Raz the Farmer


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"You're so tense. It's been a few days since we had some alone time, I know how you get. Let me help you...relax."

"Raz...come on..."

"There's nobody around," she chuckled, trapping my ear between her pointed teeth and pinching it playfully. "You humans are so prudish, what are you worried about? Will the kingfishers think any less of you?"

I leaned back against her body, the firm abdominal muscles that pressed against my back contrasting with the soft pillow of her bust, my erection rising to strain against the damp fabric of my underwear as her sodden tail began to stroke the shaft. It was as flexible as a length of rope, and she could lift a person with it almost effortlessly, but now she used it to gently tease me as she pinned my arms at my sides. The wet fur felt odd on my skin, silky and pleasant, the hairs tickling me as she wrapped it around my member and slid the appendage up and down. It felt like someone was jacking me off with a furry glove or some kind of bath towel, and I tried to relax as she had her way with me. This was Raz, and she wasn't going to stop until she got what she wanted. Better to just let her have her fun and go along for the ride.

My shorts were tenting now, and she reached one of her large hands down to hook a claw around the waistband, pulling them down just enough to free my erection. It bounced in the air, peeking out of the water and pulsing in time with my heartbeat. I felt Raz's breathing grow deeper as she eyed it hungrily. Her orange tail was coiled around it like a hairy snake, shiny and damp with water, the sensation more pleasant than I had anticipated as she stroked me rhythmically.

The water was cold, but her body was warm and growing hotter as she became more excited. I could hear her heart as my head was lodged between the supple, watermelon-sized globes of her breasts, heavy and slow as it pounded in her chest. She was clearly enjoying herself. This was as much for her own amusement as for my benefit, Raz chuckling into my ear as she tightened her grip on me and I arched my spine in response. She crossed her arms over my chest to ensure that my own limbs were firmly secured and that I couldn't touch her or myself, dragging her tail from the base of my member to the tip and making me squirm.

She paused at the head, grazing the sensitive glans with her velvet fur, the water making it slippery as it dragged across my tender flesh. She drove jolts of harsh pleasure down my spine, hugging me against her firm body and pressing her cleavage around my head with her biceps as I bucked, craning her neck to look down at my burning face with the sly smirk that was now so familiar to me. It was at once greedy and generous, covetous and considerate, a look that betrayed her intent to overwhelm me with pleasure for her own entertainment.

"Tell me more about the birds," she whispered, her tone low and lascivious as her gentle stroking continued. A bead of excitement welled at the tip of my member, my muscles trembling, my nerves buzzing as if they were electrified as she chewed the tip of my ear again.

"B-Birds?" I mumbled, confused and having trouble focusing on anything besides the fluffy tail that was massaging the length of my shaft. She tightened around the head like a noose, biting my ear and making me shudder in her arms.

"The birds Stanley, do try to concentrate..."

She wrung my member with her tail, teasing as I tried to ignore the mounting pressure in my loins, wracking my brain trying to remember the species of birds that lived in this region. I didn't know what compelled me to play her silly games, but when she got like this, and I felt her touch on my skin, I couldn't help but do as she requested.

"There are swifts, geese and ducks, cranes near bodies of water." She dragged her pointed claws across my chest, applying only enough pressure to make me fidget and gasp rather than slicing me like salami as those wicked hooks were perfectly capable of doing. "Hummingbirds...those drink nectar from...flowers." She increased her pace, my hips thrusting upwards of their own accord, searching for more stimulation as my mind began to fog. "Wild turkeys, quails, pheasants. Those are...you can..."

My gasping breaths were overpowering the sound of the stream, and I turned my head to one side, pressing my red face into the supple meat of her breast and tasting her sweat on my lips. Her scent was alluring, the water failing to wash away her sudor as her bust floated above the surface.

I jumped as her downy fur dragged across my balls, her tail winding up my shaft again to polish the glans, slick and wet as she buried her nose in my hair and nuzzled contentedly.

"You're so sensitive," she mumbled, punctuating her statement with a harsh squeeze to my erection that made it ache and throb. "So fragile," she added as she tickled me with her sharp claws. "I have so much fun playing with you."

I melted into her inviting body, giving in and letting the waves of pleasure wash over me uninhibited, Raz grinning as she realized that I had surrendered to her. She tightened her tail around the base of my member to cut off my welling orgasm, leering down at me with a bawdy expression on her face.

"Say that you're mine, and I'll let you come." I began to complain, but she gave me another tug, my protest petering out into a low moan. She drew red welts in my skin with her claws, lowering her voice to murmur in my ear again. "I like to hear it from your own lips, say it..."

"I'm...yours," I replied softly, and I felt a pleased shudder run through her body underneath the water.

She resumed her stroking, her tail gripping me like a fist and pumping up and down relentlessly, my twitching member buried in her silky fur as she drove me higher and higher. She knew what I liked, knew how to push my buttons, and I thrust impotently against her as my pleasure reached its inevitable peak.

I tensed, my body trembling as she wrung my ejaculate from me, my emission pumping into her tail as she enclosed my cock in a fluffy prison. She watched me with a grin as my eyelids fluttered, my face burning as my aching muscles forced another rope of my seed from me. She kept up her gentle stroking, my arms still pinned against my sides, easing out a few more trembling ejaculations as I shivered and struggled against my bonds. I saw static, my brain fizzing and popping as if someone had filled my skull with soda, electrical fingers crawling up and down my spine as the cruel pleasure gave way to a giddy euphoria.

She held me close to her for a while longer, letting me enjoy my afterglow as she let the running water wash her tail, the two of us floating in the clear stream as the sun dipped towards the horizon. We were usually so busy, running around the damned space station with barely a minute to spare between assignments. It was nice to take a moment to just...exist together. Some people filled their vacations with itineraries and activities, but not me. I wanted a break from the daily grind rather than just replacing it with a new one. Boredom was a rare commodity these days, and it should be enjoyed.

Eventually, the moon and stars came out as the sky turned a deeper shade of blue, the air retaining its warmth despite the setting sun which now painted the horizon in beautiful shades of orange and pink. My fingers and toes were wrinkled from spending so long in the stream, the water's surface reflecting the pastel colors. The bushes that lined the banks of the stream were full of glow worms, the ghostly, green light they emitted competing with the starfield above our heads as the insects created their own little galaxy in each shrub. The birds had mostly quietened now, replaced by the croaking of frogs and the chirping of crickets in the undergrowth.

"We must have been here a good few hours," I mumbled, breaking the peaceful silence.

"Do we need to leave?" Raz asked, clearly not wanting to be disturbed.

"Unless you want to miss dinner, we should probably get going."

At that she pushed me off her to fall into the stream, dunking my head into the cool water and standing upright.

"I thought that might motivate you," I sputtered, spitting out a mouthful of water as she grinned down at me. Raz climbed the bank and wrung out her tail as if it were a damp rag, cocking her head as I laughed at the sight. I crawled out of the stream to join her, wishing I'd had the foresight to have brought towels with us. I should have know that wherever there was water, Raz would somehow end up in it.

I watched her pull on her jumpsuit and did likewise, the two of us setting off back up the dirt path with sodden undergarments. It wasn't a long walk, and we could change when we got back to the farmhouse.

"I think my father is making barbecue tonight," I said as she loped along me beside me.

"Like the sauce?"

"You've had the sauce, yeah, but you've never been to a real barbecue before. This state is known for its great barbecues."

"So...what's a barbecue?" Raz asked, her eyes fixed on the full moon that was visible through the dusk. She seemed fascinated by it, and I couldn't remember if her home planet had any moons or not.

"You cook different kinds of meat outside on a grill, mostly beef, and pork sausages. It's an American tradition."

"I thought we were in...Okahooma?"

"Oklahoma is the state, America is the country. Well, technically we're in the United States of America, but that's a whole different story that we don't need to get into. Think of a state as a territory within a territory. In any case, we're having a barbecue, and there will be lots of things that you like."

"Everything on Earth is so...fragmented," she commented.

"It's not so different from how things are done on Borealis, we just have a few more steps. We still have a President who serves as a kind of Patriarch, the planet is split into various countries not dissimilar from your territories, and then ours happens to have further subdivisions called states."

"And what if one state should take control of another's land, or a stronger Patriarch should arise to challenge the President?"

"Well that doesn't happen, we have treaties and agreements that help us moderate that kind of thing. Everyone agrees to follow the same laws, and for the most part, it works out fine. We've had plenty of wars in the past between countries, civil wars between the different states too, but not for a very long time now."

"Because of the UNN?"

"In part, but that organization is more a result of peace, not the cause of it."

"My father dreams of creating a similar organization," she said. I was surprised by that, it didn't sound like something that Borealans would do. When they cooperated it usually only came after a fight to decide who should be in charge.

"How so? He wants to unite the territories?"

"He is Patriarch of the whole planet in all but name. The leaders of the other territories bow to Elysia's military power, but he lacks the number of troops that would be required to take control of the other regions. He loves all things human, he wants to emulate what he sees as your success, but he knows that it can only happen if the territories of Borealis put aside their differences and learn to cooperate as you have."

"That doesn't sound like something a Borealan would say," I chuckled.

"Peace on Borealis is maintained mostly because it is logistically difficult to attack other territories. Marching an army across the desert from one lake to another would be unfeasible, at least in the scale that would be necessary to take and hold it. There haven't been any such invasions since the modern era began and the ancient tribes each laid claim to their own territory. Spaceships change that, however. Thanks to my father, Elysia is the only military power that has a fleet and the other leaders recognize the power that gives him over them. He has not won a fight against them to claim the position of Alpha, nor has he raised an army to occupy their lands, yet they dare not assert themselves over him for fear of reprisals. Such a stalemate is exceedingly rare in our culture. What does someone do when they must fight, but cannot?"

"Then you have to talk," I volunteered.

"Yes, they treat, but it gets them nowhere. They won't risk provoking him, but they won't accept his rule without a show of force either. I don't imagine that the situation will resolve itself any time soon."

"It's a noble goal, if anyone can find a solution to a problem like that it's probably your father. Based on what you've told me about him he sounds like the only Borealan leader thinking to the future and striving to modernize."

I noticed that she was still staring at the moon, wide-eyed like a little girl as she walked beside me, the cool wind blowing the ears of corn in the fields to our left and right.

"You keep looking at the moon, what's so interesting about it?"

"It's just so...close. I've seen other planets before of course, the Pinwheel orbits one and I see it out of the windows nearly every day...but there's something about seeing one stellar body from the surface of another that's captivating."

"Doesn't Borealis have moons?"

"Nope, no satellites. Your moon is so large and clear, you don't need a telescope or anything. You can just lie down on the grass and watch it pass by overhead."

Seeing things from her point of view, it was kind of special. There weren't many planets that had another stellar body orbiting so closely, let alone one so large and visible.

"Maybe we take it for granted," I replied.

As we neared the farmhouse Raz's ears pricked up and she looked suddenly alert. Before I could ask her what she was picking up, I smelled it too, the unmistakable scent of a barbecue. We reached the courtyard and met my parents outside, where they were sitting on plastic lawn chairs around a smoking grill, my father flipping meat patties as he waved to greet us. I had to drag Raz away from the alluring scent of the food to get a change of clothing, she was of a single mind when meat was on the menu.

Once we were both dressed in dry clothes, we made our way back downstairs, joining my parents around the glowing embers of the barbecue grill as my father began to pass out buns for the burgers. Raz seemed confused, but I informed her that it was a kind of sandwich and showed her how to make a traditional cheeseburger with some vegetables and a slice of cheese melted over the patty. She didn't care much for the lettuce, but she loved the cheese, licking the juices off her fingers with her long tongue as the sauces stained her fur.

Raz seemed to be growing more comfortable around my parents. She had been so formal and tight-lipped when we had first arrived, but now she seemed to have understood that human families were not like those of Borealans. She didn't have to step on eggshells for fear of some gigantic alien clawing at her for not showing it the proper respect. She could relax here and let her guard down.

She chatted with my mother about the feasts that were held at home on Borealis, telling her about the exotic animals that were provided by the Rangers and of how the various meats were prepared and consumed during banquets that could last for a whole day or more. It was customary to hold a massive feast at least twice a month, on the nights before the winters came along with their rapid freezing. The Borealans entered a state of low metabolism as they waited for the sun to return and rouse them from their lethargy, living on their calorie reserves from their feasts. While no such seasonal changes happened on the Pinwheel, Raz would still become sluggish and hungry when exposed to cold temperatures, a physiological reaction no doubt.

Before long most of the food had been eaten, and the coals in the grill were going cold. The sun had vanished below the horizon, leaving only the light of the full moon to bathe the courtyard in its pale glow. My father had not chatted much with Raz, preferring instead to talk to me about the happenings on the Pinwheel and the larger war effort. My mother was getting along famously with her, however, finding more common ground in their shared love of food and cooking.

After complimenting Dad on his barbecue, we turned in, Raz winking at me as we parted ways to sleep in our separate rooms. She had quelled my rising frustration during our visit to the stream, but I still missed her company. Sleeping alone just didn't feel right after having shared a bed with her every night for the past two years. I had grown accustomed to the way that she sank into the mattress and drew me towards her, the heat of her massive body with its ravenous metabolism that warmed me such that I rarely required sheets, not to mention the spooning.

Oh well, it wouldn't be long before we'd be back on the Pinwheel and our usual business would resume. Her company was more of a reward to me than any paycheck that the UNN could write up.


The next day I woke up a little late and made my way into the courtyard looking for Raz. I found her in the barn with my father, helping him repair the rogue auto-tractor that had run him into the ditch the previous morning.

It was still very hot out, though she probably found it pleasant in comparison to the searing heat and oppressive climate of her home planet. She was wearing her blue UNN jumpsuit with the torso unzipped to dangle around her waist, her ample chest contained within a grey tank top that was now stained with the sweat of the morning's labor, her sudor giving her body a reflective sheen as she worked in the shade of the barn. My father was up on a raised scaffold, the cab of the tractor opened up to expose its inner workings, a mess of disconnected wires and components that dangled haphazardly. As I watched, Raz hefted something that looked to be about the size and weight of an engine block, digging her claws into the metal for leverage as her exposed muscles bulged through her lustrous skin. She lifted it off the ground, slotting it back into the tractor as my father directed her with a wave of his hand. He set about reconnecting the cables as she stepped back and wiped her brow with the back of her furry forearm.

Her ears twitched as I entered the barn and she turned to greet me with a wide, toothy grin.

"Good morning Stan," Dad said, not looking up from his work. "Your friend is helping me with the auto-tractor. It's a damn sight better than hiring a crane to remove the computer assembly, I'll tell you that much."

"I'm glad to see you two are getting along."

Raz's chest heaved as she caught her breath, breasts as large as basketballs and far heavier swaying under the sodden top that barely served to contain them, beads of her sweat following the channels that her taut muscles cut in her belly as they rolled down her abs. She wasn't even especially in shape by Borealan standards, she had spent a long time in Earth-standard gravity which was about a third lower than that of her native planet, yet she still appeared to me to be chiseled from marble.

She caught me looking and gave me a knowing smirk. It had been two days now since we had shared a bed and I was starting to get antsy. She gave an exaggerated stretch, raising her arms above her head and flexing the twin rows of muscle that decorated her midriff, catching the sunlight that penetrated the slats of the barn so that the shadows accentuated the prominent bulges of her six-pack. Her jumpsuit was hanging low on her wide hips, the barest peek of her smooth mound visible over her waistband as her sleeves dangled loose.

"Your mother is going to drive me down to the dealership when they open around noon, gonna give 'em some hell about this shot proximity sensor," Dad said as he waved the offending component above his head. "Of course we had to remove the whole damned assembly to get at it because the fine folks over at the shop don't want you servicing these things yourself. Couldn't even pop the hood without connecting it to a wireless network and entering the authorization code from the owner's manual."