus and expected them there at the beginning of the following week. We knew it was going to come to an end but we were both bummed about it. We sat down and had a long talk about what our expectations and plans were and it went better than I expected to be honest.

We both agreed that it was unrealistic to expect each other to go celibate for each other and we knew we couldn't have a normal relationship. I certainly wasn't about to sell up everything and close my business so I could move hours away. Besides, reality dictated that Bill find a girl his age and start a family of his own. That was the normal thing to do and what society expected. That didn't mean he couldn't fuck his mum silly when he came to visit though and it didn't mean we couldn't play over skype.